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组织学与胚胎学是形态学课程,实验课教学占该课程总学时的50%左右。改进组织学与胚胎学实验课的教学形式与效果,有助于学生有针对性地更好地掌握基础知识,为学习后续医学课程提供有效帮助。学习组织学与胚胎学这门课程,可以帮助医学生以后更高效地投入到医学的学习与实践中,并且丰富了以后从事的临床工作经验。本文就实验教学方面,对组织学与胚胎学进行探讨,旨在总结经验,从而更有效地提高教学质量,提升学生的课堂理解能力,丰富其知识存储,以便学生可以胜任以后从事的工作。  相似文献   

组织学与胚胎学是学习其它医学理论知识的基础,但是课程内容抽象、难懂,学生总处于被动机械学习状态。为使学生参与课堂教学、成为实验教学的驱动力,我们充分利用新校区显微数码互动实验室,积极转变教学观念,科学调整教学环节,尝试生命伦理学融入组织学与胚胎学实验教学模式的探索,激发学生的学习兴趣。通过引导性提问,启发学生独立思考,体现以学生为中心的教育理念。在基础课程学习过程中逐步培养医学生临床诊疗思维,帮助每一位医学生及早建立正确的生命伦理价值观,促进医学科学与医学人文的结合。  相似文献   

组织学与胚胎学教学模式的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医学教育任重而道远,培养优秀的医学生,要从基础抓起.组织学与胚胎学是医学教育中的基础学科,是学习其它医学理论知识的基石.但是,相对于其它学科,组织学与胚胎学的学习枯燥,难懂,难记忆.因此,如何创新组织胚胎学的教学模式,激活课堂气氛,提高学生学习的热情和兴趣,引导学生找到发现问题、解决问题的方法是组织学与胚胎学教学中急需解决的重要问题.  相似文献   

组织学与胚胎学全英语教学实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顺应医学教育国际化趋势,我们进行组织学与胚胎学全英文教学实践活动已有八年。作为一门医学基础课程,组织学与胚胎学全英文教学改革之初也遇到教材、师资、授课方法等诸多困难,通过学校的政策扶持以及教研室全体教师的努力,目前组织学与胚胎学全英文课程教学体系已日趋完善、成熟,在教学内容、教学方法、教材编写、师资建设等方面取得了长足的进步,为医学生进行后续全英文课程的学习打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

提高组织学与胚胎学实验课教学效果,有助于学生更好地掌握相关基础知识,为今后学习其他医学课程奠定扎实的基础.就如何搞好组织学与胚胎学的实验教学进行探讨,旨在总结经验,更有效地提高组织学与胚胎学实验课教学质量.  相似文献   

八年制医学教育意在为国家医疗卫生建设培养提供拔尖创新人才,其创新思维的培养,应该贯穿整个培养过程,而不仅是最终体现在学位论文上.我校八年制医学生经过两年公共课程的学习,组织学与胚胎学是其首次接触的医学基础课程之一,具有内容多、概念抽象、记忆难的特点,.因此如何在教学内容、教学模式等多方面培养他们的创造性思维,为培养创新人才奠定坚实的基础显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

组织学与胚胎学是主要的形态学课程之一,是从微观上来研究人体结构及相关功能的一门基础学科。组织学与胚胎学实验技能竞赛面向医学专业的大一学生,基于初步接触医学基础课兴趣容易激发的特点,侧重于基本结构和形态,以基础性、验证性竞赛内容为主,旨在夯实医学基础,为后续功能性课程学习奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

组织学与胚胎学是一门医学基础学科,是医学生进入医学大门首次接触的专业课程。这门课程主要研究人体微细结构及相关功能关系。属形态学科;而形态描述最有效,最直接,最容易让人理解的方式就是绘图。通过绘图的方式不仅可以巩固理论所学知识,更能把抽象的东西直观化。因此,在教学过程中要注重对学生绘图技能培养。  相似文献   

人体组织胚胎学是一门医学形态学课程,也是医学生进入人体奥秘大门的一把重要钥匙,但形态结构中繁多的记忆内容常常让学生感到学习枯燥,因而更需要授课教师通过不同形式的教学策略引导学生领会其中的乐趣和科学意义。在众多的教学方法和教学手段中,适当引用教学内容相关的科学典故和科学名人,能在潜移默化中培养学生的学习兴趣,理解相关的理论知识,改善教学效果。本文作者整理了一些组织胚胎学教学内容相关的科学典故及其在教学中的应用,供同行交流和医学生参考学习。  相似文献   

组织学与胚胎学是医学生必修的重要专业基础课程之一,我校组织学与胚胎学教研室打破以往教学模式,通过组织学与胚胎学部分课程章节个性化的有机融合,并且结合形成性评价,建立融合式教学+形成性评价模式教学体系,能够激发学生对该课程的兴趣与重视,促进学生对组织胚胎学内容深入理解,高效提升教师的教学能力与效率,真正达到教与学的契合。  相似文献   

互助学习在科技学院护理专业组胚教学中的尝试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨互助学习在医学专业科技学院教学中的应用效果。方法对我校科技学院2009级护理专业组胚实验教学中实施互助学习,课程结束后对学生进行成绩分析及问卷调查。结果通过互助学习学生成绩显著提高,语言表达能力、合作能力、分析解决问题能力相应增强。结论互助学习能激发学生学习兴趣,提高学习能力和实验技能,改善学生的综合素质,为科技学院学生因材施教寻找到有效教学模式。  相似文献   

