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The oxylipin pathway mediates wound- and herbivore-induced defense reactions in Nicotiana attenuata as evidenced by a transient jasmonic acid (JA)-burst that precedes these defense responses. The fate of this induced JA-burst remains unknown. Two derivatives of JA, its methylester, methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and cis -jasmone ( cis J), are thought to be a means of disposing of JA through volatilization at the plant surface. In N. attenuata, the headspace quantities of these compounds did not change over 3 days, although levels of MeJA and cis J increased 100- and 70-fold, respectively, in surface extracts of attacked leaves after feeding of Manduca sexta larvae or application of larval regurgitant to mechanical wounds. Inhibition of the wound-induced increase in JA with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) revealed an association between the JA accumulation and subsequent increases in MeJA and cis J. Induced systemic increases of MeJA were not of local origin and therefore do not contribute to the inactivation of the JA-burst in the wounded leaf. The total amount of MeJA and cis J produced could only account for 9% of the JA-burst elicited by herbivore attack and therefore their production do not represent major disposal pathways of JA in N. attenuata .  相似文献   

CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 (COI1) is a well-known key player in processes downstream of jasmonic acid (JA) biosynthesis: silencing COI1 in Nicotiana attenuata (ir-coi1) makes plants insensitive to JA, prevents the up-regulation of JA-mediated defenses and decreases the plant's resistance to herbivores and pathogens. In agreement with previous studies, we observed that regulation of several JA biosynthesis genes elicited by Manduca sexta oral secretions (OS) is COI1 dependent. In response to wounding and application of OS ir-coi1 plants accumulate 75% less JA compared with wild-type plants (WT), resembling JA levels found in plants silenced in the key enzyme in JA biosynthesis LIPOXYGENASE 3 (as-lox). However, while OS-elicited as-lox plants also accumulated lower levels of the JA-conjugate JA-isoleucine (JA-Ile) than did WT plants, JA-Ile accumulation in ir-coi1 was higher, prolonged and peaked with a delay of 30 min. In vivo substrate feeding experiments of N. attenuata demonstrate that the increased and prolonged JA-Ile accumulation pattern in ir-coi1 is not the result of altered substrate availability, i.e. of JA and/or Ile, but is due to an approximately 6-fold decrease in JA-Ile turnover. These results provide the first evidence for a second, novel regulatory feedback function of COI1 in enhancing JA-Ile turnover. Hence, in addition to its control over JA biosynthesis, COI1 might fine-tune the dynamics of the jasmonate response after induction by herbivore elicitors.  相似文献   

Nicotiana attenuata flowers, diurnally open,emit scents and move vertically to interact with nocturnal hawkmoth and day-active hummingbird pollinators. To examine the fitness consequences of these floral rhythms, we conducted pollination trials in the plant's native habitat with phase-shifted flowers of plants silenced in circadian clock genes. The results revealed that some pollination benefits observed under glasshouse conditions were not reproduced under natural field conditions. Floral arrhythmicity increased pollination success by hummingbirds, while reducing those by hawkmoths in the field. Thus, floral circadian rhythms may influence a plant's fitness by filtering pollinators leading to altered seed set from outcrossed pollen.  相似文献   

