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Absorption measurements from chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and their relationships with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and fluorescence were studied in Lake Taihu, a large, shallow, subtropical lake in China. Absorption spectra of lake water samples were measured from 240 nm to 800 nm. Highest values of a(λ), DOC and F n (355) occurred near the river inflow to Meiliang Bay and decreased towards the central lake basin. A significant spatial difference was found between Meiliang Bay and the central lake basin in absorption coefficient, DOC-specific absorption coefficient, exponential slope coefficient, DOC concentration and fluorescence value. The spatial distribution of CDOM suggested that a major part of CDOM in the lake was from river input. CDOM absorption coefficients were correlated with DOC over the wavelength range 280–500 nm, and a(355) was also correlated with F n (355), which showed that CDOM absorption could be inferred from DOC and fluorescence measurement. The coefficient of variation between a(λ) and DOC concentration decreased with increase in wavelength from 240 nm to 800 nm. Furthermore, a significant negative linear relationship was recorded between S value and CDOM absorption coefficient, as well as DOC-specific absorption coefficient. S value and DOC-specific absorption coefficient were used as a proxy for CDOM composition and source. Accurate CDOM absorption measurements are very useful in explaining UV attenuation and in developing, validating remote sensing model of water quality in Lake Taihu.  相似文献   

太湖梅梁湾水体悬浮颗粒物和CDOM的吸收特性   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
张运林  秦伯强  杨龙元 《生态学报》2006,26(12):3969-3979
通过测定滤膜上悬浮颗粒物和过滤液中CDOM吸光度的方法计算得到太湖梅梁湾总颗粒物和CDOM的光谱吸收系数,并计算了各吸收组份的贡献份额以及吸收与PAR衰减的比值。总颗粒物的吸收系数从400 nm到600 nm大致呈下降趋势,到675nm附近由于叶绿素a的特征吸收会出现明显峰值,峰值高低随叶绿素a浓度的变化而变化,ap(440)在3.58~9.86 m-1间变化。非藻类颗粒物和CDOM的吸收随波长增加大致按指数规律下降,ad(440)和ag(440)的变化范围分别为2.23~7.07m-1和1.06~1.70 m-1。非藻类颗粒物在400~700 nm波段的指数函数斜率Sd的平均值为(10.91±0.62)μm-1;CDOM在280~500 nm波段指数函数斜率Sg的平均值为(15.52±0.49)μm-1。浮游藻类的光谱吸收表现为在440、675 nm附近存在两个明显的峰值,分别为(2.55±1.14)、(1.34±0.69)m-1。ap(440)与TSS、OSSI、SS均存在显著性正相关,而ad(440)则只与TSSI、SS有显著性相关,aph(440)只与OSS、Chla有显著性相关。CDOM吸收系数与DOC浓度没有显著正相关,但与Chla存在显著幂函数关系,浮游藻类降解产物是水体中CDOM的重要来源之一。水体中物质吸收主要以颗粒物为主,对总吸收的贡献率在70%以上,而颗粒物中又以非藻类颗粒物占主导,一般超过40%,总吸收对漫射衰减的贡献也在40%以上。  相似文献   

The increase of ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 280–400 nm) caused by stratospheric ozone depletion has profound effects on aquatic ecosystems. High-altitude lakes in the Yunnan Plateau are exposed to high intensities of UVR and contain low concentrations of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM). Thirty-eight lakes in the Yunnan Plateau with elevations from 1291 to 3809 m above sea level were investigated to study CDOM concentrations and possible effects of UVR on the lake ecosystem. The attenuation of UVR in the Yunnan Plateau lakes was calculated from the absorption coefficient of CDOM based on an empirical relationship from lakes in the Alps and Pyrenees mountains. Absorption coefficients [α(λ)] at 320 nm [α(320)] ranged from 0.52 to 14.05 m−1 (mean ± standard deviation, 4.40 ± 3.85 m−1) and at 380 nm [α(380)] from 0.05 to 4.51 m−1 (1.40 ± 1.30 m−1). The exponential slope coefficient for the relationship of wavelength to α(λ) ranged from 16.2 to 41.4 μm−1 (21.74 ± 4.93 μm−1) over the 280–400 nm interval. Normalized fluorescence emission (NFLU) at 450 nm from an excitation wavelength of 355 nm, F n(355), averaged 7.93 ± 3.22 NFLU. A significant positive relationship was found between α(355) and F n(355). The estimated diffuse attenuation coefficients of UV-B (320 nm) and UV-A (380 nm) ranged from 0.55 to 15.77 m−1 and from 0.24 to 6.73 m−1; the corresponding 1% attenuation depths ranged from 0.29 to 8.44 m and from 0.68 to 19.12 m. Twenty-five of 38 lakes had 1% UV-B attenuation depths of 1.5 m or more. The median 1% attenuation depth was 28.8% of the sampling depth for UV-B radiation and 60% for UV-A. In addition to CDOM, chlorophyll α (Chla) and total suspended matter (TSM) also may contribute to attenuation of UVR.  相似文献   

