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The first protein-binding assay is described for the direct determination of kallikrein in rat urine. Isolation of urinary kallikrein and preparation of its specific antibody have been previously described. Outlined here are the methods for 3H-labelling of kallikrein, for isolation of 3H-labelled immunoreactive enzyme, and for separation of free and antibody-bound kallikrein with the aid of double antibody. Assay and equilibrium conditions were characterized and a protocol is presented for the measurement of kallikrein concentration. The direct assay is sensitive, accurate and it correlates well (r = 0.81) with a functional assay. The assay may hold promise to determine catalytically active and inactive enzyme in urine, tissues and biological fluids.  相似文献   

Human low molecular weight kininogen was partially purified and applied to the measurement of human glandular kallikrein as a substrate. The prepared human low molecular weight kininogen did not contain any significant amounts of kinin generating or destroying enzymes. When ethanol was added to the assay tube to stop the enzyme reaction, the substrate was almost completely removed from the incubation solution. Moreover, less than 1.25% ethanol had no effect on the kinin radioimmunoassay. These data suggest that the measurement of generated kinin can be done directly after the addition of ethanol. In this assay system, control tubes were unnecessary since the small volume of the urine samples (0.5 to 2.0 nl) contained negligible amounts of endogenous kinin. In a comparison of the availability as a substrate for human urinary kallikrein among human, dog and bovine low molecular weight kininogens, the enzyme activity was 5 or 100 times as high in the human substrate as in the dog and bovine substrates, suggesting that a human substrate is best for the human enzyme. A significant correlation was found between our previous method using bovine substrate and this method for human urinary kallikrein activity. In both methods, urinary kallikrein excretions were significantly lower in patients with essential hypertension and higher in those with primary aldosteronism, respectively. This simple, specific and sensitive kininogenase assay system seems to be very useful for investigating the physiological or pathophysiological role of the renal kallikrein-kinin system in hypertensive and renal diseases.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of human urinary kallikrein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human urinary kallikrein was purified by gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 and affinity chromatography on aprotinin-Sepharose, followed by ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose. Thus an enzyme preparation with a specific activity (using AcPheArgOEt as substrate) of 1 100 U/mg protein was obtained. A specific bioligical activity of 2 300 KE/mg was measured in the dog blood pressure assay and of 0.742 HMW kininogen-U/mg, corresponding to the liberation of 787 micrograms bradykinin per mg enzyme per min from HMW-kininogen, in the rat uterus assay. In dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis two protein bands with apparent molecular weights of 41 000 and 34 000 were separated. The amino acid composition was determined and isoleucine was identified as the only aminoterminal amino acid. On isoelectric focusing six protein bands with isoelectric points of 3.75, 3.80, 3.90, 4.00, 4.05 and 4.25 were separated. The kinetic constants for the kallikrein-catalyzed hyrdolysis of AcPheArgOEt and D ValLeuArgNHNp were determined. The bimolecular velocity constant for the inhibition by diisopropyl fluorophosphate was determined as 9 +/- 2l x mol-1 x min-1. Immunological studies showed that a close relationship exists between the urinary enzyme and other human glandular kallikreins. Deoxycholate, lysolecithin and other amphiphiles activated human urinary kallikrein.  相似文献   

Research on the mechanism of action of cellulases has been hampered by the lack of a rapid, continuous, or kinetic assay. A linked assay system that uses glucose oxidase and horseradish peroxidase has been coupled with β-glucosidase to yield an assay system that can be used for kinetic assays for cellobiase-producing enzymes as well as a measure of cellobiose degradation by β-glucosidases. This assay shows a 20-fold increase in sensitivity over the traditional reducing sugar assay.  相似文献   

A human colon kininogenase (kallikrein) was isolated by gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 and affinity chromatography on Trasylolbound Sepharose, yielding a material with a specific activity of 1.3 U/mg (substrate: AcPheArgOEt). The molecular weight of the enzyme as estimated by gel filtration is approximately 70 000. After reduction with mercaptoethanol two bands were obtained in dodecyl sulfate eletrophoresis with molecular weights of 27 000 and 70 000. The bimolecular velocity constant for the inhibition by diisopropyl fluorophosphate was determined as 4 l x mol-1 x min-1. The preparation was characterized by immunological and enzymatic methods. Using the radioimmumoassay for human urinary kallikrein cross-reactivity and parallel binding curves were obtained. Kinin liberation from human high Mr-kininogen was totally inhibited by antibodies directed against human urinary kallikrein. Trasylol and diisopropyl fluorophosphate, but not by antibodies directed against human trypsin and plasma kallikrein. The effect on dog blood pressure was comparable to that obtained with human urinary kallikrein. The amino acid composition of human large intestine kallikrein is very similar to that of human urinary kallikrein.  相似文献   

Chloroperoxidase exhibits a wide variety of enantioselective epoxidation reactions. Until now, the epoxidation activities have been mainly evaluated using elaborate gas chromatographic methods. This paper reports a rapid and convenient spectrophotometric assay for CPO. The disappearance of indene by catalytic epoxidation is monitored at 250 nm and this is used as an index of enzyme activity. This method will prove to be highly useful in large-scale screening of mutants.  相似文献   

