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In this study, we present the first genetic evidence of the phylogenetic position of Tarsius pumilus, the mountain tarsier of Sulawesi, Indonesia. This mysterious primate is the only Eastern tarsier species that occurs exclusively in cloud forests above 1800 m.a.s.l. It exhibits striking morphological peculiarities—most prominently its extremely reduced body size, which led to the common name of ‘pygmy tarsier’. However, our results indicate that T. pumilus is not an aberrant form of a lowland tarsier, but in fact, the most basal of all Sulawesi tarsiers. Applying a Bayesian multi-locus coalescent approach, we dated the divergence between the T. pumilus lineage and the ancestor of all other extant Sulawesi tarsiers to 9.88 Mya. This is as deep as the split between the two other tarsier genera Carlito (Philippine tarsiers) and Cephalopachus (Western tarsiers), and predates further tarsier diversification on Sulawesi by around 7 Myr. The date coincides with the deepening of the marine environment between eastern and western Sulawesi, which likely led to allopatric speciation between T. pumilus or its predecessor in the west and the ancestor of all other Sulawesi tarsiers in the east. As the split preceded the emergence of permanent mountains in western Sulawesi, it is unlikely that the shift to montane habitat has driven the formation of the T. pumilus lineage.  相似文献   

On the basis of distinguishing characteristics of various genetic markers, pelage color, tail tuft, and vocalizations, we describe a new species of the genus Tarsius Storr 1780. The new taxon Tarsius wallacei sp. nov. occupies a disjunct range in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The two isolated populations differ significantly in body size, but are alike in color, tail tuft dimensions, vocalizations, and genetic composition. Morphologically, the new species is similar to other Sulawesi lowland tarsiers. In the field, it can be distinguished from its congeners via a characteristic duet song and its yellow-brown pelage coloration and a copper-colored throat. Genetic analyses prove Y-chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA sequences and also microsatellite allele frequencies to be absolutely diagnostic.  相似文献   

Geographic populations of Sulawesi tarsiers differ conspicuously in the acoustic structure of the loud duet calls produced by mated pairs. There is evidence that the differences in call features relate to species differentiation. Duet calls can thus be used as a tool to identify cryptic species and for their monitoring in the field. We recorded duets from various geographically isolated populations of Tarsius tarsier in south and southeast Sulawesi to survey the species identity of the tarsiers in these regions. We compared their calls with the duet calls of the Manado tarsier (= Tarsius spectrum), Tarsius dianae, and the Togian Island tarsier. In addition, we recorded and analyzed the duet call of the tarsier from Peleng Island, Tarsius pelengensis. Qualitative characteristics of duet songs of both sexes, analysis of frequency and temporal parameters, and multivariate statistics show 4 distinct vocal forms that predict the existence of 4 new species. These are found on Selayar Island, on the south mainland (Bantimurung), on the southeast mainland (Puwato), and on the Islands of Kabaena and Buton. Our analysis of the call of the Peleng tarsier revealed striking similarities with the call of Tarsius dianae. Further morphological analyses are needed to support the proposed new species in south and southeast Sulawesi and to clarify the taxonomic affinity between the central Sulawesi tarsier species Tarsius pelengensis and T. dianae.  相似文献   

We report new mitochondrial DNA sequence data from tarsiers sampled from several populations, including the extreme northeast and southwest of the range of the Tarsius tarsier species complex, the most extensive sampling ever reported for this taxon. Our results provide the opportunity to produce the first ever molecular chronometric analysis of Tarsiidae. These results date the age of crown tarsiers, minimally, to the middle Miocene, and each of the 3 tarsier species groups, Tarsius bancanus, T. syrichta, and the T. tarsier complex, to the early or middle Miocene. Thus, each of these 3 species has evolved in isolation for a period of time that is consistent with that which would be expected for multiple speciation events. Our analysis of the Tarsius tarsier complex reveals 5 subclades, each of which is interpreted to represent a haplogroup at, or above, the species level, a result that is consistent with current hypotheses about numerous cryptic species within this species complex. The implications for conservation within the Sulawesi biogeographic region are that Sulawesi is subdivided into numerous subregions of endemism and that, by extrapolating the example of cryptic tarsier species to other taxa, biodiversity may be underestimated by an order of magnitude. The practical realties of conservation in Sulawesi are such that it is most reasonable to assume that anthropogenic extinctions are occurring, and that some species will go extinct before they have even been identified.  相似文献   

