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Powders that are capable of adhering to insect cuticles can act as carrier particles when combined with insecticides, entomopathogens, or pheromones, for targeted insect control. One potential method of delivering the powder to an insect is to lure the insects to stations containing powder using a species‐specific attractant. Here, we report on the uptake of two different powders from lure stations (henceforth called ‘dispensers’) by the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, and the transfer of the powders to conspecifics during field studies in Portugal, as part of a research programme to develop lure‐and‐kill technologies based on adhesive powder. Uptake of an electrostatic wax powder, Entostat?, from dispensers was greater than uptake of a proprietary metallic powder, Entomag?, for both wild male C. capitata visiting field‐placed dispensers and laboratory‐reared males confined with dispensers in field cages. In agreement with field data, C. capitata also took up more Entostat than Entomag when artificially dosed on dispenser trays containing powder in the laboratory, and the quantities taken up were shown to be greater than that calculated from field experiments. Increasing the amount of Entostat powder in field‐placed dispensers resulted in greater uptake of powder by visiting male C. capitata. Laboratory‐reared male and female C. capitata were released in field cages in which were hung dispensers containing adhesive powder that were baited with the male attractant trimedlure. After 24 h, the powder was successfully extracted from all males and nearly all females collected, indicating that males probably transferred powder to conspecific females after visiting dispensers. The results underscore that a lure‐and‐kill system based on adhesive powder might have potential for controlling Mediterranean fruit fly and other flying insects.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We investigated the potential impact of three opiine tephritid fruit fly parasitoids: Fopius arisanus (Sonan), Fopius caudatus (Szépligeti) and Fopius ceratitivorus Wharton, on the non-target native Hawaiian tephritid, Trupanea dubautiae (Bryan), infesting flowerheads of the endemic Asteraceae shrub Dubautia raillardioides Hillebrand. The three species are the only known opiine fruit fly parasitoids that attack host eggs (but occasionally attack first instars). F. arisanus , which originated in southeast Asia, is now widely established in Hawaii and elsewhere in the world, while the other two are African species currently in quarantine in Hawaii. In the laboratory, field-collected flowerheads of D. raillardioides containing T. dubautiae eggs and first instar larvae were exposed to naïve female wasps of each of the three Fopius species in the absence (no-choice test) or presence (choice test) of papaya fruit infested with eggs of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), the parasitoids' normal host. All three Fopius species visited the papaya fruit much more often than the flowerheads, and displayed normal ovipositional responses (probing and stinging) on the fruit in the choice test. None of the three parasitoid species showed ovipositional responses to flowerheads in either choice or no-choice tests. As a result, not a single T. dubautiae egg or larva was attacked by any of the three parasitoids, indicating that these parasitoids of pest tephritids are unable to recognize the microhabitats of flowerhead-feeding tephritids. The results suggest minimal risk of non-target impact in these biological control agents.  相似文献   

The efficacy of male‐targeted and female‐targeted baits was compared when lures were presented together or singly in traps for capturing the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). For male‐targeted baits, either trimedlure or ceralure presented singly attracted large numbers of flies, supporting data from many previous reports. The present results are the first published data on the attractiveness of ceralure to a European population of C. capitata. The quaternary female bait consisting of ammonium carbonate, putrescine, trimethylamine and acetic acid was a potent attractant for female flies (and also showed some activity for males). Replacing acetic acid with ammonium acetate in the quaternary female bait did not influence activity. Traps with female‐targeted and male‐targeted baits together always showed a tendency of catching fewer flies than traps with only one type of bait. The decrease was significant in females, regardless of whether ceralure or trimedlure was the male‐targeted bait. In males, the tendency was the same for traps with trimedlure or ceralure alone, catching higher numbers than those with both male and female baits. Our present results suggest that both types of baits mutually decrease the numbers of the non‐target sex in the trap. In conclusion, it is advisable to use both male‐ and female‐targeted baits in separate and distant traps and not jointly in the same trap, lest the efficacy of detection or monitoring trials be compromised.  相似文献   

