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We studied the systemic arterial blood supply to the trachea and lung in adult sheep. After anesthesia, sheep were exsanguinated and then studied by intra-arterial injection of one of the following materials: saline containing dyes of various colors (n = 24), Microfil (n = 8), or Batson's solution (n = 6). The systemic blood supply to the cervical trachea originated from the two common carotid arteries via three to four small branches (rami tracheales cervicales) on each side. A segment of the thoracic trachea between the thoracic inlet and the origin of the tracheal bronchus (bronchus trachealis) and the bronchial tree of the right cranial lobe (lobus cranialis dexter) were supplied by the tracheal bronchial branch (ramus bronchalis trachealis), which originated from the brachiocephalic trunk (truncus brachiocephalicus). A portion of thoracic trachea between the origin of the tracheal bronchus and the tracheal carina was supplied by the thoracic tracheal branch (ramus trachealis thoracica), arising from the bronchoesophageal artery (arteria bronchoesophagea) or directly from the thoracic aorta. The bronchial branch (ramus bronchalis) originated from the bronchoesophageal artery, and its branches supplied the remainder of the bronchial tree. At 120 cmH2O pressure (n = 8), the bronchial branch contributed approximately 50% and the other two approximately 25% each of the total tracheobronchial blood flow. These three branches also supplied the visceral pleura. Additionally, several small vessels (rami pleurales pulmonales) originated from the esophageal branch (ramus esophagea) of the bronchoesophageal artery, traversed the pulmonary ligaments, and supplied the visceral pleura.  相似文献   

The study covered 152 lung cancer patients and 210 controls. The results of the study indicated decreased selenium (Se) concentrations and lowered activity of erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes (glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione-S-transferase) in the blood of lung cancer patients, as well as significantly increased concentrations of vitamin E in erythrocytes and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in the plasma of the study population. Low plasma Se concentrations (< 45.7 microg/L) enhance the estimated risk of lung cancer (odds ratio = 3.047, p < 0.001). A more precise exposure assessment is required to identify the association between lung cancer incidence and occupational exposure to carcinogens.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of a decrease in vital capacity (VC) on the blood lactate threshold detected during exercise in 16 preoperative (PRE) and 10 postoperative (POST) lung cancer patients who had undergone lobectomy or pneumonectomy. The PRE patients were selected on the basis of having normal preoperative pulmonary function. The POST patients were selected on the basis of having normal preoperative pulmonary function and a postoperative VC of less than 80%. The oxygen consumption/body surface area at a 2.2 m.mol.l-1 arterial lactate concentration (VO2/BSA at La-2.2) was adopted as the blood lactate threshold. VC/BSA in the POST group significantly correlated with VO2/BSA at La-2.2 (r = 0.85, P less than 0.01), but not in the PRE group. SaO2 at La-2.2 was 95.4 +/- 1.5% in the PRE group and 95.2 +/- 1.3% in the POST group. SaO2 at La-2.2 did not correlated with VC/BSA in either group. The hemoglobin concentration (Hb) in the arterial blood correlated significantly with VC/BSA in the POST group (r = 0.65, P less than 0.05) but not in the PRE group. These results indicate that VO2/BSA at La-2.2 was restricted by VC in patients with restrictive pulmonary function disorder. Of the three elements of oxygen delivery, Hb was a limiting factor for VO2/BSA at La-2.2 but SaO2 was not. Cardiac output, which was not measured in our study, was speculated to be another limiting factor for VO2/BSA at La-2.2.  相似文献   

In 93 complex preparations of the human orbit, the sources for blood supply of the eyeball conjunctiva, types of orbital vessels, including size of their diameters, were studied. The open parts of the conjunctiva were stated to get arteries of greater diameters comparing to those supplying the subconjunctival parts. It was noted that some sources of blood supply take their origin from the external carotid artery. This fact should be taken into account when choosing the part for biomicroscopy of the eyeball conjunctiva vessels.  相似文献   

