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The hypothesis ofHenriques andFernandes that several Iberian species ofNarcissus (Amaryllidaceae) are tristylous is reconsidered. Contrary to the opinion ofBateman and most subsequent authors, we believe that the available evidence indicates that some populations ofN. triandrus andN. fernandesii, at least, are tristylous; other populations ofN. triandrus are distylous.Hugonia cf.penicillanthemum (Linaceae) from new Caledonia is distylous, but it remains possible that other species ofHugonia are tristylous. The disputed occurrence of heterostyly in S. African species ofBauhinia (Leguminosae),Cleome (Capparaceae) andAneilema (Commelinaceae), and inAgelaea (Connaraceae) is discussed.  相似文献   

The response of rice toAzolla caroliniana, newly introduced in India, was compared with the reponse to the local isolate ofAzolla pinnata at varying rates of phosphate fertilizer (4.4–8.8 kg P ha–1) during a wet and a dry season.Fresh weight, dry weight and fixed N were more for both species 21 DAI (days after inoculation) than 14 DAI, but acetylene reduction activity (ARA) was higher 14 DAI than 21 DAI. Dry weight of Azolla and fixed N were less 14 DAI forA. caroliniana than forA. pinnata during the wet season. Twenty-one DAI, fresh weight ofA. caroliniana was 62.1 and 27.6% higher than that ofA. pinnata during the wet and dry season, respectively. However, dry weight and fixed N were more 21 DAI inA. caroliniana than inA. pinnata during only the wet season. The ARA was higher inA. caroliniana both 14 and 21 DAI, irrespective of season. The presence of either species in the rice field increased grain yield, straw yield, number of panicles m–2, number of grains per panicle and reduced percentage sterility during both the wet and the dry season. Phosphate application significantly increased fresh weight, dry weight, ARA and fixed N for both species as well as grain and straw yields of rice. The responses to phosphate fertilizer were similar for both Azolla species and for rice grown with either one of the Azolla species.  相似文献   

Nuphar (Nymphaeaceae) comprises a small holarctic group of aquatic perennials whose flowers are pollinated by flies, bees, and beetles. We studied pollination in different populations of the two European speciesN. lutea andN. pumila in Norway and in Germany. Flowers are self-compatible and protogynous, preventing automatic selfing, and insect pollination is required for seed production. Sympatric populations were studied in Vest-Agder county in Norway to determine whetherN. lutea andN. pumila have the same or different pollinators. Allopatric populations ofN. lutea in Germany and Norway were then compared to determine whether their pollinator spectra differ as would be expected in an open flower with seemingly easily accessible pollen and nectar. Results of the present as well as previous studies of the pollination ofN. lutea andN. pumila show that both species are mainly pollinated by flies, including apparentNuphar specialists, such as the scatophagidHydromyza livens and the ephydridsHydrellia andNotiphila, the last also a long-known pollinator ofN. advena in Florida. Pollinator overlap between sympatric heterospecific populations was small, while allopatric conspecific populations had similar visitor and pollinator spectra. We found no evidence of pollination byDonacia beetles as reported from some North American populations ofNuphar. Dedicated to Univ.-Prof. DrF. Ehrendorfer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

A new species ofNeosartorya, N. multiplicata (anam.Aspergillus multiplicatus), isolated from soil collected at Houli, Taichung, in Taiwan, is described and illustrated. The species is characterized by its restricted growth on Czapek agar, white ascomata, nearly globose ascospores with ribbed surface ornamentation of several linear ridges, and a limited development of conidia on common media. A key to all accepted species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

Among the isolates from soil of corn and sugar cane plantations in São Paulo State, Brazil, two new species ofNeosartorya, N. botucatensis andN. paulistensis, are described and illustrated.Neosartorya botucatensis differs from the other known species of the genus in having ascospores with long spines on the convex walls.Neosartorya paulistensis is characterized by its ascospore walls with spinose and verruculose ornamentation. The former is compared with the closely related speciesN. spinosa, and the latter is closely related toN. glabra, N. pseudofischeri and N. stramenia.  相似文献   

Among the isolates from soil of grassland in Roraima State, Brazil, a new species ofNeosartorya, N. takakii is described and illustrated.Neosartorya takakii differs from the other known species of the genus in having lenticular ascospores with two distinct equatorial crests and with roughly circularly arranged projections on the convex walls. A comparative SEM view of ascospores from six relatedNeosartorya species is also provided.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision ofVerbesina sect.Ochractinia is presented. 40 species plus 7 additional infraspecific taxa are recognized. A table of the distribution of the species, key to the species and synonymy are included. Relationships to other sections ofVerbesina and species relationships within sect.Ochractinia are discussed.  相似文献   