This study provides preliminary data on the positional behavior and habitat use of the Philippine tarsier,Tarsius syrichta, which was studied in its natural habitat on the island of Leyte. The locomotor behavior ofT. syrichta is quite comparable to the other species of tarsiers but frequency of use of different postures and support types does seem to distinguish this species from the others.Tarsius bancanus appears to be the most specialized, using vertical clinging postures the most frequently and sitting the least;Tarsius dianae uses vertical clinging the least frequently and sitting the most, andT. syrichta is intermediate. The Philippine tarsier has a small home range similar to that ofT. spectrum. On the other hand, this species likely does not have the small family groups typical of Sulawesi tarsiers but instead uses a noyau system likeT. bancanus. This data supports some apsects ofNiemitz’s (1977) model of anatomical and behavioral specialization among tarsier species.  相似文献   

We here present the first behavioral, morphological, and ecological data on a living group of highland pygmy tarsiers, Tarsius pumilus, and compare them with the lowland tarsier species of Sulawesi. Pygmy tarsiers were previously known only from 3 museum specimens and had not been seen alive since the first specimens were collected in 1917 and 1930. As part of a 2-mo exploratory study, we recently located a group consisting of ≥4 pygmy tarsiers in the mossy cloud forest of Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. We captured 1 adult female and 2 adult male group members. The tarsiers weighed a mean of 50 g, less than half the weight of adult lowland tarsiers. Our behavioral observations indicate that these tarsiers live in small groups that return to the same sleeping tree each morning. Though our data are preliminary, pygmy tarsier body proportions appear to differ from the lowland Sulawesian tarsier species, with relatively long hind limbs compared to total body length. We also observed differences in grouping and communication behaviors. Unlike lowland tarsiers, pygmy tarsiers possess multiple adult males per group and rarely vocalize or scentmark. These differences may correlate with variables unique to their high altitude habitat, especially a reduction in food and tree resources, given that tree density declined sharply along an altitudinal gradient. Our preliminary study identifies the importance of altitudinal ecological gradients to tarsier behavioral ecology in Central Sulawesi, providing questions and predictions for future research directions.  相似文献   

Tarsiers are small nocturnal primates with a long history of fuelling debate on the origin and evolution of anthropoid primates. Recently, the discovery of M and L opsin genes in two sister species, Tarsius bancanus (Bornean tarsier) and Tarsius syrichta (Philippine tarsier), respectively, was interpreted as evidence of an ancestral long-to-middle (L/M) opsin polymorphism, which, in turn, suggested a diurnal or cathemeral (arrhythmic) activity pattern. This view is compatible with the hypothesis that stem tarsiers were diurnal; however, a reversion to nocturnality during the Middle Eocene, as evidenced by hyper-enlarged orbits, predates the divergence of T. bancanus and T. syrichta in the Late Miocene. Taken together, these findings suggest that some nocturnal tarsiers possessed high-acuity trichromatic vision, a concept that challenges prevailing views on the adaptive origins of the anthropoid visual system. It is, therefore, important to explore the plausibility and antiquity of trichromatic vision in the genus Tarsius. Here, we show that Sulawesi tarsiers (Tarsius tarsier), a phylogenetic out-group of Philippine and Bornean tarsiers, have an L opsin gene that is more similar to the L opsin gene of T. syrichta than to the M opsin gene of T. bancanus in non-synonymous nucleotide sequence. This result suggests that an L/M opsin polymorphism is the ancestral character state of crown tarsiers and raises the possibility that many hallmarks of the anthropoid visual system evolved under dim (mesopic) light conditions. This interpretation challenges the persistent nocturnal–diurnal dichotomy that has long informed debate on the origin of anthropoid primates.  相似文献   

Previous sociobiological studies of tarsiers were invariably based on field observations. Sulawesi tarsiers are known for monogamous or facultative polygynous social mating systems, but, to date, no data exist to describe the genetic mating system. We here bring together behavioral studies and molecular tools for the first time to elucidate mating behavior and kinship within a tarsier population. We investigated the social system of the recently described Tarsius lariang, which researchers have never studied before. Between September and November 2005, we conducted field observations and sampling in central Sulawesi, Indonesia, where this species is endemic. Ten of 11 social groups of the focal population were composed of 1 adult male, 1 adult female, and putative offspring. To enlighten genetic relationships, we used 12 microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA sequences of 26 captured and sampled Lariang tarsiers for parentage and relatedness analyses. A significant number of young were the offspring of the sampled group adults, suggesting a predominantly monogamous social and genetic mating system. There is evidence for extrapair young in groups in which adult pairs exhibit close relationships, leading to the assumption that extrapair mating is solicited to avoid inbreeding. Ten of 11 social groups lived in monogamous social systems, indicating monogamy to be the rule in Tarsius lariang.  相似文献   

