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P Flaud  D Quemada 《Biorheology》1988,25(1-2):95-105
A non-linear elastic model taking into account the microscopic structure of biological soft tissues is briefly presented and extended to quasi linear viscoelasticity. The modelling of the rheological behavior for near zero stress values is then discussed.  相似文献   

A model of fracture testing of soft viscoelastic tissues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fracture, or tear, toughness of soft tissues can be computed from the work of fracture divided by the area of new crack surface. For soft tissues without significant plastic deformation, total work, which can be measured experimentally, is composed of the sum of fracture and viscoelastic work. In order to deduce fracture work, a method is needed to estimate viscoelastic work.Two different methods (Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Minnesota, 2000; J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Med. 12 (2001) 327) have been proposed to estimate viscoelastic work in a fracture test of a soft tissue. The relative merits of these methods are unknown because the true viscoelastic work in an experiment is unknown. In order to characterize the accuracy of these methods, a theoretical model of crack propagation of viscoelastic soft tissue in a tensile test is presented, from which the exact viscoelastic work is calculated. The material is assumed to obey the standard linear solid model.The "exact" solution for the viscoelastic work during the fracture is computed from the model and compared with the work estimated by the two methods. It was found that both methods tend to underestimate the viscoelastic work done, and thus overestimate the fracture work and fracture toughness, although the errors were greater with the Fedewa method. It was further found that low displacement rates can give rise to a "snap" effect, where rapid crack growth can cause a disproportionate amount of viscoelastic energy to be dissipated during unloading. This modeling approach may be useful in evaluating other experimental methods of soft tissue fracture.  相似文献   

In this paper, a phenomenological constitutive model is constructed to describe the uniaxial ratchetting (i.e., the cyclic accumulation of inelastic deformation) of soft biological tissues in the framework of finite viscoelastic-plasticity. The model is derived from a polyconvex elastic free energy function and addresses the anisotropy of cyclic deformation of the tissues by means of structural tensors. Ratchetting is considered by the evolution of internal variables, and its time-dependence is described by introducing a pseudo-potential function. Accordingly, all the evolution equations are formulated from the dissipation inequality. In numerical examples, the uniaxial monotonic stress–strain responses and ratchetting of some soft biological tissues, such as porcine skin, coronary artery layers and human knee ligaments and tendons, are predicted by the proposed model in the range of finite deformation. It is seen that the predicted monotonic stress–strain responses and uniaxial ratchetting obtained at various loading rates and in various loading directions are in good agreement with the corresponding experimental results.  相似文献   

Biological tissues like intervertebral discs and articular cartilage primarily consist of interstitial fluid, collagen fibrils and negatively charged proteoglycans. Due to the fixed charges of the proteoglycans, the total ion concentration inside the tissue is higher than in the surrounding synovial fluid (cation concentration is higher and the anion concentration is lower). This excess of ion particles leads to an osmotic pressure difference, which causes swelling of the tissue. In the last decade several mechano-electrochemical models, which include this mechanism, have been developed. As these models are complex and computationally expensive, it is only possible to analyze geometrically relatively small problems. Furthermore, there is still no commercial finite element tool that includes such a mechano-electrochemical theory. Lanir (Biorheology, 24, pp. 173-187, 1987) hypothesized that electrolyte flux in articular cartilage can be neglected in mechanical studies. Lanir's hypothesis implies that the swelling behavior of cartilage is only determined by deformation of the solid and by fluid flow. Hence, the response could be described by adding a deformation-dependent pressure term to the standard biphasic equations. Based on this theory we developed a biphasic swelling model. The goal of the study was to test Lanir's hypothesis for a range of material properties. We compared the deformation behavior predicted by the biphasic swelling model and a full mechano-electrochemical model for confined compression and 1D swelling. It was shown that, depending on the material properties, the biphasic swelling model behaves largely the same as the mechano-electrochemical model, with regard to stresses and strains in the tissue following either mechanical or chemical perturbations. Hence, the biphasic swelling model could be an alternative for the more complex mechano-electrochemical model, in those cases where the ion flux itself is not the subject of the study. We propose thumbrules to estimate the correlation between the two models for specific problems.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach to constitutive modeling of viscoelastic soft tissues. This formulation combines an anisotropic strain energy function, accounting for preferred material directions, to define the elastic stress–strain relationship, and a discrete time black-box dynamic model, borrowed from the theory of system identification, to describe the time-dependent behavior. This discrete time formulation is straightforwardly oriented to the development of a recursive time integration scheme that calculates the current stress state by using strain and stress values stored at a limited number of previous time instants. The viscoelastic model and the numerical procedure are assessed by implementing two numerical examples, the simulation of a uniaxial tensile test and the inflation of a thin tube. Both simulations are performed using parameter values based on previous experiments on preserved bovine pericardium. Parameters are then adjusted to investigate the sensitivity of the model. The hypotheses the model relies upon are discussed and the main limitations are stated.  相似文献   