Two new species of the coelomycete genusXenidiocercus are described and illustrated,X. macrospora on leaves ofMacaranga rowlandii andX. pyriformis on leaves ofM. huraefolia. They differ from the type species in having wider and ellipsoidal or pyriform conidia. A key to species ofXenidiocercus andIdiocercus is provided.  相似文献   

In order to reduce the effects of inhibitors present in DNA extracts from lignified apple tissues, a magnetic capture-hybridisation PCR (MCH-PCR) technique was developed forNectria galligena using the ITS 1 region of the rRNA gene repeats as target. The trapping reagent used to coat the magnetic beads was an 81 bp single-stranded DNA oligonucleotide biotin-labelled on the 5é-terminal and designed to be complementary to part of the rRNA gene ITS 1 region ofN. galligena. For specificity, the probe was located from 14 bp downstream from the 3é-terminal nucleotide of theN. galligena forward primer Ch1 to the last ITS 1 nucleotide immediately upstream of the 5.8S rRNA gene. Following hybridisation in a total DNA extract of woody tissue, magnetic recovery of the bead-oligomer-template conjugate separated target template from other DNA species and inhibitory compounds. Magnetic capture-hybridisation was followed by PCR amplification with the previously designed species-specific primers, Ch1 and Ch2. Application of the MCH-PCR technique resulted in increased levels of sensitivity and reliability when compared to PCR without MCH when used on total DNA extracts from lignified tissues.  相似文献   

The present communication deals with the observations made on the morphology, reproduction and cytology ofUlothrix zonata (Weber & Mohr)Kütz. in culture. The alga displays a remarkable phenotypic plasticity in nature as well as in culture. The present study provides additional evidence of karyology in support ofLokhorst andVroman's treatment ofU. zonata which merges a number of earlier described species in it. The cytological details and chromosome number (n = 10) determined for the Indian isolates ofU. zonata agree with those ofSarma for the British material.NBRI Research Publication No. 63 (N.S.)  相似文献   

Morphological and RAPD markers were used to assess the relationships among nodulating and non-nodulating species of AfricanAcacia. Non-nodulating species of AfricanAcacia are only found within subg.Aculeiferum sect.Monacanthea. African species of sect.Monacanthea examined were found to form a group distinct from the other African species examined on a morphological and molecular basis. All lack the ability to nodulate, suggesting that non-nodulation may be used as a taxonomic tool. The species of sect.Aculeiferum were separated by RAPD and morphological analysis into two groups depending on whether they were armed with prickles in pairs and/or prickles in threes, or solitary. A third group of species was identified within sect.Acacia: further subdivision of this group was achieved into subsectt.Pluriseriae andUniseriae. The position ofA. albida relative to other AfricanAcacia species was found to be distinct but not totally independent of the genus. The partitioning and distribution of the genetic variability within the genus is further elucidated by the RAPD analysis of populations ofAcacia species. A population analysis ofA. polyacantha demonstrated geographical and site-specific variation.  相似文献   

Summary Alnus species are used widely in Britain for land reclamation, forestry and other purposes. Rapid juvenile growth of the AmericanAlnus rubra makes it an attractive species for planting on N-deficient soils, particularly those of low organic content. In small plot trials, this species is nodulated by indigenous soil frankiae as effectively asAlnus glutinosa. Over a three year period both species return similar amounts of N to the ecosystem, estimated at up to 10–12 kg N ha–1. Several strains ofFrankia have been isolated from local (Lennox Forest)A. rubra nodules. These differ morphologically and in their growth on different culture media, both from each other and fromA. glutinosa nodule isolates. AllAlnus isolates, however, have a total cellular fatty acid composition qualitatively similar to some other Group B frankiae. Glasshouse tests in N free culture suggest thatA. rubra nodules formed after inoculation of seedlings with American spore (–) isolates are three times more effective in N fixation than those inoculated with LennoxA. rubra spore (+) nodule homogenates. By contrast, the early growth of seedlings inoculated with spore (–)Frankia strains suggests at best a 35% improvement in N fixing activity over seedlings inoculated with LennoxA. rubra nodule isolates. Nevertheless, this improvement in activity, together with the better performance of seedlings inoculated with isolates compared with those treated with crushed nodule preparations, suggest that it would be worthwhile commercially to inoculate nursery stock with a spore (–)Frankia strain.  相似文献   

