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The distal portion of the short arm of the human X chromosome (Xp) exhibits many unique and interesting features. Distal Xp contains the pseudoautosomal region, a number of disease loci, and several cell-surface markers. Several genes in this area have also been observed to escape X-chromosomal inactivation. The characterization of new polymorphic loci in this region has permitted the construction of a refined multipoint linkage map extending 15 cM from the Xp telomere. This interval is known to contain the loci for the diseases X-linked ichthyosis, chondrodysplasia punctata, and Kallmann syndrome, as well as the cell-surface markers Xg and 12E7. This region also contains the junction between the pseudoautosomal region and strictly X-linked sequences. The locus MIC2 has been demonstrated by linkage analysis to be indistinguishable from the pseudoautosomal junction. The steroid sulfatase locus has been mapped to an interval adjacent to the DXS278 locus and 6 cM from the pseudoautosomal junction. The polymorphic locus (STS) DXS278 was shown to be informative in all families studied, and linkage analysis reveals that the locus represents a low-copy repeat with at least one copy distal to the STS gene. The generation of a multipoint linkage map of distal Xp will be useful in the genetic dissection of many of the unique features of this region.  相似文献   

A genomic DNA clone named CRI-S232 reveals an array of highly polymorphic restriction fragments on the X chromosome as well as a set of non-polymorphic fragments on the Y chromosome. Every individual has multiple bands, highly variable in length, in every restriction enzyme digest tested. One set of bands is found in all males, and co-segregates with the Y chromosome in families. These sequences have been regionally localized by deletion mapping to the long arm of the Y chromosome. Segregation analysis in families shows that all of the remaining fragments co-segregate as a single locus on the X chromosome, each haplotype consisting of three or more polymorphic fragments. This locus (designated DXS278) is linked to several markers on Xp, the closest being dic56 (DXS143) at a distance of 2 cM. Although it is outside the pseudoautosomal region, the S232 X chromosome locus shows linkage to pseudoautosomal markers in female meiosis. In determining the X chromosome S232 haplotypes of 138 offspring among 19 families, we observed three non-parental haplotypes. Two were recombinant haplotypes, consistent with a cross-over among the S232-hybridizing fragments in maternal meiosis. The third was a mutant haplotype arising on a paternal X chromosome. The locus identified by CRI-S232 may therefore be a recombination and mutation hotspot.  相似文献   

A central concept in genetic counselling is the estimation of the probability of occurrence of unbalanced progeny at birth and other unfavourable outcomes of pregnancy (miscarriages, stillbirths and early death). The estimation of the occurrence probability for individual carriers of four different X-autosome translocations with breakpoints at Xp, namely t(X;5)(p22.2;q32), t(X;6)(p11.2;q21), t(X;7)(p22.2;p11.1), and t(X;22)(p22.1;p11.1), is presented. The breakpoint positions of chromosomal translocations were interpreted using GTG, RBG and FISH-wcp. Most of these translocations were detected in women with normal phenotype, karyotyped because of repeated miscarriages and/or malformed progeny. A girl with very rare pure trisomy Xp22.1-->pter and a functional Xp disomy was ascertained in one family and her clinical picture has been described in details. It has been suggested that not fully skewed X chromosome inactivation of X-autosome translocation with breakpoint positions at Xp22 (critical segment) could influence the phenotype and risk value. Therefore, the X inactivation status was additionally evaluated by analysis of replication banding patterns using RBG technique after incorporation of BrdU. In two carriers of translocations: t(X;5)(p22.2;q32) and t(X;7)(p22.2;p11.1), late replication state of der(X) was observed in 5/100 and 10/180 analysed cells, respectively. In these both cases the breakpoint positions were clustered at the critical segment Xp22.2. In two other cases, one with the breakpoint position within [t(X;22)(p22.1;p11.1)] and one outside the critical region [t(X;6)(p11.2;q21)], fully skewed inactivation was seen. Therefore, we suggest that neither the distribution of the breakpoint positions nor fully skewed inactivation influenced the phenotype of observed t(X;A) carriers. The occurrence probabilities of the unbalanced progeny were calculated according to Stene and Stengel-Rutkowski along with application of updated available empirical data. In the studied group the values of occurrence probability for unbalanced offspring at birth ranged from 2.1% to 17%. Information on the magnitude of the individual figures may be important for women carrying a reciprocal X;A translocation when deciding upon further family planning.  相似文献   

The distal short arm of the human X chromosome is of interest because it contains genes which escape X chromosome inactivation and because it is subject to frequent deletions in human patients. The steroid sulfatase gene has been particularly well studied as an example of a gene which escapes X inactivation and which is included in a number of these deletion events. For these reasons a physical map of the region around the STS gene would be of interest. We have constructed a rare cutting enzyme map of this area and have determined the position of several nearby markers with respect to STS. We have also oriented the 5' and 3' ends of the STS gene on this map and have determined the centromeric and telomeric portions of the region. Finally, we have shown that this map can be used to locate deletion breakpoints in STS deficient patients.  相似文献   