A variational constitutive model for soft biological tissues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a fully variational constitutive model of soft biological tissues is formulated in the finite strain regime. The model includes Ogden-type hyperelasticity, finite viscosity, deviatoric and volumetric plasticity, rate and microinertia effects. Variational updates are obtained via time discretization and pre-minimization of a suitable objective function with respect to internal variables. Genetic algorithms are used for model parameter identification due to their suitability for non-convex, high dimensional optimization problems. The material behavior predicted by the model is compared to available tests on swine and human brain tissue. The ability of the model to predict a wide range of experimentally observed behavior, including hysteresis, cyclic softening, rate effects, and plastic deformation is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Several assessments of the mechanics of plantar tissues, using various material models in conjunction with representing plantar regions using simple geometry, have been proposed. In this study, the plantar tissues were divided into eight regions to account for the various tissue characteristics. The plantar tissue model described each region as an ellipsoid, with a viscoelastic material model. The model combined varying elliptical contact areas with nonlinear tissue stiffness and damping. The main instruments used in this research were pressure-measuring insoles, which were used to determine the ground reaction force, as well as contact areas. The measured contact areas were fitted as elliptical areas to describe the compression of the corresponding ellipsoids. The approach was tested using walking data collected from 26 individuals: four men, 22 women, 24.4 ± 6.9 years old, 66.9 ± 21.4 kg of mass, 1.66 ± 0.12 m tall. The geometric and material variables of the proposed ellipsoidal model were optimized for each participant to match the ground reaction forces. Results suggest that the ellipsoid model is able to reproduce ground reaction force with reasonable accuracy. The largest errors were seen in heel and toe regions and were due to high-rate forces and small comparative areas, respectively. The model also showed that there are regional differences in the mechanical characteristics of plantar tissue, which confirms earlier research.  相似文献   

A F Mak 《Biorheology》1986,23(4):371-383
A biphasic poroviscoelastic theory was used to analyze the unconfined compression creep and stress relaxation of a hydrated viscoelastic tissue. The intrinsic shear properties of the tissue matrix was described by an integral-type viscoelastic constitutive law while the intrinsic bulk property of the matrix was assumed to be linearly elastic. Parametric data were presented to show how the two major energy dissipative mechanisms, namely the interstitial fluid flow and the intrinsic matrix viscoelasticity, may each contribute to the apparent viscoelastic behavior of the whole tissue under unconfined compression. The hydraulic permeability of the tissue was found to enter in only as a scaling factor for time.  相似文献   

A model of the mechanical behaviour of soft connective tissue has been developed by considering the role of the collagen and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) components within the tissue in order to examine the mechanism by which a variation in the GAG components may exert a control over the mechanical properties of the tissue. It is proposed that the strain energy stored within the collagen fibrils of the loaded tissue can be transferred into a potential field created by the charged GAG components and their electrostatic interaction with the collagen fibrils. A fundamental mechanical unit is described to simulate this energy transfer and a combination of such units is used to represent the tissue. The computer implementation of the proposed tissue model shows it to reproduce many features which have been recognised in the rate dependent mechanical behaviour of soft tissues. These include the characteristic non-linearity of the force-deformation behaviour and the approximate invariance of the stress relaxation behaviour with deformation. The model is also consistent with earlier constitutive representations of tissue behaviour.  相似文献   

