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A network of environmental inputs and internal signaling controls plant growth, development and organ elongation. In particular, the growth‐promoting hormone gibberellin (GA) has been shown to play a significant role in organ elongation. The use of tomato as a model organism to study elongation presents an opportunity to study the genetic control of internode‐specific elongation in a eudicot species with a sympodial growth habit and substantial internodes that can and do respond to external stimuli. To investigate internode elongation, a mutant with an elongated hypocotyl and internodes but wild‐type petioles was identified through a forward genetic screen. In addition to stem‐specific elongation, this mutant, named tomato internode elongated ‐1 (tie‐1) is more sensitive to the GA biosynthetic inhibitor paclobutrazol and has altered levels of intermediate and bioactive GAs compared with wild‐type plants. The mutation responsible for the internode elongation phenotype was mapped to GA2oxidase 7, a class III GA 2‐oxidase in the GA biosynthetic pathway, through a bulked segregant analysis and bioinformatic pipeline, and confirmed by transgenic complementation. Furthermore, bacterially expressed recombinant TIE protein was shown to have bona fide GA 2‐oxidase activity. These results define a critical role for this gene in internode elongation and are significant because they further the understanding of the role of GA biosynthetic genes in organ‐specific elongation.  相似文献   

植物AP2/ERF类转录因子研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Zhang JY  Wang QJ  Guo ZR 《遗传》2012,34(7):835-847
植物AP2/ERF是一个庞大的转录因子基因家族,含有由60~70个氨基酸组成的AP2/ERF结构域而得名,存在于所有的植物中。AP2/ERF转录因子参与多种生物学过程,包括植物生长、花发育、果实发育、种子发育、损伤、病菌防御、高盐、干旱等环境胁迫响应等。AP2/ERF类转录因子参与水杨酸、茉莉酸、乙烯、脱落酸等多种信号转导途径,而且是逆境信号交叉途径中的连接因子。文章对国内外近年来有关植物AP2/ERF类转录因子的分类、生物学功能、基因调控等方面的研究进行了综述。  相似文献   

The APETALA2/ethylene-responsive element binding factors (AP2/ERF) play central roles in the stress response in plants. In this study, we identified and isolated a novel salt stress-related gene, LcERF080, that encodes an AP2/ERF protein in Lotus corniculatus cultivar Leo. LcERF080 was classified into the B-4 group of the ERF subfamily based on multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic characterization. Expression of LcERF080 was strongly induced by salt, abscisic acid, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid, methyl jasmonate, and salicylic acid stresses. Subcellular localization assay confirmed that LcERF080 is a nuclear protein. LcERF080 overexpression in Arabidopsis resulted in pleiotropic phenotypes with a higher seed germination rate and transgenic plants with enhanced tolerance to salt stress. Further, under stress conditions, the transgenic lines exhibited elevated levels of soluble sugars and proline as well as relative moisture contents but a lower malondialdehyde content than in control plants. The expression levels of hyperosmotic salinity response genes COR15A, RD22, and P5CS1 were found to be elevated in the LcERF080-overexpressing Arabidopsis plants compared to the wild-type plants. These results reveal that LcERF080 is involved in the responses of plants to salt stress.  相似文献   

Luo A  Qian Q  Yin H  Liu X  Yin C  Lan Y  Tang J  Tang Z  Cao S  Wang X  Xia K  Fu X  Luo D  Chu C 《Plant & cell physiology》2006,47(2):181-191
Elongation of rice internodes is one of the most important agronomic traits, which determines the plant height and underlies the grain yield. It has been shown that the elongation of internodes is under genetic control, and various factors are implicated in the process. Here, we report a detailed characterization of an elongated uppermost internode1 (eui1) mutant, which has been used in hybrid rice breeding. In the eui1-2 mutant, the cell lengths in the uppermost internodes are significantly longer than that of wild type and thus give rise to the elongated uppermost internode. It was found that the level of active gibberellin was elevated in the mutant, whereas its growth in response to gibberellin is similar to that of the wild type, suggesting that the higher level accumulation of gibberellin in the eui1 mutant causes the abnormal elongation of the uppermost internode. Consistently, the expression levels of several genes which encode gibberellin biosynthesis enzymes were altered. We cloned the EUI1 gene, which encodes a putative cytochrome P450 monooxygenase, by map-based cloning and found that EUI1 was weakly expressed in most tissues, but preferentially in young panicles. To confirm its function, transgenic experiments with different constructs of EUI1 were conducted. Overexpression of EUI1 gave rise to the gibberellin-deficient-like phenotypes, which could be partially reversed by supplementation with gibberellin. Furthermore, apart from the alteration of expression levels of the gibberellin biosynthesis genes, accumulation of SLR1 protein was found in the overexpressing transgenic plants, indicating that the expression level of EUI1 is implicated in both gibberellin-mediated SLR1 destruction and a feedback regulation in gibberellin biosynthesis. Therefore, we proposed that EUI1 plays a negative role in gibberellin-mediated regulation of cell elongation in the uppermost internode of rice.  相似文献   

