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To study nucleocytoplasmic transport during multicellular development, we developed a sensitive nuclear protein import assay in living blastoderm embryos. We show that dominant negative truncations of the human nuclear transport receptor karyopherinbeta/Importinbeta (DNImpbeta) disrupt mRNA export and protein import in Drosophila. To test the sensitivity of different developmental processes to nuclear trafficking perturbations, we expressed DNImpbeta behind the morphogenetic furrow of the eye disc, at a time when photoreceptors are patterned and project their axons to the brain. DNImpbeta expression does not disrupt the correct specification of different photoreceptors, but causes a defect in cell adhesion that leads to some photoreceptors descending below the layer of ommatidia. The photoreceptors initially project their axons correctly to the posterior, but later their axons are unable to enter the optic stalk en route to the brain and continue to project an extensive network of misguided axons. The axon guidance and cell adhesion defects are both due to a disruption in the function of Ketel, the Drosophila ortholog of Importinbeta. We conclude that cell adhesion and axon guidance in the eye have specific requirements for nucleocytoplasmic transport, despite involving processes that occur primarily at the cell surface.  相似文献   

[背景]目前对于如何解决有害真菌对黑腹果蝇的致死性病理研究较少,对共生菌抑制有害真菌的研究引起普遍关注.[目的]检测黑腹果蝇共生菌对病原性真菌的拮抗作用,揭示共生菌提高果蝇的适合度.[方法]利用PDA培养基分离黑腹果蝇食物中真菌;利用形态和rDNA ITS基因序列比对进行真菌的鉴定;通过测量菌落直径、孢子数量以及菌丝分...  相似文献   

RNA干扰技术在果蝇中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
RNA干扰是双链RNA特异诱导的转录后期基因沉默.该技术随着不断完善而越来越被广泛地运用于果蝇的功能基因组研究上,双链RNA已经成为果蝇中功能基因的一个十分有效的抑制子,势必使RNA干扰技术成为研究果蝇体内基因功能的强有力的反向遗传学研究技术.  相似文献   

lats基因(large tumor suppressor gene)最早在果蝇中发现,在小鼠和人中均有同源基因.该基因的功能从果蝇到人是高度保守的.lats基因的功能包括:作为肿瘤抑制基因,其突变会导致肿瘤的发生;磷酸化的Lats与Cdc2结合,参与细胞周期的调控;通过细胞-细胞间的通讯,可能参与生物体个体大小的调控机制.从果蝇到人lats基因功能的研究,提供了以果蝇作为模式生物研究哺乳动物基因功能的方法.  相似文献   

在真核生物中高度保守的染色质装配因子1(chromatin assembly factor 1,CAF-1)是染色质装配过程中的组蛋白分子伴侣之一.dCAF-1-p55是果蝇中CAF-1复合物中的最小亚基,它与另外两个亚基dCAF-1-p180及dCAF-1-p105一起负责将组蛋白H3/H4组装到新合成的DNA上.除了CAF-1复合物,dCAF-1-p55还参与其他多个复合物的形成,如NURF、PRC2及Sin3-HDAC1.dCAF-1-p55的这一广泛参与性提示了其功能的多样性和重要性.为了研究dCAF-1-p55的体内功能,我们利用基因靶向敲除技术制备了果蝇dCAF-1-p55突变体.实验结果表明,dCAF-1-p55的缺失导致果蝇发育迟缓并且最终致死.进一步研究发现,在dCAF-1-p55突变细胞中,中期染色体较为松散,姐妹染色单体连接异常,后期染色体不能正常分离.这些缺陷都是与癌症发生密切相关的染色体不稳定性(chromosome instability,CIN)的典型特征.综上所述,我们的研究表明了dCAF-1-p55在果蝇发育过程及维持染色体稳定性方面的重要作用,同时提示该基因具有保护细胞免遭CIN和癌变的潜在功能.  相似文献   

果蝇学习记忆行为的分子机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分子遗传学技术的应用一方面发展了新的神经组织学方法,使果蝇脑中的细微结构得以展示;另一方面,对记忆从形成到提取过程中信息处理的研究,表明蘑菇体可能在形成长时程记忆方面起重要作用,而一对背内侧核团(dorsal paired medial cells)与蘑菇体之间的信息传递对于记忆的“提取(retrieval)”是至关重要的.行为功能检测为视觉信号整和的研究提供了新的实验依据,从而使果蝇蘑菇体的高级脑中枢功能逐渐被揭示出来.  相似文献   

The Drosophila retina has a precise repeating structure based on the unit eye, or ommatidium. This review summarizes studies of the cell proliferation and survival episodes that affect the number of cells available to make each ommatidium. Late in larval development, as differentiation and patterning begin, the retinal epithelium exhibits striking regulation of the cell cycle including a transient G1 arrest of all cells, followed by a ‘Second Mitotic Wave’ cell cycle that is regulated at the G2/M transition by local intercellular signals. Reiterated episodes of cell death also contribute to precise regulation of retinal cell number. The EGF receptor homolog has multiple roles in retinal proliferation and survival.  相似文献   

