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Sleep and Biological Rhythms - We used the community-based University of Washington Twin Registry to investigate the genetic association between circadian type and sleep duration. Habitual sleep...  相似文献   

Our aim was to evaluate whether age-related changes in the phase of the output of the circadian timing system (CTS) can explain age differences in habitual bedtime/wake time and in sleep consolidation parameters. Analyses focused on a group of healthy elderly people (older than 70 years) with no sleep problems and with similar subjective sleep quality as a young control group. The 2-week sleep diary data and 24h laboratory temperature recordings were examined for 70 subjects (22 young men [YM], 19 old men [OM], 29 old women [OW]). Polysomnographic (PSG) sleep data recorded during temperature data acquisition were also available for 62 subjects. These analyses made use of our recently developed technique to demask temperature rhythm data. As expected, compared to the young subjects, older subjects showed earlier habitual bedtime and wake time, more disturbed sleep, and a tendency for an earlier minimum of the circadian temperature rhythm. Despite sleep consolidation differences, the groups showed very similar habitual phase-angle differences (interval between the time occurrence of the fitted temperature minimum and habitual wake time). Both elderly and young subjects woke up on average 3h after the temperature minimum. After controlling for the effects of age group, habitual bedtime and wake time were related to clock time phase of the circadian temperature rhythm, with an earlier phase associated with earlier habitual bedtime and wake time. None of the sleep consolidation parameters were linked to the temperature phase angle. In conclusion, sleep consolidation changes associated with healthy aging do not appear to be related to changes in the phase-angle difference between the output signal from the CTS and sleep.  相似文献   

Paying People to Participate in Research: Why not?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
McNeill P 《Bioethics》1997,11(5):390-396
This paper argues against paying people to participate in research. Volunteering to participate as a subject in a research program is not like taking a job. The main difference is to do with the risks inherent in research. Experimentation on human beings is, by definition, trying out something with an unknown consequence and exposes people to risks of harm which cannot be known in advance. This is the main reason for independent review by committee of research programs. It is based on a recognition that researchers are not always capable of putting the interests of their subjects ahead of their research objectives. It is not simply a matter of individual autonomy. Society has an obligation, prior to the protection of individual freedom and autonomy, to establish basic safeguards that are equitable in their operation.
Any inducement for participating in research would add to the difficulty subjects have in adequately assessing the risks of participating in research. An acceptance of inducement to participate in research would further increase the inequity of research conducted on the impecunious for the benefit of the well-off.  相似文献   

In our attempts to understand the circadian system, we unavoidably rely on abstractions. Instead of describing the behavior of the circadian system in all its complexity, we try to derive basic features from which we form a global concept on how the system works. Such a basic concept is a model of reality. The author discusses why it is advantageous or even necessary to transform conceptual models into mathematical formulations. As examples to demonstrate those advantages, the author reviews 4 types of mathematical models: negative feedback models thought to operate within pacemaker cells, models on coupling between pacemaker cells to generate pacemaker output, oscillator models describing the behavior of the composite circadian pacemaker, and models describing how the circadian pacemaker influences behavior.  相似文献   

Introduction: The efficacy of bright light and/or melatonin treatment for Delayed Sleep Wake Phase Disorder (DSWPD) is contingent upon an accurate clinical assessment of the circadian phase. However, the process of determining this circadian phase can be costly and is not yet readily available in the clinical setting. The present study investigated whether more cost-effective and convenient estimates of the circadian phase, such as self-reported sleep timing, can be used to predict the circadian phase and guide the timing of light and/or melatonin treatment (i.e. dim-light melatonin onset, core body temperature minimum and melatonin secretion mid-point) in a sample of individuals with DSWPD. Method: Twenty-four individuals (male = 17; mean age = 21.96, SD = 5.11) with DSWPD were selected on the basis of ICSD-3 criteria from a community-based sample. The first 24-hours of a longer 80-hour constant laboratory ultradian routine were used to determine core body temperature minimum (cBTmin), dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO) and the midpoint of the melatonin secretion period (DLMmid = [DLM°ff–DLMO]/2). Prior to the laboratory session subjective sleep timing was assessed using a 7-day sleep/wake diary, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and the Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder Sleep Timing Questionnaire (DSPD-STQ). Results: Significant moderate to strong positive correlations were observed between self-reported sleep timing variables and DLMO, cBTmin and DLMmid. Regression equations revealed that the circadian phase (DLMO, cBTmin and DLMmid) was estimated within ±1.5 hours of the measured circadian phase most accurately by the combination of sleep timing measures (88% of the sample) followed by sleep diary reported midsleep (83% of the sample) and sleep onset time (79% of the sample). Discussion: These findings suggest that self-reported sleep timing may be useful clinically to predict a therapeutically relevant circadian phase in DSWPD.  相似文献   

