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Samples of benthic invertebrates were collected from riffle sites on two river systems in the southern Alburz Mountains in the neighbourhood of Tehran. Iran. Main river channels had a fauna of Oligochaeta, Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera and Potamonidae and downstream changes in community structure were observed. Tributary streams had few or no benthic invertebrates. The main factors determining fauna appeared to be frequent flooding and high levels of suspended solids caused by quick run-off of rain and melting snow from the bare, eroded and degraded mountain sides.  相似文献   

1. We examined the export of invertebrates (aquatic and terrestrial) and coarse organic detritus from forested headwaters to aquatic habitats downstream in the coastal mountains of southeast Alaska, U.S.A. Fifty‐two small streams (mean discharge range: 1.2–3.6 L s?1), representing a geographic range throughout southeast Alaska, were sampled with 250‐μm nets either seasonally (April, July, September) or every 2 weeks throughout the year. Samples were used to assess the potential subsidy of energy from fishless headwaters to downstream systems containing fish. 2. Invertebrates of aquatic and terrestrial origin were both captured, with aquatic taxa making up 65–92% of the total. Baetidae, Chironomidae and Ostracoda were most numerous of the aquatic taxa (34, 16 and 8%, respectively), although Coleoptera (mostly Amphizoidae) contributed the greatest biomass (30%). Mites (Acarina) were the most numerous terrestrial taxon, while terrestrial Coleoptera accounted for most of the terrestrial invertebrate biomass. 3. Invertebrates and detritus were exported from headwaters throughout the year, averaging 163 mg invertebrate dry mass stream?1 day?1 and 10.4 g detritus stream?1 day?1, respectively. The amount of export was highly variable among streams and seasons (5–6000 individuals stream?1 day?1 and <1–22 individuals m?3 water; <1–286 g detritus stream?1 day?1 and <0.1–1.7 g detritus m?3 water). Delivery of invertebrates from headwaters to habitats with fish was estimated at 0.44 g dry mass m?2 year?1. We estimate that every kilometre of salmonid‐bearing stream could receive enough energy (prey and detritus) from fishless headwaters to support 100–2000 young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) salmonids. These results illustrate that headwaters are source areas of aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates and detritus, linking upland ecosystems with habitats lower in the catchment.  相似文献   

1. Invertebrate drift in streams draining a tropical landscape in Costa Rica was studied to assess differences in assemblage composition above and below a major gradient break in geomorphic landform and to assess temporal patterns of drift in lowland reaches below the gradient break. The gradient break (~50 m a.s.l.) is the point at which the foothills of the Costa Rican Cordillera Central (piedmont) merge with the Caribbean coastal plain (lowlands).
2. Spatial patterns were assessed along two streams by sampling drift over 24 h once a month for 3 months in both the piedmont (90 m a.s.l.) and lowlands (30 m a.s.l.). Temporal patterns of drift were assessed through monthly diel sampling of three lowland sites over 8–10 months, encompassing both ‘dry’ (<400 mm precipitation per month, November to May) and wet (July to October) seasons.
3. Drift composition was insect dominated in piedmont sites and larval shrimp dominated in the lowlands. Percent similarity of assemblages between piedmont and lowland sites was low (range 26–43%) because of high larval shrimp densities in lowland versus piedmont sites.
4. Drift densities were higher during night than day, with peaks at sunset on all dates and at all sites. Diel patterns in drift agree with previous observations for the study area and support the ‘risk of predation’ hypothesis.
5. Analysis of monthly patterns in lowland sites showed high variability in drift densities; however, all major taxa were found every month. Overall, there was a trend for high invertebrate densities during the ‘dry’ season, but these trends were not significant.
6. Observed changes in drift composition support the concept of river zonation, which predicts a change in community composition along the stream continuum due to geomorphic features. Drift at lowland sites below the gradient break was dominated by shrimps, which are linked to marine environments via their migratory behaviour.  相似文献   

