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Physiological constraints in insects are related to several large-scale processes such as species distribution and thermal adaptation. Here, we fill an important gap in ecophysiology knowledge by accessing the relationship between temperature and embrionary development time in four dragonfly species. We evaluated two questions (1) what is the effect of temperature on the development time of Odonata eggs, and (2) considering a degree-day relationship, could a simple linear model describe the dependence of embrionary development time on temperature or it is better described by a more complex non-linear relation. Egg development time of Erythrodiplax fusca (Rambur), Micrathyria hesperis Ris, Perithemis mooma Kirby, and Miathyria simplex (Rambur) (Odonata: Libellulidae) were evaluated. We put the eggs at different temperatures (15, 20, 25, and 30°C) and counted the number of hatched larvae daily. A nonlinear response of the development to the temperature was found, differing from the expected pattern for standard degree-day analysis. Furthermore, we observed that there is a similar process in the development time and hatching synchronization between species, with all species presenting faster egg development at high temperatures. Species-specific differences are more evident at lower temperatures (15°C), with no egg development in M. simplex. Only E. fusca was relatively insensitive to temperature changes with similar hatching rates in all treatments.  相似文献   

The activity of ribulose-l,5-diphosphate carboxylase (RudiP-carboxylase) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEP-carboxylase) measured in vitro was independent from the chlorophyll content of the leaves. The relatively high activity of PEP-carboxylase as compared to the RudiP-carboxylase activity was particularly pronounced in the mutants. Realization of the potential (in vitro measured) carboxylating activities in fixation of CO2in vivo was practically complete in normal leaves. In the mutants, however, CO2 fixation was lower than the level permitted by the carboxylase activity. This could be explained only in part by the impaired rate of photophosphorylation. Compartmentation of PEP-carboxylase was different in normal and mutant leaves: in contrast to the normal ones, parenchyma-sheath cells of the mutants exhibited high PEP-carboxylase activity. Competition of PEP-carboxylase with RudiP-carboxylase for CO2 in the mutants led to accumulation of organic acids, and can account for their low photosynthetic activity.  相似文献   

Although studies on edge effects on species richness and abundance are numerous, the responses of ecosystem processes to these effects have received considerably less attention. How ecosystem processes respond to edge effects is particularly important in temperate forests, where small fragments and edge habitats form a considerable proportion of the total forest area. Soil fauna are key contributors to decomposition and soil biogeochemical cycling processes. Using the bait lamina technique, we quantified soil fauna feeding activity, and its dependence on soil moisture and distance to the edge in a broad-leaved forest in Southern England. Feeding activity was 40% lower at the forest edge than in the interior, and the depth of edge influence was approximately 75 m. A watering treatment showed that moisture limitation was the main driver of the reduced feeding activity at the edge. In England, only 33% of the forest area is greater than 75 m from the edge. Therefore, assuming that the results from this single-site study are representative for the landscape, it implies that only one- third of the forest area in England supports activity levels typical for the forest core, and that edge effects reduce the mean feeding activity across the landscape by 17% (with lower and upper 90% confidence intervals of 1.3 and 23%, respectively). Changing climatic conditions, such as summer droughts may exacerbate such effects as edges lose water faster than the forest interior. The results highlight the importance of taking edge effects into account in ecological studies and forest management planning in highly fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Three populations of each of Lolium perenne and Lolium multiflorumwere grown at four temperatures at each of three light intensities.Concurrent studies were made on the response of leaf photosyntheticactivity and leaf structure of newly-expanded leaves of 7-weekold seedlings of each of the populations to the contrastinggrowth environments. Photochemical efficiencies, leaf conductances, photorespirationconstants and apparent activation energies for photosynthesiswere calculated for each population in each of the twelve growthenvironments. Photosynthetic rates at light saturation were expressed on thebasis of leaf area, of leaf volume and of leaf mesophyll tissuevolume. Photosynthetic rates were also measured under differentassay conditions. By expressing photosynthetic rates on a leaf volume basis, variationbetween populations and growth environments resulting from leafstructural changes were partially removed.  相似文献   

