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To examine the effects of recent habitat fragmentation, we assayed genetic diversity in a rain forest endemic lizard, the prickly forest skink (Gnypetoscincus queenslandiae), from seven forest fragments and five sites in continuous forest on the Atherton tableland of northeastern Queensland, Australia. The rain forest in this region was fragmented by logging and clearing for dairy farms in the early 1900s and most forest fragments studied have been isolated for 50-80 years or nine to 12 skink generations. We genotyped 411 individuals at nine microsatellite DNA loci and found fewer alleles per locus in prickly forest skinks from small rain forest fragments and a lower ratio of allele number to allele size range in forest fragments than in continuous forest, indicative of a decrease in effective population size. In contrast, and as expected for populations with small neighbourhood sizes, neither heterozygosity nor variance in allele size differed between fragments and sites in continuous forests. Considering measures of among population differentiation, there was no increase in FST among fragments and a significant isolation by distance pattern was identified across all 12 sites. However, the relationship between genetic (FST) and geographical distance was significantly stronger for continuous forest sites than for fragments, consistent with disruption of gene flow among the latter. The observed changes in genetic diversity within and among populations are small, but in the direction predicted by the theory of genetic erosion in recently fragmented populations. The results also illustrate the inherent difficulty in detecting genetic consequences of recent habitat fragmentation, even in genetically variable species, and especially when effective population size and dispersal rates are low.  相似文献   

With its very broad latitudinal extension (from 5° to 30°S), Brazil's Atlantic Rain Forest includes sites that wouldnot be classified as tropical by commonly used climatic classificationsystems. This situation particularly holds for the sites nearthe southern limits of this ecosystem. The goal of this study was to assess forest floristic composition, physiognomic aspects (deciduousspecies, leaf types, leaf area index) and reproductive biology (monoecious/dioeciousspecies, pollination syndromes and dispersal syndromes) of the Atlantic forest in the Volta VelhaReserve, southern Brazil (26°04 S, 48°38 W Gr). The research focuses on theaffinities of this site, which lies outside generally accepted boundaries for tropical forest. Theresults demonstrate that Volta Velha has a typically tropical floristic composition, apparentlymaintained by local climatic conditions. The differences between the characteristics of the VoltaVelha forest and those of other tropical stands are within the range of differences observed amongclassically defined tropical sites.  相似文献   

Little of Brazil's remaining Atlantic forest is protected, so it is important to assess how well the region's wildlife can persist in areas/habitats outside reserves. We studied bird diversity and abundance during 546 point counts in the Sooretama/Linhares reserve, 200 point counts in 31 forest fragments (10–150 h), and 50 point counts in <30-year-old Eucalyptus plantations, within 7 km of the reserve. Only eight bird species were recorded in Eucalyptus, and this impoverishment, as compared to some Eucalyptus plantations elsewhere in Brazil may be a result of intensive clearance of understory vegetation. Species diversity in forest fragments was significantly lower than in the reserve. Twelve, mostly non-forest or edge species, were significantly commoner in the fragments, but nineteen species were frequent in the reserve but rare or absent in forest fragments. These included two Pyrrhura parakeets, a Brotogeris parakeet, a trogon Trogon, a jacamar Galbula, woodpeckers Piculus and Campephilus, Myrmotherula antwrens, and Hemithraupus and Tachyphonus tanagers. Bird species richness at points in forest fragments did not decline with fragment size, distance from the reserve, or forest quality. However, forest in fragments was more heavily degraded than forest within the reserve and poor forest quality may be the cause of declines in some species. Whilst protection of forest within reserves is a priority, management of forest fragments may aid conservation of some threatened species.  相似文献   

The geographical characteristics of a total of 1839 forest fragments surrounded by sugar cane fields were studied in the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest region of the northeastern state of Pernambuco. The size and shape of the fragments as well as inter-fragment distances and the effects of varying edge width were examined using a geographical information system. The analyses show that the fragments are relatively small and close to each other. Approximately 48% of the rain forest fragments are <10 hectares, while only about 7% are >100 hectares. Forest fragments are close to each other, as fragments located 50m or less apart formed groups that included ca. 50% of the total forest area. At 350m inter-fragment distance, 98% of the rain forest area was included in groups of fragments. Due to the small size and irregular shape of the fragments, the total area of edge zone exceeds that of the interior habitat when the edge width is ca. 60m. At an edge width of 300m ca. 94% of the total fragment area is edge zone. For conservation purposes, ways of establishing networks of forest fragments connected by corridors and stepping stone fragments are demonstrated using GIS. Simulations using these techniques show that reforestation of sugar cane fields between the forest fragments would considerably increase the area of interior forest habitat and connectivity between fragments.  相似文献   