The toucan (toc) gene is required in the germline for somatic cell patterning during Drosophila oogenesis. To better understand the function of toc, we performed a detailed analysis of the distribution of the Toucan protein during oogenesis. Toc expression is restricted to the germline cells and shows a dynamic distribution pattern throughout follicle development. Mislocalization of the Toc protein in mutant follicles in which the microtubule network is altered indicates that microtubules play a role in Toc localization during oogenesis.  相似文献   

天然免疫系统是多细胞生物抵抗各种入侵微生物的第一道防线.Notch途径介导相邻细胞之间的相互作用,调节细胞、组织、器官的分化和发育.为了进一步探索Notch信号途径在果蝇天然免疫中的功能,利用Notch途径下游基因Su(H)和E(spl)的低表达突变体果蝇,通过体外注射病原体分析了生存率、血细胞的噬菌功能和抗菌肽的表达量以及突变体的血细胞数量.结果表明,革兰氏阴性细菌和真菌感染后果蝇E(spl)突变体的生存率、噬菌能力及抗菌肽的表达量明显降低,而且幼虫期血细胞出现异常增殖;Su(H)突变体只对真菌表现出敏感性,抗菌肽的表达量降低,但是对真菌的噬菌能力正常.此结果表明,Notch途径不仅影响个体的生长发育,而且在果蝇天然免疫中也起重要的调节作用.  相似文献   

Different phenotypes associated with the tetanic (tta) mutation such as appendage contraction, maternal effect and low viability and fertility are enhanced by one extra dose of the Shaker gene complex (ShC). The tta mutation is lethal with two extra doses of ShC. In addition, tta embryos have a defective nervous system. In this paper, I analyse the interaction between tta and ShC to gain insight into their relationship. Aneuploid analysis suggests that the lethality is due to an interaction of the tta mutation with the maternal effect (ME) region of this gene complex. Mutations in the ME region of ShC partially suppress this interaction. Trans-heterozygous combinations of MEI[l(1)305] and MEIII [l(1)459] mutations causes dominant lethality in a tta background. Trans-heterozygous combinations of an MEII [l(1)1359] mutation with the cited MEI and MEIII mutations are lethal in a tta background. Double mutant combinations and gene dosage experiments, suggest that tta also interacts with the viable (V) region of ShC. These specific genetic interactions indicate that tta and the ME and V regions of ShC are functionally related. These results, together with the previous electrophysiological, molecular and biochemical studies on these mutants suggest an interaction at the protein level. Thus, in the case of the V region, the tta gene product may modulate the activity of the K+ channels encoded in this region. Furthermore, the extreme dosage sensitivity of the interaction between tta and ShC suggests a stoichiometric requirement for the different gene products involved, which might be physically associated and form heteromultimers.  相似文献   

Here we describe of a novel Drosophila LTR-type retrotransposon that is expressed in the embryonic CNS midline glia and in the embryonic germ cells. The element is related to the gypsy and burdock retrotransposons and was termed midline-jumper. In addition to cDNA clones generated from internal retrotransposon sequences, we have identified one cDNA clone that appears to reflect a transposition event, indicating that the midline-jumper retrotransposon is not only transcribed but also able to transpose during Drosophila development.  相似文献   

Summary Mutations at the cin gene display drastically lowered levels of the molybdoenzymes, xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) and aldehyde oxidase (AO), and lack pyridoxal oxidase (PO) and sulfite oxidase (SO) activities. Certain mutations at cin also display varying degrees of female sterility, which is maternally affected. Here we characterize five new cin alleles with respect to the molybdoenzyme activities as well as the molybdenum cofactor, commonly required for molybdoenzyme activity. In complementing cin heterozygotes we find that, in addition to the previously reported unusually high levels of XDH and AO activities, there are unusually elevated levels of SO activity, as well as complementation for PO activity. The levels of immunologically crossreacting material in such heterozygotes indicate that the elevated levels of molybdoenzyme activities cannot be due to increases in the number of enzyme molecules. Measurements of the level of molybdenum cofactor activity normally present in XDH, AO, PO, and SO point to the possibility that a larger fraction of the enzyme molecules are active in these heterozygotes. The possible role of SO with respect to cinnamon's female sterility is also discussed.  相似文献   

我们用经典的Sherrington模型构建了一个以食物环境为输入,果蝇产卵行为为输出的神经行为学模型,并且对这个模型的敏感性以及可塑性进行了探索性研究.通过给果蝇提供不同的食物成分和浓度,我们发现,果蝇在不同浓度的食物上产卵量有明显偏好差异,并表现出很好的敏感性和稳定性.而当阻断了果蝇的嗅觉感受神经元后,产卵的浓度偏好受到了影响.另一方面,我们用经典条件化的学习方式对果蝇的产卵行为进行训练后,发现果蝇也可以学会将光照条件和产卵行为偶联起来.这也证明了这个模型具有很好的可塑性.这个模型将为今后进一步研究果蝇食物偏好、产卵行为、条件化学习等的神经和分子机制奠定良好的基础.  相似文献   