以东北红豆杉AP2转录因子氨基酸序列为查询序列,搜索比对欧洲红豆杉基因组草图数据得到一个AP2转录因子全长序列,并命名为TbAP2。同时,利用生物信息学方法对TbAP2基因序列及其编码蛋白进行了特征分析和功能预测,发现该基因全长1 817bp,编码一个217个氨基酸的ORF;TbAP2相对分子量为23.68×103,等电点为4.92,亚细胞定位分析推测该转录因子定位在细胞核中,保守结构域分析发现其含有一个典型的AP2结构域,除与东北红豆杉具有99%的高一致性外,还分别与杨树、苜蓿和大豆的AP2蛋白具有81%、80%和78%的高一致性,进化树分析表明,相近科属植物的AP2转录因子归为一类,红豆杉AP2转录因子与玉米的AP2转录因子亲缘关系最近。本研究获得了TbAP2基因电子序列,为更好地利用分子生物学技术调控紫杉醇的生物合成提供理论基础。  相似文献   

为探究油橄榄AP2/ERF基因家族对水胁迫的响应机制,该研究对受干旱及水淹胁迫的‘佛奥’和‘TYZ-1号’2个品种的根和叶进行转录组测序,并对油橄榄中AP2/ERF转录因子的蛋白理化性质、基因结构及系统进化进行分析,同时分析与水胁迫相关的AP2/ERF转录因子在2个油橄榄品种中的基因表达差异且进行RT-qPCR验证。结果表明:(1)在油橄榄中鉴定得到110个AP2/ERF基因家族成员,该110个蛋白质所含氨基酸大小为173~717 bp,均不存在信号肽,为非分泌蛋白。将油橄榄AP2/ERF与模式植物拟南芥AP2/ERF蛋白构建进化树发现,油橄榄AP2/ERF蛋白分为AP2、RAV、ERF和Solosist 4大类,其中ERF分为ERF和DREB 2个亚类,ERF包含ERF B1~ERF B6 6个子亚类,DREB包含DREB A1~DREB A6 6个子亚类,这与模式植物拟南芥AP2/ERF的分类一致,每个亚家族同时包含了油橄榄和拟南芥AP2/ERF蛋白,说明拟南芥和油橄榄的AP2/ERF家族在进化水平上有一定的相似性。(2)油橄榄AP2/ERF同一亚家族蛋白具有相同的基因结构及保守元...  相似文献   

AP2/ERF转录因子家族是植物中广泛存在的一类转录因子,AP2/ERF这类转录因子主要参与植物的细胞周期、生长发育以及生物和非生物胁迫相关基因的表达调控。由于拟南芥和油菜同属于芸薹属,具有相似的基因信息,利用油菜UniGene数据库,以拟南芥ERF转录因子保守序列为探针,通过电子克隆从一个UniGene Cluster中分离得到三个同类的AP2/ERF转录因子,从cDNA序列、氨基酸序列的相似性、组成成分、理化性质、疏水性/亲水性分析、序列比对、进化树、功能域、二级结构、三级结构、无序化特性进行了预测和较为全面的分析。结果显示油菜来源的BnaERF1、BnaERF2和BnaERF3属于AP2/ERF转录因子的B-2亚族,是亲水性蛋白,在蛋白质的三级结构上与AtERF1相似。蛋白质无序化分析发现,油菜BnaERF1、BnaERF2和BnaERF3无序化程度小于拟南芥AtERF1。设计引物通过PCR和RT-PCR方法分别从甘蓝型双低油菜沪油15幼苗的DNA和cDNA中扩增了上述基因,初步分析BnaERF2没有内含子,BnaERF1和BnaERF3有内含子。另外,通过EST丰度分析显示,该类转录因子的表达最高峰在种子中,其次为花,在芽、茎和分生组织中没有检测出表达的存在。  相似文献   

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