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ABSTRACT Over the past several decades, there have been numerous reports of hummingbirds wintering in the southeastern United States. However, little is known about the species present and their relative abundance. From November 1998 to March 2008, we examined the species diversity, sex and age ratios, and site fidelity of hummingbirds wintering in southern Alabama and northern Florida. We captured and banded 1598 individuals representing 10 species, and the most frequently captured species were Rufous Hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus; 51.6%), Ruby‐throated Hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris; 23.5%), and Black‐chinned Hummingbirds (Archilochus alexandri; 16.9%). Other species captured included Buff‐bellied Hummingbirds (Amazilia yucatanensis), Calliope Hummingbirds (Stellula calliope), Allen's Hummingbirds (Selasphorus sasin), Broad‐tailed Hummingbirds (Selasphorus platycercus), Broad‐billed Hummingbirds (Cynanthus latirostris), Anna's Hummingbirds (Calypte anna), and Costa's Hummingbirds (Calypte costae). Most hummingbirds (71.8%) were captured in December and January. For most species, sex ratios were male‐biased for juveniles and female‐biased for adults, indicating possible differential mortality. Of 1598 hummingbirds captured, 144 representing five species returned to the same wintering location at least once. Female Rufous Hummingbirds (20.4% of individuals captured) exhibited the greatest site fidelity. Recaptures of banded Rufous Hummingbirds in autumn and early winter revealed that some individuals moved south into Alabama or Florida from Tennessee, northern Georgia, and northern Louisiana. Same‐season recaptures of banded Rufous Hummingbirds suggest that their spring migration route is west along the Gulf Coast. Our results suggest that Alabama and Florida are viable overwintering areas for several species of hummingbirds, with numbers of species and individuals higher than previously recognized. However, more study is needed to confirm migration routes and to determine if Ruby‐throated Hummingbirds wintering in our study area are year‐round residents or migrants.  相似文献   

In many hummingbird species there is an opposite pattern of sexual dimorphism in bill length and other morphometric measures of body size. These differences seem to be closely related with differences in foraging ecology directly associated with a different resource exploitation strategy. The aim of this study was to assess if natural selection is acting on wing length and bill size in hummingbird males and females with different resource exploitation strategies (i.e., territorial males and non-territorial females). If competition for resources promotes sexual dimorphism as a selective pressure, males should be subjected to negative directional selection pressure for wing length and no selection pressure over bill size, while females should undergo positive directional selection pressure for both bill size and wing length. The morphometric data we collected suggests that there is no selection for wing length and bill size in male hummingbirds. In contrast, our females exhibited positive directional selection for both wing length and bill size. Although we cannot reject sexual selection acting on sexually dimorphic traits, this study suggests that natural selection may promote sexual dimorphism in traits that are closely related with hummingbird foraging ecology and resource exploitation strategies.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition can strongly influence community structure and limit the distribution and abundance of species. One of the main factors that determine hummingbird community structure is competition for food. The temporal and spatial distribution of nectar has a strong impact on hummingbird assemblages, shaping foraging niches according to hummingbird dominance and foraging strategy. We investigated whether body size and the degree of aggressive dominance influence feeding behaviour of hummingbirds in a temperate forest in northwestern Mexico (El Palmito, Mexico) when winter migrant hummingbirds are present in the community. First, we determined the dominance status of hummingbirds and evaluated the relationship between dominance and body mass, wing disc loading and migratory status. Secondly, we determined how hummingbird species used plant species differently. Thirdly, we examined whether the most dominant hummingbird species defended floral patches with more energy and/or with a larger number of flowers. At each flower patch, hummingbird species, number of hummingbird interactions, feeding time and number of flowers present were recorded. The total number of calories available within each floral patch was also determined. Our results demonstrate that the dominance hierarchy of 13 hummingbird species (migratory and resident) was correlated with body size but not wing disc loading, and that members of the hummingbird community showed a clear separation in resource use (by plant species). Hummingbirds at the top of the dominance hierarchy defended and fed on the best flower patches, defined by the quantity of calories available. Hence, the feeding behaviour of hummingbirds at El Palmito depends on the abundance of plant species used by hummingbirds and on the amount of energy available from each flower patch. Thus, hummingbird body size, aggressive dominance and defence of quality flower patches determines niche partitioning among species.  相似文献   