In order to investigate variations of absorption and total chlorophyll-a (TChl-a)-specific absorption coefficient of phytoplankton in Lake Taihu, 57 water samples obtained from Lake Taihu during November 8–22, 2007 were used in this study. Package effect and accessory pigments’ influences on the absorption spectra were also examined. Phytoplankton absorption was measured by quality filter technical, and TChl-a concentration was measured by “hot ethanol” method. Results yielded significant variations in phytoplankton absorption and TChl-a-specific absorption coefficient. Phytoplankton absorption coefficient at 675 nm is highly correlated to TChl-a concentration, while absorption at 440 nm is less correlated to TChl-a concentration because of great package effect and accessory pigments’ influence. There was an inverse relationship between a ph*(λ) and TChl-a concentration. Four types of absorption spectra are identified by normalizing a ph*(λ) to a ph*(440). The a ph*(λ) variation is mainly due to accessory pigments and package effect, whose influence at 675 nm ranges from 83.2% to 28%, with an average of 65.3%. Meanwhile, the wide varying ratio of a ph*(440) to a ph*(675) indicates a large variation range in the ratio of accessory pigment to TChl-a concentration. Those findings are significant to estimate Chl-a concentration based on bio-optical model, estimate primary production from remote sensing, and plan further ecological restoration measures for Lake Taihu. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

太湖典型草、藻型湖区紫外辐射的衰减及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004年4月通过野外原位观测和实验室测定相结合的方法对东太湖和梅梁湾典型草、藻型湖区紫外辐射光谱衰减及影响因素进行了研究。结果表明,320nm(UV-B)、380nm(UV-A)的衰减系数在6.33~19.59m-1、3.41~13.64m-1间变化,对应的1%表面光强穿透深度分别为0.24~0.73m、0.35~1.35m,到达湖面的99%UV-B辐射在0.5m左右表层水就衰减完毕,东太湖和梅梁湾紫外辐射衰减系数存在明显的湖区差异;溶解性有机碳(DOC)的浓度在6.60~17.17mg/L间变化,其均值为(9.99±2.48)mg/L;375nm波长处CDOM吸收系数为1.78~6.25m-1,均值为(3.70±1.10)m-1;在短波部分CDOM吸收与DOC浓度存在显著性相关,相关性大致随波长降低而增加,320nm处的线性关系式:ad320=0.885DOC 2.182;紫外辐射衰减主要受制于水体中的CDOM浓度,衰减系数与DOC浓度、CDOM吸收系数存在显著性相关,340nm处的关系式分别为:Kd340=0.82 1.05DOC、Kd340=1.98 1.49ad340。在太湖紫外辐射衰减还要受悬浮物和叶绿素a浓度的影响,衰减系数与DOC、叶绿素a和悬浮物浓度多元回归的结果明显要高于单独与DOC浓度或CDOM吸收系数的回归结果。  相似文献   

