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J M Derry  P J Barnard 《Genomics》1992,12(4):632-638
Genes encoding the neuron-specific phosphoprotein synapsin I (SYN1), the glycoprotein tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP), the proto-oncogene A-raf-1 (ARAF1), and properdin (PFC), a positive regulator of the alternative pathway of human complement, lie within a conserved synteny encompassing the proximal short arm of the human X chromosome (Xp21.1-p11) and the centromeric end of the mouse X chromosome (A1-A5). We have used a mouse interspecific cross to demonstrate genetic linkage of Syn-1, Timp, and Araf and also show physical linkage, with Timp lying only 10 kb from Araf, within an intron of the Syn-1 gene. Detailed restriction mapping shows that Timp is transcribed in the same direction as Araf but in the opposite direction to the Syn-1 gene. Analysis of the corresponding region of the human X chromosome indicates a similar arrangement and in addition shows that the properdin gene lies within 5 kb of the 5' end of the synapsin I gene.  相似文献   

The distal portion of the short arm of the human X chromosome (Xp) exhibits many unique and interesting features. Distal Xp contains the pseudoautosomal region, a number of disease loci, and several cell-surface markers. Several genes in this area have also been observed to escape X-chromosomal inactivation. The characterization of new polymorphic loci in this region has permitted the construction of a refined multipoint linkage map extending 15 cM from the Xp telomere. This interval is known to contain the loci for the diseases X-linked ichthyosis, chondrodysplasia punctata, and Kallmann syndrome, as well as the cell-surface markers Xg and 12E7. This region also contains the junction between the pseudoautosomal region and strictly X-linked sequences. The locus MIC2 has been demonstrated by linkage analysis to be indistinguishable from the pseudoautosomal junction. The steroid sulfatase locus has been mapped to an interval adjacent to the DXS278 locus and 6 cM from the pseudoautosomal junction. The polymorphic locus (STS) DXS278 was shown to be informative in all families studied, and linkage analysis reveals that the locus represents a low-copy repeat with at least one copy distal to the STS gene. The generation of a multipoint linkage map of distal Xp will be useful in the genetic dissection of many of the unique features of this region.  相似文献   

The loci for steroid sulfatase (STS), the deficiency of which causes X-linked ichthyosis, the cell surface antigen 12E7 (MIC2X), and the blood group antigen Xg (Xg) have been mapped to Xp22.3. These loci are of particular interest since they do not appear to undergo X-chromosome inactivation. In an attempt to establish the relative order of STS and MIC2X, fibroblasts from carriers of four different X/Y translocations and an X/10 translocation were obtained and fused with mouse cell lines deficient in hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase. The breakpoints on the X chromosome in these five translocations are in Xp22. Several independent clones from each fusion were isolated in HAT medium. The clones were examined cytogenetically, and in each case at least two independent clones were identified that have an active X/Y or X/10 translocation chromosome in the absence of other X or Y material. These clones were then tested for STS and 12E7 expression. In two of the X/Y translocations, the markers, STS and 12E7, were both absent. In the X/10 and a third X/Y translocation, both markers were retained. In each of three clones containing the fourth X/Y translocation, STS activity was retained but 12E7 antigenicity was lost. Assuming that this is a simple translocation and does not represent a more complex rearrangement, these results suggest that MIC2X is distal to STS.  相似文献   

Eight chromosome 6p markers (MUT, D6S4, D6S5, D6S19, D6S29, PIM, HLA, and F13A) were regionally mapped using somatic cell hybrid deletion cell lines that retained different regions of chromosome 6p. New restriction fragment length polymorphisms were identified at the D6S5 and PIM loci using newly isolated genomic clones at these loci. Genetic linkage among the eight loci was determined using the 40 CEPH reference families. Linkage analyses showed that these loci are in one linkage group spanning 48 cM in males and 128 cM in females. Using both the deletion mapping data and multipoint linkage analyses, chromosomal order for these loci was determined as centromere-(MUT, D6S4)-(D6S5, D6S19)-(D6S29, PIM)-HLA-F13-A-telomere. Analyses of sex-specific recombination frequencies revealed a higher rate of recombination in females in the region between D6S4 and D6S29, while the recombination rate in males was higher for the interval between D6S29 and the HLA loci.  相似文献   