Female Mediterranean fruit flies (medfly) Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) perceive both qualitative and quantitative aspects of citrus fruit chemistry. However, the behavioural and biological adjustments of this response remain largely unknown. In the present study, the ovipositional responses of gravid female medflies to essential oils (i.e. the most critical resistance factor to medfly infestation) of various citrus fruits are investigated. In dual‐choice (treatment versus distilled water control) experiments, females lay significantly more eggs into pre‐punctured hollow oviposition hemispheres (domes) provided with 1 µL of citrus peel oil from sweet orange, satsuma mandarin, bitter orange, grapefruit and lemon compared with odourless domes. No‐choice tests show a weak effect of lemon essential oils in stimulating oviposition. The female ovipositional response to sweet orange oil (the most active in eliciting oviposition) is dose‐dependent. Additionally, limonene, the most abundant chemical in all citrus oils, stimulates oviposition, whereas linalool, a representative compound of immature citrus fruit associated with high toxicity against immature stages of fruit flies, has a significant deterrent effect. In further no‐choice tests, females lay approximately 23% fewer eggs in limonene (93%) (amount found in orange oil) and 60% fewer eggs in limonene 93% plus linalool 3% (approximately 10‐fold the amount found in orange oil) mixtures, relative to sweet orange oil. The results suggest that the limonene content accounts largely (but not completely) for the ovipositional responses observed in sweet orange oil, whereas high linalool proportions are capable of significantly masking and/or disrupting its stimulatory effects in citrus oils. The importance and practical implications of these findings with respect to understanding how citrus fruit chemistry influences the ovipositional responses of medfly is discussed.  相似文献   

Wolbachia pipientis is a widespread endosymbiont of insects and other arthropods exerting a wide range of biological effects on their hosts. A growing number of recent studies document the influence of Wolbachia on reproduction and lifespan of insect host species. However, little is known regarding effects of Wolbachia on the demographic traits of different host populations. Moreover, whether different Wolbachia strains exert different effects on fitness components of their hosts remains largely unknown. We studied the effects of (a) the Wolbachia strain wCer2 on fitness components of two laboratory lines of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) and (b) two different Wolbachia strains (wCer2 and wCer4) on one of the Mediterranean fruit fly lines. Wolbachia infection (wCer2) shortens the egg‐to‐adult developmental duration of both C. capitata lines, although it prolongs embryonic development. In one of the two lines, egg‐to‐adult mortality increased. Wolbachia infection shortens adult lifespan (to a different extent in males and females) and reduces female fecundity. The different Wolbachia strains differentially affect both immature mortality and developmental duration, and adult longevity and female fecundity. Our findings demonstrate both differential response of two C. capitata lines to Wolbachia infection and differential effects of two Wolbachia strains on the same Mediterranean fruit fly line. Practical and theoretical implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract  The Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) is a pest of citrus in parts of Western Australia. Three citrus cultivars: Valencia oranges, Eureka lemons and Imperial mandarins, as well as non-citrus control fruits, were examined for attractiveness and suitability to Medfly in the field and in the laboratory using choice and no-choice experiments. Oranges were more susceptible to Medfly than mandarins and lemons. Punctures in the skin had a significant impact on the degree of infestation in both citrus and non-citrus control fruit. Artificial infestation and larval survivorship were used to investigate the suitability of each cultivar to Medfly under laboratory conditions. Oranges and mandarins were suitable for the development of Medfly, but lemons were a poor host. When each cultivar was in season, field cage trials demonstrated that infestation occurred in oranges and mandarins but not in lemons.  相似文献   

