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There exists a general consensus that prolonged grief disorder (PGD), or some variant of PGD, represents a distinct mental disorder worthy of diagnosis and treatment. Nevertheless, confusion remains over whether different names and proposed symptom criteria for this disorder identify the same or different diagnostic entities. This study aimed to determine whether PGD, complicated grief (CG), and persistent complex bereavement disorder (PCBD) as described by the DSM‐5 are substantively or merely semantically different diagnostic entities. Data were derived from the Yale Bereavement Study, a longitudinal community‐based study of bereaved individuals funded by the US National Institute of Mental Health, designed explicitly to evaluate diagnostic criteria for disordered grief. The results suggested that the difference between PGD and PCBD is only semantic. The level of agreement between the original PGD test, a new version of the PGD test proposed for ICD‐11 and the PCBD test was high (pairwise kappa coefficients = 0.80‐0.84). Their estimates of rate of disorder in this community sample were similarly low (~10%). Their levels of diagnostic specificity were comparably high (95.0‐98.3%). Their predictive validity was comparable. In contrast, the test for CG had only moderate agreement with those for PGD and PCBD; its estimate of rate of disorder was three‐fold higher (~30%); its diagnostic specificity was poorer, and it had no predictive validity. We conclude that PGD, PCBD and proposed ICD‐11, but not CG, symptom‐diagnostic tests identify a single diagnostic entity. Ultimately, brief symptom‐diagnostic tests, such as the one proposed here for ICD‐11, may have the greatest clinical utility.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks are autonomous time-keeping mechanisms that allow living organisms to predict and adapt to environmental rhythms of light, temperature and food availability. At the molecular level, circadian clocks use clock and clock-controlled genes to generate rhythmicity and distribute temporal signals. In mammals, synchronization of the master circadian clock located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus is accomplished mainly by light stimuli. Meal time, that can be experimentally modulated by temporal restricted feeding, is a potent synchronizer for peripheral oscillators with no clear synchronizing influence on the suprachiasmatic clock. Furthermore, food-restricted animals are able to predict meal time, as revealed by anticipatory bouts of locomotor activity, body temperature and plasma corticosterone. These food anticipatory rhythms have long been thought to be under the control of a food-entrainable clock (FEC). Analysis of clock mutant mice has highlighted the relevance of some, but not all of the clock genes for food-entrainable clockwork. Mutations of Clock or Per1 do not impair expression of food anticipatory components, suggesting that these clock genes are not essential for food-entrainable oscillations. By contrast, mice mutant for Npas2 or deficient for Cry1 and Cry2 show more or less altered responses to restricted feeding conditions. Moreover, a lack of food anticipation is specifically associated with a mutation of Per2, demonstrating the critical involvement of this gene in the anticipation of meal time. The actual location of the FEC is not yet clearly defined. Nevertheless, current knowledge of the putative brain regions involved in food-entrainable oscillations is discussed. We also describe several neurochemical pathways, including orexinergic and noradrenergic, likely to participate in conveying inputs to and outputs from the FEC to control anticipatory processes.  相似文献   

Tree‐dwelling mammals may be vulnerable to road mortality if forced to cross canopy gaps on the ground. This group of mammals has received scant attention worldwide despite major road projects potentially causing severe fragmentation to their habitat. Gliding mammals may be enabled to cross road gaps that exceed their gliding capability by the installation of tall wooden poles to act as “stepping stones.” We investigated whether such glide poles installed across two land‐bridges in eastern Australia could restore landscape connectivity for small gliding petaurid marsupials. Hair‐traps revealed repeated use of all poles at both locations over periods of 1–3 years. Camera traps at one site suggest a crossing frequency on the poles by the squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) of once every 3.8 nights. Radio‐tracked animals did not glide directly over the road but instead used the poles to cross on the bridge. Hair‐traps and camera traps installed within the middle of two reference land‐bridges that lacked glide poles failed to detect crossings by gliding mammals despite their presence in adjacent forest. These observations suggest that glide poles can facilitate road crossing and thereby restore habitat connectivity for gliding mammals. This lends support to the notion that glide poles have the potential to mitigate road‐induced habitat fragmentation for gliding mammals worldwide.  相似文献   

Counterintelligence analysts use a technique called “walking back the cat'' to reveal “moles” or others passing on disinformation in which they compare what they now know as fact against what their agents or informers had told them to expect about certain persons or events. 1 Thus, “walking back the cat” is a perfect metaphor for working backwards; that is, retracing the complex development of an event and examining the “run up” to it in order to gain useful insights about how that event unfolded. Perhaps paleoanthropology can profit from such an approach.  相似文献   