Summary There are three types of X-linked cataracts recorded in Mendelian Inheritance in Man (McKusick 1988): congenital total, with posterior sutural opacities in heterozygotes: congenital, with microcornea or slight microphthalmia; and the cataract-dental syndrome or Nance-Horan (NH) syndrome. To identify a DNA marker close to the gene responsible for the NH syndrome, linkage analysis on 36 members in a three-generation pedigree including seven affected males and nine carrier females was performed using 31 DNA markers. A LOD score of 1.662 at 0=0.16 was obtained with probe 782 from locus DXS85 on Xp22.2–p22.3. Negative LOD scores were found at six loci on the short arm, one distal to DXS85, five proximal, and six probes spanning the long arm were highly negative. These results make the assignment of the locus for NH to the distal end of the short arm of the X chromosome likely.  相似文献   

An X linked human DNA fragment (named DXS31 ) which detects partially homologous sequences on the Y chromosome has been isolated. Regional localisation of the two sex linked sequences was determined using a panel of rodent-human somatic cell hybrids. The X specific sequence is located at the tip of the short arm ( Xp22 .3-pter), i.e. within or close to the region which pairs with the Y chromosome short arm at meiosis. However the Y specific sequence is located in the heterochromatic region of the long arm ( Yq11 -qter) and lies outside from the pairing region. DNAs from several XX male subjects were probed with DXS31 and in all cases a double dose of the X linked fragment was found, and the Y specific fragment was absent. DXS31 detects in chimpanzee a male-female differential pattern identical to that found in man. However results obtained in a more distantly related species, the brown lemur, suggest that the sequences detected by DXS31 in this species might be autosomally coded. The features observed with these X-Y related sequences do not fit with that expected from current hypotheses of homology between the pairing regions of the two sex chromosomes, nor with the pattern observed with other X-Y homologous sequences recently characterized. Our results suggest also that the rule of conservation of X linkage in mammals might not apply to sequences present on the tip of the X chromosome short arm, in bearing with the controversial issue of steroid sulfatase localisation in mouse.  相似文献   

P H Yen  X M Li  S P Tsai  C Johnson  T Mohandas  L J Shapiro 《Cell》1990,61(4):603-610
Substantial DNA deletions appear to be the molecular basis of several human genetic disorders but rarely account for the majority of observed mutations at any given locus. Exceptions in which deletions do account for the majority of observed abnormalities include the alpha-thalassemias, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and steroid sulfatase deficiency. Variable deletion breakpoints have been recognized at the alpha-globin and dystrophin loci, but no information is available regarding STS deletions. We have found that these STS alterations usually involve breakpoints within highly similar sequence elements situated approximately 1.9 megabases apart on the X chromosome. It is surprising that these very large deletions produce such mild clinical abnormalities. These results may provide insight into the molecular mechanism of a number of human genetic defects.  相似文献   

A girl with partial trisomy for the short arm of chromosome 11 resulting from an unbalanced translocation 46,XX,der 5, t(5,11) (p 15,p14) pat is described. The clinical findings are compared with those of other patients with partial trisomy 11p. The translocation in the balanced form was present in the fater, the brother, and the grandmother of the proposita.  相似文献   

Five DNA probes (RC8, 754, XJ 1-1, pert 87.8, and L1.28) from the short arm of the human X chromosome were investigated in samples from five populations (English, Nigerian, Chinese, Muslim, and Hindu from India). The variation in the allele frequencies of several probes between different groups was significant. The average heterozygosity in females of the five populations ranged from 32% to 51%. The genetic distance between the five groups was compatible with that using traditional polymorphic systems. There is an interesting suggestion of longitudinal cline for allele *2 (9 kb) detected with probe L1.28. The X-linked RFLPs are useful genetic markers for anthropological studies.  相似文献   

Summary Two DNA probes from within a single large insert from a recombinant phage-DNA library that was constructed from flow-sorted chromosomes enriched for the human X chromosome were shown to hybridize with repeated X-specific and autosomal DNA sequences. The X-chromosomal repeated sequences were assigned to the distal long arm of the X chromosome by both hybrid mapping and in situ hybridization. Fine mapping places these repeats in a region of Xq28 between DX13 (DXS15, in distal Xq28) and factor VIII (F8C, in proximal Xq28). The location of the X-specific repeats makes them potentially useful for future investigations of discases mapping to the distal long arm of the X chromosome, such as the fragile X syndrome.  相似文献   

On the genetic length of the short arm of the human X chromosome   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Published estimates of the length of the human X chromosome are unreliable because they are based on scanty linkage data and complex assumptions about the frequency and distribution of chiasmata in female meiosis. In recent months we have established linkage between restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and several genes on the short arm of the X chromosome. These and previous data can be combined to construct a continuous linkage map spanning the short arm from the Xg gene to the centromere. They suggest that the genetic length of the Xg-Xcen segment may be in the order of 75-90 cM.  相似文献   

