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Aims Shrub-encroached grassland has become an important vegetation type in China’s arid and semi-arid region. Our study objective is to explore the spectral features of shrub and grass communities, as well as their empirical relationships with shrub coverage. The quantitative estimation of shrub cover based on medium-resolution Landsat satellite imagery provides the practical basis for long term retrieval of large areas of shrub expansion in the grassland region. Methods Linear models and Multiple Endmember Spectral Analysis Model (MESMA) based on medium resolution Landsat satellite imagery were developed to quantify the shrub coverage in a shrub-encroached grassland region in Xianghuang Banner, Nei Mongol using the spectral features and their seasonal differences between the shrub and grass communities. Important findings Compared to Leymus chinensis and Stipa krylovii dominated grass communities, Caragana microphylla community had a higher normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), modified red edge normalized difference vegetation index (mNDVI705), and red edge slope. The red edge position of C. microphylla community shifted to longer wavelengths. The average and the maximum shrub coverage was 13% and 25%, respectively, in the shrub-encroached grassland based on both models. The correlation coefficient of determination (R2) and root mean square error (RMSE) of the linear model was 0.31 and 0.05, respectively. We found that the linear model based on seasonal differences of shrub and grass community was more suitable for retrieving shrub coverage in the study area from medium resolution imagery than the MESMA model that is based on mid-summer images.  相似文献   

The land-use history of an ecosystem influences current structure and possibly response to modern disturbances and stresses. In semiarid systems the nature of land-use legacies is poorly understood, confounding efforts to establish sustainable management approaches. We compare previously cultivated and non-cultivated lands in Owens Valley, California, where cultivation once extended to 34% of the valley floor but was largely discontinued by 1940, to measure the influence of past disturbance on modern vegetation. We combined historic maps of cultivated and non-cultivated land with an extensive vegetation survey, historic aerial photographs, and satellite measurements of vegetation response to precipitation variability to examine the importance of land-use history in determining the sensitivity of vegetation to annual variations in precipitation. Remote sensing analysis showed that total plant cover on previously cultivated lands was lower and fluctuations in cover were marginally more dependent on precipitation compared with plant cover on non-cultivated lands. We then compared modern plant assemblages within cultivated and non-cultivated land to determine if compositional differences could explain the current patterns of vegetation cover. We found lower species richness on previously cultivated parcels, and higher frequency and cover of perennial grasses on non-cultivated lands. Therefore, we showed differences in land-cover patterns, isolated a mechanism that could account for the differences (species differences), and developed a method for remotely analyzing land regions that have experienced historic anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

Although local increases in woody plant cover have been documented in arid and semiarid ecosystems worldwide, there have been few long‐term, large‐scale analyses of changes in woody plant cover and aboveground carbon (C) stocks. We used historical aerial photography, contemporary Landsat satellite data, field observations, and image analysis techniques to assess spatially specific changes in woody vegetation cover and aboveground C stocks between 1937 and 1999 in a 400‐km2 region of northern Texas, USA. Changes in land cover were then related to topo‐edaphic setting and historical land‐use practices. Mechanical or chemical brush management occurred over much of the region in the 1940–1950s. Rangelands not targeted for brush management experienced woody cover increases of up to 500% in 63 years. Areas managed with herbicides, mechanical treatments or fire exhibited a wide range of woody cover changes relative to 1937 (?75% to + 280%), depending on soil type and time since last management action. At the integrated regional scale, there was a net 30% increase in woody plant cover over the 63‐year period. Regional increases were greatest in riparian corridors (33%) and shallow clay uplands (26%) and least on upland clay loams (15%). Allometric relationships between canopy cover and aboveground biomass were used to estimate net aboveground C storage changes in upland (nonriparian) portions of regional landscapes. Carbon stocks increased from 380 g C m?2 in 1937 to 500 g C m?2 in 1999, a 32% net increase across the 400 km2 region over the 63‐year period. These plant C storage change estimates are highly conservative in that they did not include the substantial increases in woody plant cover observed within riparian landscape elements. Results are discussed in terms of implications for ‘carbon accounting’ and the global C cycle.  相似文献   