1. Leaf litter breakdown and associated invertebrates were compared among three logged and three reference stream reaches 2–3 years before and 3–4 years after logging to assess the environmental impacts of partial‐harvest logging as a novel riparian management strategy for boreal forest streams. 2. Partial‐harvest logging at three sites resulted in 10, 21 and 28% average basal area removal from riparian buffers adjacent to upland clear‐cut areas. 3. Leaf litter breakdown rates were not significantly different between reference and logged sites after logging, but litter breakdown was significantly different from year to year at all sites. 4. Significant post‐logging differences in aquatic invertebrate communities were detected at only one of the three logged sites. These differences were largely the result of increases in some leaf‐shredding stoneflies and a detritivorous mayfly and a decrease in a chironomid group 2–4 years after logging. This site where significant change was detected had the lowest intensity of riparian logging (average 10% removal) but the highest proportion of the catchment area that was clear cut (85%). 5.The post‐logging differences in invertebrate communities at this site were more related to catchment‐wide influences (e.g. weather patterns, water yield, possibly upland clearcutting) than to reach‐level disturbances from riparian logging. 6.The study indicates that partial‐harvest logging in riparian buffers at up to 50% removal should pose little risk of harm to leaf litter breakdown processes or aquatic invertebrate communities beyond any impacts that might arise from upland logging disturbance or catchment‐wide influences. However, the results should be viewed in the context of the natural disturbance (summer drought conditions) through the post‐logging assessment period of this study. Post‐logging summer drought conditions may have masked or confounded logging impacts on streams.  相似文献   

Acid, brown water streams are common on the west coast of the South Island, New Zealand. Acid precipitation is not a significant problem in this region where stream water acidity is brought about by high concentrations of humic substances. The interrelationships between pH, alkalinity, conductivity, DOC and total reactive aluminium were investigated at 45 running water sites. pH (range 3.5–8.1) was strongly correlated with alkalinity (range 0–49 g·m−3 CaCO3) and less strongly with conductivity (range 2.0–9.7 mS·m−1). A strong positive correlation was found between DOC and total reactive aluminium concentration both of which were correlated negatively with pH. In all brown water streams, most aluminium was probably in the non-toxic, organically complexed form. Benthic invertebrate assemblages were examined at 34 sites. Taxonomic richness was not correlated with pH and similar numbers of ephemeropteran, plecopteran and trichopteran taxa were taken from acidobiontic (pH ⩽ 5.5), acidophilic (pH 5.6–6.9) and moderately alkaline (pH ⩾ 7.0) groups of streams. Many species occurred over a wide pH range and had a lower limit of about pH 4.5. The mayfly, Deleatidium occurred at 33 sites and was amongst the five most abundant taxa at 32 of them. The stoneflies, Zelandobius confusus, Austroperla cyrene and Stenoperla maclellani, an elmid, Hydora sp. and a caddisfly, Psilochorema sp. also occurred in over half the streams and frequently were abundant. Few habitat specialists were found. Benthic assemblages were not associated strongly with measured physicochemical factors but streams in close proximity tended to have similar faunas. This suggests that the availability of suitable colonizers sets the limits to species richness and is important in determining the composition of benthic assemblages at a particular locality.  相似文献   

