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Epicuticular wax from mature plants of Sorghum bicolor SD-102 was compared with that from panicles and seedlings of the same variety at the fourth-fifth leaf stage of growth. The composition of wax from SD-102 panicles was quite different from that of mature leaf blades and sheaths. Free fatty alcohols were the dominant class of wax from SD-102 seedlings and C32 was the major homologue of alcohols and aldehydes. For comparison purposes, the epicuticular waxes from whole plants of two other S. bicolor varieties, Alliance A and Martin A, grown up to the tasseling stage, have been analysed. The major wax components were free fatty acids. The typical chain lengths of aldehydes, free alcohols and free fatty acids were C28 and C30.p-Hydroxybenzaldehyde was not a wax component of the studied varieties of sorghum.  相似文献   

Protein fractionation studies in developing Sorghum kernel indicated a considerable decrease in the proportion of albumin and increase in prolamin, glutelin and residue proteins during grain development. The globulin fraction remained more or less constant. 15N analysis indicated a turnover of albumin and globulin fractions. The nitrogen present in these fractions appeared into glutelin and residue proteins. At an early maturation stage 15N from ammonium was detected in the residue fraction while that from urea was incorporated in both albumin and residue fractions. However, this difference disappeared as the grains matured. Incorporation of 15N into basic amino acids was lower when compared to that in neutral and acidic amino acids at all stages of grain development.  相似文献   

Today, chemiluminescence detection reactions have become popular in analytical biochemistry essentially due to their high sensitivity. A chemiluminescent synthetic system (luminol/porphyrin) was successfully used to measure serum oxalate by determination of hydrogen peroxide generated through oxalate oxidase (EC This new method is efficient and simple, highly sensitive and the results obtained in normal adult subjects are in good agreement with those of approved methods. This original application of such a chemiluminescent system allowed us to achieve a sensitive serum oxalate assay (detection limit of 0.2 μmol/L) characterized by a low serum volume (200 μL) required for analysis. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Oxalate in urine was analyzed using sorghum oxalate oxidase and horseradish peroxidase immobilized on alkylamine glass through glutaraldehyde. The minimum detection limit was 0.46 g/0.1 ml urine. The recovery of added oxalate was 97.5%. Within and between assay coefficients of variation were <3.5% and <6.5% respectively. A good correlation (r=0.9234) was found between oxalate values obtained by a commercial kit method and the present method. The method is unaffected by Cl– and NO3– found in urine.  相似文献   

The present work describes a very simple technique for the isolation within 2-3 hr of inactive phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase protein starting from a crude extract of Sorghum leaves by using an immunoadsorbent column prepared with a glutaraldehyde- activated gel. The conditions for the total elution of the enzyme protein are optimized. For quantitative determinations cyanogen bromide-activated gels should be avoided as the release of fixed immunoglobulin G (IgG) has been observed during washing with the acidic buffer needed to elute the enzyme. In that respect, glutaraldehyde-activated gel does not lose antibodies and consequently gives accurate results.  相似文献   

An indole 2,3-dioxygenase was purified ca 38-fold from maize leaves. The enzyme had an MW of about 98000, an optimum pH of 5.0 and the energy of activation was 9.1 kcal/mol. The Kmax for indole was 1.4 × 10?4 M. The enzyme was inhibited by diethyldithiocarbamate, salicylaldoxime and sodium dithionite. The inhibition by diethyldithiocarbamate was specifically reversed by Cu2+. The dialysed enzyme was stimulated by Cu2+. Four atoms of oxygen were utilized in the disappearance of 1 mole of indole. Inhibition of the enzyme by -SH compounds and -SH group inhibitors, and their partial removal by Cu2+ only, suggested the involvement of -SH groups in binding of Cu2+ at the catalytic site.  相似文献   

Polyamine oxidase, purified 260-fold from maize shoots, was light yellow in colour. Maximum light-absorption was at 450 nm and was decreased by the addition of either sodium dithionite or spermidine, but not by putrescine. Under aerobic conditions, the enzyme could use p-benzoquinone as an electron acceptor. Cu2+ inhibited the enzyme activity, while SO3 was stimulatory. Several metal-binding agents and thiol reagents were without effect.  相似文献   

