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Mature, mated female Drosophila buzzatii were given a choice of nine microbial communities actively growing on cactus homogenate in laboratory population cages. All communities contained identical naturally occurring bacteria, and comprised bacteria only and bacteria plus one of eight yeast species. Relative frequency of each yeast species ingested and number of eggs laid on each community were measured daily for three successive days. Flies generally preferred to feed and oviposit on those yeast species which are most abundant in rots of Opuntia cactus, and Pichia caclophila was the most preferred yeast. Light intensity, position of the yeast in the cage, and probably aggregation behaviour affected preference. Direct observation of adults was found to be inadequate for determining feeding preference. The ability of the flies to discriminate between yeasts developed with time. By day three, there was a significant correlation ( r = 0.96) between the yeasts preferred for feeding and those preferred for oviposition. Feeding preference may be determined in part by oviposition preference; and the latter appears to be the most fruitful avenue for future research into habitat selection by D. buzzatii-  相似文献   

Allozyme frequency data from natural populations of Drosophila buzzatii were analyzed for genotype-environment relationships. Allele frequency and heterozygosity at six loci polymorphic throughout eastern Australia and a number of environmental factors (both means and variabilities) were examined by a variety of multivariate techniques. Significant genotype-environment associations were found for five of the six loci, and after correcting for geographic location significant associations remained for Est-2 and Adh-1 gene frequencies and heterozygosities and for Pgm gene frequencies. The results are discussed in relation to selection and gene flow and provide the basis for laboratory studies to disentangle confounded effects of (1) environmental means and environmental variabilities and (2) allele frequency and heterozygosity, and thus to further test for and determine the nature of any natural selection at particular allozyme loci.This work was supported by a grant from the Australian Research Grants Committee to J. S. F. B.  相似文献   

The possible associations between longevity, early fecundity, and stress-resistance traits were explored using artificial selection on longevity in a laboratory population of Drosophila buzzatii . Three replicated lines were selected for increased lifespan (L lines) and compared with the respective unselected controls (C lines) after the 14th generation of selection. Mean longevity exhibited a significant response to selection. The baseline mortality tended to decrease in the L lines and a negative correlated response to longevity selection was found for early fecundity. Egg-to-adult developmental time increased in L lines. Longevity selection increased stress resistance for both high and low temperatures, as measured by heat knockdown resistance and chill-coma recovery. Starvation resistance also tended to be higher in L than in C lines. The results obtained are consistent with the hypothesis of trade-offs between longevity and early fecundity, and also suggest a trade-off association between adult longevity and developmental time. Correlated selection responses were generally consistent with correlations among the traits previously inferred from altitudinal clines for longevity and stress-resistance phenotypes.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 738–748.  相似文献   

The preference–performance relationship in plant–insect interactions is a central theme in evolutionary ecology. Among many insects, eggs are vulnerable and larvae have limited mobility, making the choice of an appropriate oviposition site one of the most important decisions for a female. We investigated the evolution of oviposition preferences in Drosophila melanogaster Meigen and Drosophila simulans Sturtevant by artificially selecting for the preference for 2 natural resources, grape and quince. The main finding of our study is the differential responses of D. melanogaster and D. simulans. Although preferences evolved in the experimental populations of D. melanogaster, responses were not consistent with the selection regimes applied. In contrast, responses in D. simulans were consistent with expectations, demonstrating that this species has selectable genetic variation for the trait. Furthermore, crosses between D. simulans divergent lines showed that the genetic factors involved in grape preference appear to be largely recessive. In summary, our artificial selection study suggests that D. melanogaster and D. simulans possess different genetic architectures for this trait.  相似文献   

Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), the spotted wing drosophila, is a pest endemic to Southeast Asia that invaded the Americas and Europe in 2008. In contrast to most of its congeners, D. suzukii possesses a serrated ovipositor that allows it to lay eggs in unwounded commercial fruits, resulting in severe revenue losses for the industry. The purpose of this study was to determine the susceptibility of known host fruits, including cherry, strawberry, blueberry, and grape, and potential host fruits, such as banana and apple, to attack by D. suzukii. Based on the responses to volatile cues offered in a six‐choice olfactometer, the preference of female D. suzukii was ranked in the following order: strawberry = cherry > banana = apple = blueberry = grape, but in no‐choice and choice oviposition tests, the preferences were ranked as follows: cherry > strawberry = blueberry > grape = banana > apple. Furthermore, we reconfirmed that D. suzukii mainly targets rotten fruit for feeding and ripe fruit for oviposition, and females preferred fruits with intensive mechanical damage. Based on developmental parameters, apple was the least suitable host. This study has implications for the control of D. suzukii, especially in mixed fruit orchards, by providing a promising avenue for exploiting behaviour‐based control tools and emphasizing the importance of phenology in host fruit susceptibility.  相似文献   

We propose a patch type model for mosquitoes that have aquatic larvae inhabiting ponds. Partial differential equations (PDEs) model the larvae on each of several disconnected patches representing the ponds, with conditions varying in each patch, coupled via the adults in the air. From the PDEs a scalar delay differential equation, with multiple delays, for the total adult mosquito population is derived. The various delays represent the larval development times in the patches. The coefficients contain all the relevant information about the sizes and geometry of the individual patches inhabited by the larvae, the boundary conditions applicable to those patches and the diffusivity of the larvae in each patch. For patches of general shapes and sizes, and without the need to specify the criteria by which an adult mosquito selects an oviposition patch, the modern theory of monotone dynamical systems and persistence theory enables a complete determination of the conditions for the mosquito population to go extinct or to persist. More detailed biological insights are obtained for the case when the patches are squares of various sizes, which allows a detailed discussion of the effects of scale, and for two particular criteria by which mosquitoes might select patches for oviposition, being (i) selection based solely on patch area, and (ii) selection based both on area and expected larval survival probability for each patch. In some parameter regimes, counterintuitive phenomena are predicted.  相似文献   

Sperm competition (SC) is a major component of sexual selection that enhances intra‐ and intersexual conflicts and may trigger rapid adaptive evolution of sexual characters. The actual role of SC on rapid evolution, however, is poorly understood. Besides, the relative contribution of distinctive features of the mating system to among species variation in the strength of SC remains unclear. Here, we assessed the strength of SC and mating system factors that may account for it in the closely related species Drosophila buzzatii and Drosophila koepferae. Our analyses reveal higher incidence of multiple paternity and SC risk in D. buzzatii wild‐inseminated females. The estimated number of fathers per brood was 3.57 in D. buzzatii and 1.95 in D. koepferae. In turn, the expected proportion of females inseminated by more than one male was 0.89 in D. buzzatii and 0.58 in D. koepferae. Laboratory experiments show that this pattern may be accounted for by the faster rate of stored sperm usage observed in D. koepferae and by the greater female remating rate exhibited by D. buzzatii. We also found that the male reproductive cost of SC is also higher in D. buzzatii. After a female mated with a second male, first‐mating male fertility was reduced by 71.4% in D. buzzatii and only 33.3% in D. koepferae. Therefore, we may conclude that postmating sexual selection via SC is a stronger evolutionary force in D. buzzatii than in its sibling.  相似文献   

南方锦天牛Acalolepta speciosa是近年在油茶Camellia oleifera上新出现的一种蛀干害虫。为摸清南方锦天牛对不同寄主的取食和产卵选择行为,采用林间调查和室内观测的方法,记录害虫在不同寄主上的取食面积和产卵量。林间调查发现,广宁红花油茶C. semiserrat上未发现南方锦天牛危害状;南方锦天牛在距离地面72.0 cm以下、胸径大于1.0 cm以上的高州油茶C. gauchowensis、普通油茶C. oleifera树干上产卵,在叶片上不产卵;成虫产卵量与高州油茶、普通油茶寄主种类、树干胸径大小无相关性。室内试验表明,南方锦天牛成虫在木荷Schima superb、橡树Quercus palustris、马尾松Pinus massoniana和葡萄Vitis vinifera上既不取食也不产卵;取食山茶科Theaceae的山茶Camellia japonica和油茶的树皮和叶片,取食选择性无显著差异;成虫在油茶树干上产卵,在山茶树干上不产卵,产卵选择性无显著差异。  相似文献   