1. Spatial relationships between hyporheic invertebrates and subsurface water flow patterns, sediment characteristics, water physicochemical parameters and several possible food sources were compared over three seasons at one site beneath a riffle. Measures of food sources included particulate organic matter (POM), bacterial activity (aerobic respiration, nitrate respiration and mineralisation of organic nitrogen) and microbial abundance. 2. Patterns of water flow changed significantly over the 9‐month study period, from predominantly upwelling beneath the entire riffle in spring, to distinct differentiation between downwelling and upwelling zones in summer and autumn. Water physicochemical parameters changed accordingly, showing gradually weaker correlations with depth and stronger correlations with zone between spring and autumn. 3. Despite these changes, depth remained the strongest predictor of invertebrate richness, density and taxon composition throughout the study period. However, invertebrate distributions were secondarily correlated with water physicochemical parameters, and a minor gradient in invertebrate distributions between downwelling and upwelling zones became stronger from spring to summer. 4. The correlations between invertebrates and physicochemical parameters changed in both magnitude and direction with season. In spring, invertebrates showed a negative correlation with surface water infiltration, whereas in summer and autumn, the correlation was positive. Correlations were strongest in summer, when interstitial dissolved oxygen concentrations were lowest. 5. No relationships were found between hyporheic invertebrates and POM, microbial abundance or activity. This suggests that at this site, proximity to the streambed surface and physicochemical variables are more important than the abundance of food in controlling invertebrate distributions.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate spatial autocorrelation of taxonomic stream invertebrate groups (richness and composition) at a large geographical scale and to analyse the importance of exogenous and endogenous factors. Location The Mediterranean Basin. Methods For exogenous factors, we used large‐scale factors related to climate, geology and river zonation; for endogenous factors, we used the dispersal mode of each taxonomic group. After describing and analysing spatial patterns of genus richness and genus composition of stream invertebrate groups in the Mediterranean Basin, we computed Moran’s I before and after accounting for the exogenous factors and related it to the endogenous factors. Results In relation to genus richness, most of the taxonomic groups did not show significant spatial autocorrelation, suggesting that no main large‐scale exogenous or endogenous factors were important and that local‐scale factors were probably controlling taxonomic richness. In contrast, for genus composition, all taxonomic groups except Odonata had significant spatial autocorrelation before accounting for the environment. After accounting for the environment, most taxonomic groups still had a significant spatial autocorrelation, but it decreased with their increasing dispersal ability (from Crustacea to Coleoptera). Thus, spatial taxonomic composition of groups with the strongest dispersal potential is mainly related to exogenous factors, whereas that of groups with weaker dispersal potential is related to a combination of exogenous and endogenous factors. Main conclusions Our results illustrate the importance of dispersal as an endogenous factor causing spatial autocorrelation and suggest that ignoring endogenous factors can lead to misunderstandings when explaining large‐scale community patterns.  相似文献   

We tested the null hypothesis that neither roughness nor color of artificial substrata (tiles) affects abundance of stream invertebrates colonizing these substrata. The studies were carried out in a third-order aspen-parkland stream and first- and second-order foothills streams of Alberta, Canada. Dark-colored tiles were slightly more attractive to some colonizing invertebrates than light-colored tiles, but results were not conclusive. Generally, more individuals and more taxa were found on the rough tiles than on the smooth tiles. And several taxa were found in significantly (P 0.05) larger numbers on the rough tiles. Chironomids, especially, had a strong preference for the rough tiles. A major exception was heptageniid (Ephemeroptera) nymphs, which were consistently found in larger numbers on the smooth tiles.  相似文献   

Lentic community structure varies across a size gradient of ponds and lakes with physical factors, such as pond drying, and biotic factors, such as fish predation, determining the species assemblage. We studied the effects of pond drying and fish absence on crustacean zooplankton across a gradient of pond sizes in a Texas grassland. We determined the species compositions and size distributions of crustacean zooplankton in 20 temporary and 18 permanent ponds in April after March rains had refilled the ponds. The surface areas of temporary and permanent ponds ranged from <0.01 to 0.21 ha and 0.04 to 13.8 ha, respectively, and temporary ponds were significantly smaller, on average, than permanent ponds. Fish were absent from all temporary ponds and present in all permanent ponds. We detected a difference in the zooplankton species assemblages of the temporary and permanent ponds. Out of 14 total zooplankton taxa that occurred in eight or more ponds, seven taxa were significantly more prevalent in temporary ponds and four taxa were significantly more prevalent in permanent ponds. The sizes of zooplankton in the temporary fishless ponds were greater than those in the permanent ponds with fish present. We concluded that pond size mediated susceptibility to pond drying, and pond drying determined the presence and absence of fish and their secondary trophic-level effect on zooplankton community structure. Handling editor: Steven Declerck  相似文献   