The structure of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase (TIM)has been solved at a resolution of 2.1Å in a new crystal form grown at pH 8.8 from PEG6000. In this new crystal form (space group C2, cell dimensions 94.8 Å, 48.3 Å, 131.0 Å, 90.0°, 100.3°, 90.0°), TIM is present in a ligand-free state. The asymmetric unit consists of two TIM subunits. Each of these subunits is part of a dimer which is sitting on a crystallographic twofold axis, such that the crystal packing is formed from two TIM dimers in two distinct environments. The two constituent monomers of a given dimer are, therefore, crystallographically equivalent. In the ligand-free state of TIM in this crystal form, the two types of dimer are very similar in structure, with the flexible loops in the “Open” conformation. For one dimer (termed molecule-1), the flexible loop (loop-6) is involved in crystal contacts. Crystals of this type have been used in soaking experiments with 0.4 M ammonium sulphate (studied at 2.4 Å resolution), and with 40 μM phosphoglycolohydroxamate (studied at 2.5 Å resolution). It is found that transfer to 0.4 M ammonuum sulphate (equal to 80 times the Ki of sulphate for TIM), gives rise to significant sulphate binding at the active site of one dimer (termed molecule-2), and less significant binding at the active site of the other. In neither dimer does sulphate induce a “closed” conformation. In a mother liquor containing 40 μM phosphoglycolohydroxamate (equal to 10 times the Ki of phosphoglycolohydroxamate for TIM), an inhibitor molecule binds at the active site of only that dimer of which the flexible loop is free from crystal contacts (molecule-2). In this dimer, it induces a closed conformation. These three structures are compared and discussed with respect to the mode of binding of ligand in the active site as well as with respect to the conformational changes resulting from ligand binding. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A significant fraction of the Tetrahymena clones isolated from natural habitats self (mating occurs within a clone). Early attempts to study such clones failed because stable subclones were rarely, if ever, observed, and isolated pairs all died. Isozyme analysis revealed that these wild selfers were a diverse group; some were very similar to T. australis, a species with synclonal mating type determination and to T. elliotti, shown recently to have a karyonidal mating type system. One originally stable clone of T. australis included some selfing clones after a few years in our laboratory. Other clones manifested unique zymograms. Subclones isolated from 18 selfer strains were heterogeneous. All subclones of several selfers mated massively at each transfer through 100 fissions. Selfing among subclones of other selfers was highly variable or not observed. Although 77% of the pairs isolated died, and 9% of the pair cultures selfed, 15 selfers yielded some viable nonselfing “immature” progeny. Additional immature progeny were obtained by isolating pairs from macronuclear retention synclones. Although some “immature” progeny eventually selfed, most remained stable. Giemsa staining revealed macronuclear anlagen in nearly all mating pairs and some anomalies. Crosses among the F1 progeny clones of the T. elliotti selfers yield viability data comparable to those from crosses among normal strains. Perhaps perpetual selfing is a mechanism of getting rid of deleterious combinations of genes and uncovering better combinations in homozygous state by playing genetic roulette. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The question of whether “developmental bias” can influence evolution is still controversial, despite much circumstantial evidence and a good theoretical argument. Here, I will argue that the domestication of mammalian species, which took place independently more than two dozen times, provides a particularly convincing example of developmental bias in evolution. The singular finding that underlies this claim is the repeated occurrence in domesticated mammals of a set of distinctive traits, none of which were deliberately selected. This phenomenon has been termed “the domestication syndrome”. In this article, I will: (a) describe the properties of the domestication syndrome; (b) show how it can be explained in terms of the operation of a specific genetic regulatory network, that which governs neural crest cell development; and (c) discuss Dmitry Belyaev's idea of “destabilizing selection,” which holds that selecting for a new behavior often entails neuroendocrine alterations that alter many aspects of development. Finally, I will argue for the potential general significance of such destabilizing selection, in combination with developmental bias, in animal evolution.  相似文献   

The vertebrate dermal skeleton has long been interpreted to have evolved from a primitive condition exemplified by chondrichthyans. However, chondrichthyans and osteichthyans evolved from an ancestral gnathostome stem‐lineage in which the dermal skeleton was more extensively developed. To elucidate the histology and skeletal structure of the gnathostome crown‐ancestor we conducted a histological survey of the diversity of the dermal skeleton among the placoderms, a diverse clade or grade of early jawed vertebrates. The dermal skeleton of all placoderms is composed largely of a cancellar architecture of cellular dermal bone, surmounted by dermal tubercles in the most ancestral clades, including antiarchs. Acanthothoracids retain an ancestral condition for the dermal skeleton, and we record its secondary reduction in antiarchs. We also find that mechanisms for remodeling bone and facilitating different growth rates between adjoining plates are widespread throughout the placoderms. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

