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《Plant science》1999,147(1):19-24
Extrinsic environmental cues and intrinsic developmental stages of the flower control the production of scent from flowers. Flowers emit scent only when they are open; yet, the precursors for the aromatic compounds are also present in buds, stored as non-fragrant glycosides in the vacuole. We demonstrate that in Narcissus flowers scent emission is concurrent with an increase in the activity of β-glucosidase. The inhibition in vivo of β-glucosidase activity decreases scent emission from Narcissus flowers. The β-glucosidase activity was partially purified and the Km, Vmax and inhibition by gluconic acid lactone was determined.  相似文献   

Fermentation conditions were developed in order to achieve simultaneously a high biomass concentration and high-level expression of a hybrid cI-human insulin B peptide gene. In our system, this hybrid gene is under control of the Escherichia coli trp promoter, in a trp derivative strain of E. coli W3110. The dual role of tryptophan concentration on cellular growth and hybrid gene regulation was studied in 10-l batch fermentations. In the best batch conditions, a biomass concentration of 12 g dry weight/l can be obtained, and 0.53 g/l of cI-insulin B hybrid protein is produced. Tryptophan in the culture medium is consumed by the growing culture, until a level is reached that causes induction of the hybrid gene. Plasmid loss was detected, as only 62% of the cells retained the recombinant plasmid. In order to increase the hybrid protein production level, a fed-batch culture strategy was developed whereby the specific growth rate of the cells was restrained. Using the same amount of nutrients as in the batch fermentations, it was possible to increase the final biomass concentration to 20 g/l, plasmid-bearing cells in the population to 90% and recombinant hybrid protein to 1.21 g/l. Correspondence to: F. Bolivar  相似文献   

Summary The toxicity and the spore count of batch and fed batch cultures of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis were studied. Spore counts reached in both batch and fed batch cultures were as high as those reported in the literature, but the levels of toxicity found in the latter were about one order of magnitude lower than those attained in batch cultures. Avoiding restricted cultures might be necessary to reach high titres of -endotoxin, which are essential if a good product is intended. Furthermore, spore count might not be a good parameter to predict insecticidal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis cultures.  相似文献   

The influence of culture age on biomass production and alkaloid yield of “hairy roots” obtained after infection ofDatura stramonium L. withAgrobacterium ATCC 15834 was investigated. Maximal hyoscyamine yield was obtained with roots harvested after six weeks. Fluctuations were found for tropine yield, the precursor of the ring moiety of hyoscyamine. These indicate a continuous conversion to hyoscyamine during the exponential growth phase. The effect of the ion-balance was investigated by preparing five different media that only differed in their ionic composition. The ionic interactions between macroelements, differently influenced biomass production and alkaloid yield. As a result, highest biomass yield was found with NO3 - and K+-dominance, whereas hyoscyamine yield was highest with the culture medium in which SO4 2− and K+ were dominant. Shifting the intercationic balance to strongly towards Ca2+ caused an overall reduced metabolism, since as well biomass yield as hyoscyamine yield was lowest with the NO3 Ca2+-medium. Also tropine yield was affected by the ion-balance, indicating that this culture parameter also influences alkaloid synthesis.[/p]  相似文献   

Dibutyl phthalate, oleic acid and terpineol were used to extract paclitaxel in situ fromTaxus chinensis suspension cultures. Oleic acid/terpineol (1:1, v/v) added to the cultures gave a higher paclitaxel concentration, compared with either of them alone. Oleic acid/terpineol (1:1, v/v) incorporated into the cultures at 3:50 (v/v) 4 days after elicitation, which was carried out by adding 50 mg chitosan l–1, 60 M methyl jasmonate and 30 M Ag+ to 10-day-old cultures, resulted in the greatest paclitaxel production of 48 mg l–1 at day 10 after elicitation. This was double that of the culture by elicitation, and 7-fold higher than that of the culture by in situ extraction.  相似文献   

The production of nicotine by cultures ofNicotiana rustica transformed withAgrobacterium rhizogenes has been examined in a packed bed fermenter as a two-stage batch/continuous-flow system. A substantial proportion of the nicotine synthesised in the batch phase may be subsequently harvested from the medium. The possibility of improving product recovery using macroreticular adsorbents is considered.  相似文献   

Artemisinin is a sesquiterpene antimalarial compound produced, though at low levels (0.1–1% dry weight), in Artemisia annua in which it accumulates in the glandular trichomes of the plant. Due to its antimalarial properties and short supply, efforts are being made to improve our understanding of artemisinin biosynthesis and its production. Native β-cyclodextrins, as well as the chemically modified heptakis(2,6-di-O-methyl)-β-cyclodextrin (DIMEB) and 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrins, were added to the culture medium of A. annua suspension cultures, and their effects on artemisinin production were analysed. The effects of a joint cyclodextrin and methyl jasmonate treatment were also investigated. Fifty millimolar DIMEB, as well as a combination of 50 mM DIMEB and 100 μM methyl jasmonate, was highly effective in increasing the artemisinin levels in the culture medium. The observed artemisinin level (27 μmol g−1 dry weight) was about 300-fold higher than that observed in untreated suspensions. The influence of β-cyclodextrins and methyl jasmonate on the expression of artemisinin biosynthetic genes was also investigated.  相似文献   