Recent advances in spring arrival dates have been reported in many migratory species but the mechanism driving these advances is unknown. As population declines are most widely reported in species that are not advancing migration, there is an urgent need to identify the mechanisms facilitating and constraining these advances. Individual plasticity in timing of migration in response to changing climatic conditions is commonly proposed to drive these advances but plasticity in individual migratory timings is rarely observed. For a shorebird population that has significantly advanced migration in recent decades, we show that individual arrival dates are highly consistent between years, but that the arrival dates of new recruits to the population are significantly earlier now than in previous years. Several mechanisms could drive advances in recruit arrival, none of which require individual plasticity or rapid evolution of migration timings. In particular, advances in nest-laying dates could result in advanced recruit arrival, if benefits of early hatching facilitate early subsequent spring migration. This mechanism could also explain why arrival dates of short-distance migrants, which generally return to breeding sites earlier and have greater scope for advance laying, are advancing more rapidly than long-distance migrants.  相似文献   

Variations in phenotype in 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) have cautioned against initiating treatment in the absence of abnormal clinical features. We report 2 Caucasian brothers with compound heterozygous mutations of the CYP21 gene and mild clinical and biochemical features of late-presenting 21OHD. The index case presented aged 8.5 years with mild genital virilization and bone age advanced by 5 years. Elevated basal and synacthen-stimulated 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP; 22.4 and 246 nmol/l) and androstenedione (10.9 and 19.9 nmol/l) levels confirmed 21OHD. His younger brother was investigated at age 7.3 years, and although examination showed normal pre-pubertal genitalia, basal and synacthen-stimulated 17OHP (32.4 and 281 nmol/l) and androstenedione (6.2 and 9.0 nmol/l) were abnormal, and bone age was advanced by 1.5 years. Because of actual or incipient virilization, both patients were treated with glucocorticoid replacement 8-12 mg/m(2)/day. This decision is discussed in the context of published guidelines for the management of 21OHD.  相似文献   

The absence of species composition among the indicators of restoration success, recommended for the Brazilian Atlantic Forest by Suganuma and Durigan, was criticized by Reid. In his critic, Reid argues that species composition can be (1) predictable from site history and restoration technique and (2) a surrogate for poor ecosystem functioning and lack of resilience. We disagree on the deterministic view behind the first argument, and the latter is still controversial. Even though, we recommended richness as a good indicator of ecosystem functioning instead of composition—which depends on the exhaustive labor of botanical identification.  相似文献   

The inanimate world, including Man's wheeled vehicles, follow the classical mechanical laws: trajectories of objects in phase-space are predictable on the basis of the vectors of forces acting on the objects. Animal locomotion does not involve wheels, but relies on antagonistic contractile fibre systems, and defies prediction of trajectories. These features are tied up with the faculty of immediate steering in response to momentaneous physiological and environmental stimuli. Thus, animal motor systems have two relatively independent inputs: the sensory/information system, which is the cause for specific trajectories, and the erfolg system which permits for the execution of the thus instructed motion. The problem of relative energetic magnitudes between the two systems — in that the causative system involves small, yet the executive system large energies — is specially considered in relation to locomotion by antagonistically functioning mechanical elements.Classical mechanics is an adequate model to develope the following considerations; it is not necessary to invoke relativity theory and curved spaces.  相似文献   

Hermaphroditism is rare and phylogenically in decline among animal species. The evolutionary basis for this development is not well understood. This paper focusses on self-incompatible simultaneous hermaphroditism in animals. It proposes that such hermaphroditism is not stable in sufficiently heterogeneous populations, suggesting a possible reason for why hermaphroditism is rare among evolved animal species. The argument turns on the Bateman principle, namely that male reproductive success (RS) is limited by partner availability, while female RS is not. We show that: low-quality individuals do better if female; secondary sexual differentiation may be important for understanding the existence of males; and that hermaphroditic mating is reciprocal. Reciprocity may be key to understanding promiscuity and attendant phenomena such as cryptic female choice, sperm competition and love darts-common features of hermaphroditic mating. We also argue that hermaphrodites are especially vulnerable to male violence, suggesting a reason for the rarity of trioecy. Finally, we propose that external fertilization, and the scope for streaking, may be one reason fish are the only simultaneously hermaphroditic vertebrates.  相似文献   

Dim Light Melatonin Onset (DLMO) is a reliable marker of the endogenous circadian rhythm. To determine if sleep timing can predict DLMO, we investigated the relationship between sleep timing and DLMO in patients in various circadian sleep-wake rhythm disorders (CSWRDs), ages and genders. We found that correlations were only moderate between DLMO and sleep-onset in the complete data-set, but they increased in patients with delayed sleep-wake phase disorder (DSWPD), DSWPD patients with a regular sleep pattern and patients with advanced sleep-wake phase disorder (ASWPD); the levels of correlation were r = 0.542, 0.657, 0.728 and 0.814, respectively. In DSWPD patients with a regular sleep pattern, mid-sleep strongly correlated (r = 0.839) with DLMO. Correlation in other CSRWDs was not significant. DLMO, sleep-onset and age were most discriminated factors between the various CSRWDs. Estimation of DLMO is only possible in patients with ASWPD and in DSWPD patients with a regular sleep pattern.  相似文献   

