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Ethylene Removal by a Biofilter with Immobilized Bacteria   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A biofilter which eliminated ethylene (C2H4) from the high parts-per-million range to levels near the limit for plant hormonal activity (0.01 to 0.1 ppm) was developed. Isolated ethylene-oxidizing bacteria were immobilized on peat-soil in a biofilter (687 cm3) and subjected to an atmospheric gas flow (73.3 ml min−1) with 2 or 117 ppm of C2H4. Ethylene was eliminated to a minimum level of 0.017 ppm after operation with 2.05 ppm of C2H4 for 16 days. Also, the inlet C2H4 concentration of 117 ppm was reduced to <0.04 ppm. During operation with 2 and 117 ppm of C2H4, an increase in the C2H4 removal rate was observed, which was attributed to proliferation of the immobilized bacteria, notably in the first 0- to 5-cm segment of the biofilter. The maximal C2H4 elimination capacity of the biofilter was 21 g of C2H4 m−3 day−1 during operation with 117 ppm of C2H4 in the inlet gas. However, for the first 0- to 5-cm segment of the biofilter, an elimination capacity of 146 g of C2H4 m−3 day−1 was calculated. Transition of the biofilter temperature from 21 to 10°C caused a 1.6-fold reduction in the C2H4 removal rate, which was reversed during operation for 18 days. Batch experiments with inoculated peat-soil demonstrated that C2H4 removal still occurred after storage at 2, 8, and 20°C for 2, 3, and 4 weeks. However, the C2H4 removal rate decreased with increasing storage time and was reduced by ca. 50% after storage for 2 weeks at all three temperatures. The biofilter could be a suitable tool for C2H4 removal in, e.g., horticultural storage facilities, since it (i) removed C2H4 to 0.017 ppm, (ii) had a good operational stability, and (iii) operated efficiently at 10°C.  相似文献   

低温能降低生物体内生化反应速率,延长生物活性时间。为了避免传统常压冷冻保存过程中冰晶的产生对生物组织造成的破坏,Dr. Rubinsky提出2种在定容条件下对生物体进行低温保存的方法。一种方法是isochoric freezing(译作定容冷冻或等容冷冻),通过利用等容腔体内部分液体发生凝固,产生的冰膨胀所带来的压力来降低剩余液体的凝固点温度,而生物材料以过冷态保存在剩余液体内,不存在冰晶损伤。另一种方法是定容过冷保存,通过利用整个等容腔体内部系统处于过冷态,从而使生物材料处于过冷态也不存在冰晶损伤。主要对定容冷冻和定容过冷两种保存方法的原理、应用和研究进展进行综述,并展望了定容低温保存技术未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

Root Growth and Carbohydrate Metabolism at Low Temperatures   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A study of carbohydrate metabolism in the roots of pea and maizeshows that the differing ability of these two species to growat low temperatures is associated with the maintenance of adequatesugar supplies to the root tip. In the maize root reducing theambient temperature to 2 °C causes a sharp and continuingfall in the soluble sugar content of the growing tip. A similartreatment with pea roots causes only a temporary reduction insugar content lasting no more than 24 h. The fall in root sugarsin maize is accompanied by a reduction in respiration rate andthe cessation of growth. During the periods of sugar shortagecaused by low temperatures both respiration and growth can bestimulated in root tips by a supply of exogenous glucose. Pearoots also show an additional ability to adapt to low temperaturesby lowering the Km value for invertase after pretreatment ata low temperature. This effect is not seen in maize.  相似文献   

A fresh 1% solution of KOH in 70% ethanol in 2 hr at 2-4 C restores basophilia to methylated acid mucosubstances satisfactorily without detaching or damaging tissue sections. A 0.5% solution of Ba(OH)2 under the same conditions gives results nearly as good, but NaOH and KMnO4 are unsatisfactory.  相似文献   

