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Abstract The Chihuahuan desert of New Mexico, USA, has changed in historical times from semiarid grassland to desert shrublands dominated by Larrea tridentata and Prosopis glandulosa. Similar displacement of perennial grasslands by shrubs typifies desertification in many regions. Such structural vegetation change could alter average values of net primary productivity, as well as spatial and temporal patterns of production. We investigated patterns of aboveground plant biomass and net primary production in five ecosystem types of the Jornada Basin Long‐Term Ecological Research (LTER) site. Comparisons of shrub‐dominated desertified systems and remnant grass‐dominated systems allowed us to test the prediction that shrublands are more heterogeneous spatially, but less variable over time, than grasslands. We measured aboveground plant biomass and aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) by species, three times per year for 10 years, in 15 sites of five ecosystem types (three each in Larrea shrubland, Bouteloua eriopoda grassland, Prosopis dune systems, Flourensia cernua alluvial flats, and grass‐dominated dry lakes or playas). Spatial heterogeneity of biomass at the scale of our measurements was significantly greater in shrub‐dominated systems than in grass‐dominated vegetation. ANPP was homogeneous across space in grass‐dominated systems, and in most growing seasons was significantly more patchy in shrub vegetation. Substantial interannual variability in ANPP complicates comparison of mean values across ecosystem types, but grasslands tended to support higher ANPP values than did shrub‐dominated systems. There were significant interactions between ecosystem type and season. Grasslands demonstrated higher interannual variation than did shrub systems. Desertification has apparently altered the seasonality of productivity in these systems; grasslands were dominated by summer growth, while sites dominated by Larrea or Prosopis tended to have higher spring ANPP. Production was frequently uncorrelated across sites of an ecosystem type, suggesting that factors other than season, regional climate, or dominant vegetation may be significant determinants of actual NPP.  相似文献   

We use a spatially explicit landscape model to investigate the potential role of rainfall on shrub–grass transitions in the Jornada Basin of southern New Mexico during the past century. In long‐term simulations (1915–1998) along a 2700 m transect running from a dry lake bed to the foothills of a small mountain, we test two hypotheses: (i) that wetter winters and drier summers may have facilitated shrub encroachment in grasslands, and (ii) that increases in large precipitation events may have increased soil water recharge at deeper layers, thus favoring shrub establishment and growth. Our model simulations generally support the hypothesis that wetter winters and drier summers may have played a key role, but we are unable to reproduce the major shifts from grass‐ to shrub‐domination that occurred in this landscape during the early part of the 1900s; furthermore, the positive shrub response to wetter winters and drier summers was only realized subsequent to the drought of 1951–1956, which was a relatively short ‘window of opportunity’ for increased shrub establishment and growth. Our simulations also generally support the hypothesis that an increase in the number of large precipitation events may also have favored shrub establishment and growth, although these results are equivocal, depending upon what constitutes a ‘large’ event and the timing of such events. We found complex interactions among (i) the amount/seasonality of rainfall, (ii) its redistribution in the landscape via run‐on and runoff, (iii) the depth of the soil water recharge, and (iv) subsequent water availability for the growth and reproduction of shrubs vs. herbaceous plants at various landscape positions. Our results suggest that only a mechanistic understanding of these interactions, plus the role of domestic cattle grazing, will enable us to elucidate fully the relative importance of biotic vs. abiotic factors in vegetation dynamics in this semiarid landscape.  相似文献   

