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Structural changes of contractile proteins were examined by millisecond time-resolved two-dimensional x-ray diffraction recordings during relaxation of skinned skeletal muscle fibers from rigor after caged ATP photolysis. It is known that the initial dissociation of the rigor actomyosin complex is followed by a period of transient active contraction, which is markedly prolonged in the presence of ADP by a mechanism yet to be clarified. Both single-headed (overstretched muscle fibers with exogenous myosin subfragment-1) and two-headed (fibers with full filament overlap) preparations were used. Analyses of various actin-based layer line reflections from both specimens showed the following: 1), The dissociation of the rigor actomyosin complex was fast and only modestly decelerated by ADP and occurred in a single exponential manner without passing through any detectable transitory state. Its ADP sensitivity was greater in the two-headed preparation but fell short of explaining the large ADP effect on the transient active contraction. 2), The decay of the activated state of the thin filament followed the time course of tension more closely in an ADP-dependent manner. These results suggest that the interplay between the reattached active myosin heads and the thin filament is responsible for the prolonged active contraction in the presence of ADP.  相似文献   

We have measured the force-velocity curves of glycerinated rabbit psoas fibers over a range of ATP concentration from 2.5 microM to 5 mM. As the ATP concentration is increased, the isometric tension increases to a maximum around 50 microM, then decreases to a plateau at 70% of the maximum by 1 mM ATP. At low ATP concentrations the maximum velocity of contraction is low and increases with increasing ATP, reaching a plateau at approximately 2 lengths per second by 1 mM ATP. Our studies suggest that the binding of ATP dissociates the myosin head from actin in the contracting muscle, a reaction similar to that seen in solution. We have constructed models of the actin-myosin-nucleotide interactions based on a kinetic scheme derived from solution studies. The fit of these models to the data shows that the rates of some reactions in the fiber must be considerably different from the rates of the analogous reactions in solution. The data is best fit by models in which head attachment occurs rapidly at the beginning of a power stroke, head detachment occurs rapidly at the end of the power stroke, and the force produced by a myosin head in a power stroke is independent of velocity.  相似文献   

The influence of MgATP on the Ga++-activated isometric tension of skinned frog muscle fibers was examined in solutions containing: Mg++ = 5 mM, creatine phosphate (CP) = 14.5 mM, creatinephosphokinase (CPK) = 1 mg/ml, total EGTA = 7 mM, CaCl2, KCl, imidazole ≥ 20 mM so that ionic strength = 0.15, pH = 7.00, and MgATP = 2 mM, 0.1 mM, or 20 µM. CP and CPK were necessary for these experiments as determined experimentally by their effect on the tension-Ca++ relation, which was saturated for CP ≥ 14.5 mM. This was interpreted to mean that sufficient CP was present to effectively buffer MgATP intracellularly. Decreasing MgATP shifts the tension-pCa curve to higher pCa (-log Ca++) so that, for half-maximal tension: pCa1/2 = 4.5 for MgATP = 2 mM, pCa1/2 = 5.1 for MgATP = 0.1 mM, and pCa1/2 = 5.8 for MgATP = 20 µM; maximum isometric tension is the same in all cases, however. If MgATP was decreased to 1 µM, tension at Ga++ > 10–8 M was 84% of the maximum Ca-+-activated tension in 2 mM MgATP and increased only slightly to 90% for pCa = 4.5. Weber (1970, In The Physiology and Biochemistry of Muscle as Food, Volume 2, E. J. Briskey, R. G. Cassens, and B. B. Marsh, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wis.), using similar solutions, observed similar shifts in half-maximal calcium activation of rabbit myofibril ATPase rates. In explanation, Weber and Bremel (1971, In Contractility of Muscle Cells and Related Processes, R. J. Podolsky, editor, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.; Bremel and Weber, 1972, Nat. New Biol., 238:97) have described a mechanism whereby, at low ATP, "rigor complexes" are formed between myosin and thin filament actin and, in turn, alter the calcium affinity of one class of the two Ca++-binding sites on troponin, so that the thin filament is "turned on" for contraction at lower Ca++ levels. Tension data from skinned fibers substantially supports this hypothesis. A stability constant for CaEGTA of 2.62 x 1010 M–1 was determined, with the help of F. N. Briggs, in solutions similar to those used for skinned fibers and was the same for 100 and 300 mM KCl.  相似文献   