The optimal growth of mesophilic methanotrophic bacteria (collection strains of the genera Methylocystis, Methylomonas, Methylosinus, and Methylobacter) occurred within temperature ranges of 31–34°C and 23–25°C. None of the 12 strains studied were able to grow at 1.5 or 4°C. Representatives of six methanotrophic species (strains Mcs. echinoides2, Mm. methanica12, Mb. bovis89, Mcs. pyriformis14, Mb. chroococcum90, and Mb. vinelandii87) could grow at 10°C (with a low specific growth rate). The results obtained suggest that some mesophilic methane-oxidizing bacteria display psychrotolerant (psychrotrophic) but not psychrophilic properties. In general, the Rosso model, which describes bacterial growth rate as a function of temperature, fits the experimental data well, although, for most methanotrophs, with symmetrical approximations for the optimal temperature.  相似文献   

Accumulation of Free Proline at Low Temperatures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The accumulation of free proline in the first leaves of barley, Hordeum distichum L., and wheat, Triticum aestivum L., in response to a range of low temperatures was examined with 10-day-old plants. In barley (cv. Prior) no proline accumulated at 8°C or above, but in wheat (cv. Gabo) proline accumulated at 12°C and lower temperatures. In barley, the first leaf survived for 29 days following transfer to 5°C and continued to accumulate proline throughout this period. In contrast, the first leaves of plants maintained at 20°C survived for 13 days only and accumulated no proline. Proline accumulation at low temperature was shown to be light-dependent, both in intact plants and excised leaf sections, and the light requirement could not be replaced by supplying leaf segments with precursors of proline. Proline accumulation in response to water stress was not light-dependent at 20°C but was at 5°C. Inter-specific and intra-specific variation in the extent of accumulation in response to low temperature was also examined. Considerable variation was encountered but there was no clear relationship with geographical distribution or chilling sensitivity for the species and no correlation with accumulation in response to water stress in the cultivars of barley examined.  相似文献   

Ethylene Dibromide Mineralization in Soils under Aerobic Conditions   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB), which is a groundwater contaminant in areas where it was once used as a soil fumigant, was shown to be degraded aerobically by microorganisms in two types of surface soils from an EDB-contaminated groundwater discharge area. At initial concentrations of 6 to 8 μg/liter, EDB was degraded in a few days to near or below the detection limit of 0.02 μg/liter. At 15 to 18 mg/liter, degradation was slower. Bromide ion release at the higher concentrations was 1.4 ± 0.3 and 2.1 ± 0.2 molar equivalents for the two soils. Experiments with [14C]EDB showed that EDB was converted to approximately equal amounts of CO2 and apparent cellular carbon; only small amounts of added 14C were not attributable to these products or unreacted EDB. These results are encouraging, because they indicate that groundwater bacteria may hasten the removal of EDB from contaminated aerobic groundwater supplies. This report also provides evidence for soil-mediated chemical transformations of EDB.  相似文献   

High-Rate Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewater at Low Temperatures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Anaerobic treatment of a volatile fatty acid (VFA) mixture was investigated under psychrophilic (3 to 8°C) conditions in two laboratory-scale expanded granular sludge bed reactor stages in series. The reactor system was seeded with mesophilic methanogenic granular sludge and fed with a mixture of VFAs. Good removal of fatty acids was achieved in the two-stage system. Relative high levels of propionate were present in the effluent of the first stage, but propionate was efficiently removed in the second stage, where a low hydrogen partial pressure and a low acetate concentration were advantageous for propionate oxidation. The specific VFA-degrading activities of the sludge in each of the modules doubled during system operation for 150 days, indicating a good enrichment of methanogens and proton-reducing acetogenic bacteria at such low temperatures. The specific degradation rates of butyrate, propionate, and the VFA mixture amounted to 0.139, 0.110, and 0.214 g of chemical oxygen demand g of volatile suspended solids−1 day−1, respectively. The biomass which was obtained after 1.5 years still had a temperature optimum of between 30 and 40°C.  相似文献   

Microbiological Oxidation of Ferrous Iron at Low Temperatures   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Acidophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria were enriched from mine water samples with ferrous sulfate as the substrate at incubation temperatures in the range of 4 to 46°C. After several subcultures at each test temperature except 46°C, which was prohibitive to growth, the rates of iron oxidation were determined in batch cultures. The results yielded linear rates in a semilogarithmic scale. The rate constants of iron oxidation by growing cultures were fitted into the Arrhenius equation, which displayed linearity in the 4 to 28°C range and yielded an activation energy value of 83 ± 3 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

