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Analysis of a developmental mutant in Dictyostelium discoideum which is unable to initiate morphogenesis has shown that a protein kinase of the MAP kinase/ERK family affects relay of the cAMP chemotactic signal and cell differentiation. Strains in which the locus encoding ERK2 is disrupted respond to a pulse of cAMP by synthesizing cGMP normally but show little synthesis of cAMP. Since mutant cells lacking ERK2 contain normal levels of both the cytosolic regulator of adenylyl cyclase (CRAC) and manganese-activatable adenylyl cyclase, it appears that this kinase is important for receptor-mediated activation of adenylyl cyclase.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium contains two guanylyl cyclases, GCA, a 12-transmembrane enzyme, and sGC, a homologue of mammalian soluble adenylyl cyclase. sGC provides nearly all chemoattractant-stimulated cGMP formation and is essential for efficient chemotaxis toward cAMP. We show that in resting cells the major fraction of the sGC-GFP fusion protein localizes to the cytosol, and a small fraction is associated to the cell cortex. With the artificial substrate Mn2+/GTP, sGC activity and protein exhibit a similar distribution between soluble and particulate fraction of cell lysates. However, with the physiological substrate Mg2+/GTP, sGC in the cytosol is nearly inactive, whereas the particulate enzyme shows high enzyme activity. Reconstitution experiments reveal that inactive cytosolic sGC acquires catalytic activity with Mg2+/GTP upon association to the membrane. Stimulation of cells with cAMP results in a twofold increase of membrane-localized sGC-GFP, which is accompanied by an increase of the membrane-associated guanylyl cyclase activity. In a cAMP gradient, sGC-GFP localizes to the anterior cell cortex, suggesting that in chemotacting cells, sGC is activated at the leading edge of the cell.  相似文献   

MEK1, which is required for aggregation and chemotaxis in Dictyostelium, is rapidly and transiently SUMOylated in response to chemoattractant stimulation. SUMOylation is required for MEK1's function and its translocation from the nucleus to the cytosol and cortex, including the leading edge of chemotaxing cells. MEK1 in which the site of SUMOylation is mutated is retained in the nucleus and does not complement the mek1 null phenotype. Constitutively active MEK1 is cytosolic and is constitutively SUMOylated, whereas the corresponding nonactivatable MEK1 is not SUMOylated and nuclear. MEK1 is also ubiquitinated in response to signaling. A MEK1-interacting, ubiquitin E3 ligase RING domain-containing protein controls nuclear localization and MEK1 ubiquitination. These studies provide a pathway regulating the localization and function of MEK1.  相似文献   

Mammalian mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades control various cellular events, ranging from cell growth to apoptosis, in response to external stimuli. A conserved docking site, termed DVD, is found in the mammalian MAP kinase kinases (MAPKKs) belonging to the three major subfamilies, namely MEK1, MKK4/7, and MKK3/6. The DVD sites bind to their specific upstream MAP kinase kinase kinases (MAPKKKs), including MTK1 (MEKK4), ASK1, TAK1, TAO2, MEKK1, and Raf-1. DVD site is a stretch of about 20 amino acids immediately on the C-terminal side of the MAPKK catalytic domain. Mutations in the DVD site strongly inhibited MAPKKs from binding to, and being activated by, their specific MAPKKKs, both in vitro and in vivo. DVD site mutants could not be activated by various external stimuli in vivo. Synthetic DVD oligopeptides inhibited specific MAPKK activation, both in vitro and in vivo, demonstrating the critical importance of the DVD docking in MAPK signaling.  相似文献   

