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The development of the starfish Asterina (= Patiria) pectinifera (Muller et Troschel) from fertilization to metamorphosis took 27–28 days at 22°C and a salinity of 33–33.4‰. The embryonic development was completed by the release of swimming ciliary blastula from egg envelopes 13 h after fertilization. The larvae passed into the stage of gastrula and reached the stage of dipleurula in 35 h and the stage of bipinnaria in 3.5 days. At the stage of brachiolaria, by the 12th day of development, two lateral brachioles and one medioventral brachiole with papillae developed in the larvae. The attachment disk and the primordia of five radial canals of the juvenile starfish became visible by the 15th and 18th days, respectively. By the 24th–25th day, a differentiated primordium of a juvenile starfish had developed in the brachiolaria. The size of the larvae prior to settlement was 1765.4 ± 51.5 µm. Metamorphosis was completed one day after settlement.Original Russian Text Copyright ¢ 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Kashenko.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study describes and compares laboratory spawning, larval development, and metamorphosis in the patellogastropod limpets Lottia digitalis and Lottia asmi. Both species were dioecious and freely spawned their gametes, which were fertilized externally. Eggs from L. digitalis and L. asmi averaged 155 and 134 μm in diameter, respectively. Early cleavage patterns were typical of other patellogastropods. Swimming trochophore larvae had developed ∼ 15 hours after fertilization, and ultimately developed into lecithotrophic veliger larvae that reached metamorphic competence at 5.25–5.5 days after fertilization (13°C). Food particles were frequently visible in the gut of newly metamorphosed individuals one day after settlement, and adult shell growth was typically initiated within 2–4 days of settlement. Small egg size in L. asmi , relative to other eastern Pacific lottiids, may be directly related to the need for high fecundity in this small-bodied species; however, developmental information is available for relatively few lottiid species. Because broadcasting lottiids do not secure egg masses in safe microhabitats for development, this reproductive mode may have been conducive to their ecological radiation into novel habitats.  相似文献   

Hans-Uwe Dahms    Pei-Yuan Qian 《Biofouling》2013,29(6):313-321
The effects of the neurotransmitter blockers idazoxan and phentolamine on the larval settlement of three marine invertebrate species belonging to three different phyla were investigated by using in vitro concentration-response bioassays. Since neurotransmitters are known to influence metamorphic transitions in invertebrate larvae, neurotransmitter blockers were tested to evaluate their sublethal effects on larvae. The α-adrenergic antagonists idazoxan and phentolamine inhibited settlement of Balanus amphitrite (Cirripedia), Bugula neritina (Bryozoa) larvae, and larvae of the polychaete Hydroides elegans (Polychaeta) in a concentration- and taxon-dependent manner. At concentrations of 10?3 M of both agents, larvae of all three species became immobile and subsequently died within 24 h. While cumulative settlement rates were observed after 48 h for B. amphitrite and H. elegans, and after 5 h for B. neritina, > 90% of the larvae that settled did so within 24 h for the first two species and within 1 h for B. neritina. The tendency of the hydrophobic idazoxan and phentolamine to accumulate at solid surfaces most probably contributes to their successful inhibition of larval settlement. This ability makes them particularly attractive as candidates for the development of slow-release carriers in antifouling paints.  相似文献   

Most freshwater mussel (Bivalvia: Unionoida) larvae (glochidia in Margaritiferidae, Hyriidae and Unionidae) are fish parasites. Knowledge of the larval morphology and the mechanism of release in freshwater mussels is useful in species systematics and ecology. Westralunio carteri is the only unionoid from south-western Australia. Little information is available on its biology and its glochidia have never been described. The aim of this study was to describe the glochidia of W. carteri and method of their release. Glochidia within vitelline membranes were embedded in mucus which extruded from exhalent siphons of females during spring/summer; they then hatched from vitelline membranes but remained tethered by a larval thread and began characteristically “winking”. Shells (n=120) were subtriangular, 308 μm long (±0.83 SE), 251 μm high (±0.73 SE) and had a hinge length of 212 μm (±0.78 SE). Larval teeth were singular with interlocking cusps and convex or concave basal protuberances on opposing valves.  相似文献   