The growth of Megasphaera elsdenii on lactate with acrylate and acrylate analogues was studied under batch and steady-state conditions. Under batch conditions, lactate was converted to acetate and propionate, and acrylate was converted into propionate. Acrylate analogues 2-methyl propenoate and 3-butenoate containing a terminal double bond were similarly converted into their respective saturated acids (isobutyrate and butyrate), while crotonate and lactate analogues 3-hydroxybutyrate and (R)-2-hydroxybutyrate were not metabolized. Under carbon-limited steady-state conditions, lactate was converted to acetate and butyrate with no propionate formed. As the acrylate concentration in the feed was increased, butyrate and hydrogen formation decreased and propionate was increasingly generated, while the calculated ATP yield was unchanged. M. elsdenii metabolism differs substantially under batch and steady-state conditions. The results support the conclusion that propionate is not formed during lactate-limited steady-state growth because of the absence of this substrate to drive the formation of lactyl coenzyme A (CoA) via propionyl-CoA transferase. Acrylate and acrylate analogues are reduced under both batch and steady-state growth conditions after first being converted to thioesters via propionyl-CoA transferase. Our findings demonstrate the central role that CoA transferase activity plays in the utilization of acids by M. elsdenii and allows us to propose a modified acrylate pathway for M. elsdenii.  相似文献   

A total of 58 bacterial strains degrading naphthalene and salicylate were isolated from soil samples polluted with oil products, collected in different regions of Russia during winter and summer. The isolates were assessed for their ability to grow at low temperatures (4, 8, and 15°C); bacteria growing at 4°C in the presence of naphthalene or salicylate accounted for 65 and 53%, respectively, of the strains isolated. The strains differed in the temperature dependence of their growth rates. It was demonstrated that the type of expression of the Nah+ phenotype at low temperatures depended on the combination of host bacterium and plasmid.  相似文献   

This study monitored the carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and temperatures of three 43-seat tour buses with high-passenger capacities in a course of a three-day, two-night school excursion. Results showed that both driver zones and passenger zones of the tour buses achieved maximum CO2 concentrations of more than 3000 ppm, and maximum daily average concentrations of 2510.6 and 2646.9 ppm, respectively. The findings confirmed that the CO2 concentrations detected in the tour buses exceeded the indoor air quality standard of Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (8 hr-CO2: 1000 ppm) and the air quality guideline of Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department (1 hr-CO2: 2500 ppm for Level 1 for buses). Observations also showed that high-capacity tour bus cabins with air conditioning system operating in recirculation mode are severely lacking in air exchange rate, which may negatively impact transportation safety. Moreover, the passenger zones were able to maintain a temperature of between 20 and 25°C during travel, which effectively suppresses the dispersion of volatile organic compounds. Finally, the authors suggest that in the journey, increasing the ventilation frequency of tour bus cabin, which is very beneficial to maintain the travel safety and enhance the quality of travel.  相似文献   

我国绝大多数地区冬季污水处理能力降低,处理成本增加,进而影响周边环境,危害人类健康。总结了近年来国内外学者对低温污水生物处理技术的研究成果,以不同形态污泥(絮状污泥、厌氧颗粒污泥和好氧颗粒污泥)为出发点展开分析,通过对不同形态污泥的优缺点的对比,展望了低温污水生物处理技术的发展前景。  相似文献   

Solutions of Haemophilus influenzae transforming DNA were irradiated at temperatures ranging from 25°C to - 196°C. Temperature dependence of the formation of thymine-containing dimers was closely correlated with inactivation of transforming activity; in general, both dimerization and inactivation decreased with decreasing temperature. The fraction of nonphotoreactivable damage increased with increasing dose at low temperatures. The nonphotoreactivable spore-type photoproduct was formed at low temperatures with a maximum at - 100°C, a temperature at which the nonphotoreactivable biological inactivation was also a maximum. Intrastrand cross-linking, like dimer formation, decreased with decreasing irradiation temperature.  相似文献   

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