Large scale diversity patterns are well established for terrestrial macrobiota (e.g. plants and vertebrates), but not for microscopic organisms (e.g. nematodes). Due to small size, high abundance, and extensive dispersal, microbiota are assumed to exhibit cosmopolitan distributions with no biogeographical patterns. This assumption has been extrapolated from local spatial scale studies of a few taxonomic groups utilizing morphological approaches. Recent molecularly-based studies, however, suggest something quite opposite. Nematodes are the most abundant metazoans on earth, but their diversity patterns are largely unknown. We conducted a survey of nematode diversity within three vertical strata (soil, litter, and canopy) of rainforests at two contrasting latitudes in the North American meridian (temperate: the Olympic National Forest, WA, U.S.A and tropical: La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica) using standardized sampling designs and sample processing protocols. To describe nematode diversity, we applied an ecometagenetic approach using 454 pyrosequencing. We observed that: 1) nematode communities were unique without even a single common species between the two rainforests, 2) nematode communities were unique among habitats in both rainforests, 3) total species richness was 300% more in the tropical than in the temperate rainforest, 4) 80% of the species in the temperate rainforest resided in the soil, whereas only 20% in the tropics, 5) more than 90% of identified species were novel. Overall, our data provided no support for cosmopolitanism at both local (habitats) and large (rainforests) spatial scales. In addition, our data indicated that biogeographical patterns typical of macrobiota also exist for microbiota.  相似文献   

The Effect of Temperature on Nitrogenase Activity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Acetylene reduction by detached nodules of four non-legumes(Alnus, Hippopha, Myrica, Casuarina), five legumes (Glycine,Lupinus, Pisum, Vicia, Medicago), and two blue-green algae (Anabaena,Plectonema) was tested with respect to the effect of temperatureon nitrogenase activity. In all cases the activity was sensitiveto temperature change, and with the exception of the legumesthere was a simple exponential response to temperature up tothe optimum. The temperature sensitivity of nitrogenase activityin the two blue-green algae was reduced in low light intensities.Temperature data for several other species are compared, anda simple method of correcting for temperature differences suggested.It is emphasized that allowance for the sensitivity of acetylenereduction to temperature differences must be made if field dataare to be used for purposes of comparison.  相似文献   

Little is known of the bacterial community of tropical rainforest leaf litter and how it might differ from temperate forest leaf litter and from the soils underneath. We sampled leaf litter in a similarly advanced stage of decay, and for comparison, we also sampled the surface layer of soil, at three tropical forest sites in Malaysia and four temperate forest sites in South Korea. Illumina sequencing targeting partial bacterial 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) gene revealed that the bacterial community composition of both temperate and tropical litter is quite distinct from the soils underneath. Litter in both temperate and tropical forest was dominated by Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria, while soil is dominated by Acidobacteria and, to a lesser extent, Proteobacteria. However, bacterial communities of temperate and tropical litter clustered separately from one another on an ordination. The soil bacterial community structures were also distinctive to each climatic zone, suggesting that there must be a climate-specific biogeographical pattern in bacterial community composition. The differences were also found in the level of diversity. The temperate litter has a higher operational taxonomic unit (OTU) diversity than the tropical litter, paralleling the trend in soil diversity. Overall, it is striking that the difference in community composition between the leaf litter and the soil a few centimeters underneath is about the same as that between leaf litter in tropical and temperate climates, thousands of kilometers apart. However, one substantial difference was that the leaf litter of two tropical forest sites, Meranti and Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), was overwhelmingly dominated by the single genus Burkholderia, at 37 and 23 % of reads, respectively. The 454 sequencing result showed that most Burkholderia species in tropical leaf litter belong to nonpathogenic “plant beneficial” lineages. The differences from the temperate zone in the bacterial community of tropical forest litter may be partly a product of its differing chemistry, although the unvarying climate might also play a role, as might interactions with other organisms such as fungi. The single genus Burkholderia may be seen as potentially playing a major role in decomposition and nutrient cycling in tropical forests, but apparently not in temperate forests.  相似文献   

