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Ras-related GTPases and the cytoskeleton.   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
Incorporation of the available data on rac in neutrophils, CDC42 in yeast, and rho in fibroblasts suggests a general model for the function of rho-like GTPase (Figure 1). Conversion of an inactive cytoplasmic rho-related p21GDP/GDI complex to active p21. GTP occurs by inhibition of GAP and/or stimulation of exchange factors in response to cell signals. p21.GTP is then able to interact with its target at the plasma membrane. This could result in a conformational change in the target, enabling it to bind cytosolic protein(s). Alternatively, p21.GTP could be actively involved in transporting cytosolic protein(s) to the target. A GAP protein, perhaps intrinsic to the complex, would stimulate GTP hydrolysis allowing p21.GDP to dissociate. Solubilization of p21GDP by interaction with GDI would complete a cycle. What about the nature of the final complex? The rac-regulated NADPH oxidase complex in neutrophils is currently the best understood and most amenable to further biochemical analysis. Two plasma-membrane bound subunits encode the catalytic function necessary for producing superoxide, but the two cytosolic proteins, p47 and p67, are essential for activity. Why the complexity? Production of superoxide is tightly coordinated with phagocytosis, a membrane process driven by rearrangement of cortical actin. This is not unrelated to the membrane ruffling and macropinocytosis that we observe in fibroblasts microinjected with p21rac. It is tempting to speculate, therefore, that in neutrophils rac is involved not only in promoting the assembly of the NADPH oxidase but also in the coordinate reorganization of cortical actin leading to phagocytosis. For CDC42 controlled bud assembly in yeast, the components of the plasma-membrane complex are not so clear. By analogy with rac in neutrophils, it seems likely that CDC42 is involved in promoting the assembly of cytosolic components at the bud site on the plasma membrane. These putative cytosolic proteins have not yet been identified, but BEM1 and ABP1 are two possible candidates. The biochemical basis for the stimulation of adhesion plaques and actin stress fibers by p21rho in fibroblasts is also unclear. However, components of the adhesion plaque such as vinculin and talin are known to be cytosolic when not complexed with integrin receptors, and rho could be involved in regulating their assembly into the adhesion plaque. Several things are still difficult to incorporate into this model. First the target for CDC42, the bud site, although not yet structurally defined requires the activity of another small GTPase, BUD1. Similarly, in activated neutrophils, the NADPH oxidase is found in a complex with rap1, the mammalian homologue of BUD1 (BoKoch et al., 1989). It seems likely, therefore, that the target is not simply a plasma-membrane protein but may be a complex of proteins whose formation is under the control of the rap1/BUD1 GTPase. The other black box in this model is the actin connection: activation of bud assembly by CDC42 is followed by actin polymerization, activation of NADPH oxidase in neutrophils occurs concomitantly with phagocytosis, a cortical actin-dependent process, and p21rho in fibroblasts couples the formation of adhesion plaques to actin stress fibers. One possible link between the GTPase-driven assembly of a plasma-membrane complex and actin polymerization could involve the SH3 domain. Interestingly, both p47 and p67 and yeast ABP1 and BEM1 have SH3 domain. If rho-like GTPases recognize plasma-membrane targets already associated with cortical actin, then this could promote an interaction with a subset of SH3-containing proteins. The result of this would be a GTPase-regulated aggregation of a group of proteins at a single site in the plasma membrane. It is not too difficult to imagine biological processes where such a spatial integration of different biochemical activities would be essential: coupling the assembly of bud components to the formation of actin fibers in yeast; or the activation of NADPH oxidase to phagocytosis in neutrophils; or the assembly of adhesion plaques and the formation of actin stress fibers in fibroblasts are just three examples that have emerged so far. In conclusion, although rho-like GTPases clearly have distinct roles in different mammalian cell types and in yeast, their underlying mechanism of action appears to be strikingly similar. Whether this will remain so when there are some biochemical data to back up these initial observations, time will tell.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis is a critical host defense mechanism used by macrophages and neutrophils to clear invading pathogens. The complex sequence of events resulting in internalization and degradation of the pathogens is a coordinated process involving lipids, signaling proteins, and the cytoskeleton. Here, we examine the role of the microtubule cytoskeleton in supporting both the engulfment of pathogens and their elimination within phagolysosomes.  相似文献   

The synaptic vesicle and the cytoskeleton.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文

Several new families of ARF GTPase activating proteins (ARF GAPs) have been described recently that associate with paxillin and other cytoskeletal and signaling proteins. Important insights have been gained regarding their subcellular distribution, enzymatic specificity and protein scaffold function. Evidence suggests an important role for ARF GAPs in mediating changes in the cell's actin cytoskeleton in response to adhesion and growth factor stimulation.  相似文献   

