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Studies on the synthesis of RNA polymerase in E. coli rif mutants containing both sensitive and resistant RNA polymerase molecules show that the synthesis of E. coli RNA polymerase is under a specific and active control system.  相似文献   

A method is described for the rapid purification of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase sigma-70 holoenzyme from Escherichia coli. The essential step in this protocol involves the differential elution of sigma-70 holoenzyme from core polymerase on a heparin-Sepharose column. Using a linear gradient of KCl, holoenzyme was found to elute at 0.25 M whereas core polymerase eluted at 0.35 M. From 20 g of cells, up to 1 mg of RNA polymerase holoenzyme could be isolated in two days. The preparations were greater than 95% pure with respect to protein, and saturated with the sigma subunit.  相似文献   

We previously described the structures and functions of specific complexes between the bla promoter from Tn3 (present in pBR322) and RNA polymerase (RNAP), showing that, at excess RNAP, complexes can form in which one or two RNAPs bind to the same promoter (1:1 and 2:1 complexes) (Duval-Valentin and Ehrlich, 1988). We report here that the 2:1 complex cannot be detected below 25 degrees C; above that temperature, a 1:1 complex forms at a rate one order of magnitude faster than that of the 2:1 complex, and above 30 degrees C, the amounts of both species become equal for RNAP/promoter ratio r30 less than or equal to r less than or equal to 70. The 2:1 complex decays back to a 1:1 complex losing the last RNAP at a rate about three times that of the 1:1 complex decay. Functional assays of the complexes formed at excess RNAP show that both 1:1 and 2:1 complexes are immediately and permanently inhibited, even when the promoters are pre-incubated with ribonucleotide selections potentially enabling entrance into abortive cycling or formation of a stressed complex. We conclude that the inhibition step probably takes place in the complex formation pathway between RPi and RPo, at a novel stable intermediate isomer, RPj, formed above 25 degrees C. A possible mechanism of formation of the 2:1 complex is outlined. In vivo studies, in which r was modified by varying the bacterial growth rate, show a reduction of bla expression as r values are upshifted, specific to the bla promoter from Tn3.  相似文献   

Summary The and subunit of RNA polymerase are thought to be controlled by a translational feedback mechanism regulated by the concentration of RNA polymerase holoenzyme. To study this regulation in vivo, an inducible RNA polymerase overproduction system was developed. This system utilizes plasmids from two incompatibility groups that carry RNA polymerase subunit genes under lac promoter/operator control. When the structural genes encoding the components of core RNA polymerase (, and ) or holoenzyme (, , and 70) are present on the plasmids, induction of the lac promoter results in a two fold increase in the concentration of functional RNA polymerase. The induction of RNA polymerase overproduction is characterized by an initial large burst of synthesis followed by a gradual decrease as the concentration of RNA polymerase increases. Overproduction of RNA polymerase in a strain carrying an electrophoretic mobility mutation in the rpoB gene results in the specific repression of synthesis off the chromosome. These results indicate that RNA polymerase feedback regulation controls synthesis in vivo.  相似文献   

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