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Summary The neuropeptide thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) is capable of influencing both neuronal mechanisms in the brain and the activity of the pituitary-thyroid endocrine axis. By the use of immunocytochemical techniques, first the ultrastructural features of TRH-immunoreactive (IR) perikarya and neuronal processes were studied, and then the relationship between TRH-IR neuronal elements and dopamine--hydroxylase (DBH) or phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT)-IR catecholaminergic axons was analyzed in the parvocellular subnuclei of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN). In control animals, only TRH-IR axons were detected and some of them seemed to follow the contour of immunonegative neurons. Colchicine treatment resulted in the appearance of TRH-IR material in parvocellular neurons of the PVN. At the ultrastructural level, immunolabel was associated with rough endoplasmic reticulum, free ribosomes and neurosecretory granules. Non-labelled axons formed synaptic specializations with both dendrites and perikarya of the TRH-synthesizing neurons. TRH-IR axons located in the parvo-cellular units of the PVN exhibited numerous intensely labelled dense-core and fewer small electron lucent vesicles. These axons were frequently observed to terminate on parvocellular neurons, forming both bouton- and en passant-type connections. The simultaneous light microscopic localization of DBH or PNMT-IR axons and TRH-synthesizing neurons demonstrated that catecholaminergic fibers established contacts with the dendrites and cell bodies of TRH-IR neurons. Ultrastructural analysis revealed the formation of asymmetric axo-somatic and axo-dendritic synaptic specializations between PNMT-immunopositive, adrenergic axons and TRH-IR neurons in the periventricular and medial parvocellular subnuclei of the PVN.These morphological data indicate that the hypophysiotrophic, thyrotropin releasing hormone synthesizing neurons of the PVN are directly influenced by the central epinephrine system and that TRH may act as a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator upon other paraventricular neurons.Supported by NIH research grants NS19266 and DK34540  相似文献   

促甲状腺激素释放激素的分布及生理作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH)广泛分布于中枢神经系统和某些外周器官中,它除了有促进垂体前叶释放TSH和PRL等内分泌作用外,作为神经递质或神经调质,对中枢神经系统还可产生广泛的生理效应。  相似文献   

J E Morley 《Life sciences》1979,25(18):1539-1550
Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) is distributed throughout the extrahypothalamic nervous system and spinal cord, in the retina, in the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract, in the placenta, in amniotic fluid, in the adrenals and in frog skin. TRH has been shown to have a variety of effects in the central nervous system, both on isolated neurones and in a number of in vivo situations. TRH interacts with endogenous and exogenous opiates and it has been suggested that endogenous TRH may mediate part of the opiate withdrawal syndrome. The presence of TRH in the retina suggests the possibility that TRH plays a role in the visual process. TRH appears to be integrally related to central thermoregulatory mechanisms. The role of TRH in psychiatric disorders is at present controversial. Recent studies suggest a role for TRH as a modulator of gastrointestinal and pancreatic function. The gastrointestinal actions of TRH include inhibition of gastric acid secretion and alterations in gastic motility. The high concentrations of TRH in the neonatal pancreas suggest a role for TRH in the early development of the pancreas. One of the metabolites of TRH histidyl-proline diketopiperazone, appears to have a number of extrahypothalamic actions and this suggests the need for further exploration of the affects of this compound both on the central nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract. The multiple extrahypothalamic actions of TRH have led to the concept that it is an ubiquitous neurotransmitter that has been co-opted by the pituitary as a releasing factor.  相似文献   

Characteristics of TRH-receptors were studied in the rat central nervous system (CNS). Ion species, pH and temperature importantly influenced TRH-receptor binding. Subcellular distribution of TRH-receptor binding revealed that synaptic membranes had the greatest percentage of total sites. Scatchard analysis suggested that the rat CNS had two distinct TRH binding sites with apparent dissociation constants (Kd) of 5 X 10(09) M and 13 X 10(-8) M. Receptor activity is sensitive to trypsin and phospholipase A digestion, suggesting that protein and phospholipid moieties are essential for the binding of [3H]TRH. Thiol reagents reduced the binding activity of the receptor, suggesting that an intrachain disulfide bond may form an important constituent of the binding site for TRH. The TRH-receptor in the rat brain was successfully solubilized with non-ionic detergent Triton X-100. On gel chromatography with Sepharose 6B column, the solubilized TRH-receptor molecule eluted at the fraction corresponding to an apparent molecular weight of 300,000 daltons, with Stokes' radius of 5.8 nm. The regional distribution of TRH-receptor binding was examined to clarify the site of TRH action. The highest level of binding was in the hypothalamus, cerebral cortex and hippocampus, indicating that TRH affects the CNS function mainly through the limbic system, cerebral cortex and hypothalamus. Moreover, tricyclic anti-depressants and Li+ decreased the binding of [3H]TRH. These findings suggest that endogenous TRH and TRH receptor may play the role of a neurotransmission modulator in the brain to control emotional and mental functions.  相似文献   

