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Four new 4-arylcoumarins have been isolated from Coutarea hexandra and their structures established as 5,7,4′-trimethoxy-4-phenylcoumarin, 4′-hydroxy-5,7-dimethoxy-4-phenylcoumarin, 3′-hydroxy-5,7-4′-trimethoxy-4-phenylcoumarin and 3′,4′-dihydroxy-5,7-dimethoxy-4-phenylcoumarin.  相似文献   

The structures assigned to the 5,7-dimethoxy-4-arylcoumarins isolated from Coutarea hexandra have been confirmed by synthesis, via Pechmann condensation of phloroglucinol and an ethyl benzoylacetate derivative, the hydroxy groups of which were protected either by benzylation or by methylenedioxy group formation.  相似文献   

The wood of Dalbergia spruceana contains, besides O-acetyloleanolic acid, elemicin and 3,4,5-trimethoxy-cinnamaldehyde; the neoflavonoids (S)-4-methoxydalbergione and dalbergin; the isoflavones biochanin-A, formononetin, pseudobaptigenin and caviunin; and the pterocarpans (±)-medicarpin, (±)-maackiain, as well as the 3,4-dihydroxy-, 3-hydroxy-4-methoxy- and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-derivatives of (6aR,11aR)-8,9-methylenedioxypterocarpan. The constitutions of the three last named compounds were deduced by spectra and confirmed by synthesis of (±)-4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-8,9-methylenedioxypterocarpan.  相似文献   

根据对中国蛇根草属Ophiorrhiza植物标本的研究和野外调查,将琼崖蛇根草O.aureolina f.qiongyaensis Lo和溪畔蛇根草O.humilis Tseng归并入短小蛇根草O.pumila Champ.ex Benth.,将海南蛇根草O.hainanensis Tseng归并入垂花蛇根草O.nutans C.B.Clarke,将广西蛇根草O.kwangsiensis Merr.exLi和变黑蛇根草O.nigricans Lo归并入日本蛇根草O.japonica Bl.,将龙州蛇根草O.longzhouensis Lo和圆锥蛇根草O.paniculiformis Lo归并入广州蛇根草O.cantoniensis Hance。  相似文献   

报道了中国茜草科Rubiaceae栀子族tribe Gardcnieae一新记录属和二新记录种:越南茜属Rubovietnamia Tirveng.、长管越南茜R.aristata Tirveng.和中越大果茜Fosbergia pettelotii Merr.ex Tirveng.&Sastre;以及越南茜草科栀子族的一新记录种,即大围山紫冠茜Rothmannia daweishanensis Y.M.Shui&WH.Chen。  相似文献   

The heartwood of Dalbergia miscolobium contains, in addition to the neoflavonoids (S)-4-methoxydal-bergione, (S)-4′-hydroxy-4-methoxydalbergione and dalbergin, the isoflavone di-O-methyldaidzein, the benzophenone cearoin and two cinnamylphenols, violastyrene [E-1-(3-hydroxy-2,4-dimethoxybenzyl)-2-phenylethylene] and isoviolastyrene [E-1-(4-hydroxy-2,3-dimethyoxybenzyl)-2-phenylethylene]. The structural determination of the cinnamylphenols relied on spectra, degradations and synthesis.  相似文献   

A new phenolic ester was isolated from unroasted robusta coffee beans (Coffea canephora) by HPLC. The isolated compound was identified as an ester of caffeic acid and ferulic acid with quinic acid (3-O-feruloyl-4-O-caffeoylquinic acid) using 1H NMR and mass spectroscopy.  相似文献   

耳草属(茜草科)植物的两个新种=Two new species of the genus Hedyotis (Rubiaceae) from China[刊,中]/ 王 瑞 江(中国科学院华南植物研究所 广州 510650),邢 福 武//植物分类学报.—2002,41(1).—85~88 摘要:描述了国产耳草属(茜草科)植物的两个新种,启无耳草Hedyotis wangii R. J. Wang和崖州耳草H. yazhouensis F. W. Xing et R. J. Wang。  相似文献   

报道了中国茜草科Rubiaceae耳草属耳草组Hedyotis sect. Hedyotis植物的一个新种——蕴璋耳草H. koiana R. J. Wang。本新种同丹草H. herbacea L.和松叶耳草H. pinifolia Wall. ex G. Don因均具有较窄的叶片和仅顶部开裂的蒴果而相似, 但本种因具线形的叶片以及顶生和上部腋生的聚伞花序而不同于丹草, 与松叶耳草的不同之处在于蕴璋耳草具有较长的花梗和疏松的花序以及花冠管内部无毛。  相似文献   

A new flavone glycoside isolated from the stem of Ixora arborea has been characterized as chrysin 5-O-β-D-xylopyranoside on the basis of spectral data, colour reactions and degradation studies.  相似文献   

Argostemma bachmaense, a new species from central Vietnam, is described and illustrated here. The new species is most similar to A. laoticum and A. vietnamicum but can be distinguished from the latter two by having a well-developed internode with leaf pairs separately arranged along stem, isophyllous or slightly anisophyllous leaves, an oblanceolate to spatulate lamina with attenuate base and lateral veins with 4–5 pairs prominent on abaxially, a terminal, solitary flower, an absent bract, narrowly ovate or broadly lanceolate, 8.5–10.5 × 2.8–4.2 mm petals, 6.5–7.5 mm long stamen with yellow anther, a 8.5–9.5 mm long, exerted style and a globose stigma. Information on ecology, phenology and preliminary conservation assessment of the proposed new species are provided. In addition, we also provide an identification key to the nine Argostemma species found in Vietnam.  相似文献   

Hedyotis koiana R. J. Wang is described as a new species from Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Fujian, and Hainan provinces of China. It is most similar to H. herbacea L. and H. pinifolia Wall. ex G. Don. because they all have narrow leaves and their capsules are loculicidally dehiscent at the top, but it differs from H. herbacea by having termi- nal or upper axillary cyme and narrow leaves, and it can be distinguished from H. pinifolia by having long flowering pedicles, sparse inflorescence, and adaxially glabrous corolla.  相似文献   

Bioassay-directed fractionation of an antileukemic extract of Morinda parvifolia (Hong-Zhu-Teng) has led to the isolation and characterization of cytotoxic anthraquinones which include the new morindaparvin-B and the known lucidin-ω-methyl ether, lucidin-ω-methyl ether, digiferruginol, 1-hydroxy-6 or 7-hydroxymethylanthraquinone and 2-hydroxymethylanthraquinone in addition to the previously reported antileukemic morindaparvin-A and alizarin-1-methyl ether. 2-Hydroxymethylanthraquinone demonstrated significant activity (T/C = 150%) in the P-388 lymphocytic leukemia screen at 10 mg/kg/day. The structures of these compounds were determined by physicochemical data and spectral evidence.  相似文献   

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