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The exposure of E. cautella pupae, 0-24 hr old, to controlled atmospheres high in carbon dioxide reduces their tissue glutathione levels. If the period of exposure is not too long the levels return to control values after three days. Evidence is presented to show that exposure to CO2 inhibits the biosynthesis of glutathione. The implications of such inhibition at cellular and higher levels are discussed.  相似文献   

The bulla seminalis of Cadra cautella (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae), which serves as a pump in the translocation of sperm from the bursa copulatrix to the spermatheca and as an egg crusher for oosorption, is covered by a layer of branching and intertwining visceral muscles. The sarcomeres have perforated Z-disks allowing the penetration of myosin filaments during contraction, and the myofilament array consists of 10–12 actin filaments surrounding a thick myofilament. The ultrastructure suggests that the muscles are supercontracting muscles. The fragmentation of the Z-disks and the length changes over which the muscles operate indicate they may also be superextending muscles. Combined with an internal pleated cuticular lining, the musculature permits the bulla seminalis to be expanded to 4 times its normal size to accommodate a number of ova simultaneously, and to contract with sufficient force to rupture the ova during oosorption. Continuous accumulation of large numbers of empty shells in the bulla of 7-day-old females, stretches the wall of the bulla. This change, which appears to be irreversible, may reduce the efficiency of the muscles in aging females.  相似文献   

Unmated E. cautella of both sexes were caged together and the ensuing behaviours of females were recorded, with particular attention to orientations to other insects. Calling females engaged in ‘turning-to-face’ and ‘walking up to’ orientations directed almost exclusively at wing-beating males (flying, or sexually excited and ambulatory). Non-calling, locomoting females engaged in ‘flying at’, ‘landing near’ and ‘walking into’ orientations directed predominantly at wing-beating or resting males, and occasionally at mating pairs or at calling females. The activities of the orienting female led to changes in the behaviour of some target insects, and 4% of all females mated directly after approaching males. Results are discussed in relation to sexual receptivity, locomotory excitation, and the pheromonal control of this species.  相似文献   

Of the trivalent (CrSO4) and hexavalent (K2Cr2O7) chromium compounds, only the hexavalent produced significant deleterious effects on development and fertility of E. cautella, when eggs were reared on laboratory medium supplemented with different concentrations of these salts.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1986,16(1):181-185
The juvenile hormone analogue, methoprene was found to interfere with normal development of Ephestia in a manner dependent on age. Young embryos, prior to the stage of blastokinesis, and animals, shortly before and after pupation, were found to be the most sensitive to the compound. The JHA inhibited metamorphosis and produced giant larvae when it was given to immature larvae, however, when it was given to larvae 2–3 days prior to pupation or to young pupae it did not affect metamorphosis but prevented adult emergence. Comparison of the ecdysteroid titre determined in control and treated animals in the various developmental stages showed that JHA depressed the ecdysteroid titre totally only when it was given to young larvae and partially when it was applied shortly before pupation. It seems that the action of methoprene on ecdysone regulated systems and/or ecdysone producing systems in Ephestia appears to be mainly during the larval stage prior to the appearance of the small ecdysteroid peak and the formation of HnRNA in the transition period from larvae to pupae.  相似文献   

A double-antibody ecdysone-specific radioimmunoassay was used to clarify whether the effects on metamorphosis of the juvenile hormone analogue methoprene are correlated with changes in ecdysteroids level. It appears that a small ecdysteroids peak, 5 days before pupation, is responsible for the transition from inhibition to defective metamorphosis. Study of the changes in ecdysteroid titer in last-instar larvae treated with the JHA 2 days prior to the appearance of the above small ecdysteroids' peak showed an immediate reduction in ecdysteroid level, followed by cyclic, successively reduced titer for about 20 days. After this period the larvae ceased to feed and entered to a diapauselike stage which ended in the death of the larvae. A similar effect on ecdysteroid titer and developmental arrest was exhibited by JHA-treated first-instar larvae. The mechanism of the interactions between JHA and ecdysteroid level deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

The study was designed to evaluate some parameters of carbohydrate metabolism in the rat as influenced by 4-APP, an adenine analogue. Adult female rats were injected with 1 mg 4-APP/100 g body weight/day for 3 days. 4-APP evoked a marked enlargement of the liver with lipid droplets accumulation in hepatocytes. This was accompanied by a marked lowering of the liver glycogen content. Within 3 days 4-APP did not change serum glucose, insulin and free fatty acid concentration. Serum glycogenolytic activity studied in an in vitro system showed 7 times as high glucose releasing ability in 4-APP treated rats as that of the serum of control animals. 4-APP resulted also in a marked enlargement of the adrenal medulla and lowered adrenaline and noradrenaline concentrations in the gland. The possibility of an activation of glycogenolysis in the liver of 4-APP treated rats has been discussed.  相似文献   