Plant-soil Interactions in Temperate Grasslands   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
We present a conceptual model in which plant-soil interactions in grasslands are characterized by the extent to which water is limiting. Plant-soil interactions in dry grasslands, those dominated by water limitation (belowground-dominance), are fundamentally different from plant-soil interactions in subhumid grasslands, where resource limitations vary in time and space among water, nitrogen, and light (indeterminate dominance). In the belowground-dominance grasslands, the strong limitation of soil water leads to complete (though uneven) occupation of the soil by roots, but insufficient resources to support continuous aboveground plant cover. Discontinuous aboveground plant cover leads to strong biological and physical forces that result in the accumulation of soil materials beneath individual plants in resource islands. The degree of accumulation in these resource islands is strongly influenced by plant functional type (lifespan, growth form, root:shoot ratio, photosynthetic pathway), with the largest resource islands accumulating under perennial bunchgrasses. Resource islands develop over decadal time scales, but may be reduced to the level of bare ground following death of an individual plant in as little as 3 years. These resource islands may have a great deal of significance as an index of recovery from disturbance, an indicator of ecosystem stability or harbinger of desertification, or may be significant because of possible feedbacks to plant establishment. In the grasslands in which the dominant resource limiting plant community dynamics is indeterminate, plant cover is relatively continuous, and thus the major force in plant-soil interactions is related to the feedbacks among plant biomass production, litter quality and nutrient availability. With increasing precipitation, the over-riding importance of water as a limiting factor diminishes, and four other factors become important in determining plant community and ecosystem dynamics: soil nitrogen, herbivory, fire, and light. Thus, several different strategies for competing for resources are present in this portion of the gradient. These strategies are represented by different plant traits, for example root:shoot allocation, height and photosynthetic pathway type (C3 vs. C4) and nitrogen fixation, each of which has a different influence on litter quality and thus nutrient availability. Recent work has indicated that there are strong feedbacks between plant community structure, diversity, and soil attributes including nitrogen availability and carbon storage. Across both types of grasslands, there is strong evidence that human forces that alter plant community structure, such as invasions by nonnative annual plants or changes in grazing or fire regime, alters the pattern, quantity, and quality of soil organic matter in grassland ecosystems. The reverse influence of soils on plant communities is also strong; in turn, alterations of soil nutrient supply in grasslands can have major influences on plant species composition, plant diversity, and primary productivity.  相似文献   

Leaf-level CO2 assimilation (A(area)) can largely be predicted from stomatal conductance (g(s)), leaf morphology (SLA) and nitrogen (N) content (N(area)) in species across biomes and functional groups. The effects of simulated global change scenarios, increased summer monsoon rain (+H2O), N deposition (+N) and the combination (+H2O +N), were hypothesized to affect leaf trait-photosynthesis relationships differently in the short- and long-term for the desert shrub Larrea tridentata. During the spring, +H2O and +H2O +N plants had lower A(area) and g(s), but similar shoot water potential (Psi(shoot)) compared with control and +N plants; differences in A(area) were attributed to lower leaf N(area) and g(s). During the summer, +H2O and +H2O +N plants displayed higher A(area) than control and +N plants, which was attributed to higher Psi(shoot), g(s) and SLA. Throughout the year, A(area) was strongly correlated with g(s) but weakly correlated with leaf N(area) and SLA. We concluded that increased summer monsoon had a stronger effect on the performance of Larrea than increased N deposition. In the short term, the +H2O and +H2O +N treatments were associated with increasing A(area) in summer, but also with low leaf N(area) and lower A(area) in the long term the following spring.  相似文献   

Soil total nitrogen (STN) and total phosphorus (STP) are important indicators of soil nutrients and the important indexes of soil fertility and soil quality evaluation. Using geographic information system (GIS) and geostatistics, the spatial heterogeneity distribution of STN and STP in the Yaoxiang watershed in a hilly area of northern China was studied. The results showed that: (1) The STN and STP contents showed a declining trend with the increase in soil depth; the variation coefficients (Cv) of STN and STP in the 0‐ to 10‐cm soil layer (42.25% and 14.77%, respectively) were higher than in the 10‐ to 30‐cm soil layer (28.77% and 11.60%, respectively). Moreover, the Cv of STN was higher than that of STP. (2) The maximum C0/(C0 + C1) of STN and STP in the soil layers was less than 25%, this indicated that a strong spatial distribution autocorrelation existed for STN and STP; and the STP showed higher intensity and more stable variation than the STN. (3) From the correlation analysis, we concluded that the topographic indexes such as elevation and slope direction all influenced the spatial distribution of STN and STP (correlation coefficients were 0.688 and 0.518, respectively). (4) The overall distribution of STN and STP in the Yaoxiang watershed decreased from the northwest to the southeast. This variation trend was similar to the watershed DEM trend and was significantly influenced by vegetation and topographic factors. These results revealed the spatial heterogeneity distribution of STN and STP, and addressed the influences of forest vegetation coverage, elevation, and other topographic factors on the spatial distribution of STN and STP at the watershed scale.  相似文献   

Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in woody plants is often investigated using foliar measurements of δ15N and is of particular interest in ecosystems experiencing increases in BNF due to woody plant encroachment. We sampled δ15N along the entire N uptake pathway including soil solution, xylem sap and foliage to (1) test assumptions inherent to the use of foliar δ15N as a proxy for BNF; (2) determine whether seasonal divergences occur between δ15Nxylem sap and δ15Nsoil inorganic N that could be used to infer variation in BNF; and (3) assess patterns of δ15N with tree age as indicators of shifting BNF or N cycling. Measurements of woody N‐fixing Prosopis glandulosa and paired reference non‐fixing Zanthoxylum fagara at three seasonal time points showed that δ15Nsoil inorganic N varied temporally and spatially between species. Fractionation between xylem and foliar δ15N was consistently opposite in direction between species and varied on average by 2.4‰. Accounting for these sources of variation caused percent nitrogen derived from fixation values for Prosopis to vary by up to ~70%. Soil–xylem δ15N separation varied temporally and increased with Prosopis age, suggesting seasonal variation in N cycling and BNF and potential long‐term increases in BNF not apparent through foliar sampling alone.  相似文献   

Hirobe  Muneto  Tokuchi  Naoko  Wachrinrat  Chongrak  Takeda  Hiroshi 《Plant and Soil》2003,249(2):309-318
Spatial patterns of soil nitrogen (N) transformations were examined using geostatistical analysis in three adjacent stands with different fire history (0, 10 and 35 years since the latest fire, respectively) in a dry tropical forest in Thailand. A larger pool of total inorganic N and a faster rate of N mineralization were recorded in the stand with longer fire prevention. At the spatial scale analyzed, the proportion of spatially dependent variance to the total variance of N mineralization and nitrification increased from 0.39 to 0.73, and from 0.40 to 0.77, respectively, with the time since the latest fire. The spatial autocorrelation ranges of N mineralization and nitrification decreased from 9.0 to 3.28 m, and 9.0 to 2.77 m, respectively, with the time since the latest fire. These results suggested that fire history affected not only the level of available soil N, but also the spatial heterogeneity of soil N transformations, presumably due to the difference in plant influences on soil.  相似文献   

When woody plant abundance increases in grasslands and savannas, a phenomenon widely observed worldwide, there is considerable uncertainty as to whether aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and ecosystem carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools increase, decrease, or remain the same. We estimated ANPP and C and N pools in aboveground vegetation and surface soils on shallow clay and clay loam soils undergoing encroachment by Prosopis glandulosa in the Southern Great Plains of the United States. Aboveground Prosopis C and N mass increased linearly, and ANPP increased logarithmically, with stand age on clay loam soils; on shallow clays, Prosopis C and N mass and ANPP all increased linearly with stand age. We found no evidence of an asymptote in trajectories of C and N accumulation or ANPP on either soil type even following 68 years of stand development. Production and accumulation rates were lower on shallow clay sites relative to clay loam sites, suggesting strong edaphic control of C and N accumulation associated with woody plant encroachment. Response of herbaceous C mass to Prosopis stand development also differed between soil types. Herbaceous C declined with increasing aboveground Prosopis C on clay loams, but increased with increasing Prosopis C on shallow clays. Total ANPP (Prosopis+herbaceous) of sites with the highest Prosopis basal area were 1.2 × and 4.0 × greater than those with the lowest Prosopis basal area on clay loam and shallow clay soils, respectively. Prosopis ANPP more than offset declines in herbaceous ANPP on clay loams and added to increased herbaceous ANPP on shallow clays. Although aboveground C and N pools increased substantially with Prosopis stand development, we found no corresponding change in surface soil C and N pools (0–10 cm). Overall, our findings indicate that Prosopis stand development significantly increases ecosystem C and N storage/cycling, and the magnitude of these impacts varied with stand age, soil type and functional plant traits  相似文献   