长距离迁徙鸟类对应于能量积累状态的取食行为调整   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
迁徙鸟类能够预计到迁徙过程中对能量需求的增加和迁徙途中获得能量的不确定性。最佳迁徙理论指出:迁徙停留期的一系列决策受到体内能量状态、取食机会和迁徙时间的影响。利用刚完成春季跨越墨西哥湾迁徙的鸫类,我们研究了取食行为、体内能量状态和能量积累速度的相互关系。我们用雾网捕获了停留的鸫,然后给每只鸟进行了环志和称重,并估测了表皮下积累的脂肪。为了检测体内能量积累大小对取食行为的影响,我们把在野外观察到的鸟分成肥、瘦两组。当一天里被捕获鸟的平均体重低于相关种的瘦体重时,这一天被观察到的取食鸟被归到瘦组,反之就属于肥组。我们同时对一部分鸟用有色环进行了标记,以便能在野外观察到它们时能准确地知道每一只鸟的初始能量积累状态。在春天完成跨越墨西哥湾迁徙以后的鸫大约有50%在到达停留地时就已经消耗了所有的表皮下脂肪。与肥组鸟相比,瘦组的个体在停留期扩展了取食方法和取食基底,增加了取食速度。与此相关的是,瘦鸟表现出体重积累更多、速度更快。我们的数据表明迁徙鸟在到达迁徙中途停留地时的能量状态会影响到它们停留期间的取食行为和继续迁徙时的生理机能,从而影响停留期的长短和在迁徙途中停留与否的决定[动物学报51(1):12—23,2005]。  相似文献   

Migrating birds are under selective pressure to complete long-distance flights quickly and efficiently. Wing morphology and body mass influence energy expenditure of flight, such that certain characteristics may confer a greater relative advantage when making long crossings over ecological barriers by modifying the flight range or speed. We explored the possibility, among light (mass <50 g) migrating passerines, that species with relatively poorer flight performance related to wing shape and/or body mass have a lower margin for error in dealing with the exigencies of a long water crossing across the Gulf of Mexico and consequently minimize their travel time or distance. We found that species-mean fat-free body mass and wing tip pointedness independently explained variability among species distributions within ~50 km from the northern coast. In both spring and autumn, lighter (i.e., slower flying) species and species with more rounded wings were concentrated nearest the coastline. Our results support the idea that morphology helps to shape broad-scale bird distributions along an ecological barrier and that migration exerts some selective force on passerine morphology. Furthermore, smaller species with less-efficient flight appear constrained to stopping over in close proximity to ecological barriers, illustrating the importance of coastal habitats for small passerine migrants.  相似文献   

Hummingbirds (family Trochilidae) represent an extreme outcome in vertebrate physiological design and are the only birds capable of sustained hovering. The giant hummingbird (Patagona gigas) is the largest trochilid, with a mass of ~20 g, and is found over an altitudinal range from 0 to 4,500 m above sea level. We report here measurements of daily, basal, and hovering rates of oxygen consumption in the giant hummingbird; compare these values with data from smaller hummingbirds; and assess overall metabolic and allometric limits to trochilid body size. The sustained metabolic scope (i.e., the ratio of daily energy expenditure to basal metabolic rate) in the giant hummingbird is higher than that in smaller hummingbirds but lies below a proposed theoretical maximum value for endotherms. Scaling exponents in the allometric relationships for different modes of energetic expenditure were comparable, suggesting that the giant hummingbird, although a clear outlier in terms of body size, does not obviously deviate from metabolic relationships derived from other trochilid taxa.  相似文献   

Migration distance and sex are integral to avian migration strategies, yet these intrinsic factors are understudied with respect to their effects on stopover ecology and behavior. We investigated how individual variation in migration distance and sex affected body condition, refueling performance, and stopover durations of Wilson's Warblers (Cardellina pusilla) during spring and fall 2006 at a stopover site in southern Arizona. Migration distance of individuals was inferred using the hydrogen stable isotope ratio of feathers (δ2Hf) as an index of breeding latitude, refueling rate was assessed using plasma triglyceride and β‐OH‐butyrate, and minimum length of stay was estimated by re‐sighting color‐banded birds. In the spring, migration distance and sex were strong determinants of the timing of migration by Wilson's Warblers, with males and shorter‐distance migrants passing through the site earlier than females and longer‐distance migrants. Later‐arriving migrants also had higher fat scores and refueling rates. However, neither migration distance nor sex independently affected body condition (fat score or size‐corrected mass), refueling rate, or minimum length of stay. In a smaller sample of fall migrants, we found that longer‐distance migrants and males had higher refueling rates than shorter‐distance migrants and females. Our results show that differences in migration distance can, under some circumstances, affect how birds use stopover sites. Stable isotope analysis and other methods can provide information on migration distance, and should be integrated with measurements of timing, fuel stores, refueling performance, and departure behavior to gain a deeper understanding of bird migration.  相似文献   

Capsule Iceland is a stop‐over site for a population of Purple Sandpipers that winter in Britain. Here, they accumulate fuel loads for onward migration along with birds that have wintered in Iceland.