He  J.  Lee  S.K. 《Photosynthetica》2004,42(3):457-463
Photosynthetic utilization of radiant energy was studied by chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence and maximum photosynthetic O2 evolution (P max) in temperate lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) grown under natural tropical fluctuating ambient temperatures but with their roots exposed to two different root-zone temperatures (RZTs): a constant 20 °C-RZT (RZT20) and a fluctuating ambient RZT (RZTa) from 23 to 40 °C. On a sunny day, irrespective of RZT, F/Fm [ratio of the variable to maximal fluorescence under irradiation (the maximal photosystem 2 quantum yield with actinic light)] decreased and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) increased parallel to the increase of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). However, RZTa plants showed lower F/Fm and higher NPQ than RZT20 plants. The electron transport rate (ETR) was much higher in RZT20 plants than in RZTa plants especially during moderately sunny days. There were no significant diurnal changes in P max although these values of RZT20 plants were much higher than those of RZTa plants. On cloudy days, no significant diurnal changes in F/Fm and NPQ occurred, but F/Fm was higher and NPQ was lower in RZT20 plants than in RZTa plants. Diurnal changes in ETR were also observed in all plants while P max values throughout the whole cloudy days in both RZT20 and RZTa plants were constant. Again, RZT20 plants had much higher values of P max than RZTa plants. During RZT transfer period, all Chl fluorescence parameters measured at midday fluctuated with PPFD. Impact of RZT on these parameters was observed 2–3 d after RZT transfer. ETR and P max measured with saturating PPFD in the laboratory did not vary with the fluctuating PPFD in the greenhouse but the effects of RZT on these two parameters were observed 3–4 d after RZT transfer. Thus RZT affects photosynthetic utilization of photon energy in temperate lettuce grown under natural tropical condition.  相似文献   

Human influenza infections exhibit a strong seasonal cycle in temperate regions. Recent laboratory and epidemiological evidence suggests that low specific humidity conditions facilitate the airborne survival and transmission of the influenza virus in temperate regions, resulting in annual winter epidemics. However, this relationship is unlikely to account for the epidemiology of influenza in tropical and subtropical regions where epidemics often occur during the rainy season or transmit year-round without a well-defined season. We assessed the role of specific humidity and other local climatic variables on influenza virus seasonality by modeling epidemiological and climatic information from 78 study sites sampled globally. We substantiated that there are two types of environmental conditions associated with seasonal influenza epidemics: “cold-dry” and “humid-rainy”. For sites where monthly average specific humidity or temperature decreases below thresholds of approximately 11–12 g/kg and 18–21°C during the year, influenza activity peaks during the cold-dry season (i.e., winter) when specific humidity and temperature are at minimal levels. For sites where specific humidity and temperature do not decrease below these thresholds, seasonal influenza activity is more likely to peak in months when average precipitation totals are maximal and greater than 150 mm per month. These findings provide a simple climate-based model rooted in empirical data that accounts for the diversity of seasonal influenza patterns observed across temperate, subtropical and tropical climates.  相似文献   

Nine healthy female subjects were studied when exposed to the natural light-dark cycle, but living for 17 “days” on a 27h day (9h sleep, 18h wake). Since the circadian endogenous oscillator cannot entrain to this imposed period, forced desynchronization between the sleep/activity cycle and the endogenous circadian temperature rhythm took place. This enabled the effects of activity on core temperature to be assessed at different endogenous circadian phases and at different stages of the sleep/activity cycle. Rectal temperature was measured at 6-minute intervals, and the activity of the nondominant wrist was summed at 1-minute intervals. Each waking span was divided into overlapping 3h sections, and each section was submitted to linear regression analysis between the rectal temperatures and the total activity in the previous 30 minutes. From this analysis were obtained the gradient (of the change in rectal temperature produced by a unit change in activity) and the intercept (the rectal temperature predicted when activity was zero). The gradients were subjected to a two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) (circadian phase/ time awake). There was no significant effect of time awake, but circadian phase was highly significant statistically. Post hoc tests (Newman-Keuls) indicated that gradients around the temperature peak were significantly less than those around its trough. The intercepts formed a sinusoid that, for the group, showed a mesor (±SE) of 36.97 (±0.12) and amplitude (95% confidence interval) of 0.22°C (0.12°C, 0.32°C). We conclude that this is a further method for removing masking effects from circadian temperature rhythm data in order to assess its endogenous component, a method that can be used when subjects are able to live normally. We suggest also that the decreased effect of activity on temperature when the endogenous circadian rhythm and activity are at their peak will reduce the possibility of hyperthermia.  相似文献   