The involvement of the cytoskeleton in the expression of neuronal morphology is most obvious in its support of neurite extension and the motile activity of growth cones. Techniques permitting direct observation of the dynamics of proteins in living cells, along with attempts to assay protein function in vivo, are testing existing models for cytoskeletal function in neurons, as well as generating more detailed models at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Plasmodesmata and plant cytoskeleton.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Plant cell-to-cell communication is achieved by membranous conduits called plasmodesmata, which bridge the cytoplasm of neighboring cells. A growing body of immunolocalization data shows an association of the cytoskeleton machinery with plasmodesmata. The role of the cytoskeleton in the plasmodesmata-mediated transport has been well documented for virus movement. Because viruses are known to exploit existing host pathways and because the cytoskeleton is involved in intracellular trafficking, the cytoskeleton is thought to drive and target macromolecules to plasmodesmata. It is this link between plasmodesmata and the cytoskeleton that will be described here.  相似文献   

The localization of mRNA appears to facilitate protein sorting, so that proteins are synthesized in specific cellular regions. The spatial information on the mRNA may be transduced by proteins that recognize specific localizing sequences on the 3' end and then chaperone the mRNA, presumably along filaments, to its destination. Additional sequences such as poly(A), or the nascent chains of cytoskeleton-associated proteins, may then anchor mRNAs on the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

In recent years it has been shown that bacteria contain a number of cytoskeletal structures. The bacterial cytoplasmic elements include homologs of the three major types of eukaryotic cytoskeletal proteins (actin, tubulin, and intermediate filament proteins) and a fourth group, the MinD-ParA group, that appears to be unique to bacteria. The cytoskeletal structures play important roles in cell division, cell polarity, cell shape regulation, plasmid partition, and other functions. The proteins self-assemble into filamentous structures in vitro and form intracellular ordered structures in vivo. In addition, there are a number of filamentous bacterial elements that may turn out to be cytoskeletal in nature. This review attempts to summarize and integrate the in vivo and in vitro aspects of these systems and to evaluate the probable future directions of this active research field.  相似文献   

The origin of eukaryote-specific cytoskeletal proteins is an issue which is closely related to the origin of the domain Eukarya. As nearly all of these proteins are not found in prokaryotes, the prokaryotic origin of eukaryotic cytoskeletal network suggested by most models is questionable. Eukaryotic cytoskeletal proteins might descend from subpopulations of pre-cells co-existing with Bacteria and Archaea prior to the origin of eukaryotes. The pre-karyote (the host for a-proteobacterial ancestors of mitochondria) might have already possessed eukaryotic-like cytoskeleton. A possible role for viruses in the origin of eukaryotic cytoskeletal proteins is discussed. Viruses parasitizing on pre-cells and/or on the pre-karyote might have themselves used several eukaryotic-like cytoskeletal proteins for segregation and packing of their genomes.  相似文献   

Bacterial toxins modifying the actin cytoskeleton.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Numerous bacterial toxins recognize the actin cytoskeleton as a target. The clostridial binary toxins (Iota and C2 families) ADP-ribosylate the actin monomers causing the dissociation of the actin filaments. The large clostridial toxins from Clostridium difficile, Clostridium sordellii and Clostridium novyi inactivate, by glucosylation, proteins from the Rho family that regulate actin polymerization. In contrast, the cytotoxic necrotic factor from Escherichia coli activates Rho by deamidation and increases the formation of actin filaments. The enterotoxin of Bacteroides fragilis is a protease specific for E-cadherin and it promotes the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. The bacterial toxins that modify the actin cytoskeleton induce various cell disfunctions including changes in cell barrier permeability and disruption of intercellular junctions.  相似文献   

Calcium-induced degradation of the lens cytoskeleton.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Actin-based motility is used by various pathogens such as Listeria and Shigella for dissemination within cells

and tissues, yet host factors counteracting this process have not been identified. We have recently discovered that infected host cells can prevent actin-based motility of Shigella by compartmentalizing bacteria inside ‘septin cages,’ revealing a novel mechanism of host defense that restricts dissemination. Because bacterial proteins controlling actin-based motility also regulate the autophagy process, we hypothesized and then established a link between septin caging and autophagy. Together, these results unveiled the first cellular mechanism that counteracts pathogen dissemination. Understanding the role of septins, a so far poorly characterized component of the cytoskeleton, will thus provide new insights into bacterial infection and autophagy.  相似文献   

