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Thermal acclimation is frequently cited as a means by which ectothermic animals improve their Darwinian fitness, i.e. the beneficial acclimation hypothesis. As the critical swimming speed (U crit) test is often used as a proxy measure of fitness, we acclimated Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) to 4 and 10°C and then assessed their U crit swimming performance at their respective acclimation temperatures and during acute temperature reversal. Because phenotypic differences exist between different populations of cod, we undertook these experiments in two different populations, North Sea cod and North East Arctic cod. Acclimation to 4 or 10°C had a minimal effect on swimming performance or U crit, however test temperature did, with all groups having a 10–17% higher U crit at 10°C. The swimming efficiency was significantly lower in all groups at 4°C arguably due to the compression of the muscle fibre recruitment order. This also led to a reduction in the duration of “kick and glide” swimming at 4°C. No significant differences were seen between the two populations in any of the measured parameters, due possibly to the extended acclimation period. Our data indicate that acclimation imparts little benefit on U crit swimming test in Atlantic cod. Further efforts need to identify the functional consequences of the long-term thermal acclimation process.  相似文献   

This study assesses spatiotemporal and sex-specific growth of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in Icelandic waters. We use a Bayesian approach which lends itself to fitting and comparing nested models such as these. We then compare fitted parameters of these models to potential explanatory variables using a redundancy analysis (RDA) to look for drivers of growth in G. morhua. Results indicate that models that incorporate differences in growth among time, space and sex are the best-fitting models according to deviance information criterion (DIC). Results from RDA indicate that capelin Mallotus villosus recruitment and biomass is highly correlated with deviations in the von Bertalannfy growth parameter k and that L is correlated with G. morhua landings in the model that uses year to account for time-varying growth and estimated G. morhua recruitment in the model that uses cohort to account for time-varying growth.  相似文献   

Atlantic cod trypsin I is a highly active cold-adapted protease. This study aimed at further characterization of this enzyme with respect to kinetic parameters, sites of autolysis and stability. For that purpose, trypsin I was purified by anion exchange chromatography. Its purity and identity was verified by SDS-PAGE analysis and mass spectrometry. Concomitantly, another cod trypsin isozyme, trypsin X, previously only described from its cDNA sequence was detected in a separate peak from the ion exchange chromatogram. There was a stepwise increase in the catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) of cod trypsin I obtained with substrates containing one to three amino acid residues. As expected, the activity of trypsin I was maintained for longer periods of time at 15 °C than at higher temperatures. The residues of the trypsin I molecule most sensitive to autolysis were identified using Edman degradation. Eleven autolytic cleavage sites were detected within the trypsin I molecule. Unfolding experiments demonstrated that autolysis is a contributing factor in the stability of trypsin I. In addition, the data shows that cod trypsin I is less stable towards thermal unfolding than its mesophilic bovine analogue.  相似文献   

Age and sex differences in the occurrence of some metazoan parasites were investigated in 243 cod (Gadus morhua L.) from Balsfjord, a subarctic fjord in northern Norway. Thirteen species of parasite were studied, comprising seven nematodes, three parasitic copepods, one acanthocephalan, one cestode and one digenean. The nematode Anisakis simplex showed significant increases in both prevalence and mean abundance with host age, while the digenean Hemiurus levinseni showed a significant increase in mean abundance with age. The increases probably result from a long parasite life-span for A. simplex and changes in the feeding pattern of cod with age for H. levinseni. Prevalence of the nematode Contracaecum sp. and mean abundance of the acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus gadi were significantly higher in male than in female cod, whereas mean abundance of H. levinseni was significantly higher in female cod. These results suggest that there may be differences in feeding behaviour between male and female cod in Balsfjord. Accepted: 14 November 1999  相似文献   

In situ sampling of gas from cod swim-bladders took place during a fortnight's saturation mission with the underwater laboratory Helgoland in May–June 1975. These samples were compared to those done by the conventional method of transporting the fish to the surface for sampling. Based upon these in-situ measurements, the mean O2-concentration was 55.7% in buoyant cod at 15 m depth. Repeated sampling of the same fish showed a change in gas composition. Compared to the conventional method of transporting fish for sampling to the surface, in-situ sampling gave results with less variation, and indicated that surface-sampling does not give the correct gas composition of buoyant fish at depth of catch.  相似文献   