Aim Encroachment or densification by woody plants affects natural ecosystems around the world. Many studies have reported encroachment in temperate Australia, particularly in coastal ecosystems and grassy woodlands. However, the degree to which published studies reflect broad-scale changes is unknown because most studies intentionally sampled areas with conspicuous densification. We aimed to estimate changes in woody vegetation cover within lowland grassy woodland and coastal ecosystems in Victoria from 1989 to 2005 to determine whether published reports of recent encroachment are representative of broad-scale ecosystem changes. Location All lowland grassy woodland and coastal ecosystems (c. 6.11 × 105 ha) in Victoria, Australia. Four major ecosystems were analysed: Plains woodlands, Herb-rich woodlands, Riverine woodlands and Coastal vegetation. Methods Changes in woody vegetation cover from 1989 to 2005 were assessed based on state-wide vegetation maps and Landsat analyses of woody vegetation cover conducted by the Australian Greenhouse Office’s National Carbon Accounting System. The results show changes in woody cover within mapped patches of native vegetation, rather than changes in the extent of woody vegetation resulting from clearing and revegetation. Results When pooled across all ecosystems, woody vegetation increased by 18,730 ha from 1989 to 2005. Woody cover within Riverine woodlands and within Plains woodlands each increased by >7000 ha. At the patch scale, the mean percentage cover of woody vegetation in each polygon increased by >5% in all four ecosystems: Riverine woodlands (+9.2% on average), Herb-rich woodlands (+7.6%), Plains woodlands (+6.7%) and Coastal vegetation (+5.9%). Regression models relating degree of encroachment to geographic and climatic variables were extremely weak (r2 ≤ 0.026), indicating that most variation occurred at local scales rather than across broad geographic gradients. Main conclusions At the scale of observation, woody vegetation cover increased in all lowland woodland and coastal ecosystems over the 16-year period. Thus, published examples of encroachment in selected coastal and woodland patches do appear to reflect widespread increases in woody vegetation cover in these ecosystems. This densification appears to be associated with changes in land management rather than with post-fire vegetation recovery and is likely to be ongoing and long-lasting, with substantial implications for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Direct impacts of human land use and indirect impacts of anthropogenic climate change may alter land cover and associated ecosystem function, affecting ecological goods and services. Considerable work has been done to identify long‐term global trends in vegetation greenness, which is associated with primary productivity, using remote sensing. Trend analysis of satellite observations is subject to error, and ecosystem change can be confused with interannual variability. However, the relative trends of land cover classes may hold clues about differential ecosystem response to environmental forcing. Our aim was to identify phenological variability and 10‐year trends for the major land cover classes in the Great Basin. This case study involved two steps: a regional, phenology‐based land cover classification and an identification of phenological variability and 10‐year trends stratified by land cover class. The analysis used a 10‐year time series of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer satellite data to assess regional scale land cover variability and identify change. The phenology‐based regional classification was more detailed and accurate than national or global products. Phenological variability over the 10‐year period was high, with substantial shifts in timing of start of season of up to 9 weeks. The mean long‐term trends of montane land cover classes were significantly different from valley land cover classes due to a poor response of montane shrubland and pinyon‐juniper woodland to the early 1990s drought. The differential response during the 1990s suggests that valley ecosystems may be more resilient and montane ecosystems more susceptible to prolonged drought. This type of regional‐scale land cover analysis is necessary to characterize current patterns of land cover phenology, distinguish between anthropogenically driven land cover change and interannual variability, and identify ecosystems potentially susceptible to regional and global change.  相似文献   