A specific kinetic assay for phenylalanine hydroxylase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An assay procedure is given which is speedy, accurate, and specific, permitting direct recording of velocities, and obviating the use of reagents other than those necessary for the enzymatic reaction itself. The method is suitable for the study of enzyme mechanism and inhibition and also offers distinct advantages when used for other purposes, e.g., assay during purification of enzymes or for measurement of phenylalanine hydroxylase activity in the liver of hyperphenylalaninemics.The method is based on the phenylalanine-dependent change in absorbance of the tetrahydropteridine cofactor as it is oxidized to the dihydro form. The reaction rate measured by this procedure is linear over a wide range of enzyme concentration. The Km and V for both tetrahydropteridine and for phenylalanine were the same as the values determined by the old procedure. Measurement of the stoichiometry of the reaction showed that one dihydropteridine is formed per tyrosine formed, or per DPNH consumed. The rate of reaction was identical to that measured by a coupled assay using DPNH and purified dihydropteridine reductase.  相似文献   

We have developed a sensitive and simple method for assaying glycosyltransferase activities. This method makes use of solution-phase transferase reactions followed by capture to a microplate well coated with a substrate-specific monoclonal antibody. Sugar incorporation is quantitated by binding a saccharide-specific lectin and using bioluminescent aequorin for a reporter molecule. We demonstrate this method using the glycoprotein hormone-specific GalNAc-transferase and its acceptor substrate, agalacto-hCG. As little as 20 ng of agalacto-hCG with 32 nU of GalNAc-transferase gives a detectable signal with less than 10% of the acceptor sites substituted. In addition to this high sensitivity, by doing the transferase reactions in solution, we can assay up to 10 micrograms of agalacto-hCG. We show that this allows the determination of Km and Vmax kinetic constants that compare well to those obtained with radiolabeled nucleotide sugars.  相似文献   

Urinary kallikrein excretion was compared with urea excretion in the rat and the results showed that they were correlated. Like urea excretion is flow-dependent, we conclude that the principal mechanism regulating kallikrein excretion is a wash-out effect on renal kallikrein.  相似文献   

A new kinetic method is described for the assay of quinone-reducing enzymes in various biological materials. It is based on polarographic determination of oxygen uptake in spontaneous oxidation of the diphenol formed as a result of 4-anilino-5-methoxybenzoquinone-1,2 (AMOBQ) enzymic reduction. The stoichiometry of the reducing equivalent transfer in the reaction sequence from NAD(P)H to oxygen has been analyzed. Data are presented on quinone-reducing activity distributions in different tissues.  相似文献   

Khait VD  Huang YY  Mann JJ 《Life sciences》1999,65(24):2615-2622
Analysis of an extensive database of human platelet 5-HT2A receptor binding assays has been conducted in order to identify factors that may affect the assay results. Despite anecdotal reports that storage of frozen platelet pellets may affect 5-HT2A binding affinity and capacity, no quantitative study has been reported in the literature. Analysis of binding data for 373 frozen samples with a storage time up to three years is presented in this paper. It is shown that prolonged storage significantly decreases binding. The loss of binding capacity begins in the first six month of storage. Bmax declines by half after 17 month. The impact of storage time on the binding affinity is much smaller. There is only about 20% increase in the value of affinity K(D) during the half-life of Bmax. Differences in sample storage time may partly explain discrepancies in results between different research groups. Nonspecific binding due to binding to filter material diminishes accuracy and reliability of the binding assays as a result of a decrease in the ratio of specific to nonspecific ratio. A data analysis based on our suggested mathematical model shows that this effect depends on tissue concentration in test tube and becomes pronounced when the concentration is below 0.1 mg protein/ml (at 0.2 nM of ligand). Above 0.1 mg protein/ml, percentage of specific to total binding exceeds 65%, which is an acceptable level for the ratio. The majority of the binding studies reported in the literature employed a tissue concentration more than 0.5 mg/ml, well above the minimal limit sufficient for a reliable assay. However, development of microassays to conserve precious tissue must take the limit into consideration.  相似文献   

Urinary kallikrein excretion is reduced in patients with hypertension of unknown etiology. In addition, the excretion of this renal, kinin-forming enzyme was found to be elevated in hypertensive patients with primary aldosteronism. Aldosterone regulates kallikrein excretion, as normal subjects show increased kallikrein excretion in response to a low sodium intake, high potassium intake, or the synthetic mineralocorticoid, fludrocortisone, whereas kallikrein excretion falls during treatment with spironolactone. The relationship between kallikrein excretion and aldosterone activity may directly reflect the intrarenal activity of the kallikrein-kinin system, as determined by studies of kallikrein levels from isolated renal cells or of plasma kinin levels in man in response to postural changes or saline loads. Some patients with essential hypertension do not show a normal increase in kallikrein excretion in response to low dietary sodium intake despite an apparently normal aldosterone response, suggesting that there may be a defect in the renal kallikrein-kinin system in these patients. Whether these findings are of pathogenetic significance in human hypertensive disease remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Purification and properties of a human urinary kallikrein (kininogenase)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
V Hial  C R Diniz  M Mares-Guia 《Biochemistry》1974,13(21):4311-4318

DAP epimerase is the penultimate enzyme in the lysine biosynthesis pathway. The most versatile assay for DAP epimerase catalytic activity employs a coupled DAP epimerase–DAP dehydrogenase enzyme system with a commercial mixture of DAP isomers as substrate. DAP dehydrogenase converts meso-DAP to THDP with concomitant reduction of NADP+ to NADPH. We show that at high concentrations, accumulation of NADPH results in inhibition of DAPDH, resulting in spurious kinetic data. A new assay has been developed employing DAP decarboxylase that allows the reliable characterisation of DAP epimerase enzyme kinetics.  相似文献   

A new assay for arylsulfatase activity is described, which consists of direct kinetic measurements of pseudo-first-order rate constants by means of a spectrophotometric procedure. The assay is applicable for reactions occurring at different pH conditions and it can be used for a wide range of activities.  相似文献   

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