Most studies of the sexual behaviour of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann 1824 (Tephritidae: Ceratitidini) have concentrated on determining which male characteristics influence their copulatory success and little is known about the female’s influence on this process. The present study investigated the influence of female size on the selection of different sized males. The experiments were undertaken using a colony maintained under laboratory conditions for 15 years with the frequent introduction of wild flies. Adults of different sizes (‘larger’ and ‘smaller’) were obtained by providing two groups of larvae with different concentrations of protein (7.0 g of yeast/100 ml of water = high protein content, 3.0 g of yeast/100 ml of water = low protein content). Mate choice tests were performed in a laboratory environment as well as in a field cage, with larger or smaller females being simultaneously exposed to larger and smaller males. The results indicated that in both the laboratory and field cage tests both larger and smaller females preferred mating with larger males. The data is discussed in terms of the possible advantages to the females associated with their choice of males with large body sizes.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) is widely used in integrated programs against tephritid fruit flies, particularly the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae). Unfortunately, the mass‐rearing procedures inherent to the SIT often lead to a reduction in the male mating competitiveness. One potential solution involves the prerelease exposure of males to particular attractants. In particular, male exposure to ginger root oil [Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Zingiberaceae); hereafter GRO], has been shown to increase mating success dramatically in field cage trials. To evaluate more rigorously the effectiveness of GRO exposure, we here describe two projects that compared levels of egg sterility or pupal yield, respectively, following the release of wild flies and either GRO‐exposed (treated) sterile males or GRO‐deprived (control) sterile males in large field enclosures. In both projects, sterile males from a genetic sexing strain were exposed as adults to GRO for 24 h while held in large storage boxes. In Hawaii, we dissected eggs from fruits to determine the percentage of egg hatch at four overflooding ratios, ranging from 5 : 1 to 60 : 1 (sterile : wild males), and found that, at all four ratios, the proportion of unhatched (sterile) eggs was significantly greater in enclosures containing GRO‐exposed males than control males. In Guatemala, we allowed larvae to develop in fruits and counted the number of pupae produced. At the only overflooding ratio tested (25 : 1), pupal yield was approximately 25% lower for enclosures containing GRO‐exposed males than control males, although this difference was not statistically significant. An explanation for the differing outcomes is proposed, and the implications of these findings for the SIT are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The presence of the Solanum fruit fly, Bactrocera latifrons , in Africa is reported for the first time, based on trapped and reared specimens in Tanzania. Two new host records, Solanum aethiopicum and Solanum macrocarpon , are reported.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The temporal occurrence of the invasive and economically important pest fruit fly, Bactrocera invadens was studied in three agro-ecological areas of Morogoro Region, central Tanzania, during 2004–2005. Weekly and monthly trappings were carried out with methyl eugenol, protein bait and synthetic food attractant. Bactrocera invadens was permanently present at low and mid-altitudes (380–520 m a.s.l.) with peak periods coinciding with the fruiting season of mango ( Mangifera indica ) and guava ( Psidium guajava ). At high altitude (1650 m a.s.l.) its incidence was only temporal and apparently the result of dispersal from lower altitudes after the mango fruiting season. Rearing results showed mango, loquat ( Eriobotrya japonica ), guava and grapefruit ( Citrus  ×  paradisi ) to be the favoured commercial host fruits. Other Citrus species, cucurbits, papaya ( Carica papaya ) and avocado ( Persea americana ) were less favoured.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Fopius ceratitivorus Wharton, a recently discovered African parasitoid, was studied in quarantine in Hawaii to facilitate its mass production for biological control of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata. Mean longevity of host-deprived and ovipositing females was 17.3 ± 0.9 d and 16.2 ± 0.5 d, respectively. Ovarian maturation peaked at 61.6 mature eggs per female on the fifth day after eclosion and declined thereafter. Mean number of offspring produced per day by mated females was 5.1 ± 0.4, and realized fecundity expressed as total eggs deposited during the female’s life time was 107.8 ± 12.8. Females were more attracted, to and reproduced significantly more, in fruit substrates containing odors of adult flies and eggs rather than fruit substrates artificially inoculated with fly eggs. Our findings suggest that F. ceratitivorus is a promising new parasitoid for biological control of C. capitata in Hawaii.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) is widely used to suppress or eradicate infestations of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wied.), an insect whose broad polyphagy poses a serious threat to fruit and vegetable crops. The SIT involves the production, sterilization and release of sterile insects to obtain sterile male by wild female matings, thus yielding infertile eggs. Mass‐rearing over many generations is known to produce dramatic changes in the behaviour and life history of C. capitata. This study investigated the possibility that mass‐rearing also alters male response to trimedlure, a sex‐specific attractant widely used in detection and monitoring programmes. We compared captures of released males from a mass‐reared strain and a recently established colony of wild flies in trimedlure‐baited Jackson traps at three spatial scales – open field, large field enclosures (75 m2) and small field cages (7 m2) – in two separate years. In the first year, males were used independently of flight ability, while in the second year only males with demonstrated flight capability were used. Trap capture was scored 2 days after release for the open field and the large field enclosures but either 1 h or 1 day after release in the small field cages. The findings were consistent across these different experiments: wild‐like males were captured in significantly greater numbers than mass‐reared males in both years of study, except in the trials lasting 1 day in the small field cages where significantly more wild than mass‐reared males were captured in 1 year but not the other. These results are compared with other studies, and their implications for SIT are discussed.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a kaolin‐based particle film formulation M‐99‐099 to control olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae Gmelin, field infestations was investigated in north‐western Syria. The results showed that fruit infestation levels were significantly reduced on kaolin‐treated trees compared with untreated trees. Kaolin particle film successfully suppressed B. oleae populations and provided season‐long insect control (>14 weeks) whereas the insecticide dimethoate failed to protect olives for as long a period after the last spray. Consistent with previous findings, the M‐99‐099 kaolin particle film proved to be a promising alternative method to synthetic insecticides and could be used to control B. oleae in olive groves.  相似文献   

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