Determining habitat quality for wildlife populations requires relating a species' habitat to its survival and reproduction. Within a season, species occurrence and density can be disconnected from measures of habitat quality when resources are highly seasonal, unpredictable over time, and patchy. Here we establish an explicit link among dynamic selection of changing resources, spatio‐temporal species distributions, and fitness for predictive abundance and occurrence models that are used for short‐term water management and long‐term restoration planning. We used the wading bird distribution and evaluation models (WADEM) that estimate (1) daily changes in selection across resource gradients, (2) landscape abundance of flocks and individuals, (3) conspecific foraging aggregation, and (4) resource unit occurrence (at fixed 400 m cells) to quantify habitat quality and its consequences on reproduction for wetland indicator species. We linked maximum annual numbers of nests detected across the study area and nesting success of Great Egrets (Ardea alba), White Ibises (Eudocimus albus), and Wood Storks (Mycteria americana) over a 20‐year period to estimated daily dynamics of food resources produced by WADEM over a 7490 km2 area. For all species, increases in predicted species abundance in March and high abundance in April were strongly linked to breeding responses. Great Egret nesting effort and success were higher when birds also showed greater conspecific foraging aggregation. Synthesis and applications: This study provides the first empirical evidence that dynamic habitat selection processes and distributions of wading birds over environmental gradients are linked with reproductive measures over periods of decades. Further, predictor variables at a variety of temporal (daily‐multiannual) resolutions and spatial (400 m to regional) scales effectively explained variation in ecological processes that change habitat quality. The process used here allows managers to develop short‐ and long‐term conservation strategies that (1) consider flexible behavioral patterns and (2) are robust to environmental variation over time.  相似文献   

We tested for variation in longevity, senescence rate and early fecundity of Drosophila buzzatii along an elevational transect in Argentina, using laboratory-reared flies in laboratory tests performed to avoid extrinsic mortality. At 25 °C, females from lowland populations lived longer and had a lower demographic rate of senescence than females from highland populations. Minimal instead of maximal temperature at the sites of origin of population best predicted this cline. A very different pattern was found at higher test temperature. At 29.5 °C, longevity of males increased with altitude of origin of population. No clinal trend was apparent for longevity of females at 29.5 °C. There was evidence for a trade-off between early fecundity and longevity at non-stressful temperature (25 °C) along the altitudinal gradient. This trait association is consistent with evolutionary theories of aging. Population-by-temperature and sex-by-temperature interactions indicate that senescence patterns are expressed in environment specific ways.  相似文献   

Microdistribution and habitat selection in Drosophila subobscura Collin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microdistribution and habitat selection were investigated in a population of Drosophila subobscura near Leeds, Yorkshire. Microdistribution was examined along a transect running through a deciduous woodland. Two main types of habitat were recognized, those with dry soil and a closed canopy of mature trees (dry and dark) and those with wet soil and an open canopy of mature trees (wet and light). Flies were much more frequent, judged by their attendance at baited traps, in the dry/dark habitat. Flies taken from both habitat types, marked with different coloured fluorescent dust and released at a point mid-way between the original habitats, tended to return to their area of initial capture.  相似文献   

The Drosophila buzzatii species cluster consists of the sibling species D. buzzatii, D. koepferae, D. serido, D. borborema, D. seriema, D. antonietae and D. gouveai, all of which breed exclusively in decaying cactus tissue and, except for D. buzzatii (a colonizing subcosmopolitan species), are endemic to South America. Using a morphometric approach and multivariate analysis of 17 wing parameters, we investigated the degree of divergence in wing morphology among the sibling species of this cluster. Significant differences were obtained among the species and discriminant analysis showed that wing morphology was sufficiently different to allow the correct classification of 98.6% of the 70 individuals analysed. The phenetic relationships among the species inferred from UPGMA cluster analysis based on squared Mahalanobis distances (D2) were generally compatible with previously published phylogenetic relationships. These results suggest that wing morphology within D. buzzatii cluster is of phylogenetic importance.  相似文献   