On the basis of morphological, anatomical, and acoustic analyses, the tarsiers of the Gimpu region on Sulawesi belong to a previously undescribed species of the genus Tarsius Storr, 1780. We describe the new taxon as Tarsius lariang new species. In November 2001, S. Merker collected 8 specimens of Tarsius lariang near Gimpu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Four of them were transferred to the Indonesian Institute of Sciences at Cibinong to be held in an enclosure, and after their deaths become part of the collection of the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Bogor. The new species is distinctive in pelage, skull, and body proportions, and in vocalization. We describe the unique territorial duet song characteristic for them and place the taxon into a biogeographic framework developed in previous studies.  相似文献   

Patterns and processes of molecular evolution critically influence inferences in phylogeny and phylogeography. Within primates, a shift in evolutionary rates has been identified as the rationale for contrasting findings from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA studies as to the position of Tarsius. While the latter now seems settled, we sequenced complete mitochondrial genomes of three Sulawesi tarsiers (Tarsius dentatus, T. lariang, and T. wallacei) and analyzed substitution rates among tarsiers and other primates to infer driving processes of molecular evolution. We found substantial length polymorphism of the D-loop within tarsier individuals, but little variation of predominant lengths among them, regardless of species. Length variation was due to repetitive elements in the CSB domain—minisatellite motifs of 35 bp length and microsatellite motifs of 6 bp length. Amino acid evolutionary rates were second highest among major primate taxa relative to nucleotide substitution rates. We observed many radical possibly function-altering amino acid changes that were rarely driven by positive selection and thus potentially slightly deleterious or neutral. We hypothesize that the observed pattern of an increased amino acid evolutionary rate in tarsier mitochondrial genomes may be caused by hitchhiking of slightly deleterious mutations with favored D-loop length variants selected for maximizing replication success within the cell or the mitochondrion.  相似文献   

Explanations invoking the complex mechanical effects of orbital enlargement in Tarsius have been extended to several areas of the skull, including the conformation of the postorbital septum. The strong cline in the degree of relative orbital enlargement across tarsier species groups presents an unexploited opportunity to test such scenarios. Our goal is to evaluate hypotheses concerning the impact of orbital hypertrophy on the size of specific components of the postorbital region including the frontal, zygomatic, alisphenoid, and maxillary bones. The frontal process is almost always viewed as a functional projection whose bracing role requires a positive morphometric association with orbital hypertrophy. Conversely, the periorbital expansion of the zygomatic is often perceived as functionally unrelated to orbital enlargement and therefore is not expected to track increases in relative orbit size. Interpretations of the alisphenoid and maxillary periorbital processes range from vestigial remnants of once larger structures reduced because of ocular enlargement to structures large in tarsiers because of their functionally relevant role in supporting the enlarged ocular apparatus. We measured these attributes in an extensive sample of 4 tarsier species groups including Tarsius bancanus, T. syrichta, T. spectrum, and T. pumilus. In contrast to proposed functional interpretations, our results indicate that variation in most linear parameters might be better explained by differences in body size than intrageneric differences in orbit size. As expected, width of the zygomatic postorbital contribution does not parallel intrageneric variation in orbit size. However, morphometric relationships between relative orbit size and other parts of the septum are complex but not clearly associated with orbit size differences within Tarsius.  相似文献   

Tarsiers possess a very odd musculoskeletal foot anatomy that goes beyond their acknowledged specialized leaping adaptations. Tarsius has evolved a fundamentally different method of bone rotation to achieve an inverted foot position during grasping and has developed an unusual muscular system for holding onto vertical supports. Although galagos and tarsiers possess elongated foot bones as adaptations for leaping, galagos utilize many more types of movements, have specialized osteological surface for inversion, and have a more common type of muscle development in the foot and leg than tarsiers possess. Likewise, the Omomyidae, the ancestral lineage of Tarsius, exhibit a lack of morphological similarity with Tarsius in the known foot joints.  相似文献   