Lipid biomarkers from surface sediments of Lake Taihu (Eastern China) were analyzed in order to determine the origin and spatial distribution of sediment organic matter (OM), which is necessary to understand the regional carbon cycles and design environmental management strategies for lake systems. The results indicated significant heterogeneity in the distribution of autochthonous (algae-, photosynthetic bacteria- and macrophyte-based) and allochthonous (terrestrial plant-based) OM in sediments across the lake. Allochthonous OM inputs, indicated by long-chain n-alkane and long-chain n-alkanol biomarkers, generally declined in abundance from northwestern (Zhushan Bay and Meiliang Bay) to southeastern (East Bays) parts of the lake, suggesting a critical influence of hydrology, and in particular of inflowing rivers, which mainly enter the lake from the west and drain from the east. Autochthonous OM, on the other hand, appeared to reflect variations in overall nutrient status and habit type across the lake. Cyanobacterial OM inputs, identified by short-chain n-alkanes, were most abundant in sediment from the most severely polluted zones in Lake Taihu, namely Zhushan Bay and Meiliang Bay. OM derived from diatoms, indicated by brassicasterol and highly branched isoprenoids (HBIs), was most abundant in sediments from the East Bays, a clear-water zone with relatively low levels of nutrient input. Macrophyte OM input, indicated by the middle-chain n-alkanes and Paq ((n-C23 + n-C25)/(n-C23 + n-C25 + n-C29 + n-C31)), was only identified in sediments from the East Bays. The lowest recorded inputs for both autochthonous and allochthonous OM were in sediments from open areas with significant sediment resuspension, including Gonghu Bay, Central and Western Region. This finding might reflect degradation mineralization of OM in the water column during sediment resuspension.  相似文献   

1. We examined the absorption of solar radiation by phytoplankton and chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) taking into account riparian shading in the rivers, reservoirs, swamps of the Neuse River Estuary and its drainage basin. 2. In the streams, CDOM typically absorbed 55 and 64% of photons in the spectral range of 400–700 nm (photosynthetically active radiation, PAR) and 500–600 nm, respectively. The large proportion of photons absorbed by CDOM indicates high potential for abiotic photochemial reactions in the 500–600 nm region. 3. Despite the high concentration of nutrients, phytoplankton contributed little (2%) to the total absorption of PAR in the streams. Small (<30 m wide) streams typically received only 7% of incident PAR that impinged onto the more exposed reservoirs and estuary. Riparian shading and the low contribution of phytoplankton to the total absorption resulted in conditions where phytoplankton absorbed nearly two orders of magnitude less PAR in the streams than in the estuary and reservoirs. 4. The results indicated that riparian shading and non‐algal absorbing components can significantly restrict phytoplankton production in nutrient‐rich streams with a high concentration of CDOM flowing throughout forested catchments.  相似文献   

采用水培试验,研究蚓粪及蚯蚓培养载体牛粪中水溶性有机物(DOM)对不同Cu2+浓度下(0、5、10 mg·L-1)黑麦草吸收Cu2+的影响.结果表明:随着Cu2+浓度的增加,黑麦草地上部、根干质量,以及根系的长度、表面积、体积和根尖数均逐渐下降;DOM显著增加了Cu2+处理下黑麦草地上部及根系生物量,促进了其根系的长度、表面积、体积和根尖数的增长.DOM降低了黑麦草地下部Cu2+浓度,促进了Cu2+从地下部向地上部的运输,显著增加了地上部Cu2+积累量.蚓粪DOM对黑麦草的影响优于牛粪DOM,并且供试高浓度DOM效果优 于低浓度.  相似文献   

利用太湖全湖64个采样点的数据,分析了各水色因子及真光层深度的空间分布和变化特征,并探讨了其对水生植物光合作用的影响.结果表明:叶绿素a浓度在全湖间的差异最大,其变化范围为1.67~159.94μg.L-1,均方差为41.03μg.L-1,在梅梁湾、竺山湖、夹浦港和小梅口附近湖区,叶绿素a浓度较高且空间变化明显,等值线在这些湖区密集分布;悬浮物浓度变化次之,其含量在6.47~143.47mg.L-1之间变化,均方差为31.63mg.L-1,其在大浦港和小梅口入湖口附近湖区的空间变化明显,等值线分布密集;有色可溶性有机物(CDOM)吸收系数在全湖变化较小,没有明显的空间变化特征;真光层深度受悬浮物和叶绿素的共同影响,其空间分布特征与悬浮物相反.  相似文献   