To defend themselves against herbivore attack, plants produce secondary metabolites, which are variously inducible and constitutively deployed, presumably to optimize their fitness benefits in light of their fitness costs. Three phytohormones, jasmonates (JA) and their active forms, the JA-isoleucine (JA-Ile) and ethylene (ET), are known to play central roles in the elicitation of induced defenses, but little is known about how this mediation changes over ontogeny. The Optimal Defense Theory (ODT) predicts changes in the costs and benefits of the different types of defenses and has been usefully extrapolated to their modes of deployment. Here we studied whether the herbivore-induced accumulation of JA, JA-Ile and ET changed over ontogeny in Nicotiana attenuata, a native tobacco in which inducible defenses are particularly well studied. Herbivore-elicited ET production changed dramatically during six developmental stages, from rosette through flowering, decreasing with the elongation of the first corollas during flower development. This decrease was largely recovered within a day after flower removal by decapitation. A similar pattern was found for the herbivore-induced accumulation of JA and JA-Ile. These results are consistent with ODT predictions and suggest that the last steps in floral development control the inducibility of at least three plant hormones, optimizing defense-growth tradeoffs.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, genes carrying premature termination codons (PTCs) are often associated with decreased mRNA levels compared with their counterparts without PTCs. PTC-harboring mRNA is rapidly degraded through the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway to prevent the accumulation of potentially detrimental truncated proteins. In a native ecotype of Nicotiana attenuata collected from Arizona (AZ), the mRNA levels of a trypsin proteinase inhibitor ( TPI ) gene are substantially lower than in plants collected from Utah (UT). Cloning the AZ TPI gene revealed a 6 bp deletion mutation in exon 2 resulting in a PTC and decreased mRNA levels through NMD. Silencing UPF1 , 2 and 3 in N. attenuata AZ plants by virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) enhanced the levels of PTC-harboring TPI mRNA, demonstrating a conserved role for UPF genes in plants. Furthermore, using cell suspension cultures that express variants of the TPI construct, we demonstrate that both intron-containing and intronless genes are subject to NMD in plants; unlike PTCs in mammals, PTCs downstream of introns activate NMD in plants. However, when a PTC is only 4 bp upstream of an intron, the NMD surveillance mechanism is abrogated. We also demonstrate that, in an intronless TPI gene, a PTC located at the beginning or the end of the coding sequence triggers NMD less efficiently than do PTCs located at the middle of the coding sequence. Taken together, these results highlight the complexity of the NMD activation mechanisms in plants.  相似文献   

Jasmonates (JAs) and salicylic acid (SA) are plant hormones that play pivotal roles in the regulation of induced defenses against microbial pathogens and insect herbivores. Their signaling pathways cross-communicate providing the plant with a regulatory potential to finely tune its defense response to the attacker(s) encountered. In Arabidopsis thaliana, SA strongly antagonizes the jasmonic acid (JA) signaling pathway, resulting in the downregulation of a large set of JA-responsive genes, including the marker genes PDF1.2 and VSP2. Induction of JA-responsive marker gene expression by different JA derivatives was equally sensitive to SA-mediated suppression. Activation of genes encoding key enzymes in the JA biosynthesis pathway, such as LOX2, AOS, AOC2, and OPR3 was also repressed by SA, suggesting that the JA biosynthesis pathway may be a target for SA-mediated antagonism. To test this, we made use of the mutant aos/dde2, which is completely blocked in its ability to produce JAs because of a mutation in the ALLENE OXIDE SYNTHASE gene. Mutant aos/dde2 plants did not express the JA-responsive marker genes PDF1.2 or VSP2 in response to infection with the necrotrophic fungus Alternaria brassicicola or the herbivorous insect Pieris rapae. Bypassing JA biosynthesis by exogenous application of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) rescued this JA-responsive phenotype in aos/dde2. Application of SA suppressed MeJA-induced PDF1.2 expression to the same level in the aos/dde2 mutant as in wild-type Col-0 plants, indicating that SA-mediated suppression of JA-responsive gene expression is targeted at a position downstream of the JA biosynthesis pathway.  相似文献   

Jasmonates (JAs) are important regulators of plant biotic and abiotic stress responses and development. AtJMT in Arabidopsis thaliana and BcNTR1 in Brassica campestris encode jasmonic acid carboxyl methyltransferases, which catalyze methyl jasmonate (MeJA) biosynthesis and are involved in JA signaling. Their expression is induced by MeJA application. To understand its regulatory mechanism, here we define a novel JA-responsive cis-element (JARE), G(C)TCCTGA, in the AtJMT and BcNTR1 promoters, by promoter deletion analysis and Yeast 1-Hybrid (Y1H) assays; the JARE is distinct from other JA-responsive cis-elements previously reported. We also used Y1H screening to identify a trans-acting factor, AtBBD1, which binds to the JARE and interacts with AtJAZ1 and AtJAZ4. Knockout and overexpression analyses showed that AtBBD1 and its close homologue AtBBD2 are functionally redundant and act as negative regulators of AtJMT expression. However, AtBBD1 positively regulated the JA-responsive expression of JR2. Chromatin immunoprecipitation from knockout and overexpression plants revealed that repression of AtJMT is associated with reduced histone acetylation in the promoter region containing the JARE. These results show that AtBBD1 interacts with JAZ proteins, binds to the JARE and represses AtJMT expression.  相似文献   