Various traditional mammaplasty techniques have been suggested for unilateral breast reduction, and an inverted-T incision is still the most popular approach. However, unilaterally performed traditional techniques can rarely provide long-lasting symmetry because the operated and the unoperated breasts react differently to aging, weight changes, and pregnancy. Considerable residual scarring, interference with clinical and mammographic evaluation, and limited versatility are all major drawbacks of traditional procedures. We have performed unilateral mammaplasties on 47 patients with various types of congenital and acquired asymmetries, reducing and sculpturing the breast from the undersurface by means of minimal incisions, always avoiding horizontal scarring in the inframammary crease. Through a vertical infra-areolar incision, the breast is completely detached from the underlying pectoralis fascia and hooked up, thus completely exposing the undersurface of the mammary cone. The breast can thereafter be reshaped according to the size and shape of the contralateral breast by means of a discoid resection and/or selective sectoral removal of excessive subcutaneous tissues; modifications of the basic discoid resection can increase anterior projection of the new breast mound and can change the inclination of the anteroposterior breast axis on the anterior chest wall both on the horizontal and vertical planes. The results show that if criteria for patient selection are carefully respected, the procedure can provide long-lasting symmetry with minimal residual scarring and fully preserve the breast anatomy, function, and vascularization.  相似文献   

By means of light microscopy methods in experiments performed in 60 white rats with modelled venous congestion in the left testis and in 113 men suffering from varicocele of the 2d-3d degree complicated with certain disorders of fertility, the effect of blood correction has been studied in the gonads by switching off the caudal (inferior) epigastric vein. The experimental correction of the blood stream in the testes, according to the data of quantitative estimations, contributes to spermatogenesis. Corresponding positive results, while studying spermograms, are obtained in patients suffering from varicocele complicated with infertility. Application of this operation is expedient when conservative therapy as varicocele is uneffective.  相似文献   

宫亮  杨和平 《生物磁学》2009,(13):2502-2504
目的:观察肺癌患者外周血血小板对肺癌分期和血行转移的影响。方法:选择在我院呼吸科初诊的原发性肺癌患168例,分析其外周血小板计数与肺癌病理类型和分期的关系,并在模拟流体状态下,体外研究活化血小板对培养的肺癌细胞和内皮细胞相互作用的影响。结果:肺腺癌中外周血血小板计数增高现象最为明显,占37.09%(23/62)(P〈0.05),鳞癌占22.64%,小细胞癌占22.70%,其他占14.20%。其中有远处血行转移者血小板增多(20.24%)较无明显转移者(7.14%)相差显著(P〈0.01)。同时体外研究显示流体状态对肺癌细胞粘附存在影响,而活化血小板增强了肺癌细胞与内皮细胞的相互作用。结论:血小板活化与肺癌尤其是肺腺癌的血行转移密切相关;活化血小板增强了肺癌细胞与内皮细胞的相互作用是血小板促进肺癌血行转移的重要机制之一。  相似文献   

Guinea-pigs near term of pregnancy were anaesthetized with diazepam and sodium pentobarbitone. A fetus was exposed and the vitelline artery catheterized to measure blood pressure and heart rate or to render a reference sample of blood for the determination of organ blood flow by the microsphere technique. The radioactive microspheres were injected through a catheter in the right atrium. Mean arterial blood pressure was 4.0 kPa and heart rate was 261 beats min-1. The liver, spleen, pancreas and gut receive most of their blood supply from the same trunk as the vitelline artery. The sample from this vessel was also used to calculate blood flow to the adrenal glands, kidneys, urogenital tract, and placenta, assuming even mixing of microspheres and blood in the abdominal aorta. Umbilical blood flow, corrected to a fetal weight of 100 g, averaged 7.5 ml min-1. The adrenal glands, which are known to increase their cortisol secretion near term, had a very high rate of perfusion. If the microspheres were injected in the umbilical vein, almost all were trapped in the liver, confirming the absence of a ductus venosus in the guinea-pig fetus. Most of these microspheres were found in the quadrate lobe of the liver. Hepatic arterial blood flow was also unequally distributed, with more than two-thirds going to the right lobe of the liver. Although the distribution of portal venous blood flow is not known, it is evident that different areas of the liver are presented with blood of greatly varying oxygen saturation.  相似文献   