Aims To establish whether Purple Sandpipers from Britain stop‐over in Iceland during spring migration and, if so, to describe their population structure, changes in mass and moult.

Methods Purple Sandpipers were cannon‐netted on the coast of the Reykjanes Peninsula in southwest Iceland during May 2003 and 2005. Birds were aged, sexed (some by DNA) and standard biometric measurements made. Active body moult was scored.

Results Bill and wing lengths showed that the Purple Sandpipers we caught were similar to one of the populations that winter in Britain rather than Icelandic breeding birds. There were more males than females throughout the migration period (63% males for first‐year‐birds and 67% for adult birds). Accounting for a bias due to a higher percentage of males in a less usual habitat (muddy/sandy bays), the values for rocky sites were 52% males for first‐year birds and 62% for adults. The percentage of first‐year birds was 19% in 2003 and 32% in 2005, though the latter figure was biased by catches in muddy/sandy bays where there was a higher percentage of young birds. The percentage of first‐year birds was 25% on just the rocky shores in 2005. Many birds were in latter stages of body moult, and males were slightly in advance of females. Increasing mass showed that they were preparing for onward migration. The average increase of 0.58 g per day was similar to the rate measured in Orkney at an earlier point on the migration route. However, a high turnover of birds could be the reason for these low values. By late May, and close to the assumed departure date, the Purple Sandpipers of the different age/sex classes had fuel indices of 24–29% (33–42% of the lean mass). This was lower than that for the high Arctic sandpipers (Knots and Sanderlings) leaving southwest Iceland for Greenland and Canada.

Conclusions Our study confirmed that Purple Sandpipers do stop‐over in Iceland, and the possible lower rate of fuel accumulation and smaller amount stored, compared with Knots and Sanderlings, suggests a different migration pattern.  相似文献   

Sex biases in distributions of migratory birds during the non‐breeding season are widespread; however, the proximate mechanisms contributing to broad‐scale sex‐ratio variation are not well understood. We analyzed a long‐term winter‐banding dataset in combination with spring migration data from individuals tracked by using geolocators to test three hypotheses for observed variation in sex‐ratios in wintering flocks of snow buntings Plectrophenax nivalis. We quantified relevant weather conditions in winter (temperature, snowfall and snow depth) at each banding site each year and measured body size and condition (fat scores) of individual birds (n > 5500). We also directly measured spring migration distance for 17 individuals by using light‐level geolocators. If the distribution pattern of birds in winter is related to interactions between individual body size and thermoregulation, then larger bodied birds (males) should be found in colder sites (body size hypothesis). Males may also winter closer to breeding grounds to reduce migration distance for early arrival at breeding sites (arrival timing hypothesis). Finally, males may be socially dominant over females, and thus exclude females from high‐quality wintering sites (social dominance hypothesis). We found support for the body size hypothesis, in that colder and snowier weather predicted both larger body size and higher proportions of males banded. Direct tracking revealed that males did not winter significantly closer to their breeding site, despite being slightly further north on average than females from the same breeding population. We found some evidence for social dominance, in that females tended to carry more fat than males, potentially indicating lower habitat quality for females. Global climatic warming may reduce temperature constraints on females and smaller‐bodied males, resulting in broad‐scale changes in distributional patterns. Whether this has repercussions for individual fitness, and therefore population demography, is an important area of future research.  相似文献   