The degree to which biodegradation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) depends on microbial community structure and source remains unknown. In this study, we concentrated the microbial biomass from two streams in northern Michigan and a dystrophic bog lake in northern Wisconsin with varying initial DOM concentration (6.7–78.8 mg C l–1) and DOM chemical characteristics (e.g. DOM average molecular weights from 808–1887 Da). Each of the three microbial inocula was added to each of the three DOM sources at in situ population levels for a total of nine treatments. Changes in DOM concentration and bacterial productivity, along with chemical characteristics, were examined over 308 h. The [3H]-leucine incorporation method was used to measure microbial production. In two of three sampling sites, bacterial communities were most productive when metabolizing DOM in their native waters. A variable peak in productivity was seen between 16–48 h after inoculation, followed by a drop in productivity in most treatments, with periods of DOM production most likely due to microbial turnover. These data suggest that microbial communities are better able to degrade the DOM of their native habitats, suggesting that biodegradation of DOM is influenced by source-specific microbial species and DOM chemical characteristics.  相似文献   

森林生态系统DOM的来源、特性及流动   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
可溶性有机物质(Dissolved Organic Matter)是森林生态系统主要的可移动碳库及重要的养分库。系统综述了森林生态系统DOM的来源,组成,性质,季节动态;DOM释放与存留机制及影响因素,森林生态系统DOM的流动及干扰对DOM动态影响等,已有研究表明DOM的森林生态系统C、N、P循环,成土作用,污染物迁移等方面起着重要作用。今后森林生态系统DOM的研究应集中于以几方面:(1)确定森林生态系统中DOM源和汇;(2)评价森林水文条件对DOM释放与存留的调节作用;(3)探讨全球气候变化对森林生态系统DOM的影响;(4)可溶性有机氮(Dissolved Organic Nitrogen),可溶性有机磷(Dissolved Organic Phosphorus)动态与可溶性有碳(Dissolved Organic Carbon)动态的差别。  相似文献   

Dynamics of dissolved organic nitrogen in subalpine Castle Lake,California   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentrations were measured in meso-oligotrophic Castle Lake, California during the ice-free season in 1982, 1983 and 1984. No consistent relationships were found between DON and particulate-N, primary productivity rates or chlorophyll concentrations. However, increases in DON concentrations were observed in the early growing season of 1982 and 1984 when water temperature was rising and a diatom bloom was senescing. DON increased at a high rate (0.31 mg atom N m–3 day–1), and then rapidly disappeared. Sediment released appared to be the most important source of DON. Dissolved free amino acids were always less than 7.5% of the DON pool, and did not vary in the composition of specific amino acids during the growing season.  相似文献   


Photo-oxidation of dissolved organic matter in saline and non- saline samples is monitored by measurement of residual fluorescence intensity. For fulvic acids, the method has a detection limit of 0.005 mg C L?1, and maximum photo-oxidation is achieved with H2O2 oxidant and a low-intensity UV source.  相似文献   

选用华南亚热带地区常见阔叶树种木荷和针叶树种湿地松的新近凋落叶,在野外分解0、30、60、90、150、210、240、365 d,分析溶出的溶解性有机质(DOM)浓度、组成和性质的变化,以及对土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)的影响.结果表明: 随着分解的进行,尽管木荷叶片的DOM浓度高于松针,但是2种凋落叶DOM浓度、性质和物质组成变化规律一致;2种凋落叶的DOM浓度均呈下降趋势,芳香化程度和分子量增大,富里酸、腐殖酸类物质逐渐增多,可降解的简单芳烃蛋白(如酪氨酸)逐渐减少.在分解初期,DOM主要由亲水中性和酸性部分组成,易分解、易迁移,对表层土壤DOC影响不显著;在分解后期,DOM主要为腐殖酸和富里酸类物质,吸附性强,表层土壤DOC浓度显著下降.  相似文献   

