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赵长林  崔宝凯 《菌物学报》2013,32(2):192-201
报道了多年卧孔菌属Perenniporia5个中国新记录种。非洲多年卧孔菌Perenniporia africana采自安徽省,孔口表面浅黄色至赭色,且骨架菌丝不分枝;下延多年卧孔菌P.decurrata采自云南省,担子果盖形,具较小孔口和担孢子;椭圆孢多年卧孔菌P.ellipsospora采自云南省,担子果平伏,孔口圆形至多角形,担孢子不平截;硬多年卧孔菌P.inflexibilis采自福建省,担子果盖形,孔口表面灰白至浅褐色,担孢子无色至浅黄色;黄多年卧孔菌P.xantha采自海南省,孔口较小,表面呈黄色,且在KOH试剂中呈深褐色。根据采集的标本材料提供了它们的详细描述和显微结构图。  相似文献   

本文报道了银耳目银耳科的3个新种——黑褐德克耳(Ductifera nigro-brunnea Peng)、黑蜡壳菌(Sebacina fuscata Peng)和长担银耳(Tremella longibasidia Peng)。其形态特征,黑褐德克耳与钙德克耳(Ductifera calcarea Lowy)接近,但前者担子常具柄状基部,担孢子为卵形可与之区别;黑蜡壳菌与蜡壳菌[Sebacina incrustans(Pers.ex Fr.)Tul.]接近,但黑蜡壳菌担子果为黑色膜状,担子有短柄状基部;长担银耳与波纳银耳。(Tremella boraborensis Olive)接近,但前者担子果为黑色,菌丝无小鳞茎状结构,下担子头部决无横分隔者。对这三个新种进行了汉文和拉丁文描述。  相似文献   

多孔菌科的毛发菌属(Trichaptum Murr.)全世界有9种,其特征是:一年生,平伏反卷有菌盖;子实层孔状;二型至三型菌丝系统,生殖菌丝有锁状联合;具被结晶囊状体;孢子光滑,无色,非淀粉质或非类糊精质。生于针叶树或阔叶树上,引致白腐。至于珊瑚菌科的羽囊菌属(Pterulicium Corner)目前仅有1种,特征是担子果分枝,韧,基部具可育的伏革菌的垫,子实层生于分枝的两侧;囊状体缺;双型菌丝系统;孢子光滑,无色。生于植物残体上。  相似文献   

假笼头菌属(Pseudoclathrus)是刘波和鲍运生(1980)根据模式种——柱孢假笼头菌(P.Cylindrosporus Liu et Bau)所建立的新属。 1987年,本文作者报道了雷公山假笼头菌(P.Leigonshancnsis Zhou et Zhang)一新种,本文再报道该属的另一新种——安顺假笼头菌Pseudoclathrus anshunensi Zhou et Zhang。本新种不同于柱孢假笼头菌之处主要是,新种具4条柱状臂,臂无脊沟,柄露于菌托外。而柱孢假笼头菌具6个柱状臂,每条臂均具纵脊沟,柄藏于菌托内;与雷公山假笼头菌的区别在于雷公山假笼头菌具5—6条薄带状的臂,臂肉桂色,担子果大,担孢子也较大,而新种具4条柱状臂,橙黄色,担子果和担孢子均较小。模式标本存放于贵州农学院植病教研组真菌标本室。  相似文献   

本文报道了产于中国的花耳科Dacrymycetaceae的五个新种:小胶杯菌Femsjonia minor Liu et Fan sp.nov.,中国胶杯菌F.sinensis Liu et K.Tao sp.nov.,叶状假花耳Dacryopinax foliacea Liu et Fan sp.nov.,大孢假花耳D.macrospora Lin,Fan et Y.M.Li sp.nov.,以及湖南胶角菌Calocera hunanensis Liu et K.Tao sp.nov.。小胶杯菌与该属其它种的区别在于子实体小型、孢子分隔处缢缩且常具纵隔、不孕面光滑以及皮层菌丝多分枝且顶端膨大;中国胶杯菌与该属其它种的区别在于菌丝无锁状连合;叶状假花耳及大孢假花耳与本属其它种的区别主要在于多隔的孢子(3个隔以上)。假花耳属这两个新种在宏观形态上非常相似,但大孢假花耳的孢子为35—40×10—12.5μm,具7—15隔;叶状假花耳的孢子为15—22.5×4.5—6.5μm,具3—7隔;湖南胶角菌的主要特征是担子果呈羊肚菌状,偶裂成分叶状,孢子具1薄壁的横隔。所有新种的主模式标本均保藏于山西大学真菌标本室。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片、压片等方法对灰花纹鹅膏菌(Amanita fuliginea)子实体发育过程进行了观察,并用核荧光染料Hoechst 33258对灰花纹鹅膏菌子实体发育过程中的核相变化进行了观察。结果表明,灰花纹鹅膏菌子实体发育是典型的半被果型发育,菌褶是子实层同时发育类型,属于同型菌髓。在子实体发育过程中,单倍的二核担子核配后形成短暂的二倍体单核担子,经过减数分裂形成四核担子,有近40%的担子中核再进行一次有丝分裂形成8核担子,担子进一步发育产生担孢子,其中,二核担孢子约占95%,单核担孢子约2.4%,三核孢子2%左右,4核担孢子约0.4%。灰花纹鹅膏菌基因组中染色体数目2n=10条。  相似文献   