The effects of soil type (an acid peat and 2 acid brown earths) andFrankia source (3 spore-positive crushed nodule inocula and spore-negative crushed nodules containing the singleFrankia ArI5) on nodulation, N content and growth ofAlnus glutinosa andA. rubra were determined in a glasshouse pot experiment of two years duration. Plants on all soils required additional P for growth. Growth of both species was very poor on peat withA. glutinosa superior toA. rubra. The former species was also superior toA. rubra on an acid brown earth with low pH and low P content. Some plant-inoculum combinations were of notable effectivity on particular soils but soil type was the major source of variation in plant weight. Inoculation with crushed nodules containingFrankia ArI5 only gave poor infection of the host plant, suggesting that inoculation with locally-collected crushed nodules can be a preferred alternative to inoculation withFrankia isolates of untested effectivity. Evidence of adaptation ofFrankia to particular soils was obtained. Thus, while the growth of all strains was stimulated by mineral soil extracts, inhibitory effects of peat extracts were more apparent with isolates from nodules from mineral soils than from peat, suggesting that survival ofFrankia on peat may be improved by strain selection.  相似文献   

Polytretophora macrospora is introduced based on specimens from two species ofPandanus in Seychelles. The new species is compared with currently accepted species. A key and a comparative synopsis toPolytetophora species are provided. Numerous specimens ofP. calcarata, collected on members of the Pandanaceae from Australia, Fiji, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Caledonia, Palau, Philippines, Seychelles and Solomon Islands are also reported, along withP. dendroidea onPandanus sp. from Malaysia.  相似文献   

The subfamilyPhytelephantoideae comprises three genera (Ammandra, Aphandra, andPhytelephas) and seven species of dioecious palms. The floral scents ofAmmandra dasyneura, A. decasperma, Aphandra natalia, Phytelephas aequatorialis, P. macrocarpa, andP. seemannii were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. We studied the pollination biology ofA. natalia, P. aequatorialis, andP. macrocarpa, and tested how the synthetically produced main constituents of the floral scents ofAphandra andPhytelephas attracted insects in two natural populations ofPhytelephas. The genera are distinct in terms of floral scents.Ammandra has sesquiterpenes,Aphandra (+)-2-methoxy-3-sec-butylpyrazine, andPhytelephas p-methyl anisol. These constituents dominated the scents quantitatively and qualitatively. The similarity between scents of male and female inflorescences was 76.5% inAmmandra, 84.2% inAphandra, and >99% inPhytelephas. Different species ofAleocharinae (Staphylinidae) pollinateAphandra natalia andPhytelephas species and reproduce in their male inflorescences.Derelomini (Curculinoidae) andMystrops (Nitidulidae) only visit and pollinatePhytelephas in which male inflorescences they reproduce. A species ofBaridinae (Curculionidae) only visits and pollinatesAphandra natalia, and reproduces in its female inflorescence. The apparent reliance on one or a few floral scent constituents as attractants and few and specific pollinators may indicate co-evolution. Sympatric species ofPhytelephantoideae have different scents. We suggest that species with similar scents have allopatric distributions due to the absence of a pollinator isolation mechanism.  相似文献   

Specimens of basidiomes and/or rhizomorphs ofArmillaria mellea complex and basidiomes ofRhodophyllus abortivus, developing on the same decaying stumps or stems of forest trees, were collected in three forests in Hokkaido. Normal basidiomes ofR. abortivus were found near to, but free from, the rhizomorphs and/or basidiomes ofArmillaria, while abnormal basidiomes, as carpophoroid forms, were developed on the rhizomorphs ofArmillaria. Of three mycoparasiticArmillaria isolates found withR. abortivus, one was identified asA. gallica and two asA. jezoensis. The isolates ofR. abortivus showed excellent mycelial growth and rhizomorph formation on PDA. However, on MDA, RMDA and BMDA, they showed poor aerial mycelia growth and no rhizomorphs. In the contrapositional cultures, the growth ofA. gallica was completely inhibited byR. abortivus on PDA but only slightly inhibited on MDA and RMDA. On the other hand, mutual inhibition at a distance was observed on BMDA. The mycelial growth and rhizomorph formation inA. jezoensis were severely inhibited by the colony ofR. abortivus on PDA, but only slightly inhibited on MDA. On RMDA and BMDA, the colonies of twoArmillaria species andR. abortivus showed mutual inhibition at a distance and apparent rhizomorph formation by bothArmillaria species.  相似文献   