Variation in intensity and targets of sexual selection on multiple traits has been suggested to play a major role in promoting phenotypic differentiation between populations, although the divergence in selection may depend on year, local conditions or age. In this study, we quantified sexual selection for two putative sexual signals across two Central and East European barn swallow (Hirundo rustica rustica) populations from Czech Republic and Romania over multiple years. We then related these differences in selection to variation in sexual characters among barn swallow populations. Our results show that tail length and ventral coloration vary between populations, sexes, and age classes (first‐time breeders vs. experienced birds). We found that selection on tail length was stronger in first‐time breeders than in experienced birds and in males than in females in the Romanian population, while these differences between age groups and sexes were weak in Czech birds. We suggest that the populational difference in selection on tail length might be related to the differences in breeding conditions. Our results show that ventral coloration is darker (i.e., has lower brightness) in the Romanian than in the Czech population, and in experienced birds and males compared with first‐time breeders and females, respectively. The sexual difference in ventral coloration may suggest sexual selection on this trait, which is supported by the significant directional selection of ventral coloration in first‐time breeding males on laying date. However, after controlling for the confounding effect of wing length and tarsus length, the partial directional selection gradient on this trait turned nonsignificant, suggesting that the advantage of dark ventral coloration in early breeding birds is determined by the correlated traits of body size. These findings show that ventral coloration may be advantageous over the breeding season, but the underlying mechanism of this relationship is not clarified.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of Oystercatcher corpses to find the most reliable measure of body condition in live birds. Total body weight was as accurate as muscle thickness in assessing the weight of the pectoral muscles, a major store of protein reserves. Total body weight was also a good indicator of fat reserves. Wing‐length was the most reliable measure of body size. Body condition in live birds was measured as an individual's residual weight derived from a general linear model of (loge) body weight against age, month, (loge) wing‐length and time since capture. On the Exe estuary in autumn, there was no significant difference in body condition between same‐age Oystercatchers of different diets and feeding methods. In the winter months, however, body condition differed significantly between mussel feeders using different feeding methods, and between mussel feeders and birds that fed on worms and clams. Differences between diet/feeding methods were not the same for each age group. Birds with the highest mean body condition index in adults were mussel hammerers, in immatures mussel stabbers and in juveniles, worm/clam feeders. No significant difference in body condition was found between the sexes in any age group in autumn. In winter, when birds with the same diet/feeding method were considered, females were significantly heavier than males. However, when birds of all diets and feeding methods were combined, weight differences between the sexes were not apparent. We examine reasons why birds with certain diets and feeding methods may be heavier than others in winter, and why females are sometimes heavier than males. We conclude that, in most cases, it is due to differences between birds in their ability to achieve a common target weight. However, we conclude that adult females try to achieve a higher target weight than males, probably as a premigratory and prebreeding strategy. In the light of this, we consider the consequences for adult females, in terms of reproductive success and survival, of specializing in diets and feeding methods associated with lower body weights in winter.  相似文献   

Females of the parasitoid wasp Glyptapanteles flavicoxis (Marsh) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) deposit sex pheromone on substrate that elicits attraction and wing fanning in conspecific males. We tested the hypothesis that wing fanning sound induces a behavioral response from females which, in turn, affects the males’ orientation toward them. Females exposed to playback of the males’ wing fanning sound engaged in short flights, with sound characteristics different from those of the males’ wing fanning sound. In two‐choice bioassays, playback of the females’ flight sound attracted significantly more males than a silent control stimulus, and in combination with pheromone‐containing body extract of females it attracted more males than female body extract alone. Our data support the conclusion that the males’ wing fanning induces sound and visual reply signals from females that help males orient toward them.  相似文献   

Quantifying the timing and intensity of migratory movements is imperative for understanding impacts of changing landscapes and climates on migratory bird populations. Billions of birds migrate in the Western Hemisphere, but accurately estimating the population size of one migratory species, let alone hundreds, presents numerous obstacles. Here, we quantify the timing, intensity, and distribution of bird migration through one of the largest migration corridors in the Western Hemisphere, the Gulf of Mexico (the Gulf). We further assess whether there have been changes in migration timing or intensity through the Gulf. To achieve this, we integrate citizen science (eBird) observations with 21 years of weather surveillance radar data (1995–2015). We predicted no change in migration timing and a decline in migration intensity across the time series. We estimate that an average of 2.1 billion birds pass through this region each spring en route to Nearctic breeding grounds. Annually, half of these individuals pass through the region in just 18 days, between April 19 and May 7. The western region of the Gulf showed a mean rate of passage 5.4 times higher than the central and eastern regions. We did not detect an overall change in the annual numbers of migrants (2007–2015) or the annual timing of peak migration (1995–2015). However, we found that the earliest seasonal movements through the region occurred significantly earlier over time (1.6 days decade?1). Additionally, body mass and migration distance explained the magnitude of phenological changes, with the most rapid advances occurring with an assemblage of larger‐bodied shorter‐distance migrants. Our results provide baseline information that can be used to advance our understanding of the developing implications of climate change, urbanization, and energy development for migratory bird populations in North America.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Mexico is a conspicuous feature of the Neotropical–Nearctic bird migration system. Traveling long distances across ecological barriers comes with considerable risks, and mortality associated with intercontinental migration may be substantial, including that caused by storms or other adverse weather events. However, little, if anything, is known about how migratory birds respond to disturbance‐induced changes in stopover habitat. Isolated, forested cheniere habitat along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico often concentrate migrants, during weather conditions unfavorable for northward movement or when birds are energetically stressed. We expected hurricane induced degradation of this habitat to negatively affect the abundance, propensity to stopover, and fueling trends of songbirds that stopover in coastal habitat. We used spring banding data collected in coastal Louisiana to compare migrant abundance and fueling trends before (1993–1996 and 1998–2005) and after hurricanes Rita (2006) and Ike (2009). We also characterized changes in vegetative structure before (1995) and after (2010) the hurricanes. The hurricanes caused dramatic changes to the vegetative structure, which likely decreased resources. Surprisingly, abundance, propensity to stopover, and fueling trends of most migrant species were not influenced by hurricane disturbance. Our results suggest that: 1) the function of chenieres as a refuge for migrants after completing a trans‐Gulf flight may not have changed despite significant changes to habitat and decreases in resource availability, and 2) that most migrants may be able to cope with habitat disturbance during stopover. The fact that migrants use disturbed habitat points to their conservation value along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