寄生于樟、阴香和肉桂等植物上的泽田外担菌和油盘孢属真菌,几十年来分类上存在许多不同看法,或全部归泽田外担菌,或全部归油盘孢属,把此二类不同真菌混淆起来,造成名称混乱。本文通过形态学的研究,表明泽田外担菌与油盘孢属的区别是:泽田外担菌具担子层,担孢子4—8个生担子上,寄主是樟树;而油盘孢属的孢子生菌丝上,形成孢子堆,寄主是阴香和肉桂等植物。  相似文献   

报道了中国担子菌纲一新记录属——哈宁管菌属Henningsomyces,并对采集于云南省迪庆州香格里拉县千湖山冷杉倒木上的一新记录种雪白哈宁管菌Henningsomyces candidus进行了详细描述。该菌最典型的形态特征是担子果由许多白色小管直立排列而成,菌丝体为一体系,同时具有简单分隔和锁状联合,担孢子薄壁、光滑、近椭圆形,菌管口的菌丝呈明显的树状分枝。  相似文献   

金针菇生活史各阶段核相研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许昭仪  李浩  张平 《菌物学报》2015,34(3):386-393
对金针菇Flammulina velutipes生活史各阶段的菌丝体、子实体、担孢子等进行荧光显微观察。结果表明,金针菇单个担孢子发育而来的同核体菌丝为单核,无锁状联合,部分单孢菌株能形成同核子实体,同核子实体的原担子中只有1个核,该核在担子中进行一次有丝分裂形成纵向排列的2个子核,担子发育停止,同核子实体不产生担孢子;具有可亲和交配型的两个同核体菌丝经过质配形成异核体菌丝,异核体菌丝双核,具有锁状联合,能形成异核子实体,异核子实体的原担子中具有2个核,这2个核经过核配融合为1个二倍核,二倍核在担子中进行减数分裂形成4个单倍子核,4个子核分别进入4个担孢子中,随着担孢子继续发育,其中的单核再进行一次有丝分裂,成熟担孢子为双核,但这2个核是同质的。单核菌丝和双核菌丝都能产生粉孢子,且产生的粉孢子均为单核。  相似文献   

徐阿生  罗大庆 《菌物学报》2003,22(2):191-194
报道了中国地下真菌的一个新记录属——川普包属Trappea及其一新种——肉桂色川普包Trappeacinnamomea。新记录属以在真包被下具一层不育腔室组织及鬼笔型的孢子不同于其它近缘属;新种则以产孢组织鲜时肉桂色的颜色不同于属内的其它种。新种主要特征为:担子果地下生,球形或近球形,径0.5~1.5cm,伤后变红色,基部具细长(粗约0.5mm,长达6cm以上)的白色根状菌索。包被宿存,白色,厚120~200靘,由径±4靘的菌丝交织而成,菌丝具锁状连合,具颗粒物,在5%KOH液中呈深色。产孢组织胶质的,新鲜时肉桂色至浅褐色,干后橄榄绿色,产孢腔室不规则。与真包被相连的不孕(腔室)组织厚达500靘,由胶质薄壁的菌丝交织而成,菌丝径3~4靘,具锁状联合,不孕腔室四周由20~30×7~10靘的无色棒状细胞排列而成。中柱明显,浅色,在担子果中部树枝状分枝。菌髓板宽37~60靘,由无色、薄壁、径±2.5靘的菌丝交织而成,菌丝具锁状连合。担子长棒状至柱状,22~30×4~5靘,具(4-)5~7(-8)个孢子。担孢子光滑、无色,矩圆形或一端稍窄,4~5.6×2~3m。模式标本(徐阿生2001-107,HXZE1723)保存于西藏高原生态研究所标本室(HXZE)。  相似文献   