Single, clonal plants of white clover were grown without inorganicnitrogen in four contrasting day/night temperature regimes,with a 12 h photoperiod, in controlled environments. Root andnodule respiration and acetylene reduction activity were measuredin a flow-through system during both day and night for plantsacclimated to day/night regimes of 23/18, 15/10 and 10/5 ?C.Similar measurements were made on plants acclimated to 20/15?C and stepwise at temperatures from 4 to 33 ?C. Peak rate of ethylene production, nitrogenase-linked respirationand basal root + nodule respiration increased approximatelylinearly from 5 to 23 ?C both in temperature-acclimated plantsand in plants exposed to varying measurement temperatures. Themeasured attributes did not vary significantly between day andnight. Temperatures above 23–25 ?C did not further enhancethe rate of ethylene production, which remained essentiallythe same up to the maximum measured temperature of 33 ?C. The measurements of nitrogenase-linked respiration between 5and 23 ?C, during both day and night, demonstrated a constant‘energetic cost’ of acetylene reduction of 2.9 µmolCO2 µmol C2H4–1,. Over the same temperature range,the approximate activation energy of acetylene reduction was60 kJ mol–1. The integrated day plus night nitrogenase-linkedrespiration accounted for 13.4–16% of the plant‘snet shoot photosynthesis in a single diurnal period: there wasno significant effect of temperature between 5 and 23 ?C. Key words: Trifolium repens, white clover, temperature, N2 fixation, respiration  相似文献   

Elucidation of the rice genome is expected to broaden our understanding of genes related to the agronomic characteristics and the genetic relationship among cultivars. In this study, we conducted whole-genome sequencings of 6 cultivars, including 5 temperate japonica cultivars and 1 tropical japonica cultivar (Moroberekan), by using next-generation sequencing (NGS) with Nipponbare genome as a reference. The temperate japonica cultivars contained 2 sake brewing (Yamadanishiki and Gohyakumangoku), 1 landrace (Kameji), and 2 modern cultivars (Koshihikari and Norin 8). Almost >83% of the whole genome sequences of the Nipponbare genome could be covered by sequenced short-reads of each cultivar, including Omachi, which has previously been reported to be a temperate japonica cultivar. Numerous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions, and deletions were detected among the various cultivars and the Nipponbare genomes. Comparison of SNPs detected in each cultivar suggested that Moroberekan had 5-fold more SNPs than the temperate japonica cultivars. Success of the 2 approaches to improve the efficacy of sequence data by using NGS revealed that sequencing depth was directly related to sequencing coverage of coding DNA sequences: in excess of 30× genome sequencing was required to cover approximately 80% of the genes in the rice genome. Further, the contigs prepared using the assembly of unmapped reads could increase the value of NGS short-reads and, consequently, cover previously unavailable sequences. These approaches facilitated the identification of new genes in coding DNA sequences and the increase of mapping efficiency in different regions. The DNA polymorphism information between the 7 cultivars and Nipponbare are available at NGRC_Rices_Build1.0 (http://www.nodai-genome.org/oryza_sativa_en.html).  相似文献   