Although it has previously been considered to be a rare phenomenon, this paper provides evidence of eight occurrences of Atlantic cod in northern coastal saline lakes in Arctic Canada, Greenland, Norway, and Russia. Historic and current habitat features that are necessary for Atlantic cod to colonize and persist in Arctic meromictic lakes are discussed. Data analyses confirm that the persistence of Atlantic cod in Arctic lakes is a recurrent phenomenon, and these populations represent an important component of intraspecific biodiversity. Published in Russian in Voprosy Ikhtiologii, 2008, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 179–190. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Shallow, near-shore water habitats on the continental shelf of the Northeast Atlantic have been productive fishing areas in the past. Here, we review the present knowledge about (i) recent trends in the abundance of plaice and cod in these habitats and (ii) hypotheses regarding the factors responsible for any trends. At present, only a few studies exist on the trends of abundance of plaice or cod, namely from the Bay of Biscay, the North Sea and the Skagerrak/Kattegat. They suggest a declining abundance in coastal, shallow areas and – at least for plaice – a latitudinal gradient with an erosion of the southern distribution boundary in the Bay of Biscay and deepening of stocks in the North Sea. In contrast, no trend in shallow water abundance of plaice similar to a decline in deep-water stocks during the 1970s and their slow recovery during the 2000s is apparent in the Skagerrak/Kattegat. Although shallow habitats fundamentally differ from deeper areas by the prevalence of juvenile stages, the declining trends coincide with decreasing abundance/landings and spatial stock relocations in the deeper areas. Whether this indicates a common trend pointing at connectivity between shallow and deep water remains open. Fundamental differences exist in the suggested causes of the trends in different geographical areas. High fishing pressure together with low local recruitment apparently prevents the recovery of overexploited plaice and cod stocks in the Skagerrak/Kattegat. In contrast, the responses of juveniles and adult fish to increasing seawater temperature are the main hypotheses for changes in distribution and abundance of both fish species in the North Sea/Bay of Biscay. However, temperature alone cannot explain the observed decline of fish in coastal areas, and the causes may be more complex, involving nutrient loading, primary productivity or food availability, although at present, knowledge of these factors is insufficient.  相似文献   

Nissling  Anders 《Hydrobiologia》2004,514(1-3):115-123
Hydrobiologia - Stock development of cod and sprat, two major fish species in the Baltic Sea, is linked by trophic interactions. Depending on recruitment success the Baltic may be pushed towards...  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown considerable variability in morphological features and the existence of genetically distinct sibling species in the acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus gadi Zoega in Müller, 1776. The aim of the present study was to follow up and extend those earlier studies by using a combination of DNA analysis and morphometrics to investigate differences between samples of E. gadi from Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L. caught at five fishing grounds in the Baltic Sea and three in different parts of the North Atlantic. Twelve morphological features were measured in 431 specimens of E. gadi, 99 individuals were studied by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphosm (PCR-RFLP), and selected PCR products were sequenced. The molecular analyses showed the nucleotide sequences of E. gadi rDNA from cod caught at all the sampling sites to be identical. The comparative morphological study, in contrast, revealed significant differences between samples of E. gadi from different sampling sites and showed the separation of E. gadi into two groups corresponding approximately to the systematic classification of cod into the two subspecies, Atlantic G. morhua morhua and Baltic G. morhua callarias. The E. gadi infrapopulation size had a significant effect on some of the morphological features. The results are discussed in relation to cod population biology, the hydrography of the study area and the history of the Baltic Sea formation.  相似文献   

Over 200 pelagic juvenile cod Gadus morhua and whiting Merlangius merlangus were sampled in spring 2001 at stations inside and outside a frontal region close to the Norwegian Trench, and their stomach contents analysed in the context of zooplankton samples taken at the same time and same locations. Merlangius merlangus juveniles appeared to feed on a diverse zooplankton community, whereas G. morhua juveniles appeared to preferentially select Pseudocalanus elongatus, even though these prey items were not the dominant component of the prey community. The results suggest that during the pelagic juvenile stage, M. merlangus and G. morhua are direct competitors for zooplanktonic prey. In addition, because M. merlangus are more opportunistic, they may be more tolerant to changes in the species composition of the prey community, and therefore out‐compete G. morhua juveniles at times of low preferred prey abundance or under changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Martin  A. J.  Seaby  R. M. H.  Young  J. O. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,273(2):67-75
The effect of predator and prey body size on the feeding success of the British lake-dwelling leeches Glossiphonia complanata and Helobdella stagnalis was examined in the laboratory, and any involvement of size difference between the leeches in allowing coexistence in the field assessed. G. complanata breeds in advance of H. stagnalis and maintains a body size advantage throughout their annual life-cycle. In experiments, conducted at 14 °C and a photoperiod of 16 hrs L: 8 hrs D, three size classes of leeches of each species were each exposed to each of three size classes of each of five prey species, viz. Tubifex sp., Chironomus sp., Asellus aquaticus, Lymnaea peregra and Potamopyrgus jenkinsi. For each prey species, three different types of experiments were performed: one leech exposed to four prey individuals; four leeches of the same species with sixteen prey; and two leeches of each species with sixteen prey. In the first experiment, all sizes of G. complanata were capable of feeding on all sizes of the prey types offered; the same was true for H. stagnalis with exceptions of feeding on large A. aquaticus and large L. peregra. For both species, but especially for G. complanata, there was a trend within each size class of leech for decreasing proportions of fed leeches with increasing prey size, and within each size class of prey for an increasing proportion of fed leeches with increasing leech size; however there were several exceptions to these trends. Both leeches fed extensively on Tubifex sp. but there were significant differences in the proportions feeding on other prey types; G. complanata fed more on A. aquaticus and the two snail species, and less on Chironomus, than H. stagnalis. The effect of increasing the number of leech individuals from one to four individuals, of the same or mixed species, had little effect on the proportion of leeches which had fed. It is concluded that large G. complanata will have access to large individuals of certain prey taxa denied H. stagnalis, which may lessen the intensity of interspecific competition.  相似文献   