Abstract This study investigates how abundance, diversity and composition of understorey spiders were influenced by four different forest habitats in a southern Brazilian Araucaria forest. The study area encompasses a landscape mosaic comprised of Araucaria forest, Araucaria plantation, Pinus plantation, and Eucalyptus plantation. Understorey spiders were collected by beating the vegetation inside three patches of each forest habitat. To assess possible predictors of spider assemblage structure, several patch features were analysed: potential prey abundances, estimation of vegetation cover, diversity index of vegetation types, patch ages, patch areas, and geographical distance between patches. To assess the influence of high‐level taxa approaches on spider assemblage patterns, analyses were carried out individually for family, genera and species levels. Additionally, Mantel tests were carried out in underlying similarity matrices between each taxon. Significant differences in spider abundances among forest habitats were found. Pinus plantations showed the highest abundance of spiders and Eucalyptus plantations showed the lowest abundance. Spider abundance was significantly influenced by patch ages, geographical distance and vegetation cover. Expected numbers of families, genera and species did not vary among forest habitats. Spider composition of two Eucalyptus patches differed from the other forest patches, probably due to their low vegetation cover and isolation. Genera composition was the best correlate of species composition, showing that a higher‐level surrogate can be an alternative to the species approach. The understorey spider diversity in this managed area could be maintained when suitable habitat structures are provided, thus ensuring the connectivity between different habitat types. Further studies should focus on individual species responses to the conversion of native forest to monocultures.  相似文献   

Drought in a Bornean everwet rain forest   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  

Schindler  Maria  Fesl  Christian  Chovanec  Andreas 《Hydrobiologia》2003,497(1-3):169-180
In a dragonfly survey, carried out in a lowland wetland area in eastern Austria, a total of 19 resident species was recorded. Multivariate statistical procedures were used to analyse the relationship between dragonfly assemblage patterns and environmental variables. Besides widespread and euryoecious species with unspecific habitat requirements two dragonfly associations were identified: on the one hand species mainly occurring at temporary natural and near-natural ponds characterised by rush and reed vegetation, on the other hand species preferring permanent waters such as the artificial waterbodies in the investigation area characterised by floating macrophytes. Water persistence and the existence of floating macrophytes determined the formation of species assemblages.  相似文献   

The current paradigm of fish community distribution is one of a downstream increase in species richness by addition, but this concept is based on a small number of streams from the mid-west and southern United States, which are dominated by cyprinids. Further, the measure of species richness traditionally used, without including evenness, may not be providing an accurate reflection of the fish community. We hypothesize that in streams dominated by anadromous salmonids, fish community diversity will be affected by the presence of the anadromous species, and therefore be influenced by those factors affecting the salmonid population. Catamaran Brook, New Brunswick, Canada, provides a long-term data set to evaluate fish community diversity upstream and downstream of an obstruction (North American beaver Castor canadensis dam complex), which affects distribution of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. The Shannon Weiner diversity index and community evenness were calculated for sample sites distributed throughout the brook and over 15 years. Fish community diversity was greatest upstream of the beaver dams and in the absence of Atlantic salmon. The salmon appear to depress the evenness of the community but do not affect species richness. The community upstream of the beaver dams changes due to replacement of slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus by salmon, rather than addition, when access is provided. Within Catamaran Brook, location of beaver dams and autumn streamflow interact to govern adult Atlantic salmon spawner distribution, which then dictates juvenile production and effects on fish community. These communities in an anadromous Atlantic salmon dominated stream do not follow the species richness gradient pattern shown in cyprinid-dominated streams and an alternative model for stream fish community distribution in streams dominated by anadromous salmonids is presented. This alternative model suggests that community distribution may be a function of semipermeable obstructions, streamflow and the distribution of the anadromous species affecting resident stream fish species richness, evenness, biomass and production.  相似文献   