Increasing temperatures associated with climate change are predicted to cause reductions in body size, a key determinant of animal physiology and ecology. Using a four‐decade specimen series of 70 716 individuals of 52 North American migratory bird species, we demonstrate that increasing annual summer temperature over the 40‐year period predicts consistent reductions in body size across these diverse taxa. Concurrently, wing length – an index of body shape that impacts numerous aspects of avian ecology and behaviour – has consistently increased across species. Our findings suggest that warming‐induced body size reduction is a general response to climate change, and reveal a similarly consistent and unexpected shift in body shape. We hypothesise that increasing wing length represents a compensatory adaptation to maintain migration as reductions in body size have increased the metabolic cost of flight. An improved understanding of warming‐induced morphological changes is important for predicting biotic responses to global change.  相似文献   

中国迁徙鸣禽类的保护面对着与世界其他地区如欧洲和北美洲鸟类保护相似的挑战。迁徙鸣禽类具有复杂生活周期和很大的空间关联。迁徙过程中发生的事件对迁徙鸣禽类种群动态具有决定作用。对于鸣禽类迁徙中途停歇期的生态,比如停歇期的长短,能量的积累,生境的利用等,了解还非常有限。在中国东北部的一个鸟类迁徙停歇地对红胁蓝尾鸲(Tarsiger cyanurus)的中途停歇生态包括迁徙时间、停歇时间、能量状态和性比进行了研究。2002年秋和2003年春分别捕获了1751只和684只红胁蓝尾鸲。红胁蓝尾鸲的体重在秋季迁徙时要比在春季迁徙时重。春季雌性红胁蓝尾鸲停歇时的能量状态指数最低; 而秋季的红胁蓝尾鸲比春季的红胁蓝尾鸲停歇时间更长。无论季节和性别,红胁蓝尾鸲的能量状态指数和第1次捕获的时间早晚成正相关, 间接证明红胁蓝尾鸲在停歇期间能够比较快地积累能量。秋季雄性红胁蓝尾鸲日体重净增率最大。估测秋季停歇期的每日能量净增能维持红胁蓝尾鸲雌性0.6h和雄性3.1h的飞行。红胁蓝尾鸲的中途停歇生态与北美和欧洲一些迁徙鸣禽类很相似。比如,春季迁徙过境的时间和脂肪积累的变化与自然选择对雄性的要求:当食物和气候适宜时尽快到达繁殖地的假设是一致的。对迁徙中途的停歇生态研究有利于更好地了解鸟类的迁徙行为和更有效地保护迁徙鸣禽类。  相似文献   