组织学与胚胎学为护理本科专业学生必修课.在教学过程中采取"学生为主体、教师为主导"的案例教学法,激发学生的主观能动性,注重学生创新能力培养.在案例教学过程中,也发现一些问题:学生素质不一、学习目标不明确以及教师教育理念滞后等.因此,在护理本科专业组织学与胚胎学实施案例教学过程中,引导学生确立学习目标,积极思考,注重团队合作,全面调动学生学习的积极性和主动性.教师在更新教学观念的同时,提倡奉献精神,注重自身素质的培养和提高.  相似文献   

组织学与胚胎学(组胚)是医学教育重要的基础课程。随着医学教育改革的深入发展,我们通过适时调整实验教学大纲,在科室合作、教师培养、集体备课、多媒体教学、开放实验室、和实验教学档案管理等方面加强了对实验教学的管理,以提高组胚实验教学效果。  相似文献   

This contribution stems from the personal experience of the author regarding how he became acquainted with embryology and how he finally entered the field of developmental biology. It reports his feelings as a student of the Histology and Embryology course as it was taught in the late 1970s, and his present efforts in teaching developmental biology to university students. In the Developmental Biology course at Pisa University today, students are taught the tissue, molecular and genetic mechanisms that regulate development of several model systems. Drosophila is introduced at the beginning, because of the great knowledge that it has brought to the unraveling of the molecular aspects of development and because it allows several basic concepts to be introduced, and vertebrate systems follow. Other topics include the classic experiments on amphibian systems, which are explained in the light of recent molecular advances, as well as the genetically more versatile vertebrate systems such as the mouse.  相似文献   



Although recent studies report on the benefits of blended learning in improving medical student education, there is still no empirical evidence on the relative effectiveness of blended over traditional learning approaches in medical statistics. We implemented blended along with on-site (i.e. face-to-face) learning to further assess the potential value of web-based learning in medical statistics.


This was a prospective study conducted with third year medical undergraduate students attending the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, who passed (440 of 545) the final exam of the obligatory introductory statistics course during 2013–14. Student statistics achievements were stratified based on the two methods of education delivery: blended learning and on-site learning. Blended learning included a combination of face-to-face and distance learning methodologies integrated into a single course.


Mean exam scores for the blended learning student group were higher than for the on-site student group for both final statistics score (89.36±6.60 vs. 86.06±8.48; p = 0.001) and knowledge test score (7.88±1.30 vs. 7.51±1.36; p = 0.023) with a medium effect size. There were no differences in sex or study duration between the groups. Current grade point average (GPA) was higher in the blended group. In a multivariable regression model, current GPA and knowledge test scores were associated with the final statistics score after adjusting for study duration and learning modality (p<0.001).


This study provides empirical evidence to support educator decisions to implement different learning environments for teaching medical statistics to undergraduate medical students. Blended and on-site training formats led to similar knowledge acquisition; however, students with higher GPA preferred the technology assisted learning format. Implementation of blended learning approaches can be considered an attractive, cost-effective, and efficient alternative to traditional classroom training in medical statistics.  相似文献   

An important part of training the next generation of physicians is ensuring that they are exposed to the integral role that research plays in improving medical treatment. However, medical students often do not have sufficient time to be trained to carry out any projects in biomedical and clinical research. Many medical students also fail to understand and grasp translational research as an important concept today. In addition, since medical training is often an international affair whereby a medical student/resident/fellow will likely train in many different countries during his/her early training years, it is important to provide a learning environment whereby a young medical student experiences the unique challenges and value of an international educational experience. This article describes a program that bridges the gap between the basic and clinical research concepts in a unique international educational experience. After completing two semester curricula at Alfaisal University in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, six medical students undertook a summer program at St. Boniface Hospital Research Centre, in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. The program lasted for 2 mo and addressed advanced training in basic science research topics in medicine such as cell isolation, functional assessment, and molecular techniques of analysis and manipulation as well as sessions on the conduct of clinical research trials, ethics, and intellectual property management. Programs such as these are essential to provide a base from which medical students can decide if research is an attractive career choice for them during their clinical practice in subsequent years. An innovative international summer research course for medical students is necessary to cater to the needs of the medical students in the 21st century.  相似文献   

Medical students are a population at risk for the development of stress-related risk states (e.g. burnout) and manifest mental disorders (e.g. depression). Still the learning of coping mechanisms against stress is not an integral part of the medical curriculum. In a pilot study we developed an elective course for learning relaxation techniques (Relacs) which was geared to the clinical practice of autogenic training (AT) with psychiatric patients. The course focussed on an innovative and mostly communicative transfer of knowledge about AT, progressive muscle relaxation and medical hypnosis and stressed the principle of repeated and supervised exercises in small student groups alongside self-administered exercise. 42 students took part in this course and showed a very high acceptance for the topic and positive evaluation. Moreover, we found a distinct improvement of the participants’ mental parameters (burnout, anxiety) and a good knowledge about the course’s contents within the final exams at the end of the semester. The structure and realisation of the course is easily adaptable and very effective regarding the improvement of the students’ mental health. Due to our results and the commonly known prevalence of stress-related disorders in medical students we postulate the integration of courses on relaxation strategies in the medical curriculum.  相似文献   

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