The South American charru mussel, Mytella strigata, was recently recorded in Singapore waters, possibly introduced into Southeast Asia through shipping. The mussels have rapidly spread across estuarine coastal mudflats. Adult mussels were collected, spawned in aquaria and larvae were successfully cultured to the juvenile stage in the laboratory. The larval morphology and development of M. strigata is described in this paper. D-shaped veligers were produced within 20 h of fertilization and were approximately 75 µm in shell length. These larvae were capable of settlement two weeks post fertilization. Given an adequate amount of food, they were able to grow up to 1 mm in shell length within 30 days. The larval shell of M. strigata possesses anterodorsal G2 hinge teeth as distinct wavy ledges, with a pitted resilial ridge clearly evident in the juvenile shell.  相似文献   


Diadema setosum (Leske, 1778) develops from small isolecithal eggs with a diameter of 84 ± 3 μm. Embryonic development took about 6.5–7 h and finished when a blastula left the fertilization envelope and became a larva. At this stage, the first pigment cells had appeared. At 23 h a prism developed; at 44 h a pluteus with one pair of arms had appeared; at 45 h of development plutei had two pairs of arms. The pigment cells colour the pluteus of D. setosum dark red. When 20-day-old larvae were mechanically stimulated, they flared their arms which may be defensive behaviour. During further development, the post oral arms of plutei grew to 1900 μm or more. Metamorphosis took place at about 40–45 days. At this time, five primary ambulacral podia were visible within the larval body. The duration of metamorphosis from the moment of larval settlement until the juvenile sea urchins began to move along the bottom was 40–60 min. The diameter of the test of the newly metamorphosed juvenile sea urchins was about 500 μm.  相似文献   

The effects of the chemical inducers, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and potassium chloride (KCl), on the larval settlement and metamorphosis of the donkey-ear abalone, Haliotis asinina, was investigated. H. asinina larvae (5–6 h post-hatch) were exposed to a range of GABA (0.125–2.00 μM) and KCl (1.00–12.00 mM) concentrations for 72 h. Results of the dose response experiments showed that settlement and metamorphosis vary according to the dose levels of the inducer compounds. Under controlled laboratory conditions, 0.45–0.50 μM and 6.0 mM seemed to be the optima for GABA and KCl, respectively, as these concentrations elicited the greatest number of postlarvae that metamorphosed, settled or survived. However, GABA generally promoted better attachment and metamorphic response as well as survival than KCl in H. asinina postlarvae.  相似文献   

Under laboratory conditions, the development of larvae of the sand dollar Scaphechinus mirabilis (Agassiz) took 28.5–29 days from fertilization to settling and the end of metamorphosis at a temperature 20°C and salinity 32.2–32.6‰ The cleavage divisions were completed in 12 hours after fertilization (AF) by the release of free swimming ciliary blastula from the egg membrane. The larvae attained pluteus I stage with one pair of arms at an age of 40 hours. In 4.5–5 days the pluteus II stage with three pairs of arms, and in 9 days the pluteus III stage with four pairs of arms were formed. On the 20–21st day AF the larvae developed a vestibule, in which the adult skeleton rudiments, spicules, plates and pedicellariae were formed on the 26–27th day AF. The size of the larvae at an age of 22.5 days was 1064.3 ± 44.7 μm. The settling of larvae was recorded on the 28–29th day of development. Most of the larvae completed their metamorphosis in 4.5–5 hours after settling.  相似文献   

The resilience of coral reefs relies significantly on the ability of corals to recover successfully in algal-dominated environments. Larval settlement is a critical but highly vulnerable stage in the early life history of corals. In this study, we analyzed how the presence of two upright fleshy algae, Sargassum mcclurei (SM) and Padina australis (PA), and one crustose coralline algae, Mesophyllum simulans (MS), affects the settlement of Acropora muricata larvae. Coral larvae were exposed to seawater flowing over these algae at two concentrations. Larval settlement and mortality were assessed daily through four variables related to their behavior: swimming, substratum testing, metamorphosis, and stresses. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, algal growth, and photosynthetic efficiency were monitored throughout the experiment. Results showed that A. muricata larvae can settle successfully in the absence of external stimuli (63 ± 6 % of the larvae settled in control treatments). While algae such as MS may stimulate substrate testing and settlement of larvae in the first day after competency, they ultimately had a lower settlement rate than controls. Fleshy algae such as PA, and in a lesser measure SM, induced more metamorphosis than controls and seemed to eventually stimulate settlement. A diverse combination of signals and/or modifications of microenvironments by algae and their associated microbial communities may explain the pattern observed in coral settlement. Overall, this study contributes significantly to the knowledge of the interaction between coral and algae, which is critical for the resilience of the reefs.  相似文献   