Habitat restoration resulting in changes in plant community composition or species dominance can affect the spatial pattern and variability of soil nutrients. Questions about how these changes in soil spatial heterogeneity develop over time at restoration sites, however, remain unaddressed. In this study, a geostatistical approach was used to quantify changes over time in the spatial heterogeneity of soil organic matter (SOM) across a 26‐year chronosequence of tallgrass prairie restoration sites at FermiLab, outside of Chicago, Illinois. We used total soil N and C as an index of the quantity of SOM. We also examined changes in C:N ratio, which can influence the turnover of SOM. Specifically, the spatial structure of total N, total C, and C:N ratio in the top 10 cm of soil was quantified at a macroscale (minimum spacing of 1.5 m) and a microscale (minimum spacing of 0.2 m). The magnitude of spatial heterogeneity (MSH) was characterized as the proportion of total sample variation explained by spatially structured variation. At the macroscale, the MSH for total N decreased with time since restoration (r2= 0.99, p < 0.001). The decrease in spatial heterogeneity over time corresponded with a significant increase in the dominance of the C4 grasses. At the microscale, there was significant spatial structure for total N at the 4‐year‐old, 16‐year‐old, and 26‐year‐old sites, and significant spatial structure for total C at the 16‐year‐old and 26‐year‐old sites. These results suggest that an increase in dominance of C4 grasses across the chronosequence is homogenizing organic matter variability at the field scale while creating fine‐scale patterns associated with the spacing of vegetation. Areas of higher soil moisture were associated with higher soil N and C at the two oldest restoration sites and at the native prairie site, potentially suggesting patches of increased belowground productivity in areas of higher soil moisture. This study is one of the first to report significant changes over time in the spatial structure of organic matter in response to successional changes initiated by restoration.  相似文献   

Maximum and minimum soil temperatures affect belowground processes. In the past 50 years in arid regions, measured reductions in the daily temperature range of air (DTRair) most likely generated similar reductions in the unmeasured daily temperature range of soil (DTRsoil). However, the role of DTRsoil in regulating microbial and plant processes has not been well described. We experimentally reduced DTRsoil in the Chihuahuan Desert at Big Bend National Park over 3 years. We used shade cloth that effectively decreased DTRsoil by decreasing daily maximum temperature and increasing nighttime minimum temperature. A reduction in DTRsoil generated on average a twofold increase in soil microbial biomass carbon, a 42% increase in soil CO2 efflux and a 16% reduction in soil NO3?–N availability; soil available NH4+–N was reduced by 18% in the third year only. Reductions in DTRsoil increased soil moisture up to 15% a few days after a substantial rainfall. Increased soil moisture contributed to higher soil CO2 efflux, but not microbial biomass carbon, which was significantly correlated with DTRsoil. Net photosynthetic rates at saturating light (Asat) in Larrea tridentata were not affected by reductions in DTRsoil over the 3 year period. Arid ecosystems may become greater sources of C to the atmosphere with reduced DTRsoil, resulting in a positive feedback to rising global temperatures, if increased C loss is not eventually balanced by increased C uptake. Ultimately, ecosystem models of N and C fluxes will need to account for these temperature‐driven processes.  相似文献   

Question: In the same landscape context — at a desert grassland‐shrubland transition zone, how does subdominant plant abundance vary in microsites around dominant grasses and shrubs? Location: Sevilleta LTER, New Mexico, USA (34°21’N; 106°53’W; 1650 m a.s.l.). Methods: We compared the distribution of subdominant plants in canopy, canopy edge and interspace microsites around individual shrubs (Larrea tridentata) and grasses (Bouteloua eriopoda) at a transition zone that has been encroached by shrubs within the past 50 ‐ 100 a. Plots of variable size according to microsite type and dominant plant size were sampled. Results: Subdominant abundance was higher in microsites around L. tridentata shrubs than in microsites around B. eriopoda. Furthermore, differences in species abundance and composition were higher among microsites around grasses than among microsites around shrubs. The distribution of subdominants was mostly explained by their phenological characteristics, which indicates the importance of temporal variation in resources to their persistence. Conclusions: This study of coexistence patterns around dominants revealed ecological contrasts between two dominant life forms, but other factors (such as disturbances) have to be taken into consideration to evaluate landscape‐scale diversity.  相似文献   