We have investigated the orientation and rotational mobility of spin-labeled myosin heads in muscle fibers as a function of the sarcomere length in the absence of ATP. An iodoacetamide spin label was used to label selectively two-thirds of the sulfhydryl-1 groups in glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle. Conventional electron paramagnetic resonance experiments were used to determine the orientation distribution of the probes relative to the fiber axis, and saturation transfer experiments were used to detect sub-millisecond rotational motion. When fibers are at sarcomere length 2.3 microns (full overlap), spin-labeled heads have a high degree of orientational order. The probes are in a single, narrow orientation distribution (full width 15 degrees), and they exhibit no detectable sub-millisecond rotational motion. When fibers are stretched (sarcomere length increased), either before or after labeling, disorder and microsecond mobility increase greatly, in proportion to the fraction of myosin heads that are no longer in the overlap zone between the thick and thin filaments. Saturation transfer difference spectra show that a fraction of myosin heads equal to the fraction outside the overlap zone have much more rotational mobility than those in fibers at full overlap, and almost as much as in synthetic myosin filaments. The most likely interpretation is that some of the probes, corresponding approximately to the fraction of heads in the overlap zone, remain oriented and immobile, while the rest are highly disordered (angular spread greater than 90 degrees) and mobile (microsecond rotational motion). Thus, it appears that myosin heads are rigidly immobilized by actin, but they rotate through large angles on the microsecond time-scale when detached from actin, even in the absence of ATP.  相似文献   

The effect of sarcomere length and stretching on the tension and the rate of ATP splitting was studied using small fiber bundles from glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle. The rate of ATP slitting was determined by measuring ADP production, while the tension development in response to a contracting solution (at pCa 5.3) was recorded in the same preparation. The isometric tension developed by the preparation decreased when the sarcomere length was increased. The decrease of tension development was accompanied by a decrease in the rate of ATP splitting. If a preparation exerting steady isometric tension was stretched by 5--10% at a velocity of 0.1 mm/s, the rate of ATP splitting was increased after stretching, while the steady isometric tension attained after stretching was also higher than the initial value. The extent of the excess ATP splitting caused by stretching decreased with increasing sarcomere length. These results suggest that the rate of the interaction cycle between actin and myosin molecules may increase as a result of stretching.  相似文献   

Dystrophin-deficient muscle undergoes sudden, postnatal onset of muscle necrosis that is either progressive, as in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, or successfully arrested and followed by regeneration, as in most muscles of mdx mice. The mechanisms regulating regeneration in mdx muscle are unknown, although the possibility that there is renewed expression of genes regulating embryonic muscle cell proliferation and differentiation may provide testable hypotheses. Here, we examine the possibility that necrotic and regenerating mdx muscles exhibit renewed or increased expression of PDGF-receptors. PDGF-binding to receptors on muscle has been shown previously to be associated with myogenic cell proliferation and delay of muscle differentiation. We find that PDGF-receptors are present in 4-week-old mdx mice in muscles that undergo brief, reversible necrosis (hindlimb muscles) or progressive necrosis (diaphragm), as well as in 4-week-old control mouse muscles. Immunoblots indicate that the concentrations of PDGF-receptors in 4-week-old dystrophic (necrotic) and control muscles are similar. Prenecrotic, dystrophic fibers and control fibers possess some cell surface labeling of fibers treated with anti-PDGF-receptor and viewed by indirect immunofluorescence. Necrotic fibers in dystrophic muscle show cytoplasmic labeling for PDGF-receptors and labeling of perinuclear regions at the muscle cell surface. Adult dystrophic muscle displays higher concentrations of PDGF-receptor in both regenerated muscle (hindlimb) and progressively necrotic muscle (diaphragm) than found in controls. Anti-PDGF-receptor labeling of regenerated, dystrophic muscle is observed primarily in granules surrounding central nuclei or surrounding nuclei located at the surface of regenerated fibers. No labeling of perinuclear regions of control muscle or prenecrotic fibers was observed. Myonuclei fractionated from adult mdx hindlimb muscles contained no PDGF-receptor, indicating that PDGF-receptor-positive structures are not tightly associated with nuclei or within nuclei. L6 myoblasts show PDGF-receptor distributed diffusely on the cell surface. Stimulation of L6 myoblasts with 10 ng/ml of PDGF-BB causes receptor internalization and concentration in granules at perinuclear regions. Thus, PDGF stimulation of myoblasts causes a redistribution of PDGF-receptors to resemble receptor localization observed during muscle regeneration. These findings implicate PDGF-mediated mechanisms in regeneration of dystrophic muscle.  相似文献   