A previously undescribed larval settlement-inducing protein was purified from adult extracts of the barnacle, Balanus amphitrite (=Amphibalanus amphitrite). Results of SDS-PAGE indicated that the relative molecular mass of the protein in reduced and denatured form is 31,600 ± 500 kDa, and that it is distinct from the Settlement Inducing Protein Complex (SIPC) which has previously been determined as a larval settlement-inducing pheromone. The N-terminal 33-residue sequence of the intact protein showed no similarity with previously reported proteins in the EMBL/Genbank/DDBJ databases. The purified protein at a concentration of 10 μg ml?1 induced approximately four times more larval settlement than the control (filtered natural seawater). In addition, results of the assay using both 24-well polystyrene plates and agarose gels indicated that this protein is probably released into seawater and attracts cypris larvae. These results suggest that the purified protein is a waterborne type pheromone which induces settlement of larvae of B. amphitrite.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of sense organs and related behavioural changes in the hatchery-reared brown-marbled grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus larvae were examined to gain better understanding of its early life history because ecological field observations for grouper species is difficult. The newly hatched larvae (2.1 mm total length) had developing eyes and otic vesicles, a pair of free neuromast on the head and ciliated olfactory epithelium. At 3 days post hatching (dph), the eyes became fully pigmented with pure-cone retinae, the semicircular canals formed in the inner ear, and the larvae (2.8 mm) were able to swim horizontally, preying on rotifers. Retinal rods and the intra-oral taste buds at pharyngeal appeared next. The olfactory lamellae and the head lateral line system then formed, and the inner ears developed completely in the larvae during the metamorphosis period (15–40 dph; 5.1–18.1 mm). At settlement (50 dph; 32.8 mm), the fish possessed taste buds in the mouth entrance region, and the lateral line system developed completely. The sensory development correlates well with the known aspects of its life history at sea whereby the larvae can feed early and avoid predators during the passive drift, are able to swim shoreward to search nursery ground along the metamorphosis stage and survive in seagrass beds at settlement.  相似文献   

Larvae from diverse marine-invertebrate phyla are able to respondrapidly to environmental cues to settlement and to undergo veryrapid metamorphic morphogenesis because they share the developmentaltrait of metamorphic competence. The competent state, characteristicof larvae as diverse as those of cnidarian planulae, molluscanveligers, and barnacle cyprids, is one in which nearly all requisitejuvenile characters are present in the larva prior to settlement.Thus metamorphosis, in response to more or less specific environmentalcues (inducers), is mainly restricted to loss of larva-specificstructures and physiological processes. Competent larvae oftwo "model marine invertebrates" studied in the authors' laboratory,the serpulid polychaete Hydroides elegans and the nudibranchPhestilla sibogae, complete metamorphosis in about 12 and 20hr, respectively. Furthermore, little or no de novo gene actionappears to be required during the metamorphic induction processin these species. Contrasting greatly with the slow, hormonallyregulated metamorphic transitions of vertebrates and insects,competence and consequent rapid metamorphosis in marine invertebratelarvae are conjectured to have arisen in diverse phylogeneticclades because they allow larvae to continue to swim and feedin the planktonic realm while simultaneously permitting extremelyfast morphological transition from larval locomotory and feedingmodes to a different set of such modes that are adaptive tolife on the sea bottom.  相似文献   