A paleolimnological approach was used for the assessment of the recent eutrophication history and identification of possible reference conditions in the large, shallow, eutrophic Lake Peipsi. Lake Peipsi is the fourth largest lake by area, and the largest transboundary lake in Europe, being shared between Estonia and Russia. Lake Peipsi has been anthropogenically impacted over a longer time-scale than that covered by instrumental limnological monitoring. The 210Pb record and down-core distribution of fly-ash particles in the 40-cm core from the middle part of the lake suggest 130 years of sediment accumulation. Diatom assemblages indicate alkaline mesotrophic conditions and a well-illuminated water column, sediment pore-water fluorescence index values suggest low autochthonous productivity and a stable aquatic ecosystem similar to natural reference conditions during the second half of 19th and early 20th century. Near-synchronous stratigraphic changes including the expansion of the eutrophic planktonic diatom Stephanodiscus parvus, the appearance of new species associated with eutrophic lakes and the decrease in the relative abundance of littoral diatoms, together with changes in the fluorescence properties of sediment pore-water dissolved organic matter, imply increased nutrient availability, enlarged phytoplankton crops, reduced water-column transparency and the onset of human-induced disturbances in the lake since the mid-20th century. The most conspicuous expansion of eutrophic planktonic diatoms and maximum concentration of siliceous microfossils occur simultaneously with changes in the fluorescence indexes of pore-water dissolved organic matter, indicating a pronounced increase in the contribution of autochthonous organic matter to the lake sediment. This implies that nutrient loading and anthropogenic impact was at a maximum during the 1970s and 1980s. Sedimentary diatom flora may reflect a reduction of phosphorus loading since the 1990s. However, the absolute abundance of planktonic diatoms and sediment pore-water fluorescence index values vary greatly implying that the lake ecosystem is still rather unstable.  相似文献   

龙靖潇  王志康  王晗  马永梅  倪茂飞 《生态学报》2024,44(11):4584-4596
为探索喀斯特湖泊-河流系统溶解性有机质(DOM)光谱特征空间格局,该研究以我国贵州红枫湖、百花湖和老马河为对象,分析了表层水体DOM紫外参数(SUVA254、SUVA280S275-295S350-400SRE2/E3),利用三维荧光-平行因子(EEM-PARAFAC)解析DOM主要成分,同时基于荧光参数(HIX、FI、BIX和β:α)揭示其来源信息。该研究运用Spearman相关性分析及主成分分析(PCA)方法,揭示DOM参数的内在联系及重要组分贡献。结果显示,红枫湖、百花湖和老马河SUVA254和SUVA280值较低,而E2/E3、S275-295S350-400值较高,说明芳香类成分占比较少且DOM整体分子量较小。水体DOM主要成分为:红枫湖/百花湖(C1:微生物代谢类腐殖质;C2:可见光范围腐殖质;C3:色氨酸),老马河(C1:色氨酸;C2:富里酸;C3:陆源类腐殖质)。水体BIX范围在0.77-1.12之间,说明生物源和陆源输入共同贡献DOM。红枫湖与百花湖FI值小于1.4,而老马河在1.4-1.9间,说明河流内源DOM贡献率高于湖泊。水体β:α值范围在0.73-1.10之间,说明新生DOM具有显著贡献。湖泊与河流HIX值低于4,表明水体腐殖化程度低。老马河HIX与SRS275-295呈正相关(P < 0.05)且与FI呈负相关(P < 0.05),说明DOM腐殖化程度与分子大小和来源密切联系。芳香类DOM的同质性导致SUVA254和SUVA280相互耦合。研究发现新生DOM多具有生物降解性,表现为BIX和β:α强相关。相对于激流系统,湖泊具有更多的水力停留时间,这可能进一步促进内源微生物的代谢,导致生物驱动的有机质快速循环,因此不同DOM生物讯号相互耦合。研究阐明了喀斯特湖泊-河流系统DOM成分与来源特征,有望为研究全球碳循环过程提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

胶州湾滨海湿地土壤溶解性有机质的三维荧光特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
訾园园  孔范龙  郗敏  李悦  杨玲 《生态学杂志》2016,27(12):3871-3881
为了了解滨海湿地土壤中溶解性有机质的结构特征及来源,2014年1月在胶州湾采集光滩、碱蓬、芦苇和大米草湿地的土壤样品,测定土壤溶解性有机质(DOM)含量,利用三维荧光技术进行光谱分析.结果表明: 胶州湾4种湿地类型土壤溶解性有机碳(DOC)含量表现为大米草湿地>光滩>碱蓬湿地>芦苇湿地,垂直剖面上随土层深度的增加DOC含量均呈减少的趋势.经光谱分析,胶州湾湿地土壤DOM的三维荧光光谱(3DEEMs)中出现了B、T、A、D和C等5种荧光峰,分别代表类酪氨酸、类色氨酸、类富里酸、类可溶性微生物副产物和类腐殖酸5种组分.利用荧光区域积分(FRI)法对5种组分进行定量分析,类色氨酸、类富里酸和类酪氨酸在DOM各组分含量中居前3位,类可溶性微生物副产物和类腐殖酸的含量次之,二者含量差异不显著.DOM的5种组分相互之间均呈显著正相关,与DOC含量呈显著正相关,与总磷、有效磷、总氮有不同程度的相关性.胶州湾4种湿地类型土壤DOM主要由生物相互作用内源产生,且腐殖化程度较低.  相似文献   