Summary The concentration and productivity of -amylase increased remarkably, 15- and 11-fold respectively, in a continuous culture of Bacillus caldolyticus DSM 405 compared with batch culture, provided starch was used as the sugar source in a casitone medium. In the casitone medium with or without glucose hardly any improvement of enzyme production was observed in continuous culture. The addition of a small amount of starch to the glucose-casitone medium had a marked effect in stimulating amylase formation in continuous culture but no effect in batch culture.It was suggested that the higher production of -amylase in the continuous culture using starch as the inducer was partly related to the predominance of some conditional non-sporulating variants with a higher amylase forming activity and to derepression of the enzyme at a low glucose concentration.  相似文献   

In this work, we have used classical genetics techniques to find improved starter strains to produce cachaça with superior sensorial quality. Our strategy included the selection of yeast strains resistant to 5,5′,5″-trifluor-d,l-leucine (TLF) and cerulenin, since these strains produce higher levels of higher alcohols and esters than parental strains. However, no clear relationship was observed when levels of flavoring compounds were compared with the levels expression of the genes (BAT1, BAT2, ATF2, EEB1 genes) involved with the biosynthesis of flavoring compounds. Furthermore, we determined the stability of phenotypes considered as the best indicators of the quality of the cachaça for a parental strain and its segregants. By applying the principal component analysis, a cluster of segregants, showing a high number of characteristics similar to the parental strain, was recognized. One segregant, that was resistant to TLF and cerulenin, also showed growth stability after six consecutive replications on plates containing high concentrations of sugar and ethanol. “Cachaça” produced at laboratory scale using a parental strain and this segregant showed a higher level of flavoring compounds. Both strains predominated in an open fermentative process through seven cycles, as was shown by mitochondrial restriction fragment length polymorphisms analysis. Based on the physical chemical composition of the obtained products, the results demonstrate the usefulness of the developed strategies for the selection of yeast strains to be used as starters in “cachaça” production.  相似文献   

In this work, mathematical modeling of ethanol production in solid-state fermentation (SSF) has been done based on the variation in the dry weight of solid medium. This method was previously used for mathematical modeling of enzyme production; however, the model should be modified to predict the production of a volatile compound like ethanol. The experimental results of bioethanol production from the mixture of carob pods and wheat bran by Zymomonas mobilis in SSF were used for the model validation. Exponential and logistic kinetic models were used for modeling the growth of microorganism. In both cases, the model predictions matched well with the experimental results during the exponential growth phase, indicating the good ability of solid medium weight variation method for modeling a volatile product formation in solid-state fermentation. In addition, using logistic model, better predictions were obtained.  相似文献   

Phytosterols are isoprenoid-derived compounds that play essential roles in plant growth and development as they are integral components of the plant cell membranes, and responsible for their permeability and fluidity. In this study, the effect of different types of beta-cyclodextrins (β-CD) on phytosterol production was evaluated using Daucus carota cell suspension cultures. A detailed analysis provides the optimal type and concentration of β-CD, elicitation time, and the optimal cell age and density. The highest levels of phytosterols produced by cells and secreted to the culture medium were obtained when 10 day-old D. carota cell suspension cultures, with an initial cell density of 200 g of fresh weight (FW) l?1, were incubated in the presence of 50 mM of methylated-β-CD (M-β-CD) for 144 h. In addition, M-β-CD significantly promoted the accumulation of phytosterol in the extracellular medium of D. carota cell suspension cultures, which was not observed in control cell suspension cultures. Moreover, these high phytosterol levels did not improve when methyl jasmonate (MJ) was added to the cell suspension cultures alone or combined with 50 mM M-β-CD, although MJ stimulated the formation of defense-related compounds. Therefore, the use of carrot cell suspension cultures seems a promising biotechnological alternative since the addition of β-CD to the culture medium not only induced the biosynthesis of phytosterols but also promoted their secretion into the culture medium, where they were accumulated and could be isolated easily.  相似文献   