Cyclostomes are the only order of stenolaemate bryozoans living today. The non-feeding larvae of modern cyclostomes metamorphose on settlement to produce a calcified dome-shaped protoecium. Protoecial diameter provides a proxy for larval size. The sparse data available on living cyclostomes suggests that protoecial diameter is about one-and-a-half times greater than larval width. Here we use protoecial diameter to estimate larval sizes in fossil and Recent cyclostome species. A total of 233 protoecia were measured, 143 from Recent cyclostomes and 90 from fossil cyclostomes, of which 84 came from the Jurassic. Protoecial diameter ranged from 82.5 to 690 μm, with 89% of protoecia having diameters between 100 and 300 μm. A comparison of 30 Jurassic with 51 Recent taxa of tubuliporine cyclostomes showed a significant difference in size frequency. Although the Recent taxa have a larger size range (83–465 μm) than the Jurassic taxa (125–249 μm), Recent species have a lower mode (125–150 μm) than the Jurassic species (175–200 μm). Most Jurassic cyclostomes may therefore have had larger larvae than their extant relatives. Reduction in larval size may be a component of the previously hypothesized reduction in overall body size resulting from competitive displacement by cheilostome bryozoans.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic pollutants and climate change are major threats to coral reefs today. Yet interactions between chemical and thermal perturbations have not been fully explored in reef studies. Here, we present the single and combined effects of copper (Cu) with thermal stress on five early life-history stages/processes (fertilization, larval mortality, swimming ability, metamorphosis and growth of juvenile recruits) of the massive coral Platygyra acuta in Hong Kong. In the first four experiments, coral gametes and larvae were exposed to different Cu doses (0–200 μg L?1, apart from the fertilization assay in which 0–1000 μg L?1 was used) and temperature treatments (ambient and ambient +2 or +3 °C as a thermal stress treatment) following a factorial experimental design. Exposure time was 5 h for the fertilization assay and 48 h for the other experiments. The last experiment on growth of coral recruits was conducted over 56 d with 0–80 μg L?1 Cu used. Cu significantly reduced percent fertilization success, percentage of active swimming larvae and larval survivorship (EC50s, the half maximal effective concentrations, for percent fertilization success and percentage of active swimming larvae were 92–145 and 45–47 μg L?1 respectively. While LC50, the lethal concentration that kills 50% of the population, was 101–110 μg L?1), while growth of coral recruits was not affected at 80 μg L?1 Cu for 56 d. No settling cues were used in the settlement experiment. In their absence, percent metamorphosis increased with Cu doses, in sharp contrast to earlier findings. Settlement and metamorphosis may thus be strategies for coral larvae to escape from Cu toxicity. Thermal treatment did not significantly affect any experimental end points. This is likely because the thermal regimes used in the experiments were within the range experienced by local corals. The high variability in Cu toxicities indicates differential susceptibilities of the various life-history stages/processes of P. acuta. The level of Cu tolerance was also markedly higher than that reported in the literature for other coral species. This provides evidence to suggest possible adaptation of this species to survive in a highly polluted marine environment like that in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

We herein provide the first observations on planulation, larval development, and metamorphosis of Siderastrea stellata, an endemic reef-building species that occurs along the northeastern and southeastern coasts of Brazil. The release and settlement of larvae were observed in two distinct periods. The first started 3 days after collection on January 28 during the last quarter, whereas the second started 2 months later, on April 10 during the change from new moon to the first quarter. Planulation continued throughout approximately 48 h. Brooded larvae released from the mouth contained zooxanthellae, and underwent settlement after 48 h. Newly extruded larvae stayed in close contact with parental polyps. Fusion was observed among larvae from the same colony. The first septal cycle was formed by day 2–3, while the third cycle of exosepta became evident 15 days after protosepta development. The development of the corallite of primary polyp was slow, and after 9 months of analyses no evidence of budding was obtained, this indicating that colonial development is likely to be a late event in the S. stellata life history.  相似文献   

Pediveliger larvae of Mytilus galloprovincialis were subjected to a series of bioassays to investigate the induction of metamorphosis using neuroactive compounds, K+, NH4 + and organic solvents. Growth and survival of post-larvae obtained using ethanol and methanol were also observed. Epinephrine, phenylephrine, clonidine and metanephrine induced larval metamorphosis at 10?6 to 10?4 M in both 24-h and continuous exposure assays. In 24-h exposure assays, α-methyldopa at 5×10?5 M and methoxyphenamine at 5×10?5?10?4 M induced 55?94% metamorphosis. Similarly, excess K+ at 3×10?2 M induced 39% metamorphosis and NH4 + at 1?5×10?2 M induced 63–78% metamorphosis. The EC50s of seven organic solvents ranged from 0.04 to 0.82 M. Post-larvae that metamorphosed using ethanol and methanol survived as juveniles and grew at the same rate as those from microbial biofilm. Thus, the above compounds can be useful inducers of metamorphosis for antifouling studies using larvae and juveniles of M. galloprovincialis.  相似文献   

