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赤峰锦蛇的生态观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赤峰锦蛇的生态观察周玉峰(沈阳师范学院生物系,110034)EcologicalObservationofElapheanomala.¥ZhouYufeng(DepartmentofBiology,ShenyangTeacher'sCollege11...  相似文献   

云南小头蛇属一新种:(蛇亚目:游蛇科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Adle.  K 赵尔宓 《四川动物》1995,14(2):75-75,74
我们最近出版的《中国两栖爬行动物学》一书中,将Ophites作为亚洲产的白环蛇的属称。当时以为Boie(1826)关于Lycodon的原始描述没有指定模式种。然而,在Boie(1926)之前一两个月,Boie在Fitzinger(1826)书中确指定aulicus为Lycodon属的模式种。因此,亚洲产白环蛇的正确属称应该是LycodonH.BoieinFitzinger,1826(模式种:ColuberaulicusLinnaeus,1758)。  相似文献   

中国林蛇属(蛇亚目:游蛇科)一新种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
温业棠 《四川动物》1998,17(2):51-52
根据广西龙方市龙岗讴历年所采林蛇属标本2雄3雌,与黑头林蛇相近,作者曾将其鉴定为后 进一步研究,发现它与林蛇属已知各种均不相同,应是一新种。本文对该新种加以描述。  相似文献   

为了掌握蛇在养殖状态下的血液学参数,对人工孵化繁育的棕黑锦蛇Elaphe schrenckii、赤峰锦蛇E.anomala和王锦蛇E.carinata进行了比较研究。观测的参数包括血细胞形态和大小、红细胞计数、白细胞计数和白细胞分类计数,以及血栓细胞计数。结果表明:3种蛇血细胞的形态、大小和数量各有不同,种间差异有统计学意义;其中王锦蛇的红细胞表面积和体积最大,数量最多;白细胞中淋巴细胞所占比例均为最高;除王锦蛇为嗜酸性粒细胞数量仅次于淋巴细胞外,其余2种蛇嗜中性粒细胞的数量在白细胞总数中所占比例仅次于淋巴细胞。特别的是王锦蛇的嗜酸性颗粒细胞和血栓细胞均高于其他2种锦蛇的2倍以上,而嗜中性颗粒细胞却只有其他2种锦蛇的一半。  相似文献   

汪玉如  汪志如  涂翔宇  吕霞 《蛇志》2011,23(2):122-125
本文对棕黑锦蛇(Elaphe schrenckii)进行分类学等研究,棕黑锦蛇被认为包含两个亚种:指名亚种(Elaphe s.schrenckii)和赤峰亚种(Elaphe s.anomala),但也有学者将后者提升为种,即赤峰锦蛇(Elaphe anomala).有关该种分类问题,仍需要进一步综合考虑形态学和分子系统学分类研究.作为我国东北和华北地区体形最大的蛇种,棕黑锦蛇具有重要的生态和经济价值,但目前对其生物学特性和生态学研究极为有限,人工驯养繁育技术不成熟,过度利用导致野外种群遭到严重破坏.建议加强棕黑锦蛇生态学和人工繁育技术的研究,为有效保护和可持续利用提供科学依据.  相似文献   

2021年4月16日,在云南大围山国家级自然保护区内水围城景区附近(103°41′45.47″E,22°54′35.22″N;海拔2109 m)发现1种蛇类,结合野外拍摄照片(图1 ) ,依据《中国蛇类》(赵尔宓,2006 )及相关文献(崔继法等,2018;黄汝怡等,2019;谭艳等,2021 )进行分类,确定该蛇为游...  相似文献   

2001年7月23日,四川省冕宁中学学生喇龙强在凉山州的金阳县对坪乡对坪小学附近采得一条蛇类标本,编号为2001-4。  相似文献   

周正彦  周玉峰 《四川动物》2004,23(3):188-190
棕黑锦蛇Elaphe schrenckii是东北最大形的蛇类,本文结合野外考察工作和室内饲养观察,着重介绍了其栖息地、繁殖习性、摄食行为等生态问题。  相似文献   

2001年7月23日,四川省冕宁中学学生喇龙强在凉山州的金阳县对坪乡对坪小学附近采得一条蛇类标本,编号为2001-4。  相似文献   

本工作以C带、硝酸银染色、对黑眉锦蛇(Elaphe taeniura)的有丝分裂染色体进行了显微观察。其二倍体染色体数目2n=36,核型组成为16(8m+6sm+2t)大染色体+20微小染色体。C带显现于几乎所有染色体的着丝粒区,有一对插入型C带位于第6对端着丝粒染色体。一个银染核仁组织区(NORs)位于No.12小染色体。同时以界面铺张——硝酸银染色技术,对黑届锦蛇减数分裂精母细胞联会复合体(SC)的结构进行了亚显微观察。发现黑眉锦蛇的SC结构与其他动物的SC相似,是由两股平行的侧线组成,SC组型与有丝分裂染色体组型有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

