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DdeI, a Type II restriction-modification system from the gram-negative anaerobic bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, recognizes the sequence CTNAG. The system has been cloned into E. coli in two steps. First the methylase gene was cloned into pBR322 and a derivative expressing higher levels was constructed. Then the endonuclease gene was located by Southern blot analyses; BamHI fragments large enough to contain the gene were cloned into pACYC184, introduced into a host containing the methylase gene, and screened for endonuclease activity. Both genes are stably maintained in E. coli on separate but compatible plasmids. The DdeI methylase is shown to be a cytosine methylase. DdeI methylase clones decrease in viability as methylation activity increases in E. coli RR1 (our original cloning strain). Therefore the DdeI system has been cloned and maintained in ER1467, a new E. coli cloning strain engineered to accept cytosine methylases. Finally, it has been demonstrated that a very high level of methylation was necessary in the DdeI system for successful introduction of the active endonuclease gene into E. coli.  相似文献   

Summary The NgoPII restriction endonuclease, which recognizes the sequence 5-GGCC-3, differs from its isoschizomer HaeIII in being sensitive to methylation at the external cytosine residue. The entire nucleotide sequence of a cloned 3.3 kb segment of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strain P9 chromosomal DNA which harbours the NgoPII restriction-modification system has been determined. This data, coupled with sub-cloning experiments, indicates that the restriction endonuclease (R.NgoII) and modification (M.NgoII) genes are transcribed from separate promoters but are arranged in tandem, with the R.NgoPII gene being located on the 5 side of the M.NgoPII gene. Unlike all previously reported restriction systems the 3 end of the endonuclease open reading frame overlaps the 5 end of the methylase open reading frame by 8 codons. This overlap may have implications for the regulation of the NgoPII restriction-modification system.  相似文献   

The genes for FokI, a type-IIS restriction-modification system from Flavobacterium okeanokoites (asymmetric recognition sequence: 5'-GGATG/3'-CCTAC), were cloned into Escherichia coli. Recombinants carrying the fokIR and fokIM genes were found to modify their DNA completely, and to restrict lambdoid phages weakly. The nt sequences of the genes were determined, and the probable start codons were confirmed by aa sequencing. The FokI endonuclease (R · FokI) and methyltransferase (M · FokI are encoded by single, adjacent genes, aligned in the same orientation, in the order M then R. The genes are large by the standards of type-II systems, 1.9 kb for the M gene, and 1.7 kb for the R gene. Preceding each gene is a pair of FokI recognition sites; it is conceivable that interactions between the sites and the FokI proteins could regulate expression of the genes. The aa sequences of the N- and C-terminal halves of M · FokI are similar to one another, and to certain other DNA-adenine methyltransferases, suggesting that the enzyme has a ‘tandem’ structure, such as could have arisen by the fusion of a pair of adjacent, ancestral M genes. Truncated derivatives of M · FokI were constructed by deleting the 5'- or 3' -ends of the fokIM gene. Deleting most of the C-terminus of M · FokI produced derivatives that methylated only the top (GGATG) strand of the recognition sequence. Conversely, deleting most of the N-terminus produced derivatives that methylated only the bottom (CATCC) strand of the recognition sequence. These results indicate that the domains in M · FokI for methylating the two strands of the recognition sequence are largely separate.  相似文献   

Two genes from the total genomic DNA of dairy starter culture Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris UC503, encoding ScrFI modification enzymes, have been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. No homology between the two methylase genes was detected, and inverse polymerase chain reaction of flanking chromosomal DNA indicated that both were linked on the Lactococcus genome. Neither clone encoded the cognate endonuclease. The DNA sequence of one of the methylase genes (encoded by pCI931M) was determined and consisted of an open reading frame 1,170 bp long, which could encode a protein of 389 amino acids (M(r), 44.5). The amino acid sequence contained the highly characteristic motifs of an m5C methylase. Extensive regions of homology were observed with the methylases of NlaX, EcoRII, and Dcm.  相似文献   

