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The distributions of the junction sequences of homooligomer tracts of various lengths have been examined in prokaryotic DNA sequences and compared with those of eukaryotes. The general trends in the nearest and next to nearest neighbors to the tracts are similar for both groups. In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes A/T runs are preferentially flanked on either the 5' or the 3' ends by A and/or T. G/C runs are preferentially flanked by G and/or C. There is discrimination against A/T runs flanked by G or C and G/C runs flanked by A or T. However, whereas the distribution of prokaryotic homooligomer tract junction sequences was quite homogeneous, large variations were observed in the 5-fold larger eukaryotic database, increasing in magnitude from tracts of length 2 to 3 to 4 base pairs long. Possible DNA conformational implications and in particular DNA curvature and packaging aspects of prokaryotes and eukaryotes are discussed.  相似文献   

The frequency of two-base tracts is surveyed in a wide range of eukaryotic genomes using the special program TRACTS. All three two-base families are surveyed: R.Y (A,G.C,T), K.M (A,C.G,T), and S;W (A.T and G.C). Data for the human β-globin complex, for the tobacco chloroplast, and for 247 nt mammalian promoter regions are presented. All two-base tracts longer than three or four bases are overrepresented to an extent surpassing by far their occurrence in a randomized DNA population in the majority of the genomic regions analyzed; 20–30 long tracts are quite frequent, against the statistical odds. R.Y tracts are found at the largest excess, K.M tract to a slightly lesser extent, while S.W tracts are found at a moderate yet significant excess. The majority of the tracts manifest only a limited extent of tandem repeat structures. The idea that the two base tracts serve as unwinding elements is considered. Preseented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop onGenome Organization and Evolution, Spetsai, Greece, 16–22 September 1992  相似文献   

Here, we study the frequencies of occurrence of homooligomers flanked by one base, XnU or UXn, where X = A, C, G, T and U not equal to X. Specifically, we search for preferences (or discriminations) in their nearest neighbor doublet, VV. Extensive analysis of the data base reveals striking patterns in such VVUXn or UXn VV oligomers (V = A, C, G, T). With very few exceptions, if the VV and Xn are composed of complementary nucleotides, those oligomers having a pyrimidine (Y)-purine (R) junction are preferred over those with an RY one. If the VV and Xn nucleotides are not complementary, the RY junction oligomers are preferred over their YR counterparts. These trends are observed consistently in eukaryotic and prokaryotic sequences. They are particularly striking in the YR greater than RY oligomers containing complementary nucleotides. The general preferences and discriminations described here are in the same direction as our previous results for homooligomer tracts. These recurrences, along with some additional universal "rules", aid in our understanding of the ordering of nucleotides in the DNA.  相似文献   



Genome size and complexity, as measured by the number of genes or protein domains, is remarkably similar in most extant eukaryotes and generally exhibits no correlation with their morphological complexity. Underlying trends in the evolution of the functional content and capabilities of different eukaryotic genomes might be hidden by simultaneous gains and losses of genes.  相似文献   

Qin H  Wu WB  Comeron JM  Kreitman M  Li WH 《Genetics》2004,168(4):2245-2260
To study the roles of translational accuracy, translational efficiency, and the Hill-Robertson effect in codon usage bias, we studied the intragenic spatial distribution of synonymous codon usage bias in four prokaryotic (Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Sulfolobus tokodaii, and Thermotoga maritima) and two eukaryotic (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Drosophila melanogaster) genomes. We generated supersequences at each codon position across genes in a genome and computed the overall bias at each codon position. By quantitatively evaluating the trend of spatial patterns using isotonic regression, we show that in yeast and prokaryotic genomes, codon usage bias increases along translational direction, which is consistent with purifying selection against nonsense errors. Fruit fly genes show a nearly symmetric M-shaped spatial pattern of codon usage bias, with less bias in the middle and both ends. The low codon usage bias in the middle region is best explained by interference (the Hill-Robertson effect) between selections at different codon positions. In both yeast and fruit fly, spatial patterns of codon usage bias are characteristically different from patterns of GC-content variations. Effect of expression level on the strength of codon usage bias is more conspicuous than its effect on the shape of the spatial distribution.  相似文献   

1. The degree of overlap between the human genome and that of other eukaryotes is considered. Biochemical and molecular studies have shown that all eukaryotic organisms evolved from a common progenator that lived several billion years ago. 2. From a geneological point of view, all eukaryotes are related and their genes are all descended from common ancestors. 3. However, most of the DNA in eukaryotic genomes is not transcribed and has been free to drift in nucleotide sequence. Therefore, the question of overlap can only be applied meaningfully to the few per cent of the genome that is expressed. 4. During the last billion years many genes have duplicated and diverged and new genes have been formed by accretion of domains copied from other genes (exon shuffling). 5. The rate of genetic divergence has been such that only a few portions coding for pieces of highly conserved proteins are still shared by all eukaryotes including those that diverged over 600 million years ago. 6. On the other hand, a fairly large number of shared genes can be recognized among species that separated within the last few hundred million years. 7. Human genes have a high degree of identity with homologs in closely related organisms such as other mammals and a decreasing level of identity with their homologs in more distantly related species.  相似文献   

