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The palaeoceanography and climate history of the East Antarctic Margin (EAM) are less well understood than those of West Antarctica. Yet, the EAM plays an important role in deep ocean circulation and the global ocean system and has likely done so in the past. Deglacial-age marine sediments from the EAM provide clues about its past role during this critical period of rapid climate change. Several deep basins across the EAM such as Iceberg Alley (∼67°S, 63°E) on the Mac.Robertson Shelf (MRS) accommodate thick marine sequences that archive the deglaciation in the form of diatom-rich, continuously laminated (varved) sediments. These laminated sediments are pristinely preserved and contain seasonal and long-term information on the cryospheric and palaeoceanographic changes associated with the rapid retreat of the glacial ice sheet across the MRS. We present results of microfabric analysis of the lower ∼2 m of deglacial varves from jumbo piston core JPC43B (Iceberg Alley). Backscattered electron imagery (BSEI) of polished thin sections and scanning electron microscope secondary electron imagery (SEI) of lamina-parallel fracture surfaces are used to analyze the varves. One hundred and ninety-two laminations are investigated and their nature and temporal significance are discussed in terms of seasonal deposition and cyclicity of diatom species. Our high-resolution palaeodata record exceptionally high diatom production and silica flux associated with the retreat of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, and seasonal sea-ice changes along the EAM. This information is invaluable for assessing cryospheric-oceanographic variation and, therefore, the local and regional response to this period of rapid climate change. Varves are made up of lamina couplets comprising (i) thickly laminated to thinly bedded orange/orange-brown very pure diatom ooze dominated by Hyalochaete Chaetoceros spp. vegetative cells and resting spores, and (ii) brown/blue-grey terrigenous angular quartz sand, silt and clay with an abundant mixed diatom flora. The colour variation between these two types of lamination is striking. Using floristic and textural information we interpret the diatom oozes as spring flux and the terrigenous laminae as summer flux. Each couplet pair represents one annual cycle and reflects seasonal changes in nutrient availability and stratification associated with the cyclical advance and retreat of seasonal sea-ice. The diatom oozes can reach up to ∼7.5 cm in thickness indicating enormous silica flux to the sea floor associated with ice sheet retreat.  相似文献   

A hyperbenthic baited trap was deployed at three sites in Lützow-Holm Bay and off Enderby Land, Antarctica, in the 1993/1994 summer to investigate the species composition, distribution, and abundance of necrophagous animals. The trap consisted of four chambers, with a length of 100 cm and a diameter of 38 cm. The sample at the abyssal site, 3,186 m deep, contained 74 individuals of 6 species, completely different from that at the other 2 sites on the continental shelf; it was dominated by the large amphipod Eurythenes gryllus, a cosmopolitan species recorded from bathyal to abyssal depths. The species composition of the continental shelf sites, 93-137 individuals of 10-12 species, was dominated by species endemic to Antarctica, such as the small amphipod Pseudorchomene coatsi and the isopod Natatolana meridionalis; in these continental shelf sites, a high degree of species diversity was observed.  相似文献   

A culture-dependent enrichment technique was used to isolate endo-1,4-β-mannanase–producing fungi from a hypersaline environment. Galactomannan was used as carbon source and resulted in isolation of strains of Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, S. candida, and Verticillium dahliae. The Scopulariopsis isolates were found to be more dominant and could be isolated from consecutive evaporation ponds, whereas Verticillium was only isolated from one pond. The Scopulariopsis strains exhibited only endomannanase activity, whereas Verticillium displayed broad-activity spectrum by secreting endoxylanases and cellulases in addition to endomannanases. S. candida LMK004 and LMK008 produced 7420 and 14750 nkat g−1 biomass, respectively. Endomannanase production in these strains increased with an increase in NaCl concentration up to 10% (w/v), after which both growth and enzyme production was decreased. V. dahliae LMK006 grew and produced up to 5000 nkat g−1 biomass endomannanase in the absence of NaCl. Increased NaCl concentration had a negative effect on this strain. S. brevicaulis LMK002 showed poor endomannanase production but a similar growth trend as the other Scopulariopsis strains. In general, the Scopulariopsis strains exhibited better halotolerance than V. dahliae and could grow in the presence of 20% NaCl on solid medium.  相似文献   

Ten cultures of Pseudomonas spp. were established from soil samples collected in and around a lake in Antarctica. Based on their morphology, biochemical and physiological characteristics, and moles percent G + C of their DNA, they were identified as P. fluorescens, P. putida, and P. syringae. This is the first report on the identification of Pseudomonas spp. from continental Antarctica.  相似文献   


A short note is presented drawing attention to the contribution James Robertson made to studies on 18th century Scotland and to early knowledge of the flora of the country.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial species composition of fresh water and terrestrial ecosystems and chemical environment of water in Schirmacher Oasis in Continental Antarctica was investigated. Over 35 species of cyanobacteria were recorded. Diazotrophic species both heterocystous and unicellular contributed more than half to the count except in lake ecosystem. The species composition varied among the fresh water as well as terrestrial ecosystems. The physico-chemical analyses of water revealed its poor nurient content which might have supported the growth of diazotrophic cyanobacteria in an Antarctic environment. Among the cyanobacteria Oscillatoria, Phormidium and Nostoc commune were the dominant flora in most of the habitats. The physiological characteristics of isolated cyanobacteria strains indicated that N2-fixation, nitrate uptake, nitrate-reduction, ammonium-uptake, GS-transferase activity and photosynthesis was unaffected at low temperature (5 degrees C) which indicated low temperature adaptation for Antarctic cyanobacteria. This phenomenon was not evident in different strains of tropical origin. The temperature optima for N2-fixation for the different Antarctic cyanobacterial strains was in the range of 15-25 degrees C, nearly 10 degrees C lower than their respective reference strains of tropical origin. Similar results were obtained for cyanobacteria-moss association. The low endergonic activation energy exhibited by the above metabolic activities supported the view that cyanobacteria were adapted to Antarctic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Ten cultures of Pseudomonas spp. were established from soil samples collected in and around a lake in Antarctica. Based on their morphology, biochemical and physiological characteristics, and moles percent G + C of their DNA, they were identified as P. fluorescens, P. putida, and P. syringae. This is the first report on the identification of Pseudomonas spp. from continental Antarctica.  相似文献   

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