Summary The growth and hyoscyamine production of transformed roots of Datura stramonium have been examined in a modified 14-1 stirred tank reactor in both batch and continuous fermentations on media containing half or full strength Gamborg's B5 salts and at three different temperatures. Under a range of conditions, roots grown on half strength B5 salts with 3% w/v sucrose had a higher dry matter content (up to 8.3% w/w) and a higher hyoscyamine content (up to 0.52 mg·g–1 wet weight) than roots grown on full strength B5 salts with the same level of sucrose (up to 4.6% w/w dry matter and up to 0.33 mg hyoscyamine g–1 wet weight). Growth at 30°C was initially faster than at either 25°C or 35°C and by day 12, the drained weight of roots in the fermentor at 30°C was about fourfold greater than at 25°C and twice that at 35°C. The ultimate hyoscyamine levels attained (approximately 0.5 mg·g–1 wet weight) were similar at both 25°C and 30°C but some 40% lower at 35°C. Final packing densities of 70% w/v were achieved for roots after 37 days growth at 25°C and the highest production rate of 8.2 mg hyoscyamine l–1 per day was obtained for roots grown at 30°C. In continuous fermentation at 25°C, the release of hyoscyamine into the culture medium was low (less than 0.5% w/w of the total) but was up to sevenfold higher in fermentors operated at 30°C or 35°C. Offprint requests to: M. G. Hilton  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DH5α strain was selected as the recombinant host, and a chemically defined medium supplemented with amino acids was used instead of a complex medium for the efficient production of β-carotene. In a fed-batch culture using glycerol with a chemically defined medium supplemented with amino acids, the concentration, specific content, and productivity of β-carotene were 2,470 mg/l, 72 mg/g cells, and 77 mg/l h after 32 h, respectively. These values were, respectively, 43, 33, and 26 % higher than those obtained using the complex medium. This is the highest β-carotene production that has been reported among the recombinant cells to date.  相似文献   

The effect of succinate, acetate, and phosphate on the production of cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH), cellobiose: quinone oxidoreductase (CBQase), -glucosidase, and protease by Phanerochaete chrysosporium in media containing cotton linters, filterpaper, microcrystalline cellulose, or acid-treated cellulose was investigated. The succinate medium,with an initial pH of 4.5 and with cotton linters as the cellulose source, has been demonstrated to yield the highest levels of CDH (141 U/l) and -glucosidase (237 U/l), and the lowest levels of CBQase (53 U/l). The optimized culture conditions identified here permit isolation of milligram quantities of CDH and -glucosidase from P. chrysosporium.  相似文献   

Linoleic acid was shown to be the only detectable nematicidal agent in the mycelial extracts of several predacious fungi of the genus Arthrobotrys. Although the compound is present in saprophytic cultures, induction of trap formation by nematodes or phenylalnyl-valine caused a significant increase in its production. In submerged cultures, the number of traps formed by Arthrobotrys conoides and Arthrobotrys oligospora was directly correlated to the increase of the concentration of linoleic acid. In A. conoides, the ratio of ergosterol to linoleic acid decreased from 2.6 in saprophytic cultures to 1.1 in trap-forming cultures induced with nematodes. Linoleic acid exhibited nematicidal activities towards the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans with an LD50 value of 5 g/ml.  相似文献   

Summary α-Protein growth fraction (AGF) eliminates the 60- to 90-day adaptive phase required to establish actively growing cultures of HeLa (Gey), human heart (Girardi), KB (Eagle) and other established cell lines in serum-free chemically defined medium A3. AGF is effective at less than 0.4 μg per ml. By using the procedures described in the text, it is possiblee to culture HeLa cells is very simple media such as Eagle's basal medium. The properties of AGF are such that it may be adsorbed on glass or plastic flasks. Glass flasks treated with AGF retain full activity after washing with acetone, and treatment with ethyl ether and chemically defined medium. Adsorbed AGF is destroyed by trypsin. AGF can detoxify protamines, polylysines or histones. It will reverse the aggregation response induced by adding complexes composed of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and basic proteins. The results support the contention that highly adsorptive AGF functions at the cell surface and is capable of modifying the response of the cell to its environment.  相似文献   

Jarosite [KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6] was precipitated in cultures of Thio‐bacillus ferrooxidans growing on ferrous sulfate. This basic ferric sulfate was characterized by x‐ray diffraction patterns and infrared spectra and was very similar to jarosite produced chemically from acidic ferric sulfate.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of the concentrations of medium components on the growth of Methylobacterium sp. for poly--hydroxybutyrate production was investigated by measuring the specific growth rates for various concentrations of each medium component. When the methanol concentration was increased, the cell growth decreased and was strongly inhibited above 6% (v/v) methanol. Ammonia, calcium and iron ion did not significantly inhibit the cell growth while there were some inhibitory effects at high concentrations of sodium, potassium, and magnesium. In particular, phosphate gave most significant inhibition at concentrations higher than 75 mM. By using an automatic feeding control system of methanol, ammonia, phosphate, and minerals, their concentrations were maintained within the level necessary to reduce the inhibition of medium components. The finial dry cell weight of Methylobacterium sp. in such a system was 172 g/l at 84 h.  相似文献   

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