As part of a larger project that aimed to determine the factors that regulate fish productivity in a clear water river of the Atlantic rainforest, São Paulo State, Brazil, composition and the trophic structure of the fish community of the middle course of the river were studied from January 1995 to May 1996. Of the 17 species collected, Mimagoniates microlepis, Schizolecis guentheri, Phalloceros caudimaculatus and Kronichthys heylandi accounted for 83.2% of the total fish abundance. Most of the species were insectivorous (35.7%), followed by detritivores (21.4%), benthivores (14.2%), omnivores (14.2%), herbivores (7.1%), and piscivores (7.1%). Results of food overlap analysis as calculated by the Index of Morisita showed that 17.5% of the species pairs overlapped. Habitat segregation, however was observed among most of the species, suggesting some degree of food partitioning. Despite the characteristics of this escarpment river, which produces spates year round, no seasonal variation in diet was observed, suggesting that although food abundance may fluctuate throughout the year, most items are in constant supply. The importance of allochthonous food was considered and it appears that, though only a few species feed on this source (including detritivores), they make up 87.2% of the total fish abundance. The low abundance of most of the fishes, the high number of endemic species and the strong dependence of the species on a few food resources suggest that these systems are sensitive to anthropogenic impacts and require future studies.  相似文献   

《Global Change Biology》2018,24(1):308-321
Conserving native biodiversity in the face of human‐ and climate‐related impacts is a challenging and globally important ecological problem that requires an understanding of spatially connected, organismal‐habitat relationships. Globally, a suite of disturbances (e.g., agriculture, urbanization, climate change) degrades habitats and threatens biodiversity. A mosaic approach (in which connected, interacting collections of juxtaposed habitat patches are examined) provides a scientific foundation for addressing many disturbance‐related, ecologically based conservation problems. For example, if specific habitat types disproportionately increase biodiversity, these keystones should be incorporated into research and management plans. Our sampling of fish biodiversity and aquatic habitat along ten 3‐km sites within the Upper Neosho River subdrainage, KS, from June‐August 2013 yielded three generalizable ecological insights. First, specific types of mesohabitat patches (i.e., pool, riffle, run, and glide) were physically distinct and created unique mosaics of mesohabitats that varied across sites. Second, species richness was higher in riffle mesohabitats when mesohabitat size reflected field availability. Furthermore, habitat mosaics that included more riffles had greater habitat diversity and more fish species. Thus, riffles (<5% of sampled area) acted as keystone habitats. Third, additional conceptual development, which we initiate here, can broaden the identification of keystone habitats across ecosystems and further operationalize this concept for research and conservation. Thus, adopting a mosaic approach can increase scientific understanding of organismal‐habitat relationships, maintain natural biodiversity, advance spatial ecology, and facilitate effective conservation of native biodiversity in human‐altered ecosystems.  相似文献   

该研究首次借助林冠塔吊调查了西双版纳国家级自然保护区龙脑香热带雨林样地内69棵树13个垂直高度上的附生苔藓植物,结果表明:目标样树上共记录到隶属于25科60属的90种附生苔藓,其中细鳞苔科物种数最多,占比达25.6%。13个垂直高度上共划分出三种生态类型:喜阳苔藓(散生巨树上45 m的区域),喜阴苔藓(乔木树干上15 m的区域),广布苔藓(广泛分布于宿主各个垂直高度上,生态位宽),并筛选出对微生境有特殊偏好的17种苔藓指示种(IndVal≥0.7,P0.05)。随宿主垂直高度的升高,扇型和交织型的苔藓占比降低,悬垂型苔藓占比先升高后降低,细平铺型和粗平铺型的苔藓占比升高。大气湿度、水汽压、胸径以及树皮粗糙度对附生苔藓生活型的分布偏好具有显著影响。总之,沿宿主垂直高度上的附生苔藓对微环境变化在生活型和形态结构上有着不同的响应方式,而同一种生态型的苔藓群落有相似的适应机制。因此,在森林林冠生境变化的监测和管理中,对微生境具有明显偏好的附生苔藓物种可作为有效的指示材料。  相似文献   