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) immunoreactivity is distributed throughout the gastrointestinal tract and the pancreas. We have studied the effect of TRH on several gastrointestinal functions in intact, unanesthetized dogs. Intravenous TRH stimulated gastric action potentials (p<0.01) and transiently inhibited tetragastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion (p<0.05). TRH had no effect on basal or secretin-stimulated pancreatic exocrine secretion. TRH did not alter water absorption in dogs with Thiry-Vella loops constructed from proximal jejunum.  相似文献   

N Ogawa  S Mizuno  A Mori  I Nukina  Z Ota  M Yamamoto 《Peptides》1984,5(4):743-746
The anti-depressive effects of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) and its analogues (DN-1417: gamma-butyrolactone-gamma-carbonyl-histidyl-prolinamide citrate; MK-771: L-pyro-2-aminoadipyl-histidyl-thiazolidine-4-carboxamide) were examined in behavioral despair rats, an animal model of depression. TRH, DN-1417, MK-771, amitriptyline and diazepam were injected three times after the first forced swimming. One hr after the last injection, a 5-min swimming test was performed. Experimental animals were placed in a Hall's type open-field apparatus immediately before and after the 5-min test, and their locomotor activities were determined. No significant difference was noted in the locomotor activity immediately before the 5-min test among any group. In the 5-min swimming test, TRH, DN-1417 and MK-771 caused a dose-dependent decrease in immobility, showing an anti-depressive effect similar to amitriptyline. Diazepam showed no difference compared with the control group. After the swimming test, locomotor activity remarkably decreased in the control rats, while decreased locomotor activity was partially prevented in the TRH, DN-1417, MK-771 and amitriptyline treated rats which exhibited active movement not only during the swimming period but also after it. In terms of the minimum effective dose, TRH and DN-1417 seemed to be of similar potency, while MK-771 was 40-fold stronger than TRH. An examination of a possible correlation between the cross-reactivity of TRH analogues in a radioreceptor assay and the effects of the analogues on despair rats suggested that the structure-binding relationship was proportional to the structure-activity relationship.  相似文献   

C E Hock  A M Lefer 《Peptides》1985,6(3):547-553
Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) has been reported to reverse hypotension induced by a variety of agents and thus it has been suggested to be of therapeutic value in circulatory shock. We have investigated TRH (2 mg/kg bolus plus 2 mg/kg/hr infusion) in both hemorrhagic (cats) and traumatic shock (rats). TRH induced a pressor effect of 23 +/- 8 mm Hg (p less than 0.05) in cats and 19 +/- 3 mm Hg (p less than 0.01) in rats during hypotension. However, this transient (10-15 min) response did not result in any sustained improvement in the cardiovascular status of the animals in either shock model when compared to the vehicle. In addition, TRH did not attenuate any of the biochemical indices of the severity of the shock state (i.e., plasma amino-nitrogen concentrations, or plasma cathepsin D and MDF activities) nor did it improve survival time in traumatic shock (2.8 +/- 0.4 vs. 2.0 +/- 0.2 hours). Furthermore, TRH resulted in a significant blunting of the maximum post-reinfusion superior mesenteric artery flow and enhanced beta-glucuronidase release from liver lysosomal preparations in vitro. These potentially detrimental effects in conjunction with the lack of any overt protective effect under the conditions existing in these two shock models, do not provide evidence that TRH is beneficial as a therapeutic agent in circulatory shock.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted in ewes and whether (castrate male) lambs to evaluate the influence of prostaglandins on secretion of anabolic hormones and to determine if repeated injections of prostaglandin (PG) F2alpha would chronically influence the secretion of these hormones and perhaps growth rate as well. A single intravenous injection of PGA1 and PGB1 (100 microgram/kg) exerted no significant (P greater than .10) influence on plasma concentrations of prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH) or thyrotropin (TSH) in ewes. PGA1, but not PGB1, stimulated an increase in the plasma concentration of insulin. Infusion of PGF2alpha for 5.5 hr into ewes resulted in increased (P less than .05) plasma concentrations of both GH and ARL while TSH and insulin were not significantly influenced. Prostaglandin F2alpha, when injected subcutaneously into wether lambs (10 mg twice weekly) stimulated (P less than .05) plasma GH concentrations after the first injection, but not after 3 weeks of treatment. Changes in plasma PRL or TSH were not observed consistently in the lambs treated chronically with PGF2alpha or TRH. Prostaglandin F2alpha, in the present studies, and PGE1 in previously reported studies (1-3), has been demonstrated to be stimulatory to the secretion of PRL and GH. In contrast, PGA1 and PGB1, which lack an 11-hydroxyl group, failed to influence the secretion of either PRL or GH. It would, therefore, appear that the 11-hydroxyl group is a structural requirement for prostaglandins to influence the secretion of these two hormones in sheep. Treatment with thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), alone or in combination with PGF 2alpha, significantly (P less than .05) increased growth rate (average daily gains) while PGF2alpha did not, despite the fact that both compounds exerted similar effects on plasma GH.  相似文献   