Abstract. A transition matrix model was used to explore the dynamics, rate and potential extent of changes in landscape vegetation patterns on a southern Texas Prosopis savanna. Transitions between seven vegetation classes were determined for the periods 1941–1960 and 1960–1983 on aerial photographs of three sites. During these periods, the sites were heavily grazed by cattle and were fire-free. Vegetation states assessed in grids of 20 m x 20 m cells superimposed on photographs ranged from grass-dominated to woody plant-dominated. The 1941–1960 period (denoted DRY) was characterized by prolonged drought, whereas annual rainfall during the 1960–1983 period (denoted WET) was typically normal to above-normal. The 1941 landscape consisted of herbaceous zones (6% of cells), woodland (50% of cells) and savanna parkland (44% of cells with grass/woody plant mixtures). The woodland state was the most stable, with probabilities of no change being 0.970 and 0.873 in WET and DRY periods, respectively. The herbaceous state was least stable, with corresponding values of 0.074 and 0.353. Past and future landscape structure was modelled by randomly selecting DRY or WET transitions at 20 year time steps. The model was run under a series of rainfall scenarios where the probability of selecting the WET transition matrix (P[WET]) ranged from 0 (DRY always chosen) to 1 (WET always chosen). Historical records indicate P[WET] has approximated 0.3 to 0.4 in the region. The rate of succession to states of greater woody cover increased as P[WET] increased. Forward simulations based on P[WET] > 0.2 suggest the present landscape is unstable and will develop into a closed-canopy woodland within the next 180 years, assuming the processes operating between 1941 and 1983 continue (e.g. grazing by cattle and lack of fire). Reverse simulations concur with historical observations and projections derived from woody plant growth rates in other studies and suggest that 200 to 300 yr BP these landscapes contained a substantially greater proportion of cells dominated by grassland or grassland with scattered woody plants (43 to 74%) than was present in 1983 (19%). Based upon elapsed time between predicted past and future steady states, succession from open savanna to closed-canopy woodland may occur in ca. 400 to 500 yr for P(WET) ≥ 0.33. Arresting or reversing the projected trend may require changes in climate and/or changes in livestock grazing and land management practices. The approaches employed in this study illustrate how time series maps, aerial photographs and satellite imagery can be analyzed and used to interpret, project and reconstruct local and regional changes in ecosystem structure. Difficulties and limitations associated with the use of Markov chains to model succession are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

Plant-soil interactions associated with acid,weathered soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plant-soil interactions in weathered soils are so complex that unqualified statements about a suitable pH for plants are risky. Conventional experimental designs and statistical methods may not be appropriate for investigating such complexities. Lime experiments using continuous function designs and observation of plant response to indigenous variability in soil pH permit detailed observations of plant-soil interactions that are frequently not detected. A graphical boundary-line approach to interpreting data can make good sense out of apparent confusion. Increasing the pH of variable-charge soils by adding lime or by indigenous means increased CEC and retarded cation leaching, but Ca solubility changed very little over the range pH 5 to 6. N fixation and yield was closely related to soil pH, soil Mn and Mn uptake by soybean. This result was clearly demonstrated regardless of numerous other limiting factors. Plant yield response curves resolved into distinct segments that corresponded with associated soil properties. Excess Al compounded by Ca deficiency is suspect in the pH range <5. Excess Mn, and Ca deficiency probably limited yields in the pH range 5.0 to 5.7. Yields were stable, and Ca and P were constant in the pH interval 5.7 to 6.0. Yields abruptly increased in the pH interval 6.0 to 6.3. This was associated with elevated Ca concentrations in soil solutions.  相似文献   