海南五指山热带山地雨林植物物种多样性研究   总被引:35,自引:4,他引:35  
王指山热带山地雨林的物种种类十分丰富,在1hm^2样地中共出现54个科,100个属的乔木树种177种,1337个个体。区系地理分析表明属的分布区类型以热带分布型成分占优,为89.0%,充分体现了五指山山地雨林的热带性质。多样性指数分析结果为:样地1Margalef指数17.822,Shannon-Wiener指数5.621,均匀度0.823,Simpson指数0.050,均匀度6.775,表明五指  相似文献   

Seasonal tropical forests show rhythms in reproductive activities due to water stress during dry seasons. If both seed dispersal and seed germination occur in the best environmental conditions, mortality will be minimised and forest regeneration will occur. To evaluate whether non-seasonal forests also show rhythms, for 2 years we studied the seed rain and seedling emergence in two sandy coastal forests (flooded and unflooded) in southern Brazil. In each forest, one 100 x 30-m grid was marked and inside it 30 stations comprising two seed traps (0.5 x 0.5 m each) and one plot (2 x 2 m) were established for monthly monitoring of seed rain and a seedling emergence study, respectively. Despite differences in soil moisture and incident light on the understorey, flooded and unflooded forests had similar dispersal and germination patterns. Seed rain was seasonal and bimodal (peaks at the end of the wetter season and in the less wet season) and seedling emergence was seasonal and unimodal (peaking in the wetter season). Approximately 57% of the total species number had seedling emergence 4 or more months after dispersal. Therefore, both seed dormancy and the timing of seed dispersal drive the rhythm of seedling emergence in these forests. The peak in germination occurs in the wetter season, when soil fertility is higher and other phenological events also occur. The strong seasonality in these plant communities, even in this weakly seasonal climate, suggests that factors such as daylength, plant sensitivity to small changes in the environment (e.g. water and nutrient availability) or phylogenetic constraints cause seasonal rhythms in the plants.  相似文献   

Background: Although lianas are important in forest ecosystems, information on the environmental factors influencing their diversity, structure and habitat associations is scanty.

Aims: This study had the aim of determining variation in liana diversity, structure and habitat associations across different topographic habitats, and the environmental factors influencing them, in the Penang Hill Forest Reserve, Malaysia.

Methods: Liana diversity, structure and habitat associations were examined in 30 plots, 40 m × 40 m, randomly demarcated within three topographic habitats (flatland, slope and valley). The physico-chemical properties of the soils in the plots were determined and the altitude and slope of the plots recorded.

Results: Liana species richness, diversity and structure varied significantly among the topographic habitats. Liana species richness, diversity and abundance variations were related to soil moisture, phosphorus content, pH and altitude, whereas liana diameter and basal area were associated with soil magnesium and slope. A total of eight species had a positive association with the habitat and a further six showed a negative association. Four species had a positive association with the flatland habitat, but only three and two species, respectively, with slope and valley habitats. The slope habitat gave the highest number of species that showed a negative association.

Conclusions: Liana diversity and structure varied between habitats. Some liana species showed different associations with specific habitats. Environmental variables were identified that influence liana diversity, structure and habitat associations. The study provides important information about the factors influencing liana success, and these will be of value in liana conservation and management in tropical forests.  相似文献   

Aim We studied the temporal and spatial patterns in deforestation and community structure of mammals in a fragmented old‐growth, temperate rain forest to test the hypothesis that anthropogenic habitat conversion advances in a nonrandom manner across native landscapes, and that its effects on ecological communities are both persistent and predictable. Location The location is the Hood Canal district of Olympic National Forest, Washington, USA. Results Deforestation followed the apparently general pattern observed for deforestation of tropical rain forests and other native landscapes, advancing first along low and relatively level valleys, then to areas at higher elevations and along steeper slopes, and eventually to sites more distant from those of initial land conversion and transportation centres. Mammal surveys within this area indicated that this nonrandom advance of deforestation has created relatively steep geographical and topographic gradients in both local and landscape‐level factors and, ultimately, in the structure of mammalian communities. Conclusion The close and likely causal relationship between anthropogenic habitat loss and the ecological dynamics of mammalian communities and dependent species (e.g. spotted owls) indicates that our abilities to understand and eventually reduce the current extinction crisis may rely heavily on our understanding of, and abilities to modify, the manner in which we expand across and transform native landscapes.  相似文献   