中国迁徙鸣禽类的保护面对着与世界其他地区如欧洲和北美洲鸟类保护相似的挑战.迁徙鸣禽类具有复杂生活周期和很大的空间关联.迁徙过程中发生的事件对迁徙鸣禽类种群动态具有决定作用.对于鸣禽类迁徙中途停歇期的生态,比如停歇期的长短,能量的积累,生境的利用等,了解还非常有限.在中国东北部的一个鸟类迁徙停歇地对红胁蓝尾鸲(Tarsiger cyanurus)的中途停歇生态包括迁徙时间、停歇时间、能量状态和性比进行了研究.2002年秋和2003年春分别捕获了1751只和684只红胁蓝尾鸲.红胁蓝尾鸲的体重在秋季迁徙时要比在春季迁徙时重.春季雌性红胁蓝尾鸲停歇时的能量状态指数最低;而秋季的红胁蓝尾鸲比春季的红胁蓝尾鸲停歇时间更长.无论季节和性别,红胁蓝尾鸲的能量状态指数和第1次捕获的时间早晚成正相关,间接证明红胁蓝尾鸲在停歇期间能够比较快地积累能量.秋季雄性红胁蓝尾鸲日体重净增率最大.估测秋季停歇期的每日能量净增能维持红胁蓝尾鸲雌性0.6h和雄性3.1h的飞行.红胁蓝尾鸲的中途停歇生态与北美和欧洲一些迁徙鸣禽类很相似.比如,春季迁徙过境的时间和脂肪积累的变化与自然选择对雄性的要求:当食物和气候适宜时尽快到达繁殖地的假设是一致的.对迁徙中途的停歇生态研究有利于更好地了解鸟类的迁徙行为和更有效地保护迁徙鸣禽类.  相似文献   

Migrants are generally assumed to minimize their overall migration time by adjusting their departure fuel loads (DFL) in relation to anticipated and experienced fuel deposition rates (FDRs). We utilized a 21‐yr long migration banding station dataset to examine the relationship between FDR and DFL during spring migration in six Nearctic‐Neotropical migratory songbird species during stopover along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) following trans‐gulf flight. Estimates of fuel stores, stopover durations, and FDRs from our long term migration data set were combined to determine DFL. We expected and found that migrants across all six species adjust their DFL to the rate at which they deposit fuel reserves. This robust finding suggests that songbird migrants are sensitive to time constraints during spring passage presumably to fine‐tune their stopover schedule in relation to experienced and anticipated habitat quality. Two of the species studied showed an effect of age on the FDR–DFL relationship: one was consistent with the expectation that older birds would be less sensitive to changes in FDR, while the second was contrary to our expectations and likely suggesting an age‐dependent response to habitat quality. We found sex‐dependent differences consistent with male DFL being more sensitive to FDR in only two of six species studied, and argue that both males and females are time constrained during spring passage in relation to arrival at breeding destinations. The positive relationship between FDR and DFL among all species and for age and sex groups in some species reflects a migration strategy sensitive to time.  相似文献   

Summary Length of stopover and rate of weight gain (fat deposition) were studied in several species of passerine birds that stopped in southwestern Louisiana along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico after a trans-Gulf flight. Fatdepleted birds were more common among the birds that arrived at our study site in southwest Louisiana, though variability characterized our samples. Migrants that landed after encountering opposing winds or rain over the northern Gulf of Mexico were, on average, fatter than migrants that landed when weather was favorable for continued migration. Some of the variation in the energetic condition of arrivals may be explained by the location where migrants initiated crossings. Our simulation of flight over the Gulf of Mexico showed that with following winds a warbler can cross the Gulf of Mexico from Yucatan with fat reserves to spare, and stronger tailwinds make flights from as far south as Honduras energetically permissible. The length of stay after a trans-Gulf flight was related to the extent of fat-depletion upon arrival: lean birds stayed longer than fat migrants. Migrants stopped over for 1–7 days and replenished energy reserves at rates that varied from 0.19 g/d for Hooded Warblers (Wilsonia citrina) to 0.87 g/d for Ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapillus). Within each species, most individuals gained weight at a rapid rate, though a few individuals lost or maintained weight during their stay.  相似文献   

Migrating birds require en route habitats to rest and refuel. Yet, habitat use has never been integrated with passage to understand the factors that determine where and when birds stopover during spring and autumn migration. Here, we introduce the stopover‐to‐passage ratio (SPR), the percentage of passage migrants that stop in an area, and use 8 years of data from 12 weather surveillance radars to estimate over 50% SPR during spring and autumn through the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coasts of the south‐eastern US, the most prominent corridor for North America’s migratory birds. During stopovers, birds concentrated close to the coast during spring and inland in forested landscapes during autumn, suggesting seasonal differences in habitat function and highlighting the vital role of stopover habitats in sustaining migratory communities. Beyond advancing understanding of migration ecology, SPR will facilitate conservation through identification of sites that are disproportionally selected for stopover by migrating birds.  相似文献   

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