I describe an open‐source R package, multimark , for estimation of survival and abundance from capture–mark–recapture data consisting of multiple “noninvasive” marks. Noninvasive marks include natural pelt or skin patterns, scars, and genetic markers that enable individual identification in lieu of physical capture. multimark provides a means for combining and jointly analyzing encounter histories from multiple noninvasive sources that otherwise cannot be reliably matched (e.g., left‐ and right‐sided photographs of bilaterally asymmetrical individuals). The package is currently capable of fitting open population Cormack–Jolly–Seber (CJS) and closed population abundance models with up to two mark types using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. multimark can also be used for Bayesian analyses of conventional capture–recapture data consisting of a single‐mark type. Some package features include (1) general model specification using formulas already familiar to most R users, (2) ability to include temporal, behavioral, age, cohort, and individual heterogeneity effects in detection and survival probabilities, (3) improved MCMC algorithm that is computationally faster and more efficient than previously proposed methods, (4) Bayesian multimodel inference using reversible jump MCMC, and (5) data simulation capabilities for power analyses and assessing model performance. I demonstrate use of multimark using left‐ and right‐sided encounter histories for bobcats (Lynx rufus) collected from remote single‐camera stations in southern California. In this example, there is evidence of a behavioral effect (i.e., trap “happy” response) that is otherwise indiscernible using conventional single‐sided analyses. The package will be most useful to ecologists seeking stronger inferences by combining different sources of mark–recapture data that are difficult (or impossible) to reliably reconcile, particularly with the sparse datasets typical of rare or elusive species for which noninvasive sampling techniques are most commonly employed. Addressing deficiencies in currently available software, multimark also provides a user‐friendly interface for performing Bayesian multimodel inference using capture–recapture data consisting of a single conventional mark or multiple noninvasive marks.  相似文献   

Few things show the distinctiveness of human evolution research better than the Aquatic Ape Hypothesis (AAH). On one hand, we have “orthodox” research into human evolution, firmly based on land; on the other, we have the aquatic ape community, convinced not only that our ancestors went through an aquatic phase, but that the professional scientific community ignores their work and keeps it out of the mainstream. How many fields of science have two entirely parallel communities that essentially are hermetically sealed from each other?  相似文献   

Many aquatic species of conservation concern exist at low densities and are inherently difficult to detect or monitor using conventional methods. However, the introduction of environmental (e)DNA has recently transformed our ability to detect these species and enables effective deployment of limited conservation resources. Identifying areas for breeding, as well as the ecological distribution of species, is vital to the survival or recovery of a conservation species (i.e., areas of critical habitat). In many species, spawning events are associated with a higher relative abundance of DNA released within an aquatic system (i.e., gametes, skin cells etc.), making this the ideal time to monitor these species using eDNA techniques. This study aims to examine whether a “snapshot” eDNA sampling approach (i.e., samples taken at fixed points in chronological time) could reveal areas of critical habitat including spawning sites for our target species Petromyzon marinus. We utilized a species‐specific qPCR assay to monitor spatial and temporal patterns in eDNA concentration within two river catchments in Ireland over three consecutive years. We found that eDNA concentration increased at the onset of observed spawning activity and patterns of concentration increased from downstream to upstream over time, suggesting dispersal into the higher reaches as the spawning season progressed. We found P. marinus to be present upstream of several potential barriers to migration, sometimes in significant numbers. Our results also show that the addition of a lamprey‐specific fish pass at an “impassable” weir, although assisting in ascent, did not have any significant impact on eDNA concentration upstream after the pass had been installed. eDNA concentration was also found to be significantly correlated with both the number of fish and the number of nests encountered. The application of snapshot sampling techniques for species monitoring therefore has substantial potential for the management of low‐density species in fast‐moving aquatic systems.  相似文献   