A photoperiodically-controlled diapause of the long-day, short-day type was identified in a brown-winged, yellow-eyed strain of Ephestia cautella (Walker). The proportion of larvae diapausing in very long photoperiods was less than in short photoperiods. The mean critical photoperiod, here defined as that photoperiod giving half the maximum percentage of insects that diapause in response to photoperiod at a given temperature, was between 12 and 13 hr for the long-day reaction at both 20 and 25°C. The principal sensitive phase occurred near the time of the last larval moult. The mean duration of diapause was 2–3 months at 20°C and slightly longer at 25°C. The optimum temperature for diapause development was near 15°C, all larvae pupating within 24 days after a 45-day exposure at this temperature. Diapause could be terminated whenever larvae diapausing at 20°C were exposed to as few as five long (15 hr) photoperiods at 25°C. Long photoperiods at 20°C, or short photoperiods (9 hr) at 25°C were less effective in terminating diapause.  相似文献   

Steven A Hill  Tom ap Rees 《Planta》1995,196(2):335-343
The effect of exogenous glucose on the major fluxes of carbohydrate metabolism in cores of climacteric fruit of banana (Musa cavendishii Lamb ex Paxton) was determined with the intention of using the effects in the application of top-down metabolic control analysis. Hands of bananas, untreated with ethylene, were allowed to ripen in the dark at 21 °C. Cores were removed from climacteric fruit and incubated in 100 or 200 mM glucose for 4 or 6 h. The rates of starch breakdown, sucrose and fructose accumulation and CO2 production were measured. The steady-state contents of hexose monophosphates, adenylates and pyruvate were determined. In addition, the detailed distribution of label was determined after supply of the following: [U-14C]-, [1-14C]-, [3,414C]and [6-14C]glucose, and [U-14C]glycerol. The data were used to estimate the major fluxes of carbohydrate metabolism. Supply of exogenous glucose led to increases in the size of the hexose-monophosphate pools. There was a small stimulation of the rate of sugar synthesis and a major increase in the rate of starch synthesis. Starch breakdown was inhibited. Respiration responded to the demand for ATP by sugar synthesis. The effect of glucose on fluxes and metabolite pools is discussed in relation to our understanding of the control and regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in ripening fruit.Abbreviations Glc6P glucose-6-phosphate - Glc1P glucose-1-phosphate - Fru6P fructose-6-phosphate - AEC adenylate energy charge We thank Geest Foods Group, Great Dunmow, Essex, UK for giving us the bananas. SAH thanks the managers of the Broodbank Fund for a fellowship.  相似文献   

Steven A Hill  Tom ap Rees 《Planta》1995,197(2):313-323
The aim of this work was to determine the effects of hypoxia on the major fluxes of carbohydrate metabolism in climacteric fruit of banana (Musa cavendishii Lamb ex Paxton). Hands of bananas, untreated with ethylene, were allowed to ripen in air at 21°C in the dark. When the climacteric began, fruit were transferred to 15 or 10% oxygen and were analysed once the climacteric peak had been reached 8–12 h later. The rates of starch breakdown, sucrose, glucose and fructose accumulation, and CO2 production were determined, as were the contents of hexose monophosphates, adenylates and pyruvate. In addition, the detailed distribution of label was determined after supplying [U-14C]-, [1-14C]-, [3,4-14C]- and [6-14C]glucose, and [U-14C]glycerol to cores of tissue under hypoxia. The data were used to estimate the major fluxes of carbohydrate metabolism. There was a reduction in the rate of respiration. The ATP/ADP ratio was unaffected but there was a significant increase in the content of AMP. In 15% oxygen only minor changes in fluxes were observed. In 10% oxygen starch breakdown was reduced and starch synthesis was not detected. The rate of sucrose synthesis decreased, as did the rate of re-entry of hexose sugars into the hexose monophosphate pool. There was a large increase in both the glycolytic flux and in the flux from triose phosphates to hexose monophosphates. It is argued that the increase in these fluxes is due to activation of pyrophosphate: fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase, and that this enzyme has an important role in hypoxia. The results are discussed in relation to our understanding of the control of carbohydrate metabolism in hypoxia.Abbreviations Glc6P glucose-6-phosphate - Glc1P glucose-1-phosphate - Fru6P fructose-6-phosphate - PPi inorganic pyro-phosphate We thank Geest Foods Group, Great Dunmow, Essex, UK for giving us the bananas. S.A.H. thanks the managers of the Brood bank Fund for a fellowship.  相似文献   

Wolbachia sp. is a maternally inherited symbiont of the almond moth, Ephestia cautella. It is transmitted through the cytoplasm of the egg and occurs normally in the gonads of all stages of the moth. The symbiont is responsible for reproductive cytoplasmic incompatibility between crosses of experimental laboratory strains of aposymbiotic female moths and symbiotic (normal) males. Although female moths were inseminated in laboratory tests, their eggs failed to hatch and exhibited no signs of embryonic development. The reciprocal cross, i.e., symbiotic female months × aposymbiotic males, produced normal progeny.The ultrastructure of Wolbachia was studied in sections of E. cautella larval testes. Symbionts, minute rod-shaped structures, were abundant in the cytoplasm of hypertrophied spermatids. There was no indication of deleterious influence of symbionts on sperm production or activity. Strains of Wolbachia occur in allopatric populations of insects where they may function as a genetic isolation mechanism. Microorganismal reproductive incompatibility has been suggested as a possible approach for insect control.  相似文献   


Contributions from the Entomological Laboratory, Kyoto University, No. 228.  相似文献   

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