刘翥  杨玉盛  朱锦懋  谢锦升  司友涛 《生态学报》2015,35(19):6288-6297
选取中亚热带福建三明格氏栲天然林及其转换而成的木荷、锥栗及福建柏等3种人工林表层土壤(0—10 cm)可溶性有机质(DOM)为对象,对其数量和光谱学特征进行了研究,以探讨森林转换对土壤DOM的影响。结果表明,天然林转换成上述3种人工林后,0—5 cm土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)浓度显著降低(P0.05),降低程度分别为66.1%,69.9%及29.4%,可溶性有机氮(DON)浓度也有所下降;除福建柏外,其余两种人工林5—10 cm土壤DOC及DON浓度均低于天然林。各林分0—5 cm土壤DOC及DON浓度均高于5—10 cm土层。两个土层中,天然林土壤DOM的芳香化及腐殖化程度均显著高于人工林(P0.05),但荧光效率值低于人工林;荧光光谱图显示,天然林土壤DOM在芳香性脂肪族及木质素类复杂结构荧光基团处的吸收大于人工林;各林分土壤DOM傅里叶红外光谱出现吸收谱带的位置相似,其中吸收强度最大的为形成氢键的—OH的伸缩振动,此外还有芳香性CC伸缩振动、有机羧酸盐COO-反对称伸缩振动、碳水化合物中烷氧基C—O的振动等,人工林土壤DOM中碳水化合物的比例增加是其结构简单的主要原因。土壤DOM中结构复杂、分子量大的组分不易向下迁移;天然林与人工林间土壤DOM数量及光谱学特征的差异主要与凋落物输入及营林措施的干扰有关;本研究所涉及的3种人工林中,福建柏更有利于土壤养分的累积。  相似文献   

水溶性有机物电子转移能力及其生态效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毕冉  周顺桂  袁田  庄莉  袁勇 《生态学报》2013,33(1):45-52
水溶性有机物(Dissolved organic matter,DOM)是生态系统最为活跃的有机物组分,参与众多物理、化学及生物过程.DOM具有电子转移能力,主要原因在于结构中包含的醌基官能团,通过醌、半醌和氢醌之间的可逆转化完成电子转移过程.DOM作为电子穿梭体,循环参与电子转移的能力是其发挥生态效应的重要体现.研究表明,DOM可以通过氧化还原反应介导环境中Cr(Ⅵ)、Hg(Ⅱ)等重金属及卤代烃、硝基芳香化合物等持久性有机污染物降解转化.综述了DOM电子转移能力机理、途径及可循环性,电子转移能力测定方法,以及DOM电子转移能力的生态效应并展望研究方向.  相似文献   

Patterns of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) delivery were compared between times of stormflow and baseflow in Paine Run, an Appalachian stream draining a 12.4 km2 forested catchment in the Shenandoah National Park (SNP), Virginia. The potential in-stream ecological impact of altered concentrations and/or chemical composition of DOM during storms also was examined, using standardized bacterial bioassays. DOC and DON concentrations in Paine Run were consistently low during baseflow and did not show a seasonal pattern. During storms however, mean DOC and DON concentrations approximately doubled, with maximum concentrations occurring on the rising limb of storm hydrographs. The rapid response of DOM concentration to changes in flow suggests a near-stream or in-stream source of DOM during storms. Stormflow (4% of the time, 36% of the annual discharge) contributed >50% of DOC, DON and NO3 flux in Paine Run during 1997. In laboratory bacterial bioassays, growth rate constants were higher on Paine Run stormflow water than on baseflow water, but the fraction of total DOM which was bioavailable was not significantly different. The fraction of the total stream DOC pool taken up by water column bacteria was estimated to increase from 0.03 ± 0.02% h–1 during baseflow, to 0.15 ± 0.04% h–1 during storms. This uptake rate would have a minimal effect on bulk DOM concentrations in Paine Run, but storms may still have considerable impact on the bacterial stream communities by mobilizing them into the water column and by supplying a pulse of DOM.  相似文献   

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