Genetic clustering algorithms require a certain amount of data to produce informative results. In the common situation that individuals are sampled at several locations, we show how sample group information can be used to achieve better results when the amount of data is limited. New models are developed for the structure program, both for the cases of admixture and no admixture. These models work by modifying the prior distribution for each individual's population assignment. The new prior distributions allow the proportion of individuals assigned to a particular cluster to vary by location. The models are tested on simulated data, and illustrated using microsatellite data from the CEPH Human Genome Diversity Panel. We demonstrate that the new models allow structure to be detected at lower levels of divergence, or with less data, than the original structure models or principal components methods, and that they are not biased towards detecting structure when it is not present. These models are implemented in a new version of structure which is freely available online at http://pritch.bsd.uchicago.edu/structure.html.  相似文献   

Newly determined protein structures are classified to belong to a new fold, if the structures are sufficiently dissimilar from all other so far known protein structures. To analyze structural similarities of proteins, structure alignment tools are used. We demonstrate that the usage of nonsequential structure alignment tools, which neglect the polypeptide chain connectivity, can yield structure alignments with significant similarities between proteins of known three-dimensional structure and newly determined protein structures that possess a new fold. The recently introduced protein structure alignment tool, GANGSTA, is specialized to perform nonsequential alignments with proper assignment of the secondary structure types by focusing on helices and strands only. In the new version, GANGSTA+, the underlying algorithms were completely redesigned, yielding enhanced quality of structure alignments, offering alignment against a larger database of protein structures, and being more efficient. We applied DaliLite, TM-align, and GANGSTA+ on three protein crystal structures considered to be novel folds. Applying GANGSTA+ to these novel folds, we find proteins in the ASTRAL40 database, which possess significant structural similarities, albeit the alignments are nonsequential and in some cases involve secondary structure elements aligned in reverse orientation. A web server is available at http://agknapp.chemie.fu-berlin.de/gplus for pairwise alignment, visualization, and database comparison.  相似文献   

The presence of receptors and the specific binding of the ligands determine nearly all cellular responses. Binding of a ligand to its receptor causes conformational changes of the receptor that triggers the subsequent signaling cascade. Therefore, systematically studying structures of receptors will provide insight into their functions. We have developed the triangular spatial relationship (TSR)-based method where all possible triangles are constructed with Cα atoms of a protein as vertices. Every triangle is represented by an integer denoted as a “key” computed through the TSR algorithm. A structure is thereby represented by a vector of integers. In this study, we have first defined substructures using different types of keys. Second, using different types of keys represents a new way to interpret structure hierarchical relations and differences between structures and sequences. Third, we demonstrate the effects of sequence similarity as well as sample size on the structure-based classifications. Fourth, we show identification of structure motifs, and the motifs containing multiple triangles connected by either an edge or a vertex are mapped to the ligand binding sites of the receptors. The structure motifs are valuable resources for the researchers in the field of signal transduction. Next, we propose amino-acid scoring matrices that capture “evolutionary closeness” information based on BLOSUM62 matrix, and present the development of a new visualization method where keys are organized according to evolutionary closeness and shown in a 2D image. This new visualization opens a window for developing tools with the aim of identification of specific and common substructures by scanning pixels and neighboring pixels. Finally, we report a new algorithm called as size filtering that is designed to improve structure comparison of large proteins with small proteins. Collectively, we provide an in-depth interpretation of structure relations through the detailed analyses of different types of keys and their associated key occurrence frequencies, geometries, and labels. In summary, we consider this study as a new computational platform where keys are served as a bridge to connect sequence and structure as well as structure and function for a deep understanding of sequence, structure, and function relationships of the protein family.  相似文献   

The flood of new genomic sequence information together with technological innovations in protein structure determination have led to worldwide structural genomics (SG) initiatives. The goals of SG initiatives are to accelerate the process of protein structure determination, to fill in protein fold space and to provide information about the function of uncharacterized proteins. In the long-term, these outcomes are likely to impact on medical biotechnology and drug discovery, leading to a better understanding of disease as well as the development of new therapeutics. Here we describe the high throughput pipeline established at the University of Queensland in Australia. In this focused pipeline, the targets for structure determination are proteins that are expressed in mouse macrophage cells and that are inferred to have a role in innate immunity. The aim is to characterize the molecular structure and the biochemical and cellular function of these targets by using a parallel processing pipeline. The pipeline is designed to work with tens to hundreds of target gene products and comprises target selection, cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and structure determination. The structures from this pipeline will provide insights into the function of previously uncharacterized macrophage proteins and could lead to the validation of new drug targets for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and arthritis.  相似文献   