The genes for FokI, a type-IIS restriction-modification system from Flavobacterium okeanokoites (asymmetric recognition sequence: 5'-GGATG/3'-CCTAC), were cloned into Escherichia coli. Recombinants carrying the fokIR and fokIM genes were found to modify their DNA completely, and to restrict lambdoid phages weakly. The nt sequences of the genes were determined, and the probable start codons were confirmed by aa sequencing. The FokI endonuclease (R · FokI) and methyltransferase (M · FokI are encoded by single, adjacent genes, aligned in the same orientation, in the order M then R. The genes are large by the standards of type-II systems, 1.9 kb for the M gene, and 1.7 kb for the R gene. Preceding each gene is a pair of FokI recognition sites; it is conceivable that interactions between the sites and the FokI proteins could regulate expression of the genes. The aa sequences of the N- and C-terminal halves of M · FokI are similar to one another, and to certain other DNA-adenine methyltransferases, suggesting that the enzyme has a ‘tandem’ structure, such as could have arisen by the fusion of a pair of adjacent, ancestral M genes. Truncated derivatives of M · FokI were constructed by deleting the 5'- or 3' -ends of the fokIM gene. Deleting most of the C-terminus of M · FokI produced derivatives that methylated only the top (GGATG) strand of the recognition sequence. Conversely, deleting most of the N-terminus produced derivatives that methylated only the bottom (CATCC) strand of the recognition sequence. These results indicate that the domains in M · FokI for methylating the two strands of the recognition sequence are largely separate.  相似文献   

H B Tugal  M Pool  A Baker 《Plant physiology》1999,120(1):309-320
We sequenced and characterized PMP22 (22-kD peroxisomal membrane protein) from Arabidopsis, which shares 28% to 30% amino acid identity and 55% to 57% similarity to two related mammalian peroxisomal membrane proteins, PMP22 and Mpv17. Subcellular fractionation studies confirmed that the Arabidopsis PMP22 is a genuine peroxisomal membrane protein. Biochemical analyses established that the Arabidopsis PMP22 is an integral membrane protein that is completely embedded in the lipid bilayer. In vitro import assays demonstrated that the protein is inserted into the membrane posttranslationally in the absence of ATP, but that ATP stimulates the assembly into the native state. Arabidopsis PMP22 is expressed in all organs of the mature plant and in tissue-cultured cells. Expression of PMP22 is not associated with a specific peroxisome type, as it is detected in seeds and throughout postgerminative growth as cotyledon peroxisomes undergo conversion from glyoxysomes to leaf-type peroxisomes. Although PMP22 shows increased accumulation during the growth of young seedlings, its expression is not stimulated by light.  相似文献   

The two genes encoding the class IIS restriction-modification system MboII from Moraxella bovis were cloned separately in two compatible plasmids and expressed in E. coli RR1 delta M15. The nucleotide sequences of the MboII endonuclease (R.MboII) and methylase (M.MboII) genes were determined and the putative start codon of R.MboII was confirmed by amino acid sequence analysis. The mboIIR gene specifies a protein of 416 amino acids (MW: 48,617) while the mboIIM gene codes for a putative 260-residue polypeptide (MW: 30,077). Both genes are aligned in the same orientation. The coding region of the methylase gene ends 11 bp upstream of the start codon of the restrictase gene. Comparing the amino acid sequence of M.MboII with sequences of other N6-adenine methyltransferases reveals a significant homology to M.RsrI, M.HinfI and M.DpnA. Furthermore, M.MboII shows homology to the N4-cytosine methyltransferase BamHI.  相似文献   