The human amylase gene cluster includes a (CA)n repeat sequence immediately upstream of the gamma-actin pseudogene associated with the AMY2B gene. Analysis of this (CA)n repeat by PCR amplification of genomic DNA from the 40 families of the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH) reference panel revealed extensive polymorphism. A total of six alleles with (CA)n lengths of 16-21 repeats were found. The average heterozygosity for this polymorphism was 0.70. Multipoint linkage analysis showed that the amylase gene cluster is located distal to the nerve growth factor beta-subunit gene (NGFB) and is within 1 cM of the anonymous locus D1S10. The amylase (CA)n repeat provides a convenient marker for both the physical and the genetic maps of human chromosome 1p.  相似文献   

Choroideremia (McK30310), an X-linked retinal dystrophy, causes progressive night blindness, visual field constriction, and eventual central blindness in affected males by the third to fourth decade of life. The biochemical basis of the disease is unknown, and prenatal diagnosis is not available. Subregional localization of the choroideremia locus to Xq13-22 was accomplished initially by linkage to two restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms (RFLPs), DXYS1 (Xq13-q21.1) and DXS3 (Xq21.3-22). We have now extended our linkage analysis to 12 families using nine RFLP markers between Xp11.3 and Xq26. Recombination frequencies of 0%-4% were found between choroideremia and five markers (PGK, DXS3, DXYS12, DXS72, and DXYS1) located in Xq13-22. The families were also used to measure recombination frequencies between RFLP loci to provide parameters for the program LINKMAP. Multipoint analysis with LINKMAP provided overwhelming evidence for placing the choroideremia locus within the region bounded by DXS1 (Xq11-13) and DXS17 (Xq21.3-q22). At a finer level of resolution, multipoint analysis suggested that the choroideremia locus was proximal to DXS3 (384:1 odds) rather than distal to it. Data were insufficient, however, to distinguish between a gene order that puts choroideremia between DXS3 and DXYS1 and one that places choroideremia proximal to both RFLP loci. These results provide linkage mapping of choroideremia and RFLP loci in this region that will be of use for further genetic studies as well as for clinical applications in this and other human diseases.  相似文献   

A genomic DNA clone named CRI-S232 reveals an array of highly polymorphic restriction fragments on the X chromosome as well as a set of non-polymorphic fragments on the Y chromosome. Every individual has multiple bands, highly variable in length, in every restriction enzyme digest tested. One set of bands is found in all males, and co-segregates with the Y chromosome in families. These sequences have been regionally localized by deletion mapping to the long arm of the Y chromosome. Segregation analysis in families shows that all of the remaining fragments co-segregate as a single locus on the X chromosome, each haplotype consisting of three or more polymorphic fragments. This locus (designated DXS278) is linked to several markers on Xp, the closest being dic56 (DXS143) at a distance of 2 cM. Although it is outside the pseudoautosomal region, the S232 X chromosome locus shows linkage to pseudoautosomal markers in female meiosis. In determining the X chromosome S232 haplotypes of 138 offspring among 19 families, we observed three non-parental haplotypes. Two were recombinant haplotypes, consistent with a cross-over among the S232-hybridizing fragments in maternal meiosis. The third was a mutant haplotype arising on a paternal X chromosome. The locus identified by CRI-S232 may therefore be a recombination and mutation hotspot.  相似文献   