Denervation (DNV) of rat diaphragm muscle (DIAm) decreases myosin heavy chain (MHC) content in fibers expressing MHC(2X) isoform but not in fibers expressing MHC(slow) and MHC(2A). Since MHC is the site of ATP hydrolysis during muscle contraction, we hypothesized that ATP consumption rate during maximum isometric activation (ATP(iso)) is reduced following unilateral DIAm DNV and that this effect is most pronounced in fibers expressing MHC(2X). In single-type-identified, permeabilized DIAm fibers, ATP(iso) was measured using NADH-linked fluorometry. The maximum velocity of the actomyosin ATPase reaction (V(max) ATPase) was determined using quantitative histochemistry. The effect of DNV on maximum unloaded shortening velocity (V(o)) and cross-bridge cycling rate [estimated from the rate constant for force redevelopment (k(TR)) following quick release and restretch] was also examined. Two weeks after DNV, ATP(iso) was significantly reduced in fibers expressing MHC(2X), but unaffected in fibers expressing MHC(slow) and MHC(2A). This effect of DNV on fibers expressing MHC(2X) persisted even after normalization for DNV-induced reduction in MHC content. With DNV, V(o) and k(TR) were slowed in fibers expressing MHC(2X), consistent with the effect on ATP(iso). The difference between V(max) ATPase and ATP(iso) reflects reserve capacity for ATP consumption, which was reduced across all fibers following DNV; however, this effect was most pronounced in fibers expressing MHC(2X). DNV-induced reductions in ATP(iso) and V(max) ATPase of fibers expressing MHC(2X) reflect the underlying decrease in MHC content, while reduction in ATP(iso) also reflects a slowing of cross-bridge cycling rate.  相似文献   

A phenomenological theory of muscle dynamics has been elaborated on the basis of data obtained in experiments on hind limb extensor muscles of narcotized cat. Functional dependence of muscle length on external load was explored in conditions of a constant frequency of the efferent stimulation. It was shown that the system under study could be presented for a rather wide class of input signals as a system with nonlinear statics and linear dynamics. The nonlinear statics was shown to be determined mainly by the hysteretical effects of muscle contraction, whereas dynamic element was described by the first order linear differential equation corresponding to the traditional three-component mechanical model of the muscle. A hypothesis was proposed to explain the hysteresis in active muscle on the basis of functioning of the troponin-tropomyosin regulatory complex. Elaborated mathematical model of muscle dynamics can be used to predict and evaluate changes in the muscle length evoked by arbitrary changes in the external load.  相似文献   

This study is a survey of in vivo experiments on transfection of laboratory mouse muscle fibers by electroporation using an original device generating electric impulses. Transfection efficiency proved to depend on DNA dose and the number of electric impulses. It can be increased significantly by electroporation at varying pulse burst polarity. At both direct electrode application to muscles and electroporation through the skin, the muscle fiber transfection was more efficient under electroporation conditions much milder than those usually reported. The use of electroporation method for gene therapy of Duchenne muscular dystrophy is discussed.  相似文献   