The effect of Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone (TRH) on the contractile activity elicited by acetylcholine and electric stimulation in the rat ileus terminalis was investigated. TRH did not show any intrinsic contractile activity but, after a 30 minute latency period, the peptide caused a shift to the left of the dose-response curve for both acetylcholine and electric stimulation. The binding of 3H-quinuclidinylbenzilate (3H-QNB) assayed on ileum slices disclosed that the addition of TRH increased the number of muscarinic cholinergic receptors without changes in affinity when incubation was performed at pH 7.8, but no effect TRH was demonstrated at pH 7.4. Therefore, in spite of its neural and direct actions on intestine motor activity, TRH may affect the acetylcholine induced contraction by increasing the number of muscarinic receptors at a specific pH.  相似文献   

An improved synthesis of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), pGlu-His-Pro-NH2, is reported. Z-pGlu-ONB (N-hydroxy-5-norbornene-2,3-dicarboximide ester) was reacted with H-His-OH to yield a crystalline Z-pGlu-His-OH which was coupled with H-Pro-NH2 by the HONBDCC method to give Z-pGlu-His-Pro-NH2 as a fine crystal. Hydrogenation of this protected tripeptide yielded pure TRH nearly quantitatively. The optical purity of TRH thus obtained was confirmed by the method L- and D- amino acid oxidase digestion. The crystallization of TRH was achieved as a tartrate, and the properties of the crystalline TRH-tartrate are described.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted in ewes and wether (castrate male) lambs to evaluate the influence of prostaglandins on secretion of anabolic hormones and to determine if repeated injections of prostaglandin (PG) F2α would chronically influence the secretion of these hormones and perhaps growth rate as well.A single intravenous injection of PGA1 and PGB1 (100 μg/kg) exerted no significant (P > .10) influence on plasma concentrations of prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH) or thyrotropin (TSH) in ewes. PGA1, but not PGB1, stimulated an increase in the plasma concentration of insulin. Infusion of PGF2α for 5.5 hr into ewes resulted in increased (P < .05) plasma concentrations of both GH and PRL while TSH and insulin were not significantly influenced. Prostaglandin F2α, when injected subcutaneously into wether lambs (10 mg twice weekly) stimulated (P < .05) plasma GH concentrations after the first injection, but not after 3 weeks of treatment. Changes in plasma PRL or TSH were not observed consistently in the lambs treated chronically with PGF2α or TRH.Prostaglandin F2α, in the present studies, and PGE1 in previously reported studies (1–3), has been demonstrated to be stimulatory to the secretion of PRL and GH. In contrast, PGA1 and PGB1, which lack an 11-hydroxyl group, failed to influence the secretion of either PRL or GH. It would, therefore, appear that the 11-hydroxyl group is a structural requirement for prostaglandins to influence the secretion of these two hormones in sheep.Treatment with thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), alone or in combination with PGF2α, significantly (P < .05) increased growth rate (average daily gains) while PGF2α did not, despite the fact that both compounds exerted similar effects on plasma GH.  相似文献   