Polyamine oxidase of maize shoots purified 10-fold had a pH optimum of 6·3 with spermidine as substrate, and Km of 6 × 10?4 M. The enzyme was inhibited by the acridine compounds quinacrine, 6,9-diamino-2-ethoxyacridine and acriflavin, but carbonyl reagents, typical thiol inhibitors and copper-binding agents were without effect. Inhibition by quinacrine was reversed by FMN and FAD. Furthermore, about 50 % of the activity of the apoenzyme was restored by the addition of FAD, but not by FMN or riboflavin, indicating that the maize polyamine oxidase is an FAD-dependent flavoprotein.  相似文献   

Changes in the activity of oxalate oxidase (OxO) and of the concentrations of oxalate and H2O2 were investigated during the ageing of leaf sheaths of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) stubble. The accumulation of H2O2 during ageing coincides with the increases of both oxalate level and OxO activity. Western and Northern blot analyses using protein and RNA extracts of the different categories of leaf sheaths suggested that OxO gene expression, as well as Ca-oxalate synthesis, are crucial events of ageing for leaf sheaths. Immunocytochemistry experiments have revealed that OxO, which is an extracellular enzyme, is nearly always present in the parenchymatous cells surrounding the vascular bundles and in the cells of the lower epidermis. Overall, results suggest that in ryegrass that synthesizes both Ca-oxalate and OxO, the production of H2O2 and Ca2+ during ageing of stubble might be involved in the constitutive defences against pathogens, thus allowing the phloem mobilization of nutrient reserves from the leaf sheaths towards elongating leaf bases of ryegrass.  相似文献   

Changes in DNA, RNA, nitrogen, nucleotide composition and in vitro incorporation of leucine/lysine by polysomes have been studied during sorghum grain development. Both DNA, RNA and protein content increased substantially during grain development. Although RNase activity increased, it did not affect RNA accumulation. Minor changes in the nucleotide composition of rRNA and sRNA were observed during grain development. In vitro incorporation of leucine and lysine by polysomes indicate qualitative change in the mRNA during later stages of grain development and the substantial accumulation of proteins during this period ultimately results in accumulation of proteins rich in leucine and poor in lysine.  相似文献   

Wax on leaves of rye and of hexaploid Triticale (60–70-day-old plants) contains hydrocarbons (6–8%), esters (10%), free alcohols (14-8%), free acids (3%), hentriacontane-14,16-dione (39–45%), 25 (S)-hydroxyhentriacontane-14,16-dione (13–11%) and unidentified (14–15%). Diesters (1–3%) are also present in rye wax. Compositions of hydrocarbons (C27-C33) and esters (C28,C58) are similar for both waxes. Free and combined alcohols of rye wax are mainly hexacosanol but alcohols of Triticale wax are mainly octacosanol. The composition of Triticale wax is close to that of its wheat parent Triticum durum (cv. Stewart 63). Esters of wax from ripe rye contain 58% of trans 2,3-unsaturated esters. *NRCC No. 14033.  相似文献   

Naphthyl acetate esterase (NAE) of leaves of Festuca pratensis had an apparent MW of 55000. Five major NAE isoenzymes were resolved by gel electrophoresis. During leaf senescence the proportions of these isoenzymes altered and two novel isoenzymes became active. Cycloheximide applied to leaves delayed and diminished the responses of NAE isoenzymes during senescence. The two novel NAEs were similar in MW and substrate affinity to pre-existing NAEs. Partially-purified NAE had no cholinesterase, carboxypeptidase, ethyl acetate esterase or ethyl butyrate esterase activity. Lack of inhibition by eserine, PCMB and organophosphorus insecticide classified these enzymes as acetylesterases.  相似文献   

草酸氧化酶基因转化烟草的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为研究草酸氧化酶基因(OxO)对植物抗病的作用,将含有CaMV 35s启动子的植物表达载体以根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导的叶盘方法,转化了烟草97131。具有卡那霉素抗性的再生植株经PCR检测,得到了与阳性对照一致的470bp的片段,进一步对PCR产物测序表明OxO基因已整合进烟草基因组中。在对草酸的耐受性实验中,转基因烟草对草酸的抗性明显高于未转化烟草。  相似文献   

Monophenolase and o-diphenolase activities of polyphenol oxidase are usually thought to be a part of the same enzyme complex. It has now been demonstrated that the two catalytic activities of the polyphenol oxidase of wheat grains are separable and reside in different enzymes. The electrophoretically separated monophenolase enzyme showed specificity only for monophenol (l-tyrosine) after its elution from acrylamide gels. Further, this enzyme is confined to the endosperm tissue and is undetectable in the embryonic region of the seedling.  相似文献   