Aulopus bajacali, described from the eastern Pacific Ocean from a single specimen, is redescribed. It is now known from over 400 specimens. It is the only Pacific species ofAulopus belonging with the Atlantic species group ofA. nanae, A. filamentosus, andA. cadenati. It shares a short dorsal-fin base and some color pattern characters with this group. New distribution records from Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands extend its range; it is now known from mid-Baja California (25°N) to about 3°S in the eastern central Pacific.  相似文献   

To examine how soil phosphorus status affects nitrogen fixation by the Casuarinaceae —Frankia symbiosis,Casuarina equisetifolia and two species ofAllocasuarina (A. torulosa andA. littoralis) inoculated or fertilized with KNO3 were grown in pots in an acid soil at 4 soil phosphate levels. InoculatedC. equisetifolia nodulated well by 12 weeks after planting and the numbers and weight of nodules increased markedly with phosphorus addition. Growth ofC. equisetifolia dependent on symbiotically fixed nitrogen was more sensitive to low levels of phosphorus (30 mg kg–1 soil) than was growth of seedings supplied with combined nitrogen; at higher levels of phosphorus, the growth response curves were similar for both nitrogen fertilized and inoculated plants. The interaction between phosphorus and nitrogen treatments (inoculated and nitrogen fertilized) demonstrated that there was a greater requirement of phosphorus for symbiotic nitrogen fixation than for plant growth when soil phosphorus was low.WithAllocasuarina species, large plant to plant variation in nodulation occurred both within pots and between replicates. This result suggests genetic variation in nodulation withinAllocasuarina species. Nodulation ofAllocasuarina species did not start until 16 weeks after planting and no growth response due toFrankia inoculation was obtained at the time of harvest. Addition of nitrogen starter is suggested to boost plant growth before the establishment of the symbiosis. Growth ofAllocasuarina species fertilized with nitrogen responded to increasing levels of phosphorus up to 90 mg P/kg soil after which it declined by 69% forA. littoralis. The decrease in shoot weight ofA. littoralis, A. torulosa, C. equisetifolia andC. cunninghamiana at high phosphorus was confirmed in a sand culture experiment, and may be atributable to phosphorus toxicity.  相似文献   

A new species ofNeosartorya, N. sublevispora (anam.Aspergillus sublevisporus), is described and photographed. The species is characterized by non-ostiolate ascomata covered loosely with a pale yellowish hyphal envelope, lenticular ascospores with two low equatorial crests, and subglobose to ellipsoidal, microtuberculate conidia. The ornamentation of ascospores, which is composed of two closely appreassed crests and small even-sized echines on their convex surfaces, particularly serves to distinguish this species from other recognized species. A revised key to all accepted species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

We quantified the accumulation of and tolerance to exogenously-fed nicotine by monitoring photosynthetic capacity and growth in two nicotine producing species of Solanaceous plants (Nicotiana sylvestris andN. glauca) as well as two Solanaceous species (Datura stramonium andLycopersicon esculentum) that do not produce nicotine to examine the relationship between tolerence and the ability to produce nicotine in defensive quantities. SinceN. sylvestris uses nicotine as an inducible defense, we examined whether nicotine tolerance is induced by damage to examine further the relationship between nicotine tolerence and synthesis. All species were grown in a 1 mM nicotine-containing hydroponic solution. Reductions in the photosynthetic capacity of nicotine-fed plants were found in all species tested. Nicotine-producing species showed no greater tolerance as measured by photosynthetic capacity than the two non-producing species. Leaf damage marginally increased the tolerence ofN. sylvestris to exogeneouslyfed nicotine suggesting that photosynthetic tolerance is coordinated with nicotine production in this nicotine-producing species.N. glauca plants regained photosynthetic capacity after their accumulated nicotine was demethylated to form nornicotine. Leaf nicotine pools in the other three species did not decrease, suggesting that for these species alkaloid metabolism does not play a major role in tolerance. Tolerance, as measured by biomass gained, was higher in the two non-producing species than in the nicotine-producing species suggesting that nicotine may also be functioning as a growth regulator. These results do not support the hypothesis that tolerance is as important as biosynthetic ability in determining which species accumulate defensively significant quantities of nicotine.  相似文献   

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