Terebratuloid brachiopods from two localities in the eastern Great Basin, Nevada, USA, include the new taxa Cryptacanthia savagei sp. nov., Fletcherithyris infrequens sp. nov., Cryptonella simplex sp. nov., and Albelenina alvarezi gen. et sp. nov. The faunas are considered to be mid Desmoinesian (late Moscovian) in age. The brachiopods were found associated in clusters, and many of the specimens are well preserved. Records of Pennsylvanian terebratuloid brachiopods are uncommon, and these faunas have enabled an understanding of internal features previously unknown or poorly understood. Systematic analyses of the faunas have generated some new concepts on the ontogeny and evolution of the loop in Late Palaeozoic terebratuloids. From ontogenetic analyses, it is inferred that the stage of loop development may be the most important aspect in taxonomic classification. Analyses of loop evolution suggest the possibility of a transition from a teloform stage to long-flanged deltiform and deltiform stages. These transitions may be possible through reduction in length of the descending lamellae of the crura by resorption of calcium carbonate or posteroventral folding of flanges. Subsequently, these changes in loop morphology are retained by paedomorphosis within long-term evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

In tropical areas, Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs) still have deficiencies in simulating the timing of vegetation phenology. To start addressing this problem, standard Fourier‐based methods are applied to aerosol screened monthly remotely sensed phenology time series (Enhanced Vegetation Index, EVI) and two major driving factors of phenology: solar radiation and precipitation (for March 2000 through December 2006 over northern South America). At 1 × 1 km scale using, power (or variance) spectra on good quality aerosol screened time series, annual cycles in EVI are detected across 58.24% of the study area, the strongest (largest amplitude) occurring in the savanna. Terra Firme forest have weak but significant annual cycles in comparison with savannas because of the heterogeneity of vegetation and nonsynchronous phenological events within 1 × 1 km scale pixels. Significant annual cycles for radiation and precipitation account for 86% and 90% of the region, respectively, with different spatial patterns to phenology. Cross‐spectral analysis was used to compare separately radiation with phenology/EVI, precipitation with phenology/EVI and radiation with precipitation. Overall the majority of the Terra Firme forest appears to have radiation as the driver of phenology (either radiation is in phase or leading phenology/EVI at the annual scale). These results are in agreement with previous research, although in Acre, central and eastern Peru and northern Bolivia there is a coexistence of ‘in phase’ precipitation over Terra Firme forest. In contrast in most areas of savanna precipitation appears to be a driver and savanna areas experiencing an inverse (antiphase) relationship between radiation and phenology is consistent with inhibited grassland growth due to soil moisture limitation. The resulting maps provide a better spatial understanding of phenology–driver relationships offering a bench mark to parameterize ecological models.  相似文献   

Vegetation changes, particularly those involving transitions between tree‐ and grass‐dominated covers, often modify evaporative water losses as a result of plant‐mediated shifts in moisture access and demand. Massive afforestation of native grasslands, particularly important in the Southern Hemisphere, may have strong yet poorly quantified effects on the hydrological cycle. We explored water use patterns in Eucalyptus grandis plantations and the native humid grasslands that they replace in Central Argentina. In order to uncover the interactive effects that land cover type, soil texture and climate variability may have on evaporative water losses and water use efficiency, we estimated daily evapotranspiration (ET) in 117 tree plantations and grasslands plots across a soil textural gradient (clay‐textured Vertisols to sandy‐textured Entisols) using radiometric information from seven Landsat scenes, existing timber productions records, and 13C measurements in tree stems. Tree plantations had cooler surface temperatures (?5°C on average) and evaporated more water (+80% on average) than grasslands at all times and across all sites. Absolute ET differences between grasslands and plantations ranged from ~0.6 to 2 mm day?1 and annual up‐scaling suggested values of ~630 and ~1150 mm yr?1 for each vegetation type, respectively. The temporal variability of ET was significantly lower in plantations compared with grasslands (coefficient of variation 36% vs. 49%). Daily ET increased as the water balance became more positive (accumulated balance for previous 18 days) with a saturation response in grassland vs. a continuous linear increase in plantations, suggesting lower ecophysiological limits to water loss in tree canopies compared with the native vegetation. Plantation ET was more strongly affected by soil texture than grassland ET and peaked in coarse textured sites followed by medium and fine textured sites. Timber productivity as well as 13C concentration in stems peaked in medium textured sites, indicating lower water use efficiency on extreme textures and suggesting that water limitation was not responsible for productivity declines towards finer and coarser soils. Our study highlighted the key role that vegetation type plays on evapotranspiration and, therefore, in the hydrological cycle. Considering that tree plantations may continue their expansion over grasslands, problematic changes in water management and, perhaps, in local climate can develop from the higher evaporative water losses of tree plantations.  相似文献   

