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An 11 year old, tall boy presented with symptoms typical of pituitary apoplexy. A large necrotic and haemorrhagic tumour was removed, which was shown to be an adenoma secreting growth hormone and prolactin. Subsequent treatment comprised cranial irradiation and hormone replacement. Eighteen months after operation growth was static and plasma growth hormone and prolactin concentrations were undetectable. Treatment of pituitary apoplexy should comprise excision of the tumour and postoperative irradiation; such treatment after early recognition of the condition offers the best chance of preserving normal pituitary function in children with gigantism.  相似文献   

Single pituitary cells often fire spontaneous action potentials (APs), which are believed to underlie spiking fluctuations in cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i). To address how these basal [Ca2+]i fluctuations depend on changes in plasma membrane voltage (V), simultaneous measurements of V and [Ca2+]i were performed in rat pituitary gonadotrophs. The data show that each [Ca2+]i spike is produced by the Ca2+ entry during a single AP. Using these and previously obtained patch-clamp data, we develop a quantitative mathematical model of this plasma membrane oscillator and the accompanying spatiotemporal [Ca2+]i oscillations. The model demonstrates that AP-induced [Ca2+]i spiking is prominent only in a thin shell layer neighboring the cell surface. This localized [Ca2+]i spike transiently activates the Ca2(+)- dependent K+ current resulting in a sharp afterhyperpolarization following each voltage spike. In accord with experimental observations, the model shows that the frequency and amplitude of the voltage spikes are highly sensitive to current injection and to the blocking of the Ca(2+)-sensitive current. Computations also predict that leaving the membrane channels intact, the firing rate can be modified by changing the Ca2+ handling parameters: the Ca2+ diffusion rate, the Ca2+ buffering capacity, and the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump rate. Finally, the model suggests reasons that spontaneous APs were seen in some gonadotrophs but not in others. This model provides a basis for further exploring how plasma membrane electrical activity is involved in the control of cytosolic calcium level in unstimulated as well as agonist-stimulated gonadotrophs.  相似文献   

Basal and receptor-regulated changes in cytoplasmic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) were monitored by fluorescence analysis in individual rat pituitary gonadotrophs loaded with the calcium-sensitive dye indo-1. Most gonadotrophs exhibited low amplitude spontaneous oscillations in basal [Ca2+]i that were interspersed by quiescent periods and abolished by removal of extracellular Ca2+ or addition of calcium channel blockers. Such random fluctuations in [Ca2+]i, which reflect the operation of a plasma membrane oscillator, were not coupled to basal gonadotropin secretion. The physiological agonist GnRH induced high amplitude [Ca2+]i oscillations; when a threshold [Ca2+]i level was reached, a cytoplasmic oscillator began to generate extremely regular Ca2+ transients. The time required to reach the threshold [Ca2+]i level was inversely correlated with agonist dose; the frequency, but not the amplitude, of agonist-induced Ca2+ spiking increased with agonist concentration. The duration of the latent period decreased and the frequency of Ca2+ spiking increased with the increase in ambient temperature. At high GnRH concentrations, the calcium transients merged into biphasic responses similar to those observed in cell suspensions at all GnRH concentrations. The presence of spontaneous fluctuations in basal [Ca2+]i did not significantly change the patterns of agonist-induced [Ca2+]i responses. Also, removal of extracellular Ca2+ did not interfere with the frequency or amplitude of Ca2+ spikes, but caused the loss of the plateau phase. Blockade of intracellular Ca(2+)-ATPase pumps by thapsigargin was usually accompanied by a subthreshold increase in [Ca2+]i. In such cells the agonist-induced oscillatory pattern was transformed into the biphasic response. In about 10% of the cells, however, high thapsigargin concentrations induced coarse [Ca2+]i oscillations; subsequent stimulation of such cells with GnRH was ineffective. The cytoplasmic oscillatory and biphasic responses may represent a mechanism for differential activation of Ca(2+)-dependent enzymes and their dependent cellular processes, including hormone secretion. The membrane oscillator is probably responsible for refilling of agonist-sensitive pools during and after agonist stimulation.  相似文献   