The contractile properties of rabbit skinned muscle fibers were studied at 1-2 degrees C in different concentrations of MgATP and MgADP. Double-reciprocal plots of maximum velocity against MgATP concentration at different MgADP concentrations all extrapolated to the same value. This finding suggests that MgATP and MgADP compete for the same site on the cross-bridge, and that the exchange of MgATP for MgADP occurs without a detectable step intervening. The K(m) for ATP was 0.32 mM. The K(i) for MgADP was 0.33 mM. Control experiments suggested that the tortuosity of diffusion paths within the fibers reduced the radial diffusion coefficients for reactants about sixfold. Increasing MgADP from 0.18 to 2 mM at 5 mM ATP or lowering MgATP from 10 to 2 mM at 0.18 mM MgADP, respectively, increased isometric force by 25% and 23%, increased stiffness by 10% and 20%, and decreased maximum velocity by 35% and 31%. Two mechanisms appeared to be responsible. One detained bridges in high-force states, where they recovered from a length step with a slower time course. The other increased the fraction of attached bridges without altering the kinetics of their responses, possibly by an increased activation resulting from cooperative effects of the detained, high-force bridges. The rigor bridge was more effective than the ADP-bound bridge in increasing the number of attached bridges with unaltered kinetics.  相似文献   

Intact chloroplasts were obtained from mesophyll protoplasts isolated from Mesembryanthemum crystallinum in the C3 or Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) photosynthetic mode, and examined for the influence of inorganic phosphate (Pi) on aspects of bicarbonate-dependent O2 evolution and CO2 fixation. While the chloroplasts from both modes responded similarly to varying Pi, some features appear typical of chloroplasts from species capable of CAM, including a relatively high capacity for photosynthesis in the absence of Pi, a short induction period, and resistance to inhibition of photosynthesis by high levels of Pi. In the absence of Pi the chloroplasts retained 75–85% of the 14CO2 fixed and the total export of dihydroxyacetone phosphate was low compared with the rate of photosynthesis. In CAM plants the ability to conduct photosynthesis and retain most of the fixed carbon in the chloroplasts at low external Pi concentrations may enable storage of carbohydrates which are essential for providing a carbon source for the nocturnal synthesis of malic acid. At high external Pi concentrations (e.g. 10 25 mM), the amount of total dihydroxyacetone phosphate exported to the assay medium relative to the rate of photosynthesis was high while the products of 14CO2 fixation were largely retained in the chloroplasts which indicates starch degradation is occurring at high Pi levels. Starch degradation normally occurs in CAM plants in the dark; high levels of Pi may induce starch degradation in the light which has the effect of limiting export of the immediate products of photosynthesis and thus the degree of Pi inhibition of photosynthesis with the isolated chloroplast.  相似文献   

This study examines the dependence of the length-tension (L-T) relationship in vascular smooth muscle on its level of activation. A horizontal shift of the L-T relationship with a change in activation level has been shown in striated muscle when L-T curves could not be superimposed. Active force at each length was normalized to the maximum active force in each curve. Indices of a horizontal shift of a L-T curve include the initial length for an active response (Li) and the length for maximum active force (Lmax). In this study normalized L-T curves were obtained from rings of the dog anterior tibial artery at low (approximately ED50) and high (maximal activation) concentrations of potassium (K+), norepinephrine (NE), and calcium (Ca2+). The normalized curve with a low concentration of K+ or NE was shifted to the right of the curve obtained with a high concentration. Li and Lmax were significantly longer for a low concentration of K+ or NE than a high concentration. With the same concentration of NE (10(-5) M) no difference in the normalized L-T curves, in Li, or in Lmax were found when low (0.085 mM) Ca2+ experiments were compared to normal (1.7 mM) Ca2+ experiments. It may be concluded that the length-tension relationship in vascular smooth muscle is shifted to longer lengths with a decrease in the concentration of a chemical agonist but not by a decrease in external calcium. We suggest that a concentration dependent shift in the length-tension relationship may have a role in the regulation of blood flow.  相似文献   