A (GT)n repeat within the anonymous DNA sequence D21S156 was shown to be highly polymorphic in DNA from members of the 40 CEPH families. At least 12 alleles of this locus were recognized by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels of DNA amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers flanking the (GT)n repeat. The polymorphism information content was 0.82. PCR amplification of DNA from somatic cell hybrid lines mapped D21S156 to human chromosome 21 and linkage analysis localized this marker close to the loci ETS2, D21S3, and HMG14 on chromosomal band 21q22.3. This polymorphism is highly informative and can serve as an anchor locus for human chromosome 21.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of 96 loci on the short arm of human chromosome 3.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We constructed a genetic map of 96 loci on the short arm of human chromosome 3 (3p) in 59 families provided by the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humaine (CEPH). Twenty-nine continuously linked loci were placed on the map with likelihood support of at least 1000:1; one locus, D3S213, was placed on the map with likelihood support of 871:1; D3Z1, an alpha satellite centromeric repeat probe, was placed on the map with likelihood support of 159:1; 65 loci were assigned regional locations. The average heterozygosity of the uniquely ordered markers was 49%. The map extends from 3p26, the terminal band of 3p, to the centromere (from D3S211 to D3Z1). Multipoint linkage analysis indicated that the male, female, and sex-averaged maps extend for 102, 147, and 116 cM, respectively. The mean genetic distance between uniquely ordered loci on the sex-averaged map was 4.0 cM. Probe density was greatest for the region of 3p between D3F15S2e and the telomere. The sex-averaged map contained two intervals greater than 10 cM. Seventeen probes were localized by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The loci described in this report will be useful in building an integrated genetic and physical map of this chromosome.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of 27 loci on the short arm of human chromosome 1 has been developed by analysis of the 40 families in the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH) reference panel. Probes that recognize 14 novel RFLPs at loci designated D1S9-D1S22 were isolated from a flow-sorted chromosome 1 library. A linkage map of chromosome 1p was constructed from the genotypic data at these 14 loci, RFLPs at eight cloned genes (PND, ALPL, FUCA1, SRC2, MYCL, GLUT, TSHB, and NGFB), two previously identified RFLPs (D1S2 and D1S57), two blood group antigens (RH and FY), and the isozyme PGM1. All 27 loci form a continuous linkage group, from FY to PND, of 102 cM in males and 230 cM in females. This map provides a basis for highly informative multipoint mapping studies for most of the short arm of chromosome 1.  相似文献   

The CA repeat microsatellite DXS456, with a heterozygosity of 77%, has been localized by multipoint linkage analysis in relation to 20 other genetic markers. DXS456 mapped to a 4.2-cM interval defined by the flanking markers DXS178 and DXS287. The maximum likelihood order of markers, cen-(DXYS1X/DXYS13X/DXYS2X/DXYS12X)-DXS366 -DXS178-DXS456-DXS287-DXS358-DXS267- qter, is favored by odds greater than 1000:1 over the subset of most likely alternative orders. Linkage of DXS456 can be inferred for at least six disease genes that are known to be linked to markers in the region Xq21.31-Xq25 and the marker will serve as an important index point for orienting these and other disease and marker loci in the region.  相似文献   

Summary An (AC)n repeat within the anonymous DNA sequence D21S171 was shown to be highly polymorphic in members of the 40 Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH) families. Ten different alleles at this marker locus were detected by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels of DNA amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers flanking the (AC)n repeat. The observed heterozygosity was 66%. PCR amplification of DNA from somatic cell hybrids mapped D21S171 to human chromosome 21, and linkage analysis localized this marker close to the loci CD18, PFKL, D21S113 and D21S112 in chromosomal band 21q22.3. In CEPH family 12 a de novo allele has been observed in a maternally derived chromosome.  相似文献   

Radiation hybrid mapping was used in combination with physical mapping techniques to order and estimate distances between 14 loci in the proximal region of the short arm of the human X chromosome. A panel of radiation hybrids containing human X-chromosomal fragments was generated from a Chinese hamster-human cell hybrid containing an X chromosome as its only human DNA. Sixty-seven radiation hybrids were screened by Southern hybridization with sets of probes that mapped to the region Xp11.4-Xcen to generate a radiation hybrid map of the area. A physical map of 14 loci was constructed based on the segregation of the loci in the hybrid clones. Using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analyses and a somatic cell hybrid mapping panel containing naturally occurring X; autosome translocations, the order of the 14 loci was verified and the loci nearest to the X-chromosomal translocation breakpoints associated with the disease incontinentia pigmenti 1 (IP1) were identified. The radiation hybrid panel will be useful as a mapping resource for determining the location, order, and distances between other genes and polymorphic loci in this region as well as for generating additional region-specific DNA markers.  相似文献   