A new type of photoreceptor for the phylum Arthropoda, found in the class Collembola (Arthropoda, Hexapoda) is reported. This new light-sensitive structure consists of a pair of interocular vesicles present in the genus Vesicephalus Richards, 1964 and is anatomically related to the cluster of ommatidia. The absence of a lens, the presence of a rabdome in the upper part of the vesicle and the reflection and refraction of light by a hemolymph bubble with incidence to the rhabdomeric structure are the main traits of this new photoreceptor.  相似文献   

Adult neurogenesis is often correlated with learning new tasks, suggesting that a function of incorporating new neurons is to permit new memory formation. However, in the zebra finch, neurons are added to the song motor pathway throughout life, long after the initial song motor pattern is acquired by about 3 months of age. To explore this paradox, we examined the relationship between adult song structure and neuron addition using sensitive measures of song acoustic structure. We report that between 4 and 15 months of age there was an increase in the stereotypy of fine-grained spectral and temporal features of syllable acoustic structure. These results indicate that the zebra finch continues to refine motor output, perhaps by practice, over a protracted period beyond the time when song is first learned. Over the same age range, there was a decrease in the addition of new neurons to HVC, a region necessary for song production, but not to Area X or the hippocampus, regions not essential for singing. We propose that age-related changes in the stereotypy of syllable acoustic structure and HVC neuron addition are functionally related.  相似文献   

A new type of stripline-based microwave transmission, which has relatively lower crosstalk compared with the conventional striplines, is proposed. The structure is formed by corrugated inward slit that is subwavelength scale on the edge of the stripline via the photolithography techniques. Numerical simulation is used to analyze the transmission and dispersion properties of this new stripline structure, and the results are experimentally verified in the frequency range from 200 MHz to 8 GHz. We found that spoof surface plasmon polaritons are supported on the new stripline structure whose electromagnetic fields are highly localized near the stripline, and hence the coupling is suppressed between the present type of stripline and the conventional stripline. For a structured stripline and a conventional stripline which are parallelly placed and separated by a distance of the stripline width, the crosstalk between them ranges from −17.13 to −64.89 dB, which is much lower than the crosstalk between two coupled conventional striplines. As this new type of stripline has such an important advantage, it would be applicable to high-density microwave circuits or high-speed circuits.  相似文献   

To unscramble the relationship between protein function and protein structure, it is essential to assess the protein similarity from different aspects. Although many methods have been proposed for protein structure alignment or comparison, alternative similarity measures are still strongly demanded due to the requirement of fast screening and query in large-scale structure databases. In this paper, we first formulate a novel representation of a protein structure, i.e., Feature Sequence of Surface (FSS). Then, a new score scheme is developed to measure the similarity between two representations. To verify the proposed method, numerical experiments are conducted in four different protein data sets. We also classify SARS coronavirus to verify the effectiveness of the new method. Furthermore, preliminary results of fast classification of the whole CATH v2.5.1 database based on the new macrostructure similarity are given as a pilot study. We demonstrate that the proposed approach to measure the similarities between protein structures is simple to implement, computationally efficient, and surprisingly fast. In addition, the method itself provides a new and quantitative tool to view a protein structure.  相似文献   

A new octoflagellated species of Pyramimonas is described from three localities in Denmark. It is characterized by its ecology, being a marine psammophilic species associated with sand grains, and by details of the scaly covering on the cell surface. In the scale cover there are similarities to P. amylifera and to P. tetrarhynchus. P. octopus is distinguished by the possession of circular body scales of a type not previously found in the genus.
The general fine structure of the new species is described with emphasis on scale structure, the internal structure of the cell body and the flagella.  相似文献   

耗散结构,等级系统理论与生态系统   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
耗散结构理论与其他热力学概念一起,可以解释生态学中的许多现象。生态系统是耗散系统,用耗散结构理论来分析和讨论生态平衡等问题更为合理、准确。等级系统理论是为理解和研究高度复杂系统而发展起来的系统理论。等级系统理论为研究生态系统的行为和特征提供了客观的、适用的概念构架和实践指南,并为生态系统科学的统一性理论的形成开辟了广阔前景。本文拟就耗散结构理论和等级系统理论的主要内容及其在生态学中的应用作一介绍和讨论。  相似文献   

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