Soft tissues exhibit highly nonlinear rate and time-dependent stress-strain behaviour. Strain and strain rate dependencies are often modelled using a hyperelastic model and a discrete (standard linear solid) or continuous spectrum (quasi-linear) viscoelastic model, respectively. However, these models are unable to properly capture the materials characteristics because hyperelastic models are unsuited for time-dependent events, whereas the common viscoelastic models are insufficient for the nonlinear and finite strain viscoelastic tissue responses. The convolution integral based models can demonstrate a finite viscoelastic response; however, their derivations are not consistent with the laws of thermodynamics. The aim of this work was to develop a three-dimensional finite hyper-viscoelastic model for soft tissues using a thermodynamically consistent approach. In addition, a nonlinear function, dependent on strain and strain rate, was adopted to capture the nonlinear variation of viscosity during a loading process. To demonstrate the efficacy and versatility of this approach, the model was used to recreate the experimental results performed on different types of soft tissues. In all the cases, the simulation results were well matched (R20.99) with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Epithelial tissues act as barriers and, therefore, must repair themselves, respond to environmental changes and grow without compromising their integrity. Consequently, they exhibit complex viscoelastic rheological behavior where constituent cells actively tune their mechanical properties to change the overall response of the tissue, e.g., from solid-like to fluid-like. Mesoscopic mechanical properties of epithelia are commonly modeled with the vertex model. While previous studies have predominantly focused on the rheological properties of the vertex model at long time scales, we systematically studied the full dynamic range by applying small oscillatory shear and bulk deformations in both solid-like and fluid-like phases for regular hexagonal and disordered cell configurations. We found that the shear and bulk responses in the fluid and solid phases can be described by standard spring-dashpot viscoelastic models. Furthermore, the solid-fluid transition can be tuned by applying pre-deformation to the system. Our study provides insights into the mechanisms by which epithelia can regulate their rich rheological behavior.  相似文献   

When lung tissue is subjected to finite deformations, phenomena appear that can only be described using nonlinear models. This paper considers the lung as a material composed of two elements, a continuous phase that acts uninterruptedly and a second phase composed of fiber elements that are recruited progressively into the mechanical process. Each individual fiber participates in the mechanical response of the set only when the deformation is above a certain value. A nine-parameter model was designed adopting standard viscoelastic elements both for the matrix and for each of the fibers. The mechanical behavior of the lung can be reproduced by a fitting process with standard numerical procedures in both dynamic-mechanical measurements and stress relaxation processes. Mechanical stress relaxation tests and dynamic-mechanical measurements have been carried out on subpleural parenchymal strips from rat lung. The model permits the reproduction of lung behavior in both types of measurements. The results show a recruitment ratio that decreases with deformation and the nonparticipation of the parallel matrix fraction in the lung's mechanical response so that a uniaxial transmission of force in the lung occurs via the recruited elements and the matrix series.  相似文献   

The mechanical behavior of soft tissue demonstrates a number of complex features including nonlinearity, anisotropy, viscoelasticity, and growth. Characteristic features of the time-dependent and anisotropic behavior are related to the properties of various components of the tissue such as fibrous collagen and elastin networks, large proteins and sugars attached to these networks, and interstitial fluid. Attempts to model the elastic behavior of these tissues based on assumptions about the behavior of the underlying constituents have been reasonably successful, but the essential addition of viscoelasticity to these models has been met with varying success. Here, a new rheological network model is proposed using, as its basis, an orthotropic hyperelastic constitutive model for fibrous tissue and a viscoelastic reptation model for soft materials. The resulting model has been incorporated into numerical and computational models, and is shown to capture the mechanical behavior of soft tissue in various modes of deformation including uniaxial and biaxial tension and simple shear.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is developed to predict the elastic properties of very soft tissues such as glands, tumors and brain. Tissues are represented as regular arrays of polyhedral (cubic or tetrakaidecahedral) cells, surrounded by extracellular spaces of uniform width. Cells are assumed to be incompressible, with very low resistance to shear deformation. Tissue shear rigidity is assumed to result mainly from the extracellular matrix, which is treated as a compressible elastic mesh of interconnected fibers. Small-strain elastic properties of tissue are predicted using a finite-element method and an analytical method. The model can be used to estimate the compressibility of a very soft tissue based on its Young's modulus and extracellular volume fraction.  相似文献   