Aquatic invertebrates in riverine landscapes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1. Riverine systems consist of a mosaic of patches and habitats linked by diverse processes and supporting highly complex communities. Invertebrates show a high taxonomic and functional diversity in riverine systems and are in several ways important components of these systems. Their distribution patterns, movements and effects on ecological flows, testify to their importance in various landscape ecological processes. This paper reviews the invertebrate literature with respect to patterns and processes in the riverine landscape. 2. The distribution of invertebrates in riverine habitats is governed by a number of factors that typically act at different scales. Hence, the local community structure can be seen as the result of a continuous sorting process through environmental filters ranging from regional or catchment‐wide processes, involving speciation, geological history and climate, to the small‐scale characteristics of individual patches, such as local predation risk, substratum porosity and current velocity. 3. Dispersal is an important process driving invertebrate distribution, linking different ecological systems across boundaries. Dispersal occurs within the aquatic habitat as well as into the terrestrial surrounding, and also over land to other waterbodies. New genetic techniques have contributed significantly to the understanding of aquatic invertebrate dispersal and revealed the importance of factors such as physical barriers, synchrony of emergence and taxonomic affiliation. 4. Invertebrates affect the cycling of nutrients and carbon by being a crucial intermediate link between primary producers, detritus pools or primary consumers, and predators higher up in the trophic hierarchy. Suspension feeders increase the retention of carbon. The subsidies of aquatic invertebrates to the terrestrial ecosystem have been shown to be important, as are reciprocal processes such as the supply of terrestrial invertebrates that fall into the water. 5. Future studies are needed both to advance theoretical aspects of landscape ecology pertaining to the invertebrates in riverine systems and to intensify the experimental testing of hypotheses, for example with respect to the scaling of processes and to linkages between the terrestrial and aquatic systems. Another promising avenue is to take advantage of naturally steep environmental gradients, and of systems disturbed by humans, such as regulated rivers. By comparison with unimpaired reference sites, the mechanisms involved might be identified. The use of `natural' experiments, especially where environmental gradients are steep, is another technique with great potential.  相似文献   

1. If resistance traits drive recolonisation after drought, then drought refuges should contribute strongly to assemblage composition within streams. If resilience traits drive recolonisation, macroinvertebrates emerging from refuges may disperse widely, colonising many streams. To determine whether the contribution of drought refuges to macroinvertebrate recolonisation in non‐perennial streams was mostly local (within stream) or broader scale (across streams), we measured the association between the composition of invertebrate assemblages in different types of in‐stream drought refuge and the assemblage composition of streams when flow resumed. 2. We sampled 16 streams of varying hydrological regime on the western side of the Victoria Range in the Grampians National Park, Victoria, Australia. Drought refuges (perennial pools, dry sediment, damp sediment, seeps, patches of leaf litter, beneath stones) were identified and sampled during autumn. Most taxa were found in perennial pools; few taxa were found aestivating beneath stones or having desiccation‐resistant stages in dry sediment. Perennial pools and perennially flowing reaches were the refuges that harboured the greatest diversity of macroinvertebrate taxa. 3. Streams were sampled again during spring. Assemblage composition of non‐perennial reaches in spring was unrelated to composition in nearby refuges in the previous autumn. In contrast, assemblage composition in perennial reaches during spring was strongly correlated with composition during autumn. Therefore, drought refuges did not directly influence assemblage composition locally within non‐perennial streams. Rather, both perennially flowing reaches and perennial pools acted as drought refuges across the broader landscape. Resilience traits are likely to drive recolonisation in these streams. 4. Monitoring of drought refuges in a particular stream will therefore not predict species composition when flow resumes. Drought refuges are likely to sustain biodiversity over larger spatial scales such as groups of streams or whole drainage networks. Consequently, stream networks will need to be managed as entities rather than as single waterways and the focus of drought refuge protection should be on perennial pools and reaches.  相似文献   

Primary production was measured in forested and open streams in southern Ontario to identify the main factors influencing algal growth, and to test the assumption that autochthonous inputs are negligible in forested headwater streams. In low order streams in southern Ontario, primary production is related primarily to light, temperature, and substrate, and appears to be largely independent of location on the river continuum. Net primary production on rock averaged 2.24 and 0.098 g Cm–2 day–1 during the summer at meadow and forested sites, respectively, showing peaks in the spring and fall at the forested sites. Net primary production on sediment was significant, averaging 20% (range of 6 to 82%) of net primary production on rock. When adjusted for assumed invertebrate assimilation efficiency, autochthonous production in riffles at forested sites could provide an estimated 30% of total carbon inputs potentially available to aquatic invertebrates.  相似文献   