The concept of plant intelligence, as proposed by Anthony Trewavas, has raised considerable discussion. However, plant intelligence remains loosely defined; often it is either perceived as practically synonymous to Darwinian fitness, or reduced to a mere decorative metaphor. A more strict view can be taken, emphasizing necessary prerequisites such as memory and learning, which requires clarifying the definition of memory itself. To qualify as memories, traces of past events have to be not only stored, but also actively accessed. We propose a criterion for eliminating false candidates of possible plant intelligence phenomena in this stricter sense: an “intelligent” behavior must involve a component that can be approximated by a plausible algorithmic model involving recourse to stored information about past states of the individual or its environment. Re-evaluation of previously presented examples of plant intelligence shows that only some of them pass our test.
“You were hurt?” Kumiko said, looking at the scar.Sally looked down. “Yeah.”“Why didn''t you have it removed?”“Sometimes it''s good to remember.”“Being hurt?”“Being stupid.”—(W. Gibson: Mona Lisa Overdrive)
Key words: intelligence, memory, learning, plant development, mathematical models, plant neurobiology, definition of terms  相似文献   

Regional extirpations of pikas (Ochatona princeps) within the last few decades have been attributed to global warming. Other recent global alterations such as increased nitrogen (N) deposition and associated selenium (Se) deficiency may further stress pika populations. In 2003 and 2004, we live-trapped pikas from three populations in Wyoming and measured Se values in their hair. We also sampled hair and liver from museum specimens collected throughout the Northern Rocky Mountains in 1987 and 1988. Our results suggest that liver and hair values were related, and that pika hair reflected the Se concentrations of the geologic parent materials. We determined that animals residing in several remote areas in the Rocky Mountain region could be Se deficient and that increase in N deposition correlated with an increase rather than a decrease in Se values in pika hair. In addition, we found no relation between Se contents in hair and body condition index, suggesting that low Se levels may not have negative effects on individual pikas. Whether Se levels influence reproductive success of pikas is unknown and should be the focus of future studies.  相似文献   

Why are some snails visibly polymorphic,and others not?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Work on Cepaea land-snails since 1950 is surveyed, and various explanations for their visible polymorphism, including predator selection, the influence of sunlight and temperature, co-adaptation and linkage disequilibrium, and "area effects", are discussed. All of these can modify the genetic make-up of natural populations in particular circumstances, but none provide a satisfactory answer to the question of why some species are visibly polymorphic whereas others present a uniform external appearance. The likely explanation is that probably all species are genetically heterogeneous at numerous loci, as a result of heterozygote advantage, co-adaptation and other selective factors maintaining the different alleles in equilibrium, which may sometimes have visible effects on the phenotype. If these are positively disadvantageous, selection for epistatic genes will suppress the visible polymorphism, without affecting the underlying genetical heterogeneity, preserved by selection for other non-visible pleiotropic effects of the alleles involved. But this will not happen if the visibly distinct effects of these different allelomorphs are selectively more or less neutral. Many examples of polymorphism, including the so-called 'pseudo'-polymorphism, are therefore essentially non-adaptive so far as their visible manifestation is concerned, being maintained as balanced polymorphism by selection for non-visible pleiotropic effects of the genes involved.  相似文献   

Why do bacterial plasmids carry some genes and not others?   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
W G Eberhard 《Plasmid》1989,21(3):167-174
Previous explanations of why bacterial genes for certain "optional" traits tend to occur on plasmids rather than chromosomes are based on an outdated misunderstanding of natural selection. They also fail to explain why certain characters that are ubiquitous in some bacterial species tend to occur on plasmids. This paper shows that all major classes of traits usually associated with plasmids rather than chromosomes confer adaptations to locally restricted conditions. A new "local adaptation" model of plasmid evolution, based on simultaneous application of modern selection theory at the levels of gene, plasmid, cell, and clone reproduction, shows that genes coding local adaptations will reproduce more successfully when on plasmids than when on chromosomes, due to plasmids' greater horizontal mobility.  相似文献   

There is much evidence that some aspects of ageing are similar to those observed in selective hormone deficiencies during adulthood. Replacement therapy in hypogonadism and/or growth hormone (GH) deficiency in adulthood is very successful in reversing the related clinical symptomatology. However, preliminary studies of GH treatment in the normal elderly have been largely disappointing: an increase in muscle mass is only accompanied by improved muscle strength if exercise is also increased during this period. No real benefit of GH therapy, additional to that of exercise, has been reported. Epidemiological studies indicate a relationship between high-normal insulin-like growth factor-I levels and cancer development. No definitive answers can presently be given regarding the safety of long-term GH therapy in otherwise healthy individuals during the somatopause.  相似文献   

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