The sources, anastomoses and variations of bloodsupply of the laryngeal part of the pharynx were studied in 100 corpses of different sex and age. It has been established that the fronto-lateral divisions of the laryngeal part of the pharynx are supplied with blood by pharyngeal branches of the superior and inferior paryngeal arteries. Ligation of the pharyngeal arteries during laryngectomy prior to their entering the larynx, i. e. before the divergence of the pharyngeal branches from them, as conventional, causes restriction of supply of these parts and can contribute to disjunction of the pharyngeal suture. The trunks of laryngeal arteries with their pharyngeal branches should be preserved, if possible. The posterior wall of the laryngeal part of the pharynx is divided into three zones depending on the main arterial sources (the ascending pharyngeal, superior and inferior thyroid arteries).  相似文献   

The analysis of cytotoxic activity of platelets from patients with lung cancer is presented. It has been shown that these platelets lyse fresh isolated autological and allogenic tumor cells in 38.5% of cases and lyse the cells in the culture of lung adenocarcinoma cell line in 82.4% of cases, while platelets from healthy donors do not lyse fresh isolated and cultured cells of lung cancer. Cytotoxicity of platelets from patients and control subjects against HeLa and K 562 was identical and did not exceed 10%. The platelets from healthy controls, unlike platelets from patients with lung cancer, lysed tumor cells of melanoma cultured cell line Mel 1. Thus, it has been shown for the first time that platelets from the peripheral blood of patients with lung cancer have specific antitumor activity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Flow cytometry was used to enumerate tumour cells in longitudinal studies of peripheral blood from small cell lung cancer (SCLC) patients, together with magnetic bead selection to isolate and identify these cells. As part of a trial, 11 patients received either standard (four weekly) chemotherapy with ifosfamide, carboplatin, and etoposide (ICE) or accelerated (two weekly) ICE with filgrastim (granulocyte colony-stimulating factor [G-CSF]) and autologous stem cell support. METHODS: Fresh venous blood was taken throughout treatment and follow-up. Aliquots were stained with a "tumour-specific" antibody against epithelial tissue (Ber EP4), verified as a good marker of SCLC cells by immunohistochemistry. Matched samples labelled with Ber EP4 were separated magnetically by adding a secondary bead-antibody conjugate for confirmation of tumour cell identity. RESULTS: Circulating tumour cells were detected and monitored throughout treatment periods. An initial rise in circulating cells after the first cycle was followed by a fall in both treatment arms to baseline levels set by normal controls. This was achieved by week 12 in the accelerated treatment arm and by week 24 in the standard arm. CONCLUSIONS: Flow cytometry and magnetic bead isolation can be used to identify changes in numbers of circulating tumour cells in patients undergoing chemotherapy for SCLC and thereafter during follow-up periods. Absence of tumour cells may indicate a more favourable patient group who would benefit from a more intense course of treatment.  相似文献   

The blood supply of the stomach   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
156 abdominal preparations were explored by arteriography, corrosion and dissection. The stomach is vascularized by four well-anastomosed main arteries: the arteria gastrica dextra and sinistra and the arteria gastroepiploica dextra and sinistra. Other important vessels include: the arteria gastroduodenalis, the arteriae gastricae breves for the upper half of the greater curvature, a posterior gastric artery (36%), an accessory left gastric artery (12%) and an arteria supraduodenalis. The main vessels give rise to some very specific collaterals, e.g. the omental arteries that may form an omental arcade (44%), supra- and infra-pyloric branches, retroduodenal branches, rami cardiaci, esophagei and tuberales and an accessory left hepatic artery. The gastroduodenal artery always arises at a fixed point.  相似文献   

Cutaneous blood supply of the penis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Twelve male cadaver specimens were injected with a latex solution to define the cutaneous blood supply of the penis. The cutaneous blood supply of the penile shaft is derived solely from a pair of axial arteries running in the dartos layer. Additional deep perforating arteries from the dorsal penile artery and corporal vessels supply the glans and subcoronal region. An understanding of this anatomy allows one to develop safely a variety of penile skin flaps for difficult reconstructive problems.  相似文献   

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