The liver harvested from a donor must be preserved and transported to a suitable recipient immediately for a successful liver transplantation. In this process, the preservation period is the most critical, since it is the longest and most tissue damage occurs during this period due to the reduced blood supply to the harvested liver and the change in its temperature. We investigate the effect of preservation period on the dynamic material properties of bovine liver using a viscoelastic model derived from both impact and ramp and hold experiments. First, we measure the storage and loss moduli of bovine liver as a function of excitation frequency using an impact hammer. Second, its time-dependent relaxation modulus is measured separately through ramp and hold experiments performed by a compression device. Third, a Maxwell solid model that successfully imitates the frequency- and time-dependent dynamic responses of bovine liver is developed to estimate the optimum viscoelastic material coefficients by minimizing the error between the experimental data and the corresponding values generated by the model. Finally, the variation in the viscoelastic material coefficients of bovine liver are investigated as a function of preservation period for the liver samples tested 1 h, 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 12 h, 24 h, 36 h, and 48 h after harvesting. The results of our experiments performed with three animals show that the liver tissue becomes stiffer and more viscous as it spends more time in the preservation cycle.  相似文献   

Nasseri S  Bilston L  Tanner R 《Biorheology》2003,40(5):545-551
Conducting experiments on very soft biological tissues can be difficult. Traditionally, unconfined compression and shear have been used. Here, an improved method of compression testing, lubricated squeezing flow is described. This gives a uniform compression along the squeezing axis and almost uniform equi-biaxial elongation at right angles to the squeezing axis, with minimal shear deformation due to the constant lubrication of the sample surfaces during testing. Sample results for porcine liver obtained using this method are described here.  相似文献   

A dual-indentation creep and stress relaxation methodology was developed and validated for the material characterization of very soft biological tissue within the framework of the biphasic poroviscoelastic (BPVE) constitutive model. Agarose hydrogel, a generic porous medium with mobile fluid, served as a mechanical tissue analogue for validation of the experimental procedure. Indentation creep and stress relaxation tests with a solid plane-ended cylindrical indenter were performed at identical sites on a gel sample with dimensions large enough with respect to indenter size in order to satisfy an infinite layer assumption. A finite element (FE) formulation coupled to a global optimization algorithm was utilized to simultaneously curve-fit the creep and stress relaxation data and extract the BPVE model parameters for the agarose gel. A numerical analysis with artificial data was conducted to validate the uniqueness of the computational procedure. The BPVE model was able to successfully cross-predict both creep and stress relaxation behavior for each pair of experiments with a single unique set of material parameters. Optimized elastic moduli were consistent with those reported in the literature for agarose gel. With the incorporation of appropriately-sized indenters to satisfy more stringent geometric constraints, this simple yet powerful indentation methodology can provide a straightforward means by which to obtain the BPVE model parameters of biological soft tissues that are difficult to manipulate (such as brain and adipose) while maintaining a realistic in situ loading environment.  相似文献   

Finite element models for hydrated soft biological tissue are numerous but often exhibit certain essential deficiencies concerning the reproduction of relevant mechanical and electro-chemical responses. As a matter of fact, singlephasic models can never predict the interstitial fluid flow or related effects like osmosis. Quite a few models have more than one constituent, but are often restricted to the small-strain domain, are not capable of capturing the intrinsic viscoelasticity of the solid skeleton, or do not account for a collagen fibre reinforcement. It is the goal of this contribution to overcome these drawbacks and to present a thermodynamically consistent model, which is formulated in a very general way in order to reproduce the behaviour of almost any charged hydrated tissue. Herein, the Theory of Porous Media (TPM) is applied in combination with polyconvex Ogden-type material laws describing the anisotropic and intrinsically viscoelastic behaviour of the solid matrix on the basis of a generalised Maxwell model. Moreover, other features like the deformation-dependent permeability, the possibility to include inhomogeneities like varying fibre alignment and behaviour, or osmotic effects based on the simplifying assumption of Lanir are also included. Finally, the human intervertebral disc is chosen as a representative for complex soft biological tissue behaviour. In this regard, two numerical examples will be presented with focus on the viscoelastic and osmotic capacity of the model.  相似文献   

A manual indentation protocol was established to assess the quasi-linear viscoelastic (QLV) properties of lower limb soft tissues. The QLV parameters were extracted using a curve-fitting procedure on the experimental indentation data. The load-indentation responses were obtained using an ultrasound indentation apparatus with a hand-held pen-sized probe. Limb soft tissues at four sites of eight normal young subjects were tested in three body postures. Four QLV model parameters were extracted from the experimental data. The initial modulus E0 ranged from 0.22 kPa to 58.4 kPa. The nonlinear factor E1 ranged from 21.7 kPa to 547 kPa. The time constant tau ranged from 0.05 s to 8.93 s. The time-dependent materials parameter alpha ranged from 0.029 to 0.277. Large variations of the parameters were noted among subjects, sites, and postures.  相似文献   

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