Conspecific sperm precedence is widespread in animals, appears to evolve rapidly, and is thought to have the potential to prevent hybridization between closely related species. However, to date no study has tested the isolating potential of such a barrier in mixed populations of two taxa under conditions in which other potential barriers to gene flow are controlled for or are prevented from operating. We tested the isolating potential of conspecific sperm precedence in the ground crickets Allonemobius fasciatus and A. socius in population cage experiments in which the frequency of the two species was varied. Despite the observation of abundant interspecific matings, the proportions of hybrid progeny were low and differed statistically from the proportions expected in the absence of conspecific sperm precedence. The results demonstrate that conspecific sperm precedence can severely limit gene flow between closely related species, even when one species is less abundant than the other.  相似文献   

棕黑锦蛇赤峰亚种染色体组型、C带和Ag-NORs研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以骨髓细胞为材料研究了棕黑锦蛇赤峰亚种的染色体, 结果表明,该物种的2n=36,由8对大型的和10对微小的染色体组成,AF=50。No.4为性染色体(ZW型);所有大型染色体均显示端粒深染C带,但仅NO.2、3、5和Z染色体显示着丝粒浅染C带。W染色体为整条C带阳性;该物种一对NOR分布于微小染色体。锦蛇属核型可能经历过染色体间的着丝粒融合的罗伯逊易位。 Abstract:This paper reports the karyotype,C-bands and Ag-NORs of Elaphe schrenckii anomala(Boulenger).The diploid number,2n=36,comprising 8 pairs of macro- and 10 pairs of microchromosomes in the E.s.anomala.AF=50.The No.4 is sex chromosome,which belong to ZW type.The C-banding technique revealed telomeric constitutive heterochromatin in the whole macrochromosome.But the centromeric C band was only observed in No.2,3,5 and Z chromosome,while a whole W chromosome is constitutive heterochromatinization.Two NORs was observed in group of microchromosome.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution of variation at six microsatellite loci in the black rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta). Sampling occurred at three hierarchical scales ranging from communal hibernacula to regional populations, with most locales situated within the Frontenac Axis region of eastern Ontario. We detected no statistically significant pairwise differentiation (FST and RST) between hibernacula within the same subpopulations (interhibernaculum distance <6 km). However, isolation-by-distance was evident among locales within the Frontenac Axis (maximum of 50 km) and among regional populations (maximum of 1500 km). Conservative estimates of Nc derived from heterozygosity values ranged from approximately 600 to 2000. These values suggest relatively large genetic neighborhoods encompassing many communal hibernacula. Our results considered together suggest viscosity of gene flow over relatively short distances (tens of kilometers), but substantial genetic exchange among local hibernacula.  相似文献   

异常汉逊酵母BD102金属硫蛋白的分离纯化和鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从异常汉逊酵母中分离出拮抗Cu2+、Cd2+等重金属、并经铜、镉诱导产生金属硫蛋白的异常汉逊酵母 (Hansenulaanomala)BD1 0 2。无细胞抽提液经SephadexG 50、DEAESepharoseCL 6B、SephadexG 2 5三次凝胶及阴离子交换柱层析分离纯化 ,Cu2+诱导得到Cu MTs两个亚型 ,Cd2+诱导得到Cd MT一个亚型。Mr分别约为 7kD和 7 5kD ,由 60和 61个氨基酸组成 ,其中半胱氨酸含量各为 6.8%和 1.0 %。每分子金属硫蛋白 (Cu MTs或Cd MT)可结合 4个铜或镉原子  相似文献   

Genome sizes vary widely across the tree of life and the evolutionary mechanism underlined remains largely unknown. Lynch and Conery (2003) proposed that evolution of genome complexity was driven mainly by nonadaptive stochastic forces and presented the observation that genome size was negatively correlated with effective population size (Ne) as a strong support for their hypothesis. Here, we analyzed the relation between Ne and genome size for 10 diploid Oryza species that showed about fourfold genome size variation. Using sequences of more than 20 nuclear genes, we estimated Ne for each species after correction for the effects of demography and heterogeneity of mutation rates among loci and species. Pairwise comparisons and correlation analyses did not detect a negative relationship between Ne and genome size despite about 6.5‐fold interspecies Ne variation. By calculating phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs) for Ne, we repeated correlation analysis and did not find any correlation between Ne and genome size. These observations suggest that the genome size variation in the Oryza species cannot be explained simply by the effect of effective population size.  相似文献   

新设的铜脚异丽金龟组包括中国异丽金龟属已知的大型、绿色种类,绝大多数为常见种,彼此形态十分近似。它们是:铜脚异丽金龟(新纪录)Anomala cupripes Hope new record,红脚异丽金龟(新种)A. rubripes sp. nov., 绿脚异丽金龟(新亚种)A. rubripes virescens ssp. nov., 彤脚异丽金龟(新种)A. ignipes sp. nov., 川直异丽金龟A. truncata Bates,滇直异丽金龟(新等级)A. truncata chlorochelys Arrow, stat, nov., 宽角异丽金龟A. expansa Bates,大绿异丽金龟(新种)A. virens sp. nov., 砂尾异丽金龟(新种)A. granuliformis sp. nov. 和檐角异丽金龟(新种)A. planicorna sp. nov.。其中红脚异丽金龟和绿脚异丽金龟是我国南部和台湾的重要害虫,国内外文献中长期误作铜脚异丽金龟引用至今。  相似文献   

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