Z Wang  J L Weber 《Genomics》1992,13(3):532-536
Nine moderately to highly informative short tandem repeat polymorphisms were assigned to chromosome 14 using somatic cell hybrids and were mapped using linkage analysis. The nine markers formed a continuous linkage map covering almost the entire long arm from 14q11.2 to q32. The markers filled a large gap within previously reported linkage maps for this chromosome. Best order of the new loci from q11.2 to q32 was D14S50, D14S54, D14S49, D14S47, D14S52, D14S53, D14S55, D14S48, and D14S51. The order shown for all adjacent pairs of loci was very strongly favored with the exception of loci pair D14S55 and D14S48, for which the order was moderately favored. Map lengths for the nine loci were 142 cM in females and 72 cM in males. Female recombination frequencies exceeded male recombination frequencies in the middle and distal portions of the map.  相似文献   

Summary A large Danish pedigree segregating for X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (RPX) (Warburg and Simonsen 1968) was restudied for linkage analysis. Using two markers, i.e. the DNA base sequence polymorphism presented by the probe L1.28 defining the chromosomal segment DXS7, and the C-banding heteromorphism (Xcen) (Friedrich 1982), we were able to localize the RPX gene in Xp close to the centromere rather precisely. The gene order could be deduced by three-point linkage analysis, and the gene distances were determined by pairwise analysis using the LIPED program (Ott 1974). Together with previously published data concerning the RPX:DXS7 linkage (Bhattacharya et al. 1984) a regional gene map is constructed. Xcen-11 cM-RPX-6 cM-DXS7.  相似文献   

The process of mammalian X chromosome inactivation results in the inactivation of most, but not all, genes along one or the other of the two X chromosomes in females. On the human X chromosome, several genes have been described that "escape" inactivation and continue to be expressed from both homologues. All such previously mapped genes are located in the distal third of the short arm of the X chromosome, giving rise to the hypothesis of a region of the chromosome that remains noninactivated during development. The A1S9T gene, an X-linked locus that complements a mouse temperature-sensitive defect in DNA synthesis, escapes inactivation and has now been localized, in human-mouse somatic cell hybrids, to the proximal short arm, in Xp11.1 to Xp11.3. Thus, A1S9T lies in a region of the chromosome that is separate from the other genes known to escape inactivation and is located between other genes known to be subject to X inactivation. This finding both rules out models based on a single chromosomal region that escapes inactivation and suggests that X inactivation proceeds by a mechanism that allows considerable autonomy between different genes or regions on the chromosome.  相似文献   

Summary Sixteen three generation families from the West of Scotland with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) or Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) have been studied using the Xg blood group and seven cloned DNA sequences which recognise DNA polymorphisms on the short arm of the X chromosome (Xp). Linkage has been established between DMD and probe 754 with a maximum lod score () of 4.47 at a recombination fraction ( ) of 0.04. DMD has also been linked to probe 99-6 (=3.75, =0.03). Combining the data in this study with that of previously published work has established linkage between DMD and L1.28 (=4.42, =0.17) and altered the linkage estimate between BMD and L1.28 (=3.50, =0.22).An approximate order for the loci has been deduced by the study of recombinant chromosomes in phase known families informative for three or more loci. The proposed order is centromere-L1.28-754-DMD/BMD-99-6-D2-782-Xg. These results conclusively map both DMD and BMD to the central region of Xp and add weight to the original suggestion that they may be allelic.  相似文献   

Using a cloned cDNA of apolipoprotein B-100 as hydridization probe, we have found high frequence polymorphisms in the apoB-100 gene involving sites for the restriction enzymes EcoRI, BamHI, and HindIII. The major EcoRI polymorphisms involved a 17 kb vs 15 kb variant. The incidence of the various phenotypes was estimated. In addition, other complex polymorphisms involving MspI and TaqI sites were also noted. [32P]-labeled apoB-100 cDNA was used as a probe in chromosome mapping studies to detect the human apoB-100 structural gene sequence in human-Chinese hamster and human-mouse cell hybrids. Southern blot analysis of 14 hybrids localized the gene to the short arm of human chromosome 2.  相似文献   

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