Tarsiers are considered “vertical clingers and leapers” but there are few empirical data available concerning actual substrate- or space- use patterns in any of the three species. In this paper we examine these patterns in four wild-caught, captive Tarsius bancanusmaintained in large enclosures designed to promote natural behavior. We find that this species uses space in a distinctly nonrandom manner, exhibiting a preference for midlevel heights and upright, small-diameter substrates. The observed space-utilization pattern was best explained by strong preferences for specific heights and not by the distribution of prey items, preferred substrate types,or substrate angles. Unlike wild T. bancanus,which reportedly forage consistently on the ground, these tarsiers did not forage on the floor of the enclosures despite the abundance of food there.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of tarsiers within the primates has been a controversial subject for over a century. Despite numerous morphological and molecular studies, there has been weak support for grouping tarsiers with either strepsirrhine primates in a prosimian clade or with anthropoids in a haplorrhine clade. Here, we take advantage of the recently released whole genome assembly of the Philippine tarsier, Tarsius syrichta, in order to infer the phylogenetic relationship of Tarsius within the order Primates. We also present estimates of divergence times within the primates. Using a 1.26 million base pair multiple sequence alignment derived from 1078 orthologous genes, we provide overwhelming statistical support for the presence of a haplorrhine clade. We also present divergence date estimates using local relaxed molecular clock methods. The estimated time of the most recent common ancestor of extant Primates ranged from 64.9 Ma to 72.6 Ma, and haplorrhines were estimated to have a most recent common ancestor between 58.9 Ma and 68.6 Ma. Examination of rates of nucleotide substitution in the three major extant primate clades show that anthropoids have a slower substitution rate than either strepsirrhines or tarsiers. Our results provide the framework on which primate morphological, reproductive, and genomic features can be reconstructed in the broader context of mammalian phylogeny.  相似文献   

This study reports the development and characterization of the first 12 microsatellite markers for tarsiers. Nine loci were isolated from Dian's tarsier, Tarsius dianae and three from the Philippine tarsier, Tarsius syrichta. The 12 markers were used to screen 40 individuals of Dian's tarsier and 40 individuals of the Lariang tarsier, Tarsius lariang for allelic diversity. This suite of highly polymorphic microsatellites provides the first chance to genetically study parentage patterns in tarsiers.  相似文献   

As the closest living sister group of anthropoids, tarsiers (Family Tarsiidae) are an important group in primate evolution. However, their fossil record is poor: only four species have been described, two from the Eocene of China and two from the Miocene of Thailand. All are from outside the range of the living species, which occur only on islands off Southeast Asia. Here, we describe a new fossil tarsier from Pakistan, a significant range extension. This record consists of two lower molars, an upper molar, and a lower premolar found in the Miocene Manchar Formation (∼18–16 Ma [millions of years ago]) of Sindh Province, southern Pakistan. The Pakistani tarsier is morphologically distinct from all living and fossil tarsiers, but most similar to the middle Miocene Thai species Tarsius thailandicus. Though living tarsiers have traditionally been classified in a single genus, a recent revision proposed a division into three genera, which is strongly supported by molecular data. The Pakistani species is not referable to any of these genera, and we create for it and T. thailandicus a new tarsiid genus. This discovery broadens our understanding of the geographic range and morphological diversity of Miocene tarsiers and helps to put the living tarsiers into their evolutionary context.  相似文献   

This study reports the isolation and characterization of eight microsatellite markers for the study of Philippine tarsiers (Tarsius syrichta), small primates endemic to this Southeast Asian archipelago. The markers were used to screen 14 Tarsius syrichta for allelic diversity. This suite of highly polymorphic microsatellites provides the first chance to genetically study parentage and dispersal patterns in Philippine tarsiers.  相似文献   

The taxonomic position ofTarsius has been a topic of some debate. Recent molecular and anatomical studies have shoen that tarsiers share a number of derived traits with Anthropoids. These include aspects of their reporductive biology and aspects of their olfactory and visual systems. It has, therefore, been suggested that, despite a number of convergences with strepsirhine primates, tarsiers should be classified with the Anthropoid primates. We use comparative analyses of relative primate brain part volumes to determine whetherTarsius should be classified as a Haplorhine. We show that, for each of seven brain components whose relative size discriminates unequivocally between Strepsirhines and Haplorhines, the tarsiers fall in the Haplorhine distribution. These results confirm their classification with the Haplorhines.  相似文献   

Four adultTarsius bancanus were followed for a total of over 120 hrs in Sepilok Forest Reserve, Sabah, using radiotracking techniques. Seven hundred and twenty-two records of locomotor and postural behaviour were gathered.Tarsius bancanus travels a mean of 1,800 m per night, over large (4.5 to 11.25 ha) ranges. They move at a mean height of 0.89 m, utilizing primarily vertical sapling trunks of diametre 2 to 4 cm. Lateral movement is carried out largely by leaping.Tarsius were found on the ground in 5.3% of cases, but movement on the ground is very largely restricted to short investigative movements by walking. Climbing is mostly related to foraging behaviour and characteristically occurs on relatively small supports.Tarsius bancanus' locomotion is similar to, but more specialized than that ofT. spectrum, Galago alleni, andGalago senegalensis, all of which have rather similar patterns of habitat utilization. We suggest that the energetic constraints of small body size together with the need to patrol large home ranges may have lead both toTarsius bancanus extreme degree of locomotor specialization and to its exclusive animalivory.  相似文献   

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