According to ichthyoplankton surveys of AtlantNIRO and published sources, the data on abundance of eggs and larvae of eastern Baltic cod Gadus morhua callarias at different spawning grounds of the Baltic Sea in 1931–1938, 1949–1956, and 1991–1996 are considered. We show that a similar type of spatial distribution of eggs and larvae of cod with localization of the greatest amount of its early ontogenetic stages in the Bornholm Basin in the southwest of the sea was observed in the 1930s and 1990s. The extension of the area of distribution was accompanied by an increase in the numbers of eggs and larvae of cod in all areas of the sea, and its decline was followed by a decrease in numbers, in the first turn, at northeastern spawning grounds in the Gotland Basin. The period of high numbers of eggs in 1949–1956 coincided with the century maximum of salinity of the near-bottom water layer.  相似文献   

Gad m 1 is the major allergen from Atlantic cod. It belongs to β-parvalbumin protein family and is characterized by the presence of two calcium-binding sites so called EF-hand motifs. β-Parvalbumins such as Gad m 1 are the most important fish allergens and their high cross-reactivity is the cause of the observed polysensitization to various fish species in allergic patients. Despite extensive efforts, the complete elucidation of β-parvalbumin-IgE complexes has not been achieved yet. Allergen structural studies are essential for the development of novel immunotherapy strategies, including vaccination with hypoallergenic derivatives and chimeric molecules. Here, we report for the first time the NMR study of a β-parvalbumin: Gad m 1. This report includes: 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of Gad m 1 as well as the second structure information based on the 13C chemical shifts.  相似文献   

We have studied stress-induced reversion to virulence of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) in persistently infected Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fry. Naïve fry were persistently infected with a virulent strain (T217A221 of major structural virus protein 2, VP2) or a low virulent (T217T221) variant of IPNV. The fry were infected prior to immunocompetence as documented by lack of recombination activating gene-1, T-cell receptor and B-cell receptor mRNA expression at time of challenge. The fish were followed over 6 months and monitored monthly for presence of virus and viral genome mutations. No mutation was identified in the TA or TT group over the 6 months period post infection. Six months post infection TA and TT infected groups were subject to daily stress for 7 days and then sampled weekly for an additional period of 28 days post stress. Stress-responses were documented by down-regulation of mRNA expression of IFN-α1 and concomitant increase of replication levels of T217T221 infected fish at day 1 post stress. By 28 days post stress a T221A reversion was found in 3 of 6 fish in the T217T221 infected group. Sequencing of reverted isolates showed single nucleotide peaks on chromatograms for residue 221 for all three isolates and no mix of TA and TT strains. Replication fitness of reverted (TA) and non-reverted (TT) variants was studied in vitro under an antiviral state induced by recombinant IFN-α1. The T217A221 reverted variant replicated to levels 23-fold higher than the T217T221 strain in IFN-α1 treated cells. Finally, reverted TA strains were virulent when tested in an in vivo trial in susceptible salmon fry. In conclusion, these results indicate that stress plays a key role in viral replication in vivo and can facilitate conditions that will allow reversion from attenuated virus variants of IPNV.  相似文献   

Sycamore seedlings were grown with their root systems dividedequally between two containers. Water was withheld from onecontainer while the other container was kept well-watered. Effectsof soil drying on stomatal behaviour, shoot water status, andabscisic acid (ABA) concentration in roots, xylem sap and leaveswere evaluated. At 3 d, root ABA in the drying container increased significantly,while the root ABA in the unstressed container of the same plantsdid not differ from that of the control. The increase in rootABA was associated with the increase in xylem sap ABA and withthe decrease in stomatal conductance without any significantperturbation in shoot water status. At 7 d, despite the continuous increase in root ABA concentration,xylem sap ABA showed a marked decline when soil water contentwas depleted below 013 g g–1. This reduction in xylemsap ABA coincided with a partial recovery of stomatal conductance.The results indicate that xylem sap ABA is a function of rootABA as well as the flow rate of water from roots to shoots,and that this ABA can be a sensitive indicator to the shootof the effect of soil drying. Key words: Acer pseudoplatanus L., soil drying, stomatal behaviour, xylem sap ABA  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated insect egg-laying preferences in relation to photosynthesis or transpiration of their host plants. It has been suggested that intravarietal preferences of the small white butterfly (Pieris rapae L.: Pieridae) include larger plants with characteristically higher transpiration rates. Interestingly this species, like many other Lepidoptera, may detect biogenic CO2 gradients associated with photosynthesis. We studied egg-laying preferences in working farm environments examining relationships among host choice, plant gas exchange activity, and plant size. Females discriminated between plants in monocultures on the basis of height. A balance of pre- and post–alighting preferences resulted in plants of medium size receiving eggs. Post–alighting preferences led to plants, but not alighted leaves, with higher rates of photosynthesis supporting eggs. These findings do not support a mechanistic basis for the use of gas exchange activity during host selection but, for the first time, indicate the greater physiological activity of crop plants that ultimately received the eggs of a pest insect.  相似文献   

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