Alpine streams are typically fed from a range of water sources including glacial meltwater, snowmelt, groundwater flow, and surface rainfall runoff. These contributions are projected to shift with climate change, particularly in the Japanese Alps where snow is expected to decrease, but rainfall events increase. The overarching aim of the study was to understand the key variables driving macroinvertebrate community composition in groundwater and snowmelt‐fed streams (n = 6) in the Kamikochi region of the northern Japanese Alps (April–December 2017). Macroinvertebrate abundance, species richness, and diversity were not significantly different between the two stream types. Community structure, however, was different between groundwater and snowmelt‐fed streams with macroinvertebrate taxa specialized for the environmental conditions present in each system. Temporal variation in the abundance, species richness, and diversity of macroinvertebrate communities was also significantly different between groundwater and snowmelt streams over the study period, with snowmelt streams exhibiting far higher levels of variation. Two snowmelt streams considered perennial proved to be intermittent with periodic drying of the streambed, but the macroinvertebrates in these systems rebounded rapidly after flows resumed with no reduction in taxonomic diversity. These same streams, nevertheless, showed a major reduction in diversity and abundance following periods of high flow, indicating floods rather than periodic drying was a major driver of community structure. This conclusion was also supported from functional analyses, which showed that the more variable snowmelt streams were characterized by taxa with resistant, rather than resilient, life‐history traits. The findings demonstrate the potential for significant turnover in species composition with changing environmental conditions in Japanese alpine stream systems, with groundwater‐fed streams potentially more resilient to future changes in comparison to snowmelt‐fed streams.  相似文献   

1. The apparent absence of a specialist herbivorous grazer guild from many acid streams suggests that algae-grazer linkages in acid-stream food webs are weak or absent. It has been hypothesized that the absence of herbivores is a consequence of the low quality and/or quantity of biofilms in acid streams.
2. We compared the taxonomic composition, biomass and potential nutritional quality of epilithic biofilms from four acid and four circumneutral streams, and examined whether nymphs of a herbivore–detritivore, the stonefly Nemurella pictetii (Plecoptera: Nemouridae), could grow equally well when fed on eight biofilms from four acid and four circumneutral streams.
3. Biofilms from acid and circumneutral streams differed strongly in algal composition, the former having relatively more coccoid green algae but fewer diatoms and filamentous green algae. Diatom floras differed with stream water pH.
4. The quantity (i.e. area-specific chlorophyll content, algal numbers and AFDM) and quality (biomass-specific protein and soluble carbohydrate content) of biofilms differed significantly, both among sites of similar pH, and overall between the groups of acid and circumneutral streams.
5. Nymphs of N. pictetii grew successfully on biofilms for 8–10 weeks up to emergence. However, no systematic differences in growth rate were found between the two groups of acid and circumneutral streams. Differences in the digestibility of benthic algae from different sources, and the adjustment of nymphal feeding rates, are discussed in the light of a lack of a clear relationship between growth and food quality.  相似文献   

Recovery of headwater streams following the cessation of mining and the application of terrestrial (vegetative) reclamation techniques was assessed by comparison of water quality and aquatic biota in two such systems (reclaimed four to seven years) with that of an unimpacted stream and of streams draining mine areas which were abandoned without reclamation. Alkalinity, hardness, sulfate, and conductivity were elevated in the reclaimed mine streams as were fine-particle suspended solids and sediment. Overall water quality was comparable to streams draining unreclaimed lands. Benthic invertebrate and fish populations were significantly lower in abundance in the reclaimed mine streams than in the reference stream and showed less taxonomic richness and stability; they were similar in these respects to the biota of the unreclaimed mine streams. Continued sedimentation from mined areas and haul roads affected stream habitat and appeared to be the major factor limiting biotic recovery. These findings emphasize that terrestrial reclamation does not assure lotic restoration. Water quality criteria merit consideration in the refinement of reclamation procedures for mined lands.  相似文献   

Synopsis The diets of four species of Etheostoma (E. spectabile, E. caeruleum, E. flabellare and E. nigrum) were investigated from ten Order 3 streams in the White River drainage of southern Indiana. All species fed mainly on insect larvae, primarily chironomids, ephemeropterans and plecopterans. Dietary proportions, as frequency of occurrence, were compared using cluster analysis based on matrices of values of Spearman rank correlation, Schoener index, Jaccard association, and Pearson's r. Certain species and, in some cases, stream pairs within species clustered closely in all analyses or in three of the four. Most clusters do not show closer intraspecific than interspecific similarity and specific streams had more influence than species in forming the logic of some clusters. It can be concluded that these fishes are opportunistic predators.  相似文献   