Extracts from leaves and first internodes of Sorghum bicolor catalyze the conversion of ferulic acid to a β-β-coupled dimer, the dilactone dimer of ferulic acid. The dilactone is then hydrolyzed, probably non-enzymatically, to a blue fluorescing compound, tentatively identified as a β-β-coupled dimer with at least one lactone ring opened to form a carboxylic acid. Both the initial enzymatic and the subsequent non-enzymatic steps are greater at pH 8 than pH 6. The most active preparation is a crude particulate fraction from leaves obtained by centrifugation at 37000 g; white light increases the amount of dimer formed.  相似文献   

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheets are a promising material for enzyme immobilization owing to the PVC’s properties such as being chemically inert, corrosion free, weather resistant, tough, lightweight, and maintenance free and having a high strength-to-weight ratio. In this study, this attractive material surface was chemically modified and exploited for covalent immobilization of oxalate oxidase using glutaraldehyde as a coupling agent. The enzyme was immobilized on activated PVC surface with a conjugation yield of 360 μg/cm2. The scanning electron micrographs showed the microstructures on the PVC sheet surface revealing the successful immobilization of oxalate oxidase. A colorimetric method was adopted in evaluating enzymatic activity of immobilized and native oxalate oxidase. The immobilized enzyme retained 65% of specific activity of free enzyme. Slight changes were observed in the optimal pH, incubation temperature, and time for maximum activity of immobilized oxalate oxidase. PVC support showed no interference when immobilized oxalate oxidase was used for estimation of oxalic acid concentration in urine samples and showed a correlation of 0.998 with the values estimated with a commercially available Sigma kit. The overall results strengthen our view that PVC sheet can be used as a solid support for immobilization of enzymes and in the field of clinical diagnostics, environmental monitoring and remediation.  相似文献   

Soluble and insoluble oxalate and insoluble calcium were measured in the leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris. The plants were grown in nutrient solutions with two different concentrations of calcium. Two developmental stages of the leaves were studied. Although the content of insoluble calcium differs widely according to leaf age and growth conditions, the percentage bound in crystals is nearly the same in all cases. In the growing leaves, concentrations of total oxalate are independent of calcium supply, thus, showing that the known rise in numbers of crystals, and of cells containing them, is not induced via oxalate biosynthesis. Fully expanded leaves contain more oxalate when grown in a nutrient solution with higher calcium concentration. Amounts of oxalate in percent of dry weight are similar to those given in the literature for other legume leaves.  相似文献   

Oxalate oxidase (OXO) utilizes oxalate to generate hydrogen peroxide, and thereby acts as a source of hydrogen peroxide. The present study was carried out to investigate whether apoplastic OXO modifies the metabolism of cell wall-bound ferulates in wheat seedlings. Histochemical staining of OXO showed that cell walls were strongly stained, indicating the presence of OXO activity in shoot walls. When native cell walls prepared from shoots were incubated with oxalate or hydrogen peroxide, the levels of ester-linked diferulic acid (DFA) isomers were significantly increased. On the other hand, the level of ester-linked ferulic acid (FA) was substantially decreased. The decrease in FA level was accounted neither by the increases in DFA levels nor by the release of FA from cell walls during the incubation. After the extraction of ester-linked ferulates, considerable ultraviolet absorption remained in the hemicellulosic and cellulose fractions, which was increased by the treatment with oxalate or hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, a part of FA esters may form tight linkages within cell wall architecture. These results suggest that cell wall OXO is capable of modifying the metabolism of ester-linked ferulates in cell walls of wheat shoots by promoting the peroxidase action via supply of hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

Incorporation of leucine and changes in different protein fractions have been studied during Sorghum grain development. Most of the label from the injected leucine-[14C] was found in glutelin and residue fraction towards later stages of maturity. The label in albumin, globulin and prolamin decreased with a concomitant increase in label in glutelin and residue proteins. The concentration of lysine, aspartic acid and glycine decreased while that of leucine, proline, alanine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, and cystine increased during grain development. Increase in serine, methionine, valine and isoleucine was only marginal. The proportion of glutamic acid was high at all stages of grain development. Glutelin fraction resolved into two peaks on gel chromatography, only one of which with higher MW was labelled, while in albumin both the peaks were found to be labelled. Tannin content also increased during grain development.  相似文献   

A rapid and efficient method for the isolation of glycollate oxidase from pea leaves is described. The method utilizes the unusually high isoelectric point (pH 9·6) which has been determined for the enzyme using isoelectric focusing. The enzyme is apparently homogeneous by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and has a MW of ca 100000. Some properties of the enzyme are described.  相似文献   

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