We have studied the correlation between myosin structure, myosin biochemistry, and muscle force. Two distinct orientations of the myosin light-chain domain were previously resolved using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of spin-labeled regulatory light chains in scallop muscle fibers. In the present study, we measured isometric force during EPR spectral acquisition, in order to define how these two light-chain domain orientations are coupled to force and the myosin ATPase cycle. When muscle fibers are partially activated with increasing amounts of calcium, the distribution between the two light-chain domain orientations shifts toward the one associated with strong actin binding. This shift in distribution is linearly related to the increase in force, suggesting that rotation of the light-chain domain is coupled to strong actin binding. However, when nucleotide analogues are used to trap myosin in the pre- and posthydrolysis states of its ATPase cycle in relaxed muscle, there is no change in the distribution between light-chain domain orientations, showing that the rotation of the light-chain domain is not directly coupled to the ATP hydrolysis step. Instead, it is likely that in relaxed muscle the myosin thick filament stabilizes two light-chain domain orientations that are independent of the nucleotide analogue bound at the active site. We conclude that a large and distinct rotation of the light-chain domain of myosin is responsible for force generation and is coupled to strong actin binding but is not coupled to a specific step in the myosin ATPase reaction.  相似文献   

Light diffraction patterns produced by single skeletal muscle fibers and small fiber bundles of Rana pipiens semitendinosus have been examined at rest and during tetanic contraction. The muscle diffraction patterns were recorded with a vidicon camera interfaced to a minicomputer. Digitized video output was analyzed on-line to determine mean sarcomere length, line intensity, and the distribution of sarcomere lengths. The occurrence of first-order line intensity and peak amplitude maxima at approximately 3.0 mum is interpreted in terms of simple scattering theory. Measurements made along the length of a singel fiber reveal small variations in calculated mean sarcomere length (SD about 1.2%) and its percent dispersion (2.1% +/- 0.8%). Dispersion in small multifiber preparations increases approximately linearly with fiber number (about 0.2% per fiber) to a maximum of 8-10% in large bundles. Dispersion measurements based upon diffraction line analysis are comparable to SDs calculated from length distribution histograms obtained by light micrography of the fiber. First-order line intensity decreases by about 40% during tetanus; larger multifibered bundles exhibit substantial increases in sarcomere dispersion during contraction, but single fibers show no appreciable dispersion change. These results suggest the occurrence of asynchronous static or dynamic axial disordering of thick filaments, with a persistence in long range order of sarcomere spacing during contraction in single fibers.  相似文献   

Sodium efflux in barnacle muscle fibers is promptly stimulated by internal application of ATP. This response is markedly augmented by pretreatment of the barnacle fiber with ouabain. ArP is found to be considerably less effective than ATP. It is suggested that the stimulatory response of the ouabain-insensitive Na efflux to the microinjection of ATP may be due to a significant rise in the sarcoplasmic cAMP concentration caused by the catalytic action of an adenyl cyclase system.  相似文献   

Isometric skinned muscle fibers were activated by the photogeneration of a substoichiometric amount of ATP and their cross-bridge configurations examined during the development of the rigor force by x-ray diffraction and electron microscopy. By the photogeneration of approximately 100 microM ATP, approximately 2/3 of the concentration of the myosin heads in a muscle fiber, muscle fibers originally in the rigor state showed a transient drop of the force and then produced a long-lasting rigor force (approximately 50% of the maximal active force), which gradually recovered to the original force level with a time constant of approximately 4 s. Associated with the photoactivation, muscle fibers revealed small but distinct changes in the equatorial x-ray diffraction that run ahead of the development of force. After reaching a plateau of force, long-lasting intensity changes in the x-ray diffraction pattern developed in parallel with the force decline. Two-dimensional x-ray diffraction patterns and electron micrographs of the sectioned muscle fibers taken during the period of 1-1.9 s after the photoactivation were basically similar to those from rigor preparations but also contained features characteristic of fully activated fibers. In photoactivated muscle fibers, some cross-bridges bound photogenerated ATP and underwent an ATP hydrolysis cycle whereas a significant population of the cross-bridges remained attached to the thin actin filaments with no available ATP to bind. Analysis of the results obtained indicates that, during the ATP hydrolysis reaction, the cross-bridges detached from actin filaments and reattached either to the same original actin monomers or to neighboring actin monomers. The latter cross-bridges contribute to produce the rigor force by interacting with the actin filaments, first producing the active force and then being locked in a noncycling state(s), transforming their configuration on the actin filaments to stably sustain the produced force as a passive rigor force.  相似文献   

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