1. We tested how strongly aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa richness and composition were associated with natural variation in both flow regime and stream temperatures across streams of the western United States. 2. We used long‐term flow records from 543 minimally impacted gauged streams to quantify 12 streamflow variables thought to be ecologically important. A principal component analysis reduced the dimensionality of the data from 12 variables to seven principal component (PC) factors that characterised statistically independent aspects of streamflow: (1) zero flow days, (2) flow magnitude, (3) predictability, (4) flood duration, (5) seasonality, (6) flashiness and (7) base flow. K‐means clustering was used to group streams into 4–8 hydrologically different classes based on these seven factors. 3. We also used empirical models to estimate mean annual, mean summer and mean winter stream temperatures at each stream site. We then used invertebrate data from 63 sites to develop Random Forest models to predict taxa richness and taxon‐specific probabilities of capture at a site from flow and temperature. We used the predicted taxon‐specific probabilities of capture to estimate how well predicted assemblages matched observed assemblages as measured by RIVPACS‐type observed/expected (O/E) indices and Bray–Curtis dissimilarities. 4. Macroinvertebrate taxon richness was only weakly associated with streamflow and temperature variables, implying that other factors more strongly influenced taxa richness. 5. In contrast to taxa richness, taxa composition was strongly associated with streamflow and temperature. Predictions of taxa composition (O/E and Bray–Curtis) were most precise when both temperature and streamflow PC factors were used, although predictions based on either streamflow PC factors or temperature alone were also better than null model predictions. Of the seven aspects of the streamflow regime we examined, variation in baseflow conditions appeared to be most directly associated with invertebrate biotic composition. We were also able to predict assemblage composition from the conditional probabilities of hydrological class membership nearly as well as Random Forests models that were based directly on continuous PC factors. 6. Our results have direct implication for understanding the relative importance of streamflow and temperature in regulating the structure and composition of stream assemblages and for improving the accuracy and precision of biological assessments.  相似文献   

1. In sub‐Saharan Africa, tropical forests are increasingly threatened by accelerating rates of forest conversion and degradation. In East Africa, the larger tracts of intact rainforest lie largely in protected areas surrounded by converted landscape. Thus, there is critical need to understand the functional links between large‐scale land use and changes in river conditions, and the implications of park boundaries on catchment integrity. 2. The objective of this study was to use the mosaic of heavily converted land and pristine forest created by the protection of the high‐altitude rainforest in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda to explore effects of deforestation on aquatic systems and the value of forest in buffering effects of adjacent land conversion. A set of 16 sites was selected over four drainages to include four categories of deforestation: agricultural land, deforested upstream (of the park boundary), forest edge (park boundary) and forest. We predicted that forest buffer (downstream or on the edge) would moderate effects of deforestation. To address this prediction, we quantified relationships between disturbance level and both physicochemical characters and traits of the macroinvertebrate assemblages during six sampling periods (February 2003 and June 2004). 3. Results of both principal components analysis and cluster analyses indicated differences in limnological variables among deforestation categories. PC1 described a gradient from deforested sites with poor water quality to pristine forested sites with relatively good water quality. Agricultural sites and deforested upstream sites generally had the highest turbidity, total dissolved solids (TDS), and conductivity values and low transparency values. Forest sites and boundary site groups generally exhibited low turbidity, TDS, and conductivity values and high water transparency values. Sites also clustered according to deforestation categories; forest and forested edge sites formed a cluster independent of both agricultural land and deforested‐upstream. 4. Water transparency, water temperature, and pH were the most important factors predicting benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages. Sensitive invertebrate families of Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Odonata dominated forested sites with high water transparency, low water temperature, and low pH while the tolerant families of Ephemeroptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, and Coleoptera were abundant in agriculturally impacted sites with low water transparency, high water temperature, and high pH. 5. This study provides support for the importance of riparian buffers in moderating effects of deforestation. Forest and forested edge sites were more similar in both limnological and macroinvertebrate assemblage structure than sites within or downstream from agricultural lands. If the protected area cannot encompass the catchment, the use of rivers as park boundaries may help to maintain the biological integrity of the rivers by buffering one side of the watercourse.  相似文献   

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