Administration of 50, 250, and 1,250 ng/kg iv of recombinant bovine tumor necrosis factor-alpha (RBTNF) did not affect basal plasma concentrations of growth hormone (GH) or thyroid-stimulating hormone in male calves. However, when administered 30 min before challenge with 1 microgram/kg iv of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), 250 ng/kg of RBTNF increased the subsequent incremental GH response. At 1,250 ng/kg of RBTNF, GH response to TRH was significantly blunted. For each dose of RBTNF administered, the incremental change in plasma thyroid-stimulating hormone following TRH was not significantly different from control. To examine direct effects of RBTNF on pituitary function, fresh bovine pituitaries were sliced into 1-mm cubes and incubated with 0 or 10(-8), 10(-9), or 10(-10) M RBTNF. Additional cultures were treated with 10(-8) or 10(-9) M GH-releasing factor or 10(-8) M TRH and 0 or 10(-8) M RBTNF. Media GH increased in cultures with 10(-10) M RBTNF and declined linearly as RBTNF concentration increased. RBTNF blocked GH release from GH-releasing factor- and TRH-challenged pituitary slices. Membranes prepared from homogenized bovine pituitaries had specific saturable binding characteristics for monomeric 125I-RBTNF. Membranes treated with 4 M MgCl2 for 10 min and washed free of Mg2+ produced Scatchard plots fit to a two-site model (high affinity site Kd = 6.6 nM), while Scatchards of non-Mg(2+)-treated membranes fit a single site (Kd = 8.9 nM). Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis separation of 125I-RBTNF cross-linked pituitary membranes showed specific binding of monomeric 125I-RBTNF to protein components ranging in molecular weight from 19,000 to 77,000. The data suggest that RBTNF has modulatory effects on the regulation of GH secretion acting directly at the pituitary through specific receptors.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO)-dependent soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) is operative in mammalian cells, but its presence and the role in cGMP production in pituitary cells have been incompletely characterized. Here we show that sGC is expressed in pituitary tissue and dispersed cells, enriched lactotrophs and somatotrophs, and GH(3) immortalized cells, and that this enzyme is exclusively responsible for cGMP production in unstimulated cells. Basal sGC activity was partially dependent on voltage-gated calcium influx, and both calcium-sensitive NO synthases (NOS), neuronal and endothelial, were expressed in pituitary tissue and mixed cells, enriched lactotrophs and somatotrophs, and GH(3) cells. Calcium-independent inducible NOS was transiently expressed in cultured lactotrophs and somatotrophs after the dispersion of cells, but not in GH(3) cells and pituitary tissue. This enzyme participated in the control of basal sGC activity in cultured pituitary cells. The overexpression of inducible NOS by lipopolysaccharide + interferon-gamma further increased NO and cGMP levels, and the majority of de novo produced cGMP was rapidly released. Addition of an NO donor to perifused pituitary cells also led to a rapid cGMP release. Calcium-mobilizing agonists TRH and GnRH slightly increased basal cGMP production, but only when added in high concentrations. In contrast, adenylyl cyclase agonists GHRH and CRF induced a robust increase in cGMP production, with EC(50)s in the physiological concentration range. As in cells overexpressing inducible NOS, the stimulatory action of GHRH and CRF was preserved in cells bathed in calcium-deficient medium, but was not associated with a measurable increase in NO production. These results indicate that sGC is present in secretory anterior pituitary cells and is regulated in an NO-dependent manner through constitutively expressed neuronal and endothelial NOS and transiently expressed inducible NOS, as well as independently of NO by adenylyl cyclase coupled-receptors.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood monocytes (PBM) from AIDS patients have exhibited defects in some but not all of the immune functions yet tested. This study has examined the capacity of AIDS PBM to lyse tumor target cells as well as their ability to secrete TNF. Untreated PBM from AIDS patients were significantly cytotoxic to U937 target cells and responded to IFN-gamma pretreatment with augmented cytotoxicity. Both the spontaneous and IFN-gamma-stimulated cytotoxic activity was significantly (p less than 0.01) higher than that observed with normal PBM. The cytotoxic activity depended on the E:T ratio used and was higher in AIDS PBM at all ratios tested (10:1 to 40:1). Because TNF has been implicated in macrophage cell-mediated cytotoxicity, we examined whether the elevated cytotoxic activity of AIDS PBM was associated with an increase in TNF production. Supernatants from PBM cultured overnight with or without IFN-gamma were tested in a bioassay measuring cytotoxicity against U937 target cells as well as in an RIA specific for TNF. Supernatants derived from either unstimulated or IFN-gamma-treated AIDS PBM exhibited significantly higher levels of cytotoxicity than supernatants from normal macrophages. Both normal and AIDS PBM produced higher levels of cytotoxic factors in response to IFN-gamma. As determined by the RIA, AIDS PBM spontaneously released high levels of TNF whereas little TNF was produced by normal PBM. Treatment with IFN-gamma augmented the level of TNF production in both AIDS and normal PBM. These results demonstrate that PBM from AIDS patients have undergone in vivo activation as manifested by both cytotoxicity against tumor target cells and production of TNF. Target cell lysis by both AIDS PBM and their supernatants was inhibited by monoclonal anti-rTNF, suggesting that the increase in PBM cell-mediated cytotoxicity was caused by an increase in TNF production. The significance of these findings in the pathogenesis of the disease is discussed.  相似文献   

The role of isoleucyl-, valyl-, and leucyl-tRNA synthetases in attenuation of the ilvEDA operon was examined. The results indicate that the activities of isoleucyl- and valyl-tRNA synthetases are necessary to maintain attenuation of the ilvEDA operon. Leucyl-tRNA synthetase activity is nonessential for attenuation. These studies imply that uncharged tRNAIle and tRNAVal each may cause deattenuation.  相似文献   

The FVB/N mouse strain is widely used in the generation of transgenic mouse models. We have observed that mammary glands of wild-type virgin female FVB/NCr mice frequently have the morphologic and histologic appearance of a gland during pregnancy. By 13 months of age, the mammary glands of more than 40% of the mice examined had lobuloalveolar hyperplasia that was characterized by the presence of secretory alveoli and distended ducts apparently containing secretory material. The prevalence of this phenotype further increased with age. The mammary phenotype was highly correlated with the presence of proliferative, prolactin-secreting lesions in the pituitary gland. In mice aged 18 to 23 months, hyperplasia of the pars distalis was seen in 11 of 21 mice (52%), and a further 4 of 21 mice (19%) had pituitary adenomas. Pituitary hyperplasia was already evident in some mice as young as nine months. The pituitary phenotype was also associated with high prevalence (4/6 mice) of spontaneous mammary tumors in aged multiparous, but not virgin FVB/NCr mice. This high prevalence of pituitary abnormalities and their effects on the mammary gland have important consequences for the interpretation of new phenotypes generated in transgenic models using this mouse substrain.  相似文献   

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