In land change science studies, a cover type is defined by land surface attributes, specifically including the types of vegetation, topography and human structures, which makes it difficult to characterize land cover as discrete classes. One of the challenges in characterizing a land-cover type is to distinguish variability within the class from actual land-cover transformation. The spread of plant invasions in tropical systems is affected by seasonal variations and disturbances such as agricultural activities and fires, making it difficult to determine the spread through thematic classifications. In this paper, we estimate the changes in spatial extent and seasonal variation of bracken fern invasion in Southern Yucatán from 1989 to 2005 by using a linear mixture model (LMM), a widely used method in the classification of remotely sensed data. The results show an increase in areas affected by bracken from 40 km2 in 1989 to almost 80 km2 in 2000. Lower estimates of the invasion resulted from data acquired at the end of the dry season (March–May), when bracken mixes with secondary vegetation or is removed by fires. The accuracy of the maps is estimated through the use of sketch maps of farmer's parcels and field data collected from 2000 to 2001. Understanding the spatial distribution and annual variability of bracken fern cover in the region is critical to determining the relation between disturbances such as fire and forest recovery. Using LMM may enhance this understanding by giving a more accurate picture of the extent and distribution of bracken fern invasion.
Abstract in Spanish is available at http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/loi/btp  相似文献   

We fitted spatial autocorrelation functions to distance-based data for assemblages of birds and for three attributes of birds' habitats at 140 locations, separated by up to 65 km, in the Great Basin (Nevada, USA). The three habitat characteristics were taxonomic composition of the vegetation, physical structure of the vegetation, and a measure of primary productivity, the normalized difference vegetation index, estimated from satellite imagery. We found that a spherical model was the best fit to data for avifaunal composition, vegetation composition, and primary productivity, but the distance at which spatial correlation effectively was zero differed substantially among data sets ( c . 30 km for birds, 20 km for vegetation composition, and 60 km for primary productivity). A power-law function was the best fit to data for vegetation structure, indicating that the structure of vegetation differed by similar amounts irrespective of distance between locations (up to the maximum distance measured). Our results suggested that the spatial structure of bird assemblages is more similar to vegetation composition than to either vegetation structure or primary productivity, but is autocorrelated over larger distances. We believe that the greater mobility of birds compared with plants may be responsible for this difference.  相似文献   

基于样地实测数据和EVI指数,定量分析了黑龙江省大兴安岭森林生物量空间格局,并利用ArcGIS软件的空间分析与统计工具,分析了气候区、海拔、坡度、坡向和植被类型对森林生物量空间格局的影响.结果表明: 黑龙江省大兴安岭森林生物量为350 Tg,空间上呈聚集分布,生物量有巨大的增长空间.森林生物量密度大小顺序为:寒温带湿润区(64.02 t·hm-2)>中温带湿润区(60.26 t·hm-2);各植被类型生物量密度大小顺序为:针阔混交林(65.13 t·hm-2)>云冷杉林(63.92 t·hm-2)>偃松 落叶松林(63.79 t·hm-2)>樟子松林(61.97 t·hm-2)>兴安落叶松林(61.40 t·hm-2)>落叶阔叶混交林(58.96 t·hm-2).随海拔和坡度的增大,森林生物量密度先减小后增加,并且阴坡大于阳坡.大兴安岭森林生物量空间格局随气候区、植被类型和地形因子的梯度变化表现出差异性,在区域尺度上估算生物量密度时,需要充分考虑这种空间差异性.  相似文献   



The encroachment of tree and shrub species in high mountains is an increasing worldwide phenomenon, which is expected to dramatically alter high‐mountain ecosystems and their functioning. Moreover it indicates in some cases a reforestation process, which will result in important ecological and social benefits, including carbon sequestration and protection against landslides. We therefore examined the spatial extent of forest growth and shrub encroachment mainly of birch (Betula litwinowii) in the sub‐alpine belt of the Central Greater Caucasus between 1987 and 2010 and its relation to topographic site conditions.