Global warming and ozone depletion, and the resulting increase of ultraviolet radiation (UVR), have far-reaching impacts on biota, especially affecting the algae that form the basis of the food webs in aquatic ecosystems. The aim of the present study was to investigate the interactive effects of temperature and UVR by comparing the photosynthetic responses of similar taxa of Chlorella from Antarctic (Chlorella UMACC 237), temperate (Chlorella vulgaris UMACC 248) and tropical (Chlorella vulgaris UMACC 001) environments. The cultures were exposed to three different treatments: photosynthetically active radiation (PAR; 400–700 nm), PAR plus ultraviolet-A (320–400 nm) radiation (PAR + UV-A) and PAR plus UV-A and ultraviolet-B (280–320 nm) radiation (PAR + UV-A + UV-B) for one hour in incubators set at different temperatures. The Antarctic Chlorella was exposed to 4, 14 and 20°C. The temperate Chlorella was exposed to 11, 18 and 25°C while the tropical Chlorella was exposed to 24, 28 and 30°C. A pulse-amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer was used to assess the photosynthetic response of microalgae. Parameters such as the photoadaptive index (Ek) and light harvesting efficiency (α) were determined from rapid light curves. The damage (k) and repair (r) rates were calculated from the decrease in ΦPSIIeff over time during exposure response curves where cells were exposed to the various combinations of PAR and UVR, and fitting the data to the Kok model. The results showed that UV-A caused much lower inhibition than UV-B in photosynthesis in all Chlorella isolates. The three isolates of Chlorella from different regions showed different trends in their photosynthesis responses under the combined effects of UVR (PAR + UV-A + UV-B) and temperature. In accordance with the noted strain-specific characteristics, we can conclude that the repair (r) mechanisms at higher temperatures were not sufficient to overcome damage caused by UVR in the Antarctic Chlorella strain, suggesting negative effects of global climate change on microalgae inhabiting (circum-) polar regions. For temperate and tropical strains of Chlorella, damage from UVR was independent of temperature but the repair constant increased with increasing temperature, implying an improved ability of these strains to recover from UVR stress under global warming.  相似文献   

Most of fungal biodiversity on Earth remains unknown especially in the unexplored habitats. In this study, we compared fungi associated with grass (Poaceae) roots from two ecosystems: the temperate pine barrens in New Jersey, USA and tropical rain forests in Yunnan, China, using the same sampling, isolation and species identification methods. A total of 426 fungal isolates were obtained from 1600 root segments from 80 grass samples. Based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences and morphological characteristics, a total of 85 fungal species (OTUs) belonging in 45 genera, 23 families, 16 orders, and 6 classes were identified, among which the pine barrens had 38 and Yunnan had 56 species, with only 9 species in common. The finding that grass roots in the tropical forests harbor higher fungal species diversity supports that tropical forests are fungal biodiversity hotspots. Sordariomycetes was dominant in both places but more Leotiomycetes were found in the pine barrens than Yunnan, which may play a role in the acidic and oligotrophic pine barrens ecosystem. Equal number of undescribed fungal species were discovered from the two sampled ecosystems, although the tropical Yunnan had more known fungal species. Pine barrens is a unique, unexplored ecosystem. Our finding suggests that sampling plants in such unexplored habitats will uncover novel fungi and that grass roots in pine barrens are one of the major reservoirs of novel fungi with about 47% being undescribed species.  相似文献   

In general, tropical birds have a “slow pace of life,” lower rates of whole-animal metabolism and higher survival rates, than temperate species. A fundamental challenge facing physiological ecologists is the understanding of how variation in life-history at the whole-organism level might be linked to cellular function. Because tropical birds have lower rates of whole-animal metabolism, we hypothesized that cells from tropical species would also have lower rates of cellular metabolism than cells from temperate species of similar body size and common phylogenetic history. We cultured primary dermal fibroblasts from 17 tropical and 17 temperate phylogenetically-paired species of birds in a common nutritive and thermal environment and then examined basal, uncoupled, and non-mitochondrial cellular O2 consumption (OCR), proton leak, and anaerobic glycolysis (extracellular acidification rates [ECAR]), using an XF24 Seahorse Analyzer. We found that multiple measures of metabolism in cells from tropical birds were significantly lower than their temperate counterparts. Basal and uncoupled cellular metabolism were 29% and 35% lower in cells from tropical birds, respectively, a decrease closely aligned with differences in whole-animal metabolism between tropical and temperate birds. Proton leak was significantly lower in cells from tropical birds compared with cells from temperate birds. Our results offer compelling evidence that whole-animal metabolism is linked to cellular respiration as a function of an animal’s life-history evolution. These findings are consistent with the idea that natural selection has uniquely fashioned cells of long-lived tropical bird species to have lower rates of metabolism than cells from shorter-lived temperate species.  相似文献   