Settlement and metamorphosis of pediveliger larvae of Mytilus coruscus in response to natural biofilms was investigated in the laboratory. Pediveliger larvae settled and metamorphosed in response to biofilms and post-larval settlement and metamorphosis increased with biofilm age. The activity of the biofilm was positively correlated with biofilm age, dry weight, bacterial density and diatom density, but had no apparent relationship with chlorophyll a concentration. The change in bacterial community composition corresponding to biofilm age may explain differences in the age-dependent inducing activities of biofilms, which in turn may play an important role in larval settlement in this species.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the possible role of Meretrix meretrix cathepsin B (MmeCB) in embryonic and larval development. MmeCB mRNA expression profile was revealed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The level of MmeCB mRNA expression was low in trochophore stage but high in pedveliger stage. MmeCB protein expression was detected in the digestive gland, velum, and epidermis along the edges of the shell in D-larvae and pedveligers by immunocytochemistry. In post larvae, MmeCB protein expression was noticed abundant in the digestive gland, whereas a modest expression was identified in the gill filament. The average shell length of larvae hatched from embryos treated with 0.01, 1, and 10?μmol/L Ca074Me (a cathepsin B inhibitor) was significantly shorter than that of control groups. The metamorphosis rates of larvae treated with 0.01 and 1?μmol/L Ca074Me were significantly lower than that of control groups in 4-day larvae, but not in 5-day larvae. Taken together, these results indicated that MmeCB may have stimulatory effects on embryonic development, metamorphosis, and larval growth during M. meretrix larval development.  相似文献   

Coral reefs across the Caribbean are undergoing unprecedented rates of decline in coral cover during the last three decades, and coral recruitment is one potential process that could aid the recovery of coral populations. To better understand the effects of climate change on coral larval ecology, the larvae of Porites astreoides were studied to determine the immediate and post-settlement effects of elevated temperature and associated oxidative stress. Larvae of Porites astreoides were exposed to 27 °C (ambient) and +3.0 °C (elevated temperature) seawater for a short duration of 24 h; then, a suite of physiological parameters were measured to determine the extent of sublethal stress. Following the +3.0 °C treatment, larvae did not show a significant difference in maximum quantum yield of PSII (F v/F m) or respiratory demand when compared to controls maintained at 27 °C. The addition of micromolar concentrations of hydrogen peroxide did not impact respiration or photochemical efficiency. Catalase activity in the larvae increased (>60 %) following exposure to elevated temperature when compared to the controls. Short-term larval survival and settlement and metamorphosis were not affected by increased temperature or the H2O2 treatment. However, the settled spat that were exposed to elevated temperature underwent a 99 % reduction in survival compared to 90 % reduction for the control spat when examined 24 days following the deployment of 4-day-old settled spat on settlement tiles in the field. These results show that short-term exposure to some stressors might have small impacts on coral physiology, and no effects on larval survival, settlement and metamorphosis. However, due to post-settlement mortality, these stressors can cause a significant reduction in coral recruitment.  相似文献   

Morphological development, allometric growth and behaviour of hatchery-reared California halibut Paralichthys californicus were studied from hatching to metamorphosis (42 days post hatch, dph) at 187° C. Mean standard length ( L S) of larvae and juveniles increased from 2.1 mm at hatching to 10.5 mm at metamorphosis with the increase in length being approximately linear. Stages of morphological development were described using the alphabetic staging (A–I) used for other flatfish species. Organogenesis and differentiation were more rapid and complex in yolk-sac (hatching, stage A–3 dph, stage B), preflexion (3–19 dph, stages B–C), and flexion larvae (from 20 to 23 dph, stages D–E), as larvae developed most of their sensory, feeding, respiratory and swimming systems. After notochord flexion at 24–25 dph (stage F), most morphological changes were related to the progressive transformation from a bilateral symmetrical larva to an asymmetrical benthic juvenile (42 dph, stages G–I).  相似文献   

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