Kazbegi district, Central Greater Caucasus, Georgia.


We analysed 155 vegetation relevés sampled in 2009, 2011 and 2015, mainly derived from the Caucasus Vegetation Database, to obtain information about topographic site conditions and structure of B. litwinowii stands. B. litwinowii forest growth was assessed by digitizing the forest outlines from aerial and space‐borne imagery (1987, 2005 and 2010). To identify areas of B. litwinowii encroachment as an indicator for different encroachment stages, we modelled the tree and shrub cover using the Random Forest algorithm.


We found four types of B. litwinowii stands, characterized by different tree and shrub coverage (initial Bromus variegatus–Betula litwinowii encroachment indicating the first stage of succession, Aconitum nasutum–Betula litwinowii forest, Rubus idaeus–Betula litwinowii forest and Rhododendron caucasicum–Betula litwinowii tree line scrubs). B. litwinowii forest increased 25% compared to 1987 mainly in an uphill direction. Furthermore the modelled tree and shrub cover (R2 = .69) could be related to the four vegetation types.


Our results indicate a recent trend towards shrub encroachment and consequently reforestation in the Kazbegi region.  相似文献   

Many northern lake‐rich regions are undergoing pronounced hydrological change, yet inadequate knowledge of the drivers of these landscape‐scale responses hampers our ability to predict future conditions. We address this challenge in the thermokarst landscape of Old Crow Flats (OCF) using a combination of remote sensing imagery and monitoring of stable isotope compositions of lake waters over three thaw seasons (2007–2009). Quantitative analysis confirmed that the hydrological behavior of lakes is strongly influenced by catchment vegetation and physiography. Catchments of snowmelt‐dominated lakes, typically located in southern peripheral areas of OCF, encompass high proportions of woodland/forest and tall shrub vegetation (mean percent land cover = ca. 60%). These land cover types effectively capture snow and generate abundant snowmelt runoff that offsets lake water evaporation. Rainfall‐dominated lakes that are not strongly influenced by evaporation are typically located in eastern and northern OCF where their catchments have higher proportions of dwarf shrub/herbaceous and sparse vegetation (ca. 45%), as well as surface water (ca. 20%). Evaporation‐dominated lakes, are located in the OCF interior where their catchments are distinguished by substantially higher lake area to catchment area ratios (LA/CA = ca. 29%) compared to low evaporation‐influenced rainfall‐dominated (ca. 10%) and snowmelt‐dominated (ca. 4%) lakes. Lakes whose catchments contain >75% combined dwarf shrub/herbaceous vegetation and surface water are most susceptible to evaporative lake‐level drawdown, especially following periods of low precipitation. Findings indicate that multiple hydrological trajectories are probable in response to climate‐driven changes in precipitation amount and seasonality, vegetation composition, and thermokarst processes. These will likely include a shift to greater snowmelt influence in catchments experiencing expansion of tall shrubs, greater influence from evaporation in catchments having higher proportions of surface water, and an increase in the rate of thermokarst lake expansion and probability of drainage. Local observations suggest that some of these changes are already underway.  相似文献   