The invasion of woody plants into grass‐dominated ecosystems has occurred worldwide during the past century with potentially significant impacts on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, ecosystem carbon sequestration and global climate warming. To date, most studies of tree and shrub encroachment impacts on SOC have been conducted at small scales and results are equivocal. To quantify the effects of woody plant proliferation on SOC at broad spatial scales and to potentially resolve inconsistencies reported from studies conducted at fine spatial scales, information regarding spatial variability and uncertainty of SOC is essential. We used sequential indicator simulation (SIS) to quantify spatial uncertainty of SOC in a grassland undergoing shrub encroachment in the Southern Great Plains, USA. Results showed that both SOC pool size and its spatial uncertainty increased with the development of woody communities in grasslands. Higher uncertainty of SOC in new shrub‐dominated communities may be the result of their relatively recent development, their more complex above‐ and belowground architecture, stronger within‐community gradients, and a greater degree of faunal disturbance. Simulations of alternative sampling designs demonstrated the effects of spatial uncertainty on the accuracy of SOC estimates and enabled us to evaluate the efficiency of sampling strategies aimed at quantifying landscape‐scale SOC pools. An approach combining stratified random sampling with unequal point densities and transect sampling of landscape elements exhibiting strong internal gradients yielded the best estimates. Complete random sampling was less effective and required much higher sampling densities. Results provide novel insights into spatial uncertainty of SOC and its effects on estimates of carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystem and suggest effective protocol for the estimating of soil attributes in landscapes with complex vegetation patterns.  相似文献   

Individual trees are known to influence soil chemical properties, creating spatial patterns that vary with distance from the stem. The influence of trees on soil chemical properties is commonly viewed as the agronomic basis for low-input agroforestry and shifting cultivation practices, and as an important source of spatial heterogeneity in forest soils. Few studies, however, have examined the persistence of the effects of trees on soil after the pathways responsible for the effects are removed. Here, we present evidence from a Mexican dry forest indicating that stem-related patterns of soil nutrients do persist following slash-and-burn removal of trees and two years of cropping. Pre-disturbance concentrations of resin extractable phosphorus (P), bicarbonate extractable P, NaOH extractable P, total P, total nitrogen (N) and carbon (C), KCl extractable nitrate (NO3 -), and net N mineralization and nitrification rates were higher in stem than dripline soils under two canopy dominant species of large-stemmed trees with contrasting morphologies and phenologies (Caesalpinia eriostachys Benth. and Forchhammeria pallida Liebm.). These stem effects persisted through slash burning and a first growing season for labile inorganic and organic P, NaOH inorganic P, and plant-available P, and through a second growing season for labile organic P, NaOH organic P, and plant-available P. While stem effects for extractable NO3 -, net nitrification rates, total N and C disappeared after felling and slash burning, these stem effects returned after the first growing season. These results support the view that tree-influenced patterns of soil nutrients do persist after tree death, and that trees contribute to the long-term spatial heterogeneity of forest soils. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶混交林土壤磷钾养分空间异质性   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
王华  陈莉  宋敏  宋同清  曾馥平  彭晚霞  杜虎  苏樑 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8285-8293
在木论国家级自然保护区内喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶混交林内建立500 m×500 m长期监测样地,采用经典统计学和地统计学方法研究喀斯特森林土壤磷钾养分含量及其空间变异特征。结果表明:研究区土壤全磷(TP)、全钾(TK)、速效磷(AP)、速效钾(AK)含量分别为(1.60±0.76)g/kg、(5.42±2.74)g/kg、(5.74±3.63)mg/kg、(5.20±2.96)mg/kg;磷钾养分含量均为中等变异,变异强度为APAKTKTP。研究区土壤TP、TK、AP、AK变异函数值的最佳拟合模型均为指数模型,决定系数均很高(0.671-0.995),TP、AP呈中等强度空间自相关,TK、AK呈弱空间自相关。TP、AP的变程较长,分别为336.00 m和373.50 m,空间连续性较好,TK、AK变程较短(33.30 m、64.50 m),空间依赖性较强。土壤TP表现为坡下(含洼地)含量高,坡上含量较低;AK表现为坡中含量高于洼地含量;AP、TK呈斑块破碎化分布。海拔、坡度和地面凹凸度是土壤磷钾养分空间异质性的主要影响因素。喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶混交林土壤磷钾养分存在不同空间异质性和空间关联性,这为小流域尺度上土壤养分管理、可持续利用策略、喀斯特退化生态系统生态恢复提供理论依据。  相似文献   