Eight genes located on the short arm of the human X chromosome (MAOA, SYN1, OAT, OTC, CYBB, DMD, ZFX, POLA) have been mapped in several marsupial species by cell hybrid analysis and/or in situ hybridization using probes derived from human cDNA. Seven appear to be autosomal in all marsupial species examined. The eighth, CYBB, detected a site on the X, as well as major autosomal sites. Although these genes are not conserved on the X chromosome in marsupials, at least some of them are arranged together in autosomal clusters. The autosomal location of human Xp genes in marsupials could mean that this region either was lost from a large ancestral X chromosome in the marsupial lineage or was acquired by a small ancestral X (and perhaps Y) in the eutherian lineage. Either explanation demands that the region was not subject to X chromosome inactivation in a common ancestor 120-150 MyrBP.  相似文献   

Summary Nine human X chromosome-specific clones have been isolated by screening an X-chromosomal genomic library with fetal muscle cDNA. Five of the clones have been localised to the short arm and four to the long arm. The short arm probes have been regionally assigned using a panel of somatic cell hybrids. They have been mapped further using a series of DNA samples from male patients with different deletions of the region Xp21, and having complex phenotypes including Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The use of these probes in the mapping of the short arm of the X chromosome is discussed.  相似文献   

A case with an apparently balanced reciprocal translocation between the long arm of the Y chromosome and the short arm of chromosome 1 t(Y;1)(q11.2;p34.3) is described. The translocation was found in a phenotypically normal male ascertained by infertility and presenting for intra-cytoplasmatic sperm injection treatment. Histological examination of testicular biopsies revealed spermatogenic failure. Chromosome painting with probes for chromosome 1 and for the euchromatic part of the Y chromsome confirmed the translocation of euchromatic Y chromosomal material onto the short arm of chromosome 1 and of a substantial part of the short arm of chromosome 1 onto the Y chromosome. Among the Y/autosome translocations, the rearrangements involving long arm euchromatin of the Y chromosome are relatively rare and mostly associated with infertility. Microdeletion screening at the azoospermia locus revealed no deletions, suggesting another mechanism causing infertility in this translocation carrier.  相似文献   

About ScienceDirect 《Genomics》1992,13(4):1255-1260
A gene encoding or controlling the expression of the H-Y transplantation antigen was previously mapped to the human Y chromosome. We now report the sublocalization of this gene on the long arm of the human Y chromosome. Eight patients with Y-chromosomal abnormalities were examined with a series of existing and new DNA markers for the Y chromosome. The resulting deletion map was correlated with H-Y antigen expression. We conclude that the H-Y antigen gene maps to a portion of deletion interval 6 that is identified by specific DNA markers.  相似文献   

A novel floral organ mutant of rice (Oryza sativa L. subsp. indica), termed pistilloid-stamen (ps) here, has flowers with degenerated lemma and palea, with some stamens transformed into pistils and pistil-stamen chimeras. Genetic analysis confirmed that the ps trait is controlled by a single recessive gene. F2 and F3 segregation populations derived from PS ps heterozygote crossed with Oryza sativa subsp. indica 'Luhui-17' (PS PS) were used for molecular mapping of the gene using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. With 97 recessive individuals from an F2 segregation population, the ps locus was preliminarily mapped 6.2 cM distal to marker RM6324 and 3.1 cM proximal to marker RM6340 in the terminal region of the short arm of chromosome 1. With a large F3 segregation population, the gene was fine-mapped between markers RM6470 and RM1141, at distances of 0.10 and 0.03 cM to each marker, respectively. The position of the ps gene was finally located within a 20 kb physical region containing 3 annotated putative genes. One of them, encoding a protein with a single C2H2 zinc-finger domain, may be the candidate gene for PS.  相似文献   

Summary A linkage study of six families with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda (SEDL) has been performed. A linkage to site DXS41 ( =0.08; =3.07) and DXS92 ( =0.05; =2.95) has been established. We propose, that the SEDL locus lies on the distal part of the short arm of the X chromosome.  相似文献   

In recent years, maps of mammalian genomes have been acquiring increasingly higher resolution. Integration of maps of different types has become possible. As a tool in integrating maps of mammalian genomes of different types, high-resolution mapping with radiation-induced hybrids (RH) is used. Here, we present an RH6000 map of the short arm of porcine chromosome 2. The map contains 15 microsatellites and five genes (for parathyroid hormone, lactate dehydrogenase A, myogenic factor, follicle-stimulating hormone beta, and calpain I). The RH panel was obtained on the basis of a hybrid cell line bearing the single porcine chromosome 2 against the background of mink chromosomes. The mean frequency of preserving markers examined in the panel was 18.3%. Integration of four genes in the panel and a comparison of gene order in homologous regions of human and porcine chromosomes are presented.  相似文献   

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