以石羊河流域为研究区,基于干旱内陆河流域生态特征和遥感数据快速、客观、大面积观测的特点,采用遥感模型计算湿度、绿度、干度和热度等指标,并构建石羊河流域生态脆弱性评价指标体系,在此基础上运用空间主成分分析法(SPCA)对石羊河流域2000和2016年生态脆弱性时空演变及动因进行了分析。研究结果表明:(1)从各遥感指数空间分布来看,湿度和绿度指标均值在17年间呈增长趋势,证明该流域水源涵养能力变好,植被覆盖率变大;干度指标均值有所下降,表明该流域地表裸露程度有所降低;而与植被和水资源关系密切的地表温度均值呈逐年上升趋势,说明该流域水热平衡差异进一步增加,对未来生态脆弱性影响显著;(2)从全流域生态脆弱性时空演变特征来看,该流域主要以强度和中度脆弱为主,17年间生态脆弱性整体上呈缓慢降低趋势;(3)从不同的海拔生态脆弱性分布来看,中山区(1000—2000m)最高,高中山区(2000—3000m)次之,高山区(3000m)最低,17年间中山区生态脆弱性有所下降,而高中山区与高山区却呈上升的趋势;(4)从不同的行政区划生态脆弱性来看,金川区、凉州区、永昌县、民勤县和古浪县整体上处于中度和强度脆弱水平,而天祝县和肃南县处于轻度和微度脆弱水平;(5)从生态脆弱性的演变动因来看,4个指标对石羊河流域生态脆弱性影响均为显著。2000年生态脆弱性的主导影响因子依次为热度湿度绿度干度,而2016年为热度干度绿度湿度。总的来看,石羊河流域生态脆弱程度近年来有所降低,但综合治理工作仍任重道远。本文的遥感方法和分析思路对该流域生态脆弱性保护及治理提供一定的理论基础和决策依据。  相似文献   

Net primary production (NPP) supplies matter, energy, and services to facilitate the sustainable development of human society and ecosystem. The response mechanism of NPP to land use and climate changes is essential for food security and biodiversity conservation but lacks a comprehensive understanding, especially in arid and semi‐arid regions. To this end, taking the middle‐reaches of the Heihe River Basin (MHRB) as an example, we uncovered the NPP responses to land use and climate changes by integrating multisource data (e.g., MOD17A3 NPP, land use, temperature, and precipitation) and multiple methods. The results showed that (a) land use intensity (LUI) increased, and climate warming and wetting promoted NPP. From 2000 to 2014, the LUI, temperature, and precipitation of MHRB increased by 1.46, 0.58°C, and 15.76 mm, respectively, resulting in an increase of 14.62 gC/m2 in annual average NPP. (b) The conversion of low‐yield cropland to forest and grassland increased NPP. Although the widespread conversion of unused land and grassland to cropland boosted both LUI and NPP, it was not conducive to ecosystem sustainability and stability due to huge water consumption and human‐appropriated NPP. Urban sprawl occupied cropland, forest, and grassland and reduced NPP. (c) Increase in temperature and precipitation generally improved NPP. The temperature decreasing <1.2°C also promoted the NPP of hardy vegetation due to the simultaneous precipitation increase. However, warming‐induced water stress compromised the NPP in arid sparse grassland and deserts. Cropland had greater NPP and NPP increase than natural vegetation due to the irrigation, fertilizers, and other artificial inputs it received. The decrease in both temperature and precipitation generally reduced NPP, but the NPP in the well‐protection or less‐disturbance areas still increased slightly.  相似文献   

This research refers to an object‐based automatic method combined with a national expert validation to produce regional and national forest cover change statistics over Congo Basin. A total of 547 sampling sites systematically distributed over the whole humid forest domain are required to cover the six Central African countries containing tropical moist forest. High resolution imagery is used to accurately estimate not only deforestation and reforestation but also degradation and regeneration. The overall method consists of four steps: (i) image automatic preprocessing and preinterpretation, (ii) interpretation by national expert, (iii) statistic computation and (iv) accuracy assessment. The annual rate of net deforestation in Congo Basin is estimated to 0.09% between 1990 and 2000 and of net degradation to 0.05%. Between 2000 and 2005, this unique exercise estimates annual net deforestation to 0.17% and annual net degradation to 0.09%. An accuracy assessment reveals that 92.7% of tree cover (TC) classes agree with independent expert interpretation. In the discussion, we underline the direct causes and the drivers of deforestation. Population density, small‐scale agriculture, fuelwood collection and forest's accessibility are closely linked to deforestation, whereas timber extraction has no major impact on the reduction in the canopy cover. The analysis also shows the efficiency of protected areas to reduce deforestation. These results are expected to contribute to the discussion on the reduction in CO2 emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) and serve as reference for the period.  相似文献   

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