Y Yang  C Bauer  G Strasser  R Wollman  J P Julien  E Fuchs 《Cell》1999,98(2):229-238
Sensory neurodegeneration occurs in mice defective in BPAG1, a gene encoding cytoskeletal linker proteins capable of anchoring neuronal intermediate filaments to actin cytoskeleton. While BPAG1 null mice fail to anchor neurofilaments (NFs), BPAG1/NF null mice still degenerate in the absence of NFs. We report a novel neural splice form that lacks the actin-binding domain and instead binds and stabilizes microtubules. This interaction is functionally important; in mice and in vitro, neurons lacking BPAG1 display short, disorganized, and unstable microtubules defective in axonal transport. Ironically, BPAG1 neural isoforms represent microtubule-associated proteins that when absent lead to devastating consequences. Moreover, BPAG1 can functionally account for the extraordinary stability of axonal microtubules necessary for transport over long distances. Its isoforms interconnect all three cytoskeletal networks, a feature apparently central to neuronal survival.  相似文献   

The gliding motility of the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii and its invasion of cells are powered by an actin-myosin motor. We have studied the spatial distribution and relationship between these two cytoskeleton proteins and calmodulin (CaM), the Ca(2+)-dependent protein involved in invasion by T. gondii. A 3D reconstruction using labeling and tomographic studies showed that actin was present as a V-like structure in the conoidal part of the parasite. The myosin distribution overlapped that of actin, and CaM was concentrated at the center of the apical pole. We demonstrated that the actomyosin network, CaM, and myosin light-chain kinases are confined to the apical pole of the T. gondii tachyzoite. MLCK could act as an intermediate molecule between CaM and the cytoskeleton proteins. We have developed a model of the organization of the actomyosin-CaM complex and the steps of a signaling pathway for parasite motility.  相似文献   

Movement and chemotaxis are fundamental processes of cells and tissues and are based on the dynamics of the cytoskeleton. The cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum is an excellent model system with which to study the molecular components and the key reactions that are required for a coordinated locomotion of single cells or a cell mass during development. The D. discoideum cytoskeleton relies mainly on the equilibrium between monomeric and filamentous actin and, like other nonmuscle cells, contains a large number of actin-binding proteins that either decrease or increase the rigidity of the microfilament system. The proteins themselves are regulated by phosphorylation, Ca2+, phospholipids, and/or pH and thus are targets for the intracellular changes that occur upon stimulation of a cell with chemoattractant. In a synopsis of the data published during the past years, the properties of numerous cytoskeletal components and the biochemical reactions of the signal transduction chain are combined here in a schematic model that attempts to explain how the directed movement of a cell could be coordinated at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Dynamics of the cytoskeleton in live cells.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Actin filaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments, have all been found to be dynamic structures in living cells. Recent studies have shed important light on the assembly, disassembly, and mobility of these structures. In addition, a growing emphasis has been placed on the regulation of cytoskeletal activities by various signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Mechanics and control of the cytoskeleton in Amoeba proteus.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
M Dembo 《Biophysical journal》1989,55(6):1053-1080
Many models of the cytoskeletal motility of Amoeba proteus can be formulated in terms of the theory of reactive interpenetrating flow (Dembo and Harlow, 1986). We have devised numerical methodology for testing such models against the phenomenon of steady axisymmetric fountain flow. The simplest workable scheme revealed by such tests (the minimal model) is the main preoccupation of this study. All parameters of the minimal model are determined from available data. Using these parameters the model quantitatively accounts for the self assembly of the cytoskeleton of A. proteus: for the formation and detailed morphology of the endoplasmic channel, the ectoplasmic tube, the uropod, the plasma gel sheet, and the hyaline cap. The model accounts for the kinematics of the cytoskeleton: the detailed velocity field of the forward flow of the endoplasm, the contraction of the ectoplasmic tube, and the inversion of the flow in the fountain zone. The model also gives a satisfactory account of measurements of pressure gradients, measurements of heat dissipation, and measurements of the output of useful work by amoeba. Finally, the model suggests a very promising (but still hypothetical) continuum formulation of the free boundary problem of amoeboid motion. by balancing normal forces on the plasma membrane as closely as possible, the minimal model is able to predict the turgor pressure and surface tension of A. proteus. Several dynamical factors are crucial to the success of the minimal model and are likely to be general features of cytoskeletal mechanics and control in amoeboid cells. These are: a constitutive law for the viscosity of the contractile network that includes an automatic process of gelation as the network density gets large; a very vigorous cycle of network polymerization and depolymerization (in the case of A. proteus, the time constant for this reaction is approximately 12 s); control of network contractility by a diffusible factor (probably calcium ion); and control of the adhesive interaction between the cytoskeleton and the inner surface of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Self-organization of polymer-motor systems in the cytoskeleton.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Microtubules and actin filaments are organized into dynamic arrays inside cells. In this paper I discuss in conceptual form the assembly mechanisms of three specific arrays: asters, spindles and leading edge structures. The role of energy transducing processes, particularly motor protein activity, in assembly is explored. I conclude that dynamic interaction between motor proteins and cytoskeletal polymers play a very general role in spatial organization of the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

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