Chill‐coma recovery (CCR) is an important trait for thermal adaptation in insects. Multiple phenotypes could be affected by selection on CCR if the trait is genetically correlated with other adaptive traits. To test for heritable (co‐)variation in CCR, we examined direct and correlated responses to bi‐directional selection on CCR. Drosophila buzzatii Patterson & Wheeler (Diptera: Drosophilidae) was artificially selected for decreased and increased recovery time following exposure to 0 °C. After 18 selected generations, the selection response in CCR was significant but qualitatively asymmetric, with replicated lines for slow CCR showing the highest response. Knockdown resistance to high temperature was not affected by CCR selection. Starvation resistance in the adult fly showed no clear pattern of correlated responses to CCR selection. Selection on CCR had no impact on developmental time and body size. Chill‐coma recovery shows no apparent genetic trade‐offs with any of the multiple traits included in this study. These results are largely consistent with recent studies on clines in D. buzzatii, which showed that CCR is not across‐population correlated with other clinally varying traits of thermal adaptation. Cold adaptation may evolve toward increased cold resistance independent of upper thermal limits.  相似文献   

The natural habitat of Drosophila melanogaster Meigen (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is fermenting fruits, which can be rich in ethanol. For unknown reasons, temperate populations of this cosmopolitan species have higher ethanol resistance than tropical populations. To determine whether this difference is accompanied by a parallel difference in preference for ethanol, we compared two European and two tropical African populations in feeding and oviposition preference for ethanol‐supplemented medium. Although females of all populations laid significantly more eggs on medium with ethanol than on control medium, preference of European females for ethanol increased as ethanol concentration increased from 2 to 6%, whereas that of African females decreased. In feeding tests, African females preferred control medium over medium with 4% ethanol, whereas European females showed no preference. Males of all populations strongly preferred control medium. The combination of preference for ethanol in oviposition, and avoidance or neutrality in feeding, gives evidence that adults choose breeding sites with ethanol for the benefit of larvae, rather than for their own benefit. The stronger oviposition preference for ethanol of temperate than tropical females suggests that this benefit may be more important in temperate populations. Two possible benefits of ethanol for which there is some experimental evidence are cryoprotection and protection against natural enemies.  相似文献   

Two Drosophila species, D. buzzatti and D. aldrichi, coexist on several species of Opuntia cacti in Australia, primarily on O. tomentosa and O. streptacantha in the northern part of the cactus distribution, and on O. stricta in the south. Thorax length of field-collected adults was less, and the variance in length greater, than that for flies reared on simulated rots in the laboratory, indicating that these species are affected by crowding in nature. A larval performance index, measured on simulated cactus rots at low, moderate and high densities in single-species cultures, and at moderate and high densities in mixed-species cultures, was used to compare the relative intensity of intra- and interspecific competition at the same total larval density per 5 g necrotic cactus. Larval performance of both fly species was greatest on O. streptacantha, intermediate on O. tomentosa, and least on O. stricta in both single-species and mixed-species cultures. On O. stricta, the performances of D. aldrichi and D. buzzatii were not different when in single-species cultures, but that of D. aldrichi decreased significantly in mixed-species cultures. On the other two cactus species, the performances of D. aldrichi and D. buzzattii were not different in mixed-species cultures. The order of preferences by adult females for the cacti differed from that for larval performance, with females of both species prefering O. stricta. Analysis of microbial numbers growing on the cacti showed little difference among cacti at the rot age used for testing adult preference, but later growth was greater on O. tomentosa and O. streptacantha, the cacti that best supported larvae. Differential larval performance on O. stricta may contribute to the rare presence of D. aldrichi in the southern part of the cactus distribution, while the superior quality of O. tomentosa and O. streptacantha (larger rot size and higher microbial concentration) may reduce competition and facilitate cocxistence of the fly species in the north.  相似文献   