The ability of a cell to detect an external chemical signal and initiate a program of directed migration along a gradient comprises the fundamental process called chemotaxis. Investigations in Dictyostelium discoideum and neutrophils have established that pleckstrin homology (PH) domain-containing proteins that bind to the PI3K products PI(3,4)P2 and PI(3,4,5)P3, such as CRAC (cytosolic regulator of adenylyl cyclase) and Akt/PKB, translocate specifically to the leading edge of chemotaxing cells. CRAC is essential for the chemoattractant-mediated activation of the adenylyl cyclase ACA, which converts ATP into cAMP, the primary chemoattractant for D. discoideum. The mechanisms by which CRAC activates ACA remain to be determined. We now show that in addition to its essential role in the activation of ACA, CRAC is involved in regulating chemotaxis. Through mutagenesis, we show that these two functions are independently regulated downstream of PI3K. A CRAC mutant that has lost the capacity to bind PI3K products does not support chemotaxis and shows minimal ACA activation. Finally, overexpression of CRAC and various CRAC mutants show strong effects on ACA activation with little effect on chemotaxis. These findings establish that chemoattractant-mediated activation of PI3K is important for the CRAC-dependent regulation of both chemotaxis and adenylyl cyclase activation.  相似文献   

A new Dictyostelium discoideum cyclase gene was identified that encodes a protein (sGC) with 35% similarity to mammalian soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC). Gene disruption of sGC has no effect on adenylyl cyclase activity and results in a >10-fold reduction in guanylyl cyclase activity. The scg- null mutants show reduced chemotactic sensitivity and aggregate poorly under stringent conditions. With Mn(2+)/GTP as substrate, most of the sGC activity is soluble, but with the more physiological Mg(2+)/GTP the activity is detected in membranes and stimulated by GTPgammaS. Unexpectedly, orthologues of sGC and sAC are present in bacteria and vertebrates, but absent from Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, Arabidopsis thaliana and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Central to chemotaxis is the molecular mechanism by which cells exhibit directed movement in shallow gradients of a chemoattractant. We used Dictyostelium mutants to investigate the minimal requirements for chemotaxis, and identified a basal signalling module providing activation of Ras at the leading edge, which is sufficient for chemotaxis. The signalling enzymes PI3K, TorC2, PLA2 and sGC are not required for Ras activation and chemotaxis to folate or to steep gradients of cAMP, but they provide a memory of direction and improved orientation of the cell, which together increase the sensitivity about 150-fold for chemotaxis in shallow cAMP gradients.  相似文献   

We have identified limB, a gene encoding a novel LIM domain-containing protein, LIM2, in a screen for genes required for morphogenesis. limB null cells aggregate, although poorly, but they are unable to undergo morphogenesis, and the aggregates arrest at the mound stage. limB null cells exhibit an aberrant actin cytoskeleton and have numerous F-actin-enriched microspikes. The cells exhibit poor adhesion to a substratum and do not form tight cell-cell agglomerates in suspension. Furthermore, limB null cells are unable to properly polarize in chemoattractant gradients and move very poorly. Expression of limB from a prestalk-specific but not a prespore-specific promoter complements the morphogenetic defects of the limB null strain, suggesting that the limB null cell developmental defect results from an inability to properly sort prestalk cells. LIM2 protein is enriched in the cortex of wild-type cells, although it does not colocalize with the actin cytoskeleton. Our analysis indicates that LIM2 is a new regulatory protein that functions to control rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton and is required for cell motility and chemotaxis. Our findings may be generally applicable to understanding pathways that control cell movement and morphogenesis in all multicellular organisms. Structure function studies on the LIM domains are presented.  相似文献   