Vrede K 《Microbial ecology》2005,49(2):245-256
Limitation of bacterioplankton production by nutrients and temperature was investigated in eight temperate lakes in summer. Six of the lakes were resampled in autumn. The lakes differ in nutrient content, water color, and concentration of dissolved organic carbon. Nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen, and organic carbon) were added alone and in all possible combinations to filtered lake water inoculated with bacteria from the lake. After incubation for 36–40 h at in situ temperatures (ranging from 7 to 20°C), the response in bacterioplankton production was determined. The effect of increased temperature on bacterioplankton growth was also tested. Bacterioplankton production was often limited by phosphorus alone, organic carbon alone, or the two in combination. Phosphorus limitation of bacterioplankton production was more common in the summer, whereas limitation by organic carbon was more frequently observed in the autumn. There was a close balance between limitation by phosphorus and organic carbon in the epilimnion in the summer. In the hypolimnion in the summer, bacterioplankton growth was primarily phosphorus-limited. The effect of phosphorus additions decreased with increasing phosphorus concentrations in the lakes. However, there were no correlations between the effect of added organic carbon and water color, dissolved organic carbon concentration, or phosphorus concentration. When temperature was low (in the hypolimnion in the summer, and throughout the water column in the autumn) temperature also limited bacterioplankton production. Thus, temperature and inorganic nutrients or organic compounds can limit bacterioplankton growth both alone and simultaneously. However, at low temperatures, temperature is the most important factor influencing bacterioplankton growth.  相似文献   

This study describes in vivo cell turnover (the balance between cell proliferation and cell loss) in eight marine sponge species from tropical coral reef, mangrove and temperate Mediterranean reef ecosystems. Cell proliferation was determined through the incorporation of 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU) and measuring the percentage of BrdU-positive cells after 6 h of continuous labeling (10 h for Chondrosia reniformis). Apoptosis was identified using an antibody against active caspase-3. Cell loss through shedding was studied quantitatively by collecting and weighing sponge-expelled detritus and qualitatively by light microscopy of sponge tissue and detritus. All species investigated displayed substantial cell proliferation, predominantly in the choanoderm, but also in the mesohyl. The majority of coral reef species (five) showed between 16.1±15.9% and 19.0±2.0% choanocyte proliferation (mean±SD) after 6 h and the Mediterranean species, C. reniformis, showed 16.6±3.2% after 10 h BrdU-labeling. Monanchora arbuscula showed lower choanocyte proliferation (8.1±3.7%), whereas the mangrove species Mycale microsigmatosa showed relatively higher levels of choanocyte proliferation (70.5±6.6%). Choanocyte proliferation in Haliclona vansoesti was variable (2.8–73.1%). Apoptosis was negligible and not the primary mechanism of cell loss involved in cell turnover. All species investigated produced significant amounts of detritus (2.5–18% detritus bodyweight−1·d−1) and cell shedding was observed in seven out of eight species. The amount of shed cells observed in histological sections may be related to differences in residence time of detritus within canals. Detritus production could not be directly linked to cell shedding due to the degraded nature of expelled cellular debris. We have demonstrated that under steady-state conditions, cell turnover through cell proliferation and cell shedding are common processes to maintain tissue homeostasis in a variety of sponge species from different ecosystems. Cell turnover is hypothesized to be the main underlying mechanism producing sponge-derived detritus, a major trophic resource transferred through sponges in benthic ecosystems, such as coral reefs.  相似文献   

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