There are no well-known properties in regulatory DNA analogous to those in coding sequences; their spatial location is not regular, the consensus regulatory elements are often degenerate and there are no understandable rules governing their evolution. This makes it difficult to recognize regulatory regions within genome. We review developments in the statistical characterization of regulatory regions and methods of their recognition in eukaryotic genomes.  相似文献   

NUMTs in sequenced eukaryotic genomes   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Mitochondrial DNA sequences are frequently transferred to the nucleus giving rise to the so-called nuclear mitochondrial DNA (NUMT). Analysis of 13 eukaryotic species with sequenced mitochondrial and nuclear genomes reveals a large interspecific variation of NUMT number and size. Copy number ranges from none or few copies in Anopheles, Caenorhabditis, Plasmodium, Drosophila, and Fugu to more than 500 in human, rice, and Arabidopsis. The average size is between 62 (baker's yeast) and 647 bps (Neurospora), respectively. A correlation between the abundance of NUMTs and the size of the nuclear or the mitochondrial genomes, or of the nuclear gene density, is not evident. Other factors, such as the number and/or stability of mitochondria in the germline, or species-specific mechanisms controlling accumulation/loss of nuclear DNA, might be responsible for the interspecific diversity in NUMT accumulation.  相似文献   

Mining microsatellites in eukaryotic genomes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
During recent decades, microsatellites have become the most popular source of genetic markers. More recently, the availability of enormous sequence data for a large number of eukaryotic genomes has accelerated research aimed at understanding the origin and functions of microsatellites and searching for new applications. This review presents recent developments of in silico mining of microsatellites to reveal various facets of the distribution and dynamics of microsatellites in eukaryotic genomes. Two aspects of microsatellite search strategies--using a suitable search tool and accessing a relevant microsatellite database--have been explored. Judicious microsatellite mining not only helps in addressing biological questions but also facilitates better exploitation of microsatellites for diverse applications.  相似文献   

The recent explosive growth of molecular genetic databases has yielded increasingly detailed insights into the evolutionary dynamics of eukaryotic genomes. DNA sequences with the self-encoded ability to transpose and replicate are unexpectedly abundant and widespread in eukaryotic genomes. They seem to be sexual parasites. By dispersing themselves among the chromosomes, they increase their transmission rates and can invade outcrossing populations despite reducing host fitness. Once established, molecular parasites may themselves be parasitized by other elements, and through selection for reduced virulence may become beneficial genes. Elements have been isolated at various stages in this progression, from transposons that regulate their own transposition rates, to fundamental components of eukaryotic cytology, such as telomeres.  相似文献   

Embedded in the sequence of each transfer RNA are elements that promote specific interactions with its cognate aminoacyl tRNA-synthetase. Although many such “identity elements” are known, their detection is difficult since they rely on unique structural signatures and the combinatorial action of multiple elements spread throughout the tRNA molecule. Since the anticodon is often a major identity determinant itself, it is possible to switch between certain tRNA functional types by means of anticodon substitutions. This has been shown to have occurred during the evolution of some genomes; however, the scale and relevance of “anticodon shifts” to the evolution of the tRNA multigene family is unclear. Using a synteny-conservation–based method, we detected tRNA anticodon shifts in groups of closely related species: five primates, 12 Drosophila, six nematodes, 11 Saccharomycetes, and 61 Enterobacteriaceae. We found a total of 75 anticodon shifts: 31 involving switches of identity (alloacceptor shifts) and 44 between isoacceptors that code for the same amino acid (isoacceptor shifts). The relative numbers of shifts in each taxa suggest that tRNA gene redundancy is likely the driving factor, with greater constraint on changes of identity. Sites that frequently covary with alloacceptor shifts are located at the extreme ends of the molecule, in common with most known identity determinants. Isoacceptor shifts are associated with changes in the midsections of the tRNA sequence. However, the mutation patterns of anticodon shifts involving the same identities are often dissimilar, suggesting that alternate sets of mutation may achieve the same functional compensation.  相似文献   

Medium-chain dehydrogenases/reductases (MDR) alcohol dehydrogenases exhibit multiple forms through a number of gene duplications. A crucial duplication was the one leading from the glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase line to the liver alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) lines of vertebrates, the first duplication of which can now be further positioned at early vertebrate times. Similarly, screening of MDR forms in recently completed eukaryotic genomes of Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster suggest that the MDR family may constitute a moderately sized protein family centered around a limited number of enzyme activities of five different structural types.  相似文献   

Medium-chain dehydrogenases/reductases (MDR) alcohol dehydrogenases exhibit multiple forms through a number of gene duplications. A crucial duplication was the one leading from the glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase line to the liver alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) lines of vertebrates, the first duplication of which can now be further positioned at early vertebrate times. Similarly, screening of MDR forms in recently completed eukaryotic genomes of Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster suggest that the MDR family may constitute a moderately sized protein family centered around a limited number of enzyme activities of five different structural types.  相似文献   

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