Exogenous lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) has been shown to evoke a chemotactic response in aggregative cells of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. In this paper, we demonstrate that extracellular LPA is also able to induce activation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase DdERK2 (extracellular signal regulated kinase 2) in these cells. This activation is independent of cyclic AMP receptors, yet fully dependent on the single Gbeta subunit, hinting to the presence of functional heptahelical LPA receptors in a primitive eukaryote. We did not observe LPA-dependent cyclic GMP accumulation, which suggests that the pathways for LPA-induced and "classical" chemotaxis of D. discoideum cells are substantially different.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium strains in which the gene encoding the cytoplasmic cAMP phosphodiesterase RegA is inactivated form small aggregates. This defect was corrected by introducing copies of the wild-type regA gene, indicating that the defect was solely the consequence of the loss of the phosphodiesterase. Using a computer-assisted motion analysis system, regA(-) mutant cells were found to show little sense of direction during aggregation. When labeled wild-type cells were followed in a field of aggregating regA(-) cells, they also failed to move in an orderly direction, indicating that signaling was impaired in mutant cell cultures. However, when labeled regA(-) cells were followed in a field of aggregating wild-type cells, they again failed to move in an orderly manner, primarily in the deduced fronts of waves, indicating that the chemotactic response was also impaired. Since wild-type cells must assess both the increasing spatial gradient and the increasing temporal gradient of cAMP in the front of a natural wave, the behavior of regA(-) cells was motion analyzed first in simulated temporal waves in the absence of spatial gradients and then was analyzed in spatial gradients in the absence of temporal waves. Our results demonstrate that RegA is involved neither in assessing the direction of a spatial gradient of cAMP nor in distinguishing between increasing and decreasing temporal gradients of cAMP. However, RegA is essential for specifically suppressing lateral pseudopod formation during the response to an increasing temporal gradient of cAMP, a necessary component of natural chemotaxis. We discuss the possibility that RegA functions in a network that regulates myosin phosphorylation by controlling internal cAMP levels, and, in support of that hypothesis, we demonstrate that myosin II does not localize in a normal manner to the cortex of regA(-) cells in an increasing temporal gradient of cAMP.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-binding guanylyl cyclase-activating proteins (GCAPs) stimulate photoreceptor membrane guanylyl cyclase (retGC) in the light when the free Ca(2+) concentrations in photoreceptors decrease from 600 to 50 nM. RetGC activated by GCAPs exhibits tight dimerization revealed by chemical cross-linking (Yu, H., Olshevskaya, E., Duda, T., Seno, K., Hayashi, F., Sharma, R. K., Dizhoor, A. M., and Yamazaki, A. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 15547-15555). We have found that the Ca(2+)-loaded GCAP-2 monomer undergoes reversible dimerization upon dissociation of Ca(2+). The ability of GCAP-2 and its several mutants to activate retGC in vitro correlates with their ability to dimerize at low free Ca(2+) concentrations. A constitutively active GCAP-2 mutant E80Q/E116Q/D158N that stimulates retGC regardless of the free Ca(2+) concentrations forms dimers both in the absence and in the presence of Ca(2+). Several GCAP-2/neurocalcin chimera proteins that cannot efficiently activate retGC in low Ca(2+) concentrations are also unable to dimerize in the absence of Ca(2+). Additional mutation that restores normal activity of the GCAP-2 chimera mutant also restores its ability to dimerize in the absence of Ca(2+). These results suggest that dimerization of GCAP-2 can be a part of the mechanism by which GCAP-2 regulates the photoreceptor guanylyl cyclase. The Ca(2+)-free GCAP-1 is also capable of dimerization in the absence of Ca(2+), but unlike GCAP-2, dimerization of GCAP-1 is resistant to the presence of Ca(2+).  相似文献   

Sensory axonal projections into the spinal cord display a highly stereotyped pattern of T- or Y-shaped axon bifurcation at the dorsal root entry zone (DREZ). Here, we provide evidence that embryonic mice with an inactive receptor guanylyl cyclase Npr2 or deficient for cyclic guanosine monophosphate-dependent protein kinase I (cGKI) lack the bifurcation of sensory axons at the DREZ, i.e., the ingrowing axon either turns rostrally or caudally. This bifurcation error is maintained to mature stages. In contrast, interstitial branching of collaterals from primary stem axons remains unaffected, indicating that bifurcation and interstitial branching are processes regulated by a distinct molecular mechanism. At a functional level, the distorted axonal branching at the DREZ is accompanied by reduced synaptic input, as revealed by patch clamp recordings of neurons in the superficial layers of the spinal cord. Hence, our data demonstrate that Npr2 and cGKI are essential constituents of the signaling pathway underlying axonal bifurcation at the DREZ and neuronal connectivity in the dorsal spinal cord.  相似文献   