The divalent cation-induced protein folding properties of the template macromolecule, bovine dentine phosphophoryn (BDPP), have been examined by 1H/31P/13C/113Cd-nmr spectroscopy. Cd(II) was employed, exploiting the sensitivity of 113Cd-nmr to ligand-binding interactions and kinetics. Cation binding was studied over the stoichiometric range of 0–50 : 1 Cd(II) : protein (mole ratio), well below the range of Cd(II) concentration required to induce protein precipitation. The stepwise titration of divalent cation-depleted phosphophoryn at pH 7.2 in H2O/D2O with 113CdCl2 revealed that (PSer)n, (PSerAsp)n, and (Asp)n polyelectrolyte cation-binding domains undergo two major transitions in their secondary and tertiary structures: the first transition, occurring between 1 : 10 and 1 : 1 Cd(II) : protein stoichiometry, and the second, between 10 : 1 and 50 : 1. By monitoring the amide NH intensities, 31P-nmr chemical shift, and 13C Asp-C, resonances, it was concluded that Cd(II) ions exhibit a binding-site preference for polyelectrolyte cation-binding domains, in the order This preference correlates with the degree of negative charge density for each sequence motif. Accompanying the backbone conformational transitions at the polyelectrolyte regions were conformational transitions in the flanking hinge domains, indicating that the hinge domains participate in the folding of the phosphophoryn molecule as divalent cation binding occurs at the polyelectrolyte domains. We were unsuccessful in detecting phosphophoryn-bound Cd (11) species by 113Cd-nmr because of chemical exchange modulation. However, using a smaller 21-residue peptide mimetic of phosphophoryn, we have observed three stoichiometric-dependent 113Cd resonances that differ in terms of the oxoanion coordination number. Our observation of multiple Cd(II) species in the presence of the peptide supports our contention that Cd(II) has many chemically distinct coordination sites on phosphophoryn, each in multiple equilibria with H2O, Cl?, and side-chain oxoatoms. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Individual foraging tactics are widespread in animals and have ecological and evolutionary implications. Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) in Shark Bay, Western Australia, exhibit a foraging tactic involving tool use, called “sponging.” Sponging is vertically, socially transmitted through the matriline and, to date, has been described in detail in the eastern gulf of Shark Bay (ESB). Here, we characterize sponging in the western gulf of Shark Bay (WSB), in which a different matriline engages in the behavior. We identified 40 individual “spongers” in 9 mo of boat‐based surveys over three field seasons. As is the case in ESB, the majority of WSB spongers was female and engaged in sponging in deep channel habitats. In contrast to ESB, however, there was no difference in the number of associates between spongers and nonspongers in WSB, and activity budgets differed between spongers and deep‐water nonspongers; spongers foraged more frequently and rested less than nonspongers. Group sizes in deep channel habitat, where sponging was prevalent, were typically larger than those in shallow habitat, except for foraging, perhaps indicative of higher predator abundance and/or scattered prey distribution in deep‐water habitat. This research improves our understanding of within‐population foraging variations in bottlenose dolphins.  相似文献   

The Cryogenian (~717–636 Ma) is characterized by widespread glaciation and dramatic fluctuations in biogeochemical cycling during the Sturtian and Marinoan glaciations. The Snowball Earth hypothesis posits that during this period, ice‐covered oceans of more or less global extent shut down or greatly diminished photosynthesis in the marine realm. However, rather than suffering a catastrophic loss of biodiversity, fossil evidence suggests that major eukaryotic lineages survived and, indeed, the end of the Cryogenian marks the onset of a rapid diversification of eukaryotic life. Persistence of diverse life forms through glaciations is thought to have occurred in supraglacial refugia although the exact nature and full extent of such habitats remain uncertain. We present further evidence for the diversity and characteristics of supraglacial ecosystems on the McMurdo Ice Shelf in Antarctica and suggest that refugia analogous to “dirty ice,” that is debris‐covered ice shelf ecosystems, potentially provided nutrient‐rich and long‐lasting biological Cryogenian oases. We also discuss how features of the McMurdo Ice Shelf indicate that mechanisms exist whereby material can be exchanged between the shallow sea floor and the surfaces of ice shelves along continental margins, providing vectors whereby ice shelf ecosystems can nourish underlying seafloor communities and vice versa.  相似文献   

Plastic marine debris (PMD) affects spatial scales of life from microbes to whales. However, understanding interactions between plastic and microbes in the “Plastisphere”—the thin layer of life on the surface of PMD—has been technology‐limited. Research into microbe–microbe and microbe–substrate interactions requires knowledge of community phylogenetic composition but also tools to visualize spatial distributions of intact microbial biofilm communities. We developed a CLASI‐FISH (combinatorial labelling and spectral imaging – fluorescence in situ hybridization) method using confocal microscopy to study Plastisphere communities. We created a probe set consisting of three existing phylogenetic probes (targeting all Bacteria, Alpha‐, and Gammaproteobacteria) and four newly designed probes (targeting Bacteroidetes, Vibrionaceae, Rhodobacteraceae and Alteromonadaceae) labelled with a total of seven fluorophores and validated this probe set using pure cultures. Our nested probe set strategy increases confidence in taxonomic identification because targets are confirmed with two or more probes, reducing false positives. We simultaneously identified and visualized these taxa and their spatial distribution within the microbial biofilms on polyethylene samples in colonization time series experiments in coastal environments from three different biogeographical regions. Comparing the relative abundance of 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing data with cell‐count abundance data retrieved from the microscope images of the same samples showed a good agreement in bacterial composition. Microbial communities were heterogeneous, with direct spatial relationships between bacteria, cyanobacteria and eukaryotes such as diatoms but also micro‐metazoa. Our research provides a valuable resource to investigate biofilm development, succession and associations between specific microscopic taxa at micrometre scales.  相似文献   

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