全面揭示脑的奥秘是现代科学所面临的最大挑战.通过脑研究,我们可以获得防治脑疾病、认知及心理障碍的线索和工具,找到提高人类智力和心理健康水平的途径,并发展出具备高等智能的机器人.果蝇作为研究基因-神经回路-行为关系的首选模式动物,日益得到重视.本文围绕果蝇复杂脑功能包括视觉学习记忆、欲望与动机、情感相关行为和社会行为的研究意义及前景、已知调控基因及神经回路以及未来研究方向展开综述,便于读者把握相关领域的全貌.  相似文献   

Summary Several genes of the achaete-scute complex (ASC) of Drosophila melanogaster encode a 60 amino acids long conserved domain which shares a significant homology with a region of the vertebrate myc proteins. Based on these results, the existence of a family of Drosophila genes that would share both this conserved domain and the neurogenic function of the AS-C has been postulated. To test this proposal, we have searched a D. melanogaster genomic library with a probe that encodes the conserved domain. Only under very low stringency hybridization conditions, clones not belonging to the AS-C cross-hybridized with the probe. Those that gave the strongest signals were characterized. Sequencing of the cross-hybridizing regions showed that they had no significant homology with the conserved domain, the sequence similarity extending at the most for 37 nucleotides. Although our results do not conclusively disprove the existence of a family of AS-C-like genes, they indicate that the conservation of the domain would be lower than that found for shared motifs in other families of Drosophila developmental genes.  相似文献   

The Polycomb (Pc) group of genes are required for maintenance of cell determination in Drosophila melanogaster. At least 11 Pc group genes have been described and there may be up to 40; all are required for normal regulation of homeotic genes, but as a group, their phenotypes are rather diverse. It has been suggested that the products of Pc group genes might be members of a heteromeric complex that acts to regulate the chromatin structure of target loci. We examined the phenotypes of adult flies heterozygous for every pairwise combination of Pc group genes in an attempt to subdivide the Pc group functionally. The results support the idea that Additional sex combs (Asx), Pc, Polycomblike (Pcl), Posterior sex combs (Psc), Sex combs on midleg (Scm), and Sex combs extra (Sce) have similar functions in some imaginal tissues. We show genetic interactions among extra sex combs (esc) and Asx, Enhancer of Pc, Pcl, Enhancer of zeste E(z), and super sex combs and reassess the idea that most Pc group genes function independently of esc. Most duplications of Pc group genes neither exhibit anterior transformations nor suppress the extra sex comb phenotype of Pc group mutations, suggesting that not all Pc group genes behave as predicted by the mass-action model. Surprisingly, duplications of E(z) enhance homeotic phenotypes of esc mutants. Flies with increasing doses of esc + exhibit anterior transformations, but these are not enhanced by mutations in trithorax group genes. The results are discussed with respect to current models of Pc group function.  相似文献   

The Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction has recently emerged as a powerful model system to characterize the cellular and molecular events involved in the formation and flexibility of synapses. The combination of molecular, genetic, electrophysiological and anatomical approaches has revealed, for example, the functional significance of the discs-large gene product (a novel synapse-organizing protein) in the nervous system. This protein is involved in the clustering of at least one ion channel and in the structural modification of glutamatergic synapses during target muscle growth. The manipulation of the genes encoding ion channels, components of second-messenger cascades, and cell adhesion molecules is beginning to tease apart the mechanisms underlying structural synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Cadherin-mediated adhesion initiates cell reorganization into tissues, but the mechanisms and dynamics of such adhesion are poorly understood. Using time-lapse imaging and photobleach recovery analyses of a fully functional E-cadherin/GFP fusion protein, we define three sequential stages in cell–cell adhesion and provide evidence for mechanisms involving E-cadherin and the actin cytoskeleton in transitions between these stages. In the first stage, membrane contacts between two cells initiate coalescence of a highly mobile, diffuse pool of cell surface E-cadherin into immobile punctate aggregates along contacting membranes. These E-cadherin aggregates are spatially coincident with membrane attachment sites for actin filaments branching off from circumferential actin cables that circumscribe each cell. In the second stage, circumferential actin cables near cell–cell contact sites separate, and the resulting two ends of the cable swing outwards to the perimeter of the contact. Concomitantly, subsets of E-cadherin puncta are also swept to the margins of the contact where they coalesce into large E-cadherin plaques. This reorganization results in the formation of a circumferential actin cable that circumscribes both cells, and is embedded into each E-cadherin plaque at the contact margin. At this stage, the two cells achieve maximum contact, a process referred to as compaction. These changes in E-cadherin and actin distributions are repeated when additional single cells adhere to large groups of cells. The third stage of adhesion occurs as additional cells are added to groups of >3 cells; circumferential actin cables linked to E-cadherin plaques on adjacent cells appear to constrict in a purse-string action, resulting in the further coalescence of individual plaques into the vertices of multicell contacts. The reorganization of E-cadherin and actin results in the condensation of cells into colonies. We propose a model to explain how, through strengthening and compaction, E-cadherin and actin cables coordinate to remodel initial cell–cell contacts to the final condensation of cells into colonies.  相似文献   

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