Internalization of activated receptors from the plasma membrane has been implicated in the activation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase. However, the mechanism whereby membrane trafficking may regulate mitogenic signaling remains unclear. Here we report that dominant-negative dynamin (K44A), an inhibitor of endocytic vesicle formation, abrogates MAP kinase activation in response to epidermal growth factor, lysophosphatidic acid, and protein kinase C-activating phorbol ester. In contrast, dynamin-K44A does not affect the activation of Ras, Raf, and MAP kinase kinase (MEK) by either agonist. Through immunofluorescence and subcellular fractionation studies, we find that activated MEK is present both at the plasma membrane and in intracellular vesicles but not in the cytosol. Our findings suggest that dynamin-regulated endocytosis of activated MEK, rather than activated receptors, is a critical event in the MAP kinase activation cascade.  相似文献   

In Dictyostelium discoideum extracellular cAMP stimulates guanylyl cyclase and phospholipase C; the latter enzyme produces Ins(1,4,5)P3 which releases Ca2+ from internal stores. The following data indicate that intracellular Ca2+ ions inhibit guanylyl cyclase activity. 1) In vitro, Ca2+ inhibits guanylyl cyclase with IC50 = 41 nM Ca2+ and Hill-coefficient of 2.1. 2) Extracellular Ca2+ does not affect basal cGMP levels of intact cells. In electro-permeabilized cells, however, cGMP levels are reduced by 85% within 45 s after addition of 10(-6) M Ca2+ to the medium; halfmaximal reduction occurs at 200 nM extracellular Ca2+. 3) Receptor-stimulated activation of guanylyl cyclase in electro-permeabilized cells is also inhibited by extracellular Ca2+ with half-maximal effect at 200 nM Ca2+. 4) In several mutants an inverse correlation exists between receptor-stimulated Ins(1,4,5)P3 production and cGMP formation. We conclude that receptor-stimulated cytosolic Ca2+ elevation is a negative regulator of receptor-stimulated guanylyl cyclase.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of MEK1 signaling in MMP-2 activation by use of constitutive active/dominant negative forms of MEK1 and MEK1-specific inhibitor. We found that cell transformation with active forms of MEK1 dramatically increased secretion and proteolytic activation of MMP-2 and subsequently stimulated invasiveness of cells. Contrary, expression of dominant negative form of MEK1 in v-src-transformed cells or in Con A-activated cells resulted in the suppression of the augmented secretion and proteolytic activation of MMP-2. In addition, treatment of v-src-transformed cells with PD98059, a MEK1-specific inhibitor, strongly suppressed the secretion and activation of MMP-2, whereas treatment with wortmannin, a PI3 kinase inhibitor, showed no clear effect on MMP-2 secretion. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that MEK-MAP kinase signaling, but not PI3 kinase signaling, plays a critical role in the activation of MMP-2 secretion and, subsequently, in the invasiveness of v-src-transformed cells.  相似文献   

The binding of chemoattractants to cognate G protein-coupled receptors activates a variety of signaling cascades that provide spatial and temporal cues required for chemotaxis. When subjected to uniform stimulation, these responses are transient, showing an initial peak of activation followed by a period of adaptation, in which activity subsides even in the presence of stimulus. A tightly regulated balance between receptor-mediated stimulatory and inhibitory pathways controls the kinetics of activation and subsequent adaptation. In Dictyostelium, the adenylyl cyclase expressed during aggregation (ACA), which synthesizes the chemoattractant cAMP, is essential to relay the signal to neighboring cells. Here, we report that cells lacking phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) activity are deficient in signal relay. In LY294002-treated cells, this defect is because of a loss of ACA activation. In contrast, in cells lacking PI3K1 and PI3K2, the signal relay defect is because of a loss of ACA adaptation. We propose that the residual low level of 3-phosphoinositides in pi3k(1-/2-) cells is sufficient to generate the initial peak of ACA activity, yet is insufficient to sustain the inhibitory phase required for its adaptation. Thus, PI3K activity is poised to regulate both ACA activation and adaptation, thereby providing a link to ensure the proper balance of counteracting signals required to maintain optimal chemoresponsiveness.  相似文献   

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