Martinez-Ramos  M.  Soto-Castro  A. 《Plant Ecology》1993,107(1):299-318
By comparing seed rain, seedling and sapling community structures we assessed the possible role played by vertebrate seed dispersal as a structuring factor in advanced regeneration of closed-canopied sites in the tropical rain forest of Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. Seed weight, initial morphology of seedlings and species abundance were also analyzed to determine if these traits influenced the probability of establishment in the shade.About half of the seed species falling in five closed forest sites (25×25 m) during one year came from fruiting trees growing within the sites (local seeds) and half from fruiting trees found outside the sites (immigrant seeds). Seeds of liana and upper-canopy species were over-represented among immigrant seeds compared with seeds of understory tree species. This probably reflects the activity of frugivorous arboreal mammals, bats, and birds. Species with immigrant seeds had both a lower abundance and a narrower spatial distribution than locally produced seeds. Therefore, immigrant seeds showed higher diversity values than locally produced seeds.Average seed size and the proportion of epigeous seedlings were similar in local and immigrant species. Under closed-canopied sites, factors affecting community organization seem to operate selectively, favoring the establishment of large-seeded, local abundant species in the advanced regeneration. However, the fact that some saplings of immigrant species were found in the plots suggest that a slow species infiltration may be occurring leading to a slow shift in the advanced regeneration species composition. We propose that the influence of seed dispersal on advanced regeneration structure depends on the disturbance history of the patches where seeds land.  相似文献   

Aiba  Shin-ichiro  Kitayama  Kanehiro 《Plant Ecology》1999,140(2):139-157
We studied forest structure, composition and tree species diversity of eight plots in an environmental matrix of four altitudes (700, 1700, 2700 and 3100 m) and two types of geological substrates (ultrabasic and non-ultrabasic rocks) on Mount Kinabalu, Borneo. On both substrate series, forest stature, mean leaf area and tree species diversity (both 4.8 cm and 10 cm diameter at breast height [dbh]) decreased with altitude. The two forests on the different substrate series were similar at 700 m in structure, generic and familial composition and tree species diversity, but became dissimilar with increasing altitude. The decline in stature with altitude was steeper on the ultrabasic substrates than on the non-ultrabasic substrates, and tree species diversity was generally lower on ultrabasic substrates than on non-ultrabasic substrates at 1700 m. The forests on non-ultrabasic substrates at higher altitudes and those on ultrabasic substrates at the lower altitudes were similar in dbh versus tree height allometry, mean leaf area, and generic and familial composition at 1700 m. These contrasting patterns in forest structure and composition between the two substrate series suggested that altitudinal change was compressed on the ultrabasic substrates compared to the non-ultrabasic substrates. Tree species diversity was correlated with maximum tree height and estimated aboveground biomass, but was not with basal area, among the eight study sites. We suggest that forests with higher tree species diversity are characterized by greater biomass allocation to height growth relative to trunk diameter growth under more productive environment than forests with lower tree species diversity.  相似文献   

The diet of a group of six brown howlers was studied weekly during 12 months in a reserve of 250 ha of secondary, mesophytic, semi-deciduous forest. The phenology of 186 trees of 72 species and 29 families was monitored simultaneously. Scan sampling was used to record the diet from dawn until dusk on a total of 60 days of observation, yielding 718 hr of animal-observer contact and 2,943 feeding scans. The diet was composed of leaves (73%), flowers (12%), and fruits (5%), from 68 identified plant species.Celtis iguanae, Cassia ferruginea, andInga spp. were the main food sources, accounting for approximately 50% of the diet. Young leaves (59%) were preferred to mature leaves (31%), trees contributing 56% and lianas 41% of the leaf diet. The ingestion of young leaves was correlated to the availability of these items, however, the correlations were not significant for flowers and fruits. The diet was poorer in fruits and richer in young leaves of lianas in comparison to other howler monkey species studies, probably as a consequence of the liana abundance in this forest fragment.  相似文献   

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