Chicks two and ten days-of-age respond to a wide range of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) dosages as measured by thyroid uptake of 32P. The duration of hormone and 32P action is important. Excellent responses were obtained with the injection of 1.0 μCi32P at one hour and TRH either at one or four hours before autopsy in both two-day and ten-day-old birds. The 32P uptake in the thyroid glands was increased by doses of hormone which ranged from 40 nanograms to 125,000 nanograms and was bimodal. Analysis of the data when calculated using log10 of dose was best accomplished by the use of 5th-degree polynomial equations. It is suggested that the bimodal response is a result of a dual action of TRH. First, TRH initiates the release of stored TSH from the anterior pituitary; and second, TRH stimulates the secretion of newly synthesized TSH by the anterior pituitary.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated immunocytochemical staining for beta chains of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH-beta) in rough endoplasmic reticulum of pituitary cells hypertrophied after thyroidectomy ("thyroidectomy cells") (Moriarty CG(1976): J Histochem Cytochem (24:846; Moriarty GC, Tobin RB (1976): J Histochem Cytochem 24:1140). Here we report the localization of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) in serial sections of the same pituitaries to determine if it could be found at similar sites. No staining for TRH was found in hypertrophied TSH cells formed 42 days after the surgery, or after 14, 34, and 70 days of propylthiouracil (PTU) treatment. The loss in immunostaining in the PTU-treated rats was correlated with radioimmunoassay (RIA) measurements that showed a 65% reduction in anterior pituitary TRH content after 34, 70, and 98 days of PTU treatment (from 22.9--7.8 pg/mg wet wt) and a 50% reduction in TSH content after 34 days of treatment. When thyroxine was administered to hypothyroid rats for 3 days before death, our previous studies had demonstrated intense staining for TSH in granules inside the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In this study, the radioimmunoassay showed that TSH content rose dramatically in the hypothyroid animals treated with PTU for 77 days and thyroxine for 2 days before death (from 8.5--64.1 mU/mg wet wt); however, the rise in TRH content was minimal (5.8--9.8 pg/mg wet wt). The immunocytochemical stain for TRH correlated well with the RIA showing a weak reaction mainly on small granules in the cytoplasm. No reaction for TRH was found in rough endoplasmic reticulum. These results suggest that TRH and TSH storage sites are dissimilar in the hypothyroid rat. The presence of stain for TRH in granules in the cytoplasm suggests that it might play a role in the storage or packaging of TSH. Its absence in profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum staining intensely for TSH suggests that it is not synthesized at this site. No definite conclusions about its origin can be drawn at this time.  相似文献   

BackgroundIngested immunoactive proteins type I IFN, SIRS peptide 1–21, α-MSH, ACTH, SST inhibit clinical attacks and inflammation in acute EAE by decreasing Th1-like cytokines, increasing Th2-like cytokines or increasing Treg cell frequencies.ObjectiveWe examined whether another protein, thyrotropin releasing factor (TRH), would have similar anti-inflammatory effects in EAE after oral administration.Design/methodsB6 mice were immunized with MOG peptide 35–55 and gavaged with control saline or TRH during ongoing disease. Splenocytes from mock fed or TRH fed mice were adoptively transferred into active MOG peptide 35–55 immunized recipient mice during ongoing disease.ResultsIngested (oral) TRH inhibited ongoing disease and decreased inflammation. Adoptively transferred cells from TRH fed donors protected against actively induced disease and decreased inflammation. In actively fed mice, oral TRH decreased IL-17 and TNF-α cytokines in both the spleen and the CNS. In recipients of donor cells from TRH fed mice there was a reduction of Th1 and Th17 and induction of Th2-like IL-13 cytokines in both the spleen and CNS. Oral TRH decreased clinical score and decreased inflammatory foci in both actively fed and recipients of actively fed mice. There was no significant increase in Treg cell frequencies in actively fed or recipients of TRH fed donor cells.ConclusionsIngested (orally administered) TRH can inhibit clinical disease, inhibit CNS inflammation by decreasing Th1-like, Th17 and TNF-α cytokines and increasing Th2-like cytokines (IL-13) in the CNS.  相似文献   

We found, by radioimmunoassay, that thyrotropin-releasing-hormone (TRH) was present in human prolactin (PRL)-secreting adenomas (mean: 89 +/- 45 (SEM) fmol/mg proteins) and was released by perifused adenomatous cells at levels varying from 5 to 60 fmol/10(6) cell/2 min. TRH release was increased in the presence of dopamine (DA) 10(-6) M but was not modified by the presence of somatostatin (SRIH) 10(-6) M.  相似文献   

The effect of acute administration of L-DOPA on TSH and TRH levels in serum was studied in primary or pituitary hypothyroidism. TRH levels in serum fell and then returned to initial levels after L-DOPA administration in primary or pituitary hypothyroidism. TSH levels in serum fell and then returned to initial levels after L-DOPA administration in primary hypothyroidism. T4 and T3 levels in serum did not change after L-DOPA administration in primary or pituitary hypothyroidism. These data suggested that L-DOPA might act directly to hypothalamus.  相似文献   

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