Two genes, coding for the HincII from Haemophilus influenzae Rc restriction-modification system, were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli RR1. Their DNA sequences were determined. The HincII methylase (M.HincII) gene was 1,506 base pairs (bp) long, corresponding to a protein of 502 amino acid residues (Mr = 55,330). The HincII endonuclease (R.HincII) gene was 774 bp long, corresponding to a protein of 258 amino acid residues (Mr = 28,490). The amino acid residues predicted from the R.HincII and the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the enzyme found by analysis were identical. These methylase and endonuclease genes overlapped by 1 bp on the H. influenzae Rc chromosomal DNA. The clone, named E. coli RR1-Hinc, overproduced R.HincII. The R.HincII activity of this clone was 1,000-fold that from H. influenzae Rc. The amino acid sequence of M.HincII was compared with the sequences of four other adenine-specific type II methylases. Important homology was found between tne M.HincII and these other methylases.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the Bacillus subtilis fliM gene has been determined. This gene encodes a 38-kDa protein that is homologous to the FliM flagellar switch proteins of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. Expression of this gene in Che+ cells of E. coli and B. subtilis interferes with normal chemotaxis. The nature of the chemotaxis defect is dependent upon the host used. In B. subtilis, overproduction of FliM generates mostly nonmotile cells. Those cells that are motile switch less frequently. Expression of B. subtilis FliM in E. coli also generates nonmotile cells. However, those cells that are motile have a tumble bias. The B. subtilis fliM gene cannot complement an E. coli fliM mutant. A frameshift mutation was constructed in the fliM gene, and the mutation was transferred onto the B. subtilis chromosome. The mutant has a Fla- phenotype. This phenotype is consistent with the hypothesis that the FliM protein encodes a component of the flagellar switch in B. subtilis. Additional characterization of the fliM mutant suggests that the hag and mot loci are not expressed. These loci are regulated by the SigD form of RNA polymerase. We also did not observe any methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins in an in vivo methylation experiment. The expression of these proteins is also dependent upon SigD. It is possible that a functional basal body-hook complex may be required for the expression of SigD-regulated chemotaxis and motility genes.  相似文献   

A DNA fragment of about 3.4 kilobase pairs that expressed the HgaI modification activity was cloned from the chromosomal DNA of Haemophilus gallinarum, and its nucleotide sequence was determined. Two open reading frames (ORF) which could code for structurally similar proteins were identified in the upstream and middle regions and a truncated ORF in the downstream region in the same orientation. When the respective ORFs were separately cloned, the clones carrying the upstream and middle ORFs both expressed the modification activity, indicating that the two genes are involved in modification of the HgaI restriction-modification system. In order to determine the sites of modification precisely, the respective genes were recloned into an expression vector, from which gene products were purified. A short DNA fragment carrying the HgaI recognition site was treated with each of these enzymes, and, after separation of the two strands by duplex formation with M13 viral DNAs carrying the respective strands, the presence or absence of modification was judged from susceptibility to HgaI endonuclease. The results of analysis showed that different strands were modified in an asymmetric way by each gene product. Analysis of the species and positions of modified bases by the Maxam-Gilbert method further demonstrated that the gene products from the upstream and middle ORFs participated in methylation of the internal cytosine residues of the strands carrying 3'-CTGCG-5' and 5'-GACGC-3', respectively. We concluded that the HgaI modification system consisted of two cytosine methylase genes responsible for modification of different strands in the target DNA.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the Lactococcus lactis broad-host-range plasmid pWVO1, replicating in both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, was determined. This analysis revealed four open reading frames (ORFs). ORF A appeared to encode a trans-acting 26.8-kDa protein (RepA), necessary for replication. The ORF C product was assumed to play a regulatory role in replication. Both RepA and the ORF C product showed substantial sequence similarity with the Rep proteins of the streptococcal plasmid pLS1. In addition, the plus origin of replication was identified on the basis of strong similarity with the plus origin of pLS1. Derivatives of pWVO1 produced single-stranded (ss) DNA in Bacillus subtilis and L. lactis, suggesting that this plasmid uses the rolling-circle mode of replication. In B. subtilis, but not in L. lactis, the addition of rifampicin resulted in increased levels of ssDNA, indicating that in the former organism the host-encoded RNA polymerase is involved in the conversion of the ssDNA to double-stranded plasmid DNA (dsDNA). Apparently, in L. lactis the conversion of ss to ds pWVO1 DNA occurs by a mechanism which does not require the host RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

We isolated a Zea mays cDNA encoding the 40S subunit cytoplasmic ribosomal protein S11. The nucleotide sequence was determined and the derived amino acid sequence compared to the corresponding Arabidopsis thaliana protein showing an homology of 90%. This ribosomal protein is encoded by a small multigene family of at least two members. The mRNA steady-state level is about one order of magnitude higher in rapidly growing parts of the plant such as the roots and shoots of seedlings compared to fully expanded leaf tissue.  相似文献   

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