For some phytophagous insects, egg maturation may be dependent on adult feeding. Accordingly, rates of egg maturation may be dependent on the quality and quantity of available food sources. In turn, oviposition behavior could be affected by diet quality via changes in egg load (number of mature eggs carried by a female). Experiments were conducted to determine whether adult feeding may affect oviposition behavior of the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca vitripennis. No-choice tests demonstrated that eggs accumulated in glassy-winged sharpshooter abdomens as time since last oviposition increased largely as a function of feeding plant species. In choice tests, glassy-winged sharpshooter females were observed most frequently on the plant species that imparted the greatest egg maturation rate in no-choice tests. Direct tests of the effects of egg load on glassy-winged sharpshooter oviposition behavior found that females were more likely to deposit eggs as egg load increased. Similarly, acceptance of a low-ranked oviposition plant species by female glassy-winged sharpshooters increased with egg load and time since last oviposition. The results indicate that adult feeding affected glassy-winged sharpshooter egg maturation, plant species varied in quality for providing nutrients for egg maturation, and egg load affected oviposition behavior. Thus, the quantity and quality of available feeding plant species may affect glassy-winged sharpshooter egg maturation rates, which in turn may affect the plant species female glassy-winged sharpshooters select for oviposition.  相似文献   

Understanding how interacting abiotic and biotic factors influence colonization rates into different habitat types is critical for both conserving and controlling species. For example, the rapid global spread of Asian tiger mosquitoes, Aedes albopictus, has reduced native species abundances and produced disease outbreaks. Fortunately, bacterial endospores of two Bacillus species (biospesticide) are highly lethal to Ae. albopictus larvae and have been commercially developed to reduce populations. Oviposition habitat selection is the first defense Ae. albopictus females possess against any control substance added to breeding sites, and considerable variation exists in their response to biopesticides. In a field experiment, I crossed the presence/absence of biopesticides, with two canopy (open, closed) and water (high, low) levels at 64 breeding sites, to examine if these interacted to influence oviposition site choice. Avoidance of biopesticide was most pronounced in closed canopy sites and those with low water levels, as all main effects and two‐way interactions influenced oviposition. Oviposition habitat selection represents a possible mechanism of resistance to biopesticides and other methods used to kill mosquito larvae. Future experiments examining how larval density and mortality modify these results should allow for more effective control of this highly invasive species.  相似文献   

Abstract Climatic data and collection records for the cactophilic Drosophila aldrichi and Drosophila buzzatii for 97 localities were used to examine the effects of geographical location, season, host plant species and climatic factors on their range and relative abundance. Temporal variation in relative abundance was assessed from monthly collections over 4 years at one locality. Effects of weather variables over the 28 days before each collection were examined. A generalized linear model of the spatial data showed significant geographical variation in relative abundance, and significant climatic effects, with the proportion of D. aldrichi higher in the warm season, and increasing as temperature variation decreased and moisture indices increased. The temporal data gave generally concordant results, as D. aldrichi proportion was higher in summer and autumn, and increased as maximum and minimum temperatures increased, and as variation in maximum temperature decreased. In a laboratory competition experiment, D. aldrichi eliminated D. buzzatii at 31°C, but was itself eliminated at 18°C and 25°C. The range of D. buzzatii is constrained only by availability of its host plant, Opuntia species, although its relative abundance is reduced in the northern part of its distribution. The range of D. aldrichi, from central Queensland to northern NSW, Australia, is entirely within that of D. buzzatii, and its relative abundance decreases from north to south. Both climate and weather, particularly temperature variability, have direct effects on the relative abundances of the two species, and both likely act indirectly by influencing the outcome of interspecific competition.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanism underlying oviposition habitat selection (OHS) in the mosquito Culiseta longiareolata. The putative outcome of a trade‐off between the risk of predation and detrimental density dependence, OHS in this species presents an opportunity to test two competing alternatives: (1) a polymorphic scenario, in which a fixed proportion of females constantly avoid ‘predator pools’, while the remainder oviposits at random; and (2) a monomorphic scenario, in which all females oviposit in predator pools with a certain probability. We present a conceptual framework that demonstrates how a simple experimental design – whereby predator incidence in artificial pools is alternated between 0.25 and 0.75 – can distinguish between, or refute, the two scenarios. Given the proportional use, by ovipositing females, of predator‐free pools observed under each treatment, and a bootstrap estimate of the ratio of daily oviposition rates, we find the monomorphic scenario twice as likely as the polymorphic.  相似文献   

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