基于网格点(5 mx5 m)采样法采集土壤样品,利用经典统计学和地统计学方法,研究了喀斯特峰丛坡地不同土地利用方式(火烧迹地、刈割地、草地、封育地)下表层(0~20cm)土壤氮、磷的空间变异特性.结果表明:研究区4种不同土地利用方式土壤全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)、速效氮(AN)、速效磷(AP)均为中等程度变异,含量分别为5.40 ~6.26 g·kg-1、1.24 ~1.44 g·kg-1、365.87~507.32 mg·kg-1、3.91 ~8.04 mg·kg-1,封育地、火烧迹地土壤质量优于草地和刈割地;4种土地利用方式中火烧AN、火烧AP、刈割AN、封育TN的半方差函数最佳拟合模型为球状模型,火烧TN、刈割TN、刈割AP最佳拟合模型为指数模型,其他指标的最佳拟合模型均为高斯模型.刈割TP、火烧TP、草地TP、刈割TN、火烧AP、草地AP、封育TP表现为强烈的空间自相关性,其他土壤养分表现为中等的空间自相关.4种土地利用类型土壤TN与AN、TP与AP具有相似的空间分布格局.火烧、刈割处理TN和AN呈凹形分布,TP和AP呈单峰分布特征,中下坡含量最高,往两端含量逐渐降低;草地TN、AN、TP、AP 4种养分含量均随着坡位的升高而降低;封育样地中4种养分呈类似凹形分布,中间含量低,两端略微升高.土地利用方式的变化改变了喀斯特峰丛坡地土壤养分质量,造成了土壤养分空间格局的变化,因此,在地形破碎、土层浅薄的喀斯特地区进行生态恢复与重建时,应采取合理土地利用方式,进行保护和适度开发,提高喀斯特退化生态系统土壤质量.  相似文献   

辽宁省生态系统敏感性评价   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
根据辽宁主要生态环境问题的形成机制,分析了生态系统敏感性的区域分异规律,并对多种生态环境问题的敏感性进行了综合分析。结果表明,全省处于轻度至高度敏感区域,高度敏感区、中度敏感区、轻度敏感区分别占全省陆域面积的34.00%、62.66%和3.34%。高度敏感区分布在辽东山地丘陵、辽东半岛、辽西低山丘陵、辽西北、柳绕地区和大洼县。辽东山地丘陵、辽东半岛和辽西低山丘陵主要是土壤侵蚀高度敏感。辽西北和柳绕地区主要是土地沙漠化高度敏感。大洼县是土壤盐渍化高度敏感。  相似文献   

The Jornada del Muerto basin of the Chihuahuan Desert of southern New Mexico, USA, has undergone a marked transition of plant communities. Shrubs such as mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) have greatly increased or now dominate in areas that were previously dominated by perennial grasses. The replacement of grasses by shrubs requires an establishment phase where small shrubs must compete directly with similar-sized grass plants. This is followed by a phase in which large, established shrubs sequester nutrients and water within their biomass and alter soil resources directly under their canopy, creating “islands” of fertility. We hypothesized that these two phases were associated with shrubs having different physiological response capacities related to their age or size and the resource structure of the environment. As a corollary, we hypothesized that responses of small shrubs would be more tightly coupled to variation in soil moisture availability compared to large shrubs. To test these hypotheses, we studied gas exchange and water relations of small (establishing) and large (established) shrubs growing in the Jornada del Muerto as a function of varying soil moisture during the season. The small shrubs had greater net assimilation, stomatal conductance, transpiration, and xylem water potential than large shrubs following high summer rainfall in July, and highest seasonal soil moisture at 0.3 m. High rates of carbon assimilation and water use would be an advantage for small shrubs competing with grasses when shallow soil moisture was plentiful. Large shrubs had greater net assimilation and water-use efficiency, and lower xylem water potential than small shrubs following a dry period in September, when soil moisture at 0.3 m was lowest. Low xylem water potentials and high water-use efficiency would allow large shrubs to continue acquiring and conserving water as soil moisture is depleted. Although the study provides evidence of differences in physiological responses of different-sized shrubs, there was not support for the hypothesis that small shrubs are more closely coupled to variation in soil moisture availability than large shrubs. Small shrubs may actually be less coupled to soil moisture than large shrubs, and thus avoid conditions when continued transpiration could not be matched by equivalent water uptake.  相似文献   

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