Wang  Hui  Huang  Zejun  Chen  Qi  Zhang  Zhijin  Zhang  Hongbo  Wu  Yanming  Huang  Dafang  Huang  Rongfeng 《Plant molecular biology》2005,55(2):183-192
Plant Molecular Biology - The ethylene, jasmonic acid and osmotic signaling pathways respond to environmental stimuli and in order to understand how plants adapt to biotic and abiotic stresses it...  相似文献   



Understanding how genes are expressed and regulated in different tissues is a fundamental and challenging question. However, most of currently available biological databases do not focus on tissue-specific gene regulation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Many plant species contain chemical defenses that protect them against herbivores. Despite the benefit of these chemical defenses, not all individuals contain high levels of these compounds. In the native tobacco Nicotiana attenuata we found that plants from three natural populations differed considerably in their ability to produce trypsin protease inhibitors (PIs), which are defensive proteins that reduce herbivore damage to plants. Plants from a Utah (U) population produced high levels, whereas plants from Arizona (A) contained no detectable PI levels. Californian (C) plants had intermediate levels. The PI-producing U and C plants thus differ quantitatively from each other, whereas they both differ qualitatively from PI-deficient A plants. Here we analyze how PI production is inherited in N. attenuata with the ultimate goal of better understanding how the quantitative and qualitative differences between the three populations have evolved. Using a series of classical crossing designs, we determined that the ability to produce PIs is inherited as a dominant Mendelian trait. PI-deficient plants contain two non-functional recessive alleles, whereas heterozygous plants or homozygous dominant plants both are able to produce PIs. Similarly, the level of constitutive PIs may be determined by its genotype, either by an interaction between a functional and a non-functional allele in heterozygotes, or by a factor on the PI allele itself in homozygous C plants. Based on these data and on previous studies with A and U plants we postulate that the PI-deficient A plants may have originated from a mutant that lost its ability to produce PIs. The fitness loss due to reduced herbivore resistance may be offset by the fitness gain associated with increased competitive ability, a trade-off which may maintain this mutation in the Arizona population.  相似文献   

Both cDNA clones and a genomic DNA clone encoding a 509-amino-acid protein that is 64% similar to chicken pp60c-src were isolated from the simple metazoan Hydra attenuata. We have designated this gene STK, for src-type kinase. Features of the amino acid sequence of the protein encoded by the STK gene suggest that it is likely to be myristoylated and regulated by phosphorylation in a manner similar to that found for pp60c-src. The genomic sequence encoding the protein was found to be interrupted by at least two introns, one of which was located in a position identical to that of one of the introns in the chicken src gene. The STK gene was expressed during early development of H. attenuata and at high levels in the epithelial cells of adult polyps. Probing of Hydra proteins with an antibody to phosphotyrosine indicated that the major phosphotyrosine-containing protein in H. attenuata may be the STK protein itself. H. attenuata is the simplest organism from which a protein-tyrosine kinase gene has been isolated. The presence of such a gene in the evolutionarily ancient phylum Cnidaria suggests that protein-tyrosine kinase genes arose concomitantly with or shortly after the appearance of multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

Arylsulfatases are a group of enzymes that remove sulfate moieties from a diverse set of substrates including glycoproteins, steroids, and cerebrosides. We have isolated recombinant cDNA clones corresponding to an arylsulfatase (SpARS) message that encodes an abundant protein of pluteus larvae of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Although vertebrate arylsulfatases have broad tissue distributions, in situ hybridization with a probe for SpARS shows that the sea urchin message accumulates in the embryo only in the single cell type of aboral ectoderm and its precursors. The message is first detectable by RNase protection assays around hatching blastula stage and accumulates through pluteus larva stage. The open reading frame of cDNA clones is 1701 nt long and encodes a deduced protein with a predicted molecular mass of 61 kDa. Analysis of corresponding genomic DNA clones reveals that the pre-mRNA contains six exons. Consistent with the fact that arylsulfatase enzyme activity is extracellular, this polypeptide has a hydrophobic leader sequence and three potential glycosylation sites. Furthermore, hybridization in situ shows that in blastulae arylsulfatase message is preferentially concentrated around nuclei at the basal sides of cells. The S. purpuratus sequence is very similar to that recently reported for the same enzyme from Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus and 30% of the amino acid residues are also identical to those of both human arylsulfatase C (steroid sulfatase) and arylsulfatase A. Sequence relationships among these four mRNAs suggest that, assuming equal rates of evolution, the duplication separating the human genes occurred at about the time of separation of the echinoderm and vertebrate lineages.  相似文献   

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