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Summary We have developed an immunohistochemical method for the in vivo and in vitro detection of glycosyl receptors in rat spleen and lymph nodes by using neoglycoproteins. The receptor in both organs recognized mannose coupled to bovine serum albumin (mannose-BSA), fuscose-BSA, N-acetylglucosamine-BSA and to a lesser extent glucose-BSA, but not galactose-BSA or N-acetylgalactosamine-BSA. In vitro neoglycoprotein-receptor binding was Ca2+ dependent and could be inhibited by mannan but not by mannose. Simultaneous staining with the monoclonal antibodies ED1, ED2 or ED3 revealed that only ED1-and ED3-positive macrophages were involved in the binding of neoglycoproteins. In the spleen, the marginal-zone macrophages and a subpopulation of the marginal metallophils possess glycosylbinding receptors. In the lymph nodes, the medullary sinus macrophages and a subpopulation of the outercortex macrophages are able to bind neoglycoproteins.  相似文献   

The different nutritional properties of several Desulfovibrio desulfuricans strains suggest that either the strains are misclassified or there is a high degree of phenotypic diversity within the genus Desulfovibrio. The results of partial 16S rRNA and 23S rRNA sequence determinations demonstrated that Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 and "Desulfovibrio multispirans" are closely related to the type strain (strain Essex 6) and that strains ATCC 7757, Norway 4, and El Agheila Z are not. Therefore, these latter three strains of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans are apparently misclassified. A comparative analysis of nearly complete 16S rRNA sequences in which we used a least-squares analysis method for evolutionary distances, an unweighted pair group method, a signature analysis method, and maximum parsimony was undertaken to further investigate the phylogeny of Desulfovibrio species. The species analyzed were resolved into two branches with origins deep within the delta subdivision of the purple photosynthetic bacteria. One branch contained five deep lineages, which were represented by (i) Desulfovibrio salexigens and Desulfovibrio desulfuricans El Agheila Z; (ii) Desulfovibrio africanus; (iii) Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774, Desulfomonas pigra, and Desulfovibrio vulgaris; (iv) Desulfovibrio gigas; and (v) Desulfomicrobium baculatus (Desulfovibrio baculatus) and Desulfovibrio desulfuricans Norway 4. A correlation between 16S rRNA sequence similarity and percentage of DNA relatedness showed that these five deep lineages are related at levels below the minimum genus level suggested by Johnson (in Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, vol. 1, 1984). We propose that this branch should be grouped into a single family, the Desulfovibrionaceae. The other branch includes other genera of sulfate-reducing bacteria (e.g., Desulfobacter and Desulfococcus) and contains Desulfovibrio sapovorans and Desulfovibrio baarsii as separate, distantly related lineages.  相似文献   

The RNA from spleens and lymph nodes of Lewis rats immune to Plasmodium berghei protected A/J mice against a lethal challenge of the blood stages of P. berghei, NK65. The RNA was extracted by the hot phenol procedure from freshly removed spleens and lymph nodes. Protection was measured by survival and level of parasitemia as compared to controls. The levels of RNA administered were 10, 50, and 100 μg of RNA. There was observed 100% survival with 50 and 100 μg of immune spleen RNA. The maximum percentage of parasitemia was not reduced below that of the controls in the groups given immune RNA from lymph nodes, but was significantly reduced below that of the controls in the groups given immune RNA from spleens.  相似文献   

Hamsters of the randomly bred LAKZ and inbred LSH strains were infected with Dipetalonema viteae, and the in vitro responses of lymph node and spleen lymphocytes to male and female worm antigens and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) were measured by a [3H]-thymidine-uptake assay at various times after infection. The PHA response remained unchanged at the level of controls in infected LAKZ hamsters while LSH hamsters showed a depressed response to the mitogen during late infection. Stimulation of lymph node cells by filarial antigens was maximal in both strains of hamsters at Week 4 postinfection, almost reaching values obtained in PHA stimulated cultures. A similar high lymphocyte transformation reaction was measured after the injection of dead third stage larvae. During transient microfilaremia, when antibody titers reached a maximal level, the lymphocyte reactivity to filarial antigens decreased drastically and only occasionally was demonstrated in hamsters 20 and 30 weeks after infection. No correlation between lymphocyte reactivity and parasitological findings (worm load or intensity and duration of microfilaremia) could be demonstrated. The cellular unresponsiveness to filarial antigens was further analyzed in chronically infected LAKZ hamsters. No suppressor cells could be found in lymphocyte suspensions of nonresponding hamsters. A challenge infection did not restore lymphocyte reactivity. Serum of chronically infected hamsters caused marked inhibition when added to filarial antigen-sensitive lymphocytes. Lymphocytes from hamsters with a mixed D. viteae and Schistosoma mansoni infection responded as well to soluble schistosomal egg antigens at Week 30 of a D. viteae infection as lymphocytes from hamsters infected with S. mansoni alone. The humoral immune response to schistosomal antigens, however, was significantly lower in animals with a mixed infection.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte rolling velocity is determined largely by interactions between leukocyte alpha(4)-integrin (CD49d) and L-selectin and mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 (MAdCAM-1) in mesenteric postcapillary venules and Peyer's patch high endothelial venules (HEVs). The role of these interactions in other tissue sites of lymphocyte emigration is not known. With the use of real-time intravital confocal microscopy, we found that rolling velocities of T lymphocytes in the murine mesenteric lymph node (MLN) HEV also depend on L-selectin and CD49d. However, in the murine spleen, rolling velocities of T lymphocytes are not influenced by the loss of L-selectin and CD49d. With the use of FITC-dextran and TIE2-GFP mice, we further defined the microvascular compartments of the spleen and showed that adherence of T cells is localized to regions in the white pulp that are not lined by endothelial cells and have shear rates similar to bone marrow sinusoids. These results establish that T cell trafficking to the spleen differs from trafficking to other secondary lymphoid organs and suggest that the mechanical properties of the blood-filtering role of the spleen are important in T cell accumulation in the organ.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood, spleen, and lymph node B cells were stimulated with Cowan I Staphylococcus aureus (SA) or F(ab')2 fragments of anti-mu antibody (anti-mu) and various lymphokines and were analyzed for proliferation and generation of Ig-secreting cells (ISC). SA alone but not anti-mu stimulated minimal proliferation of each population. Recombinant IL 2 (r-IL 2) effectively promoted proliferation of SA-stimulated blood and spleen B cells, but supported less vigorous responses of lymph node B cells. By contrast, r-IL 2 enhanced DNA synthesis of all anti-mu-stimulated B cells early in culture, but did not promote sustained proliferation of anti-mu-stimulated lymph node B cells and only promoted ongoing DNA synthesis of some anti-mu-activated blood (eight out of 17) and spleen (five out of 14) B cell preparations. Recombinant interferon-gamma (r-IFN-gamma) and a commercial preparation of B cell growth factor (BCGF) also augmented DNA synthesis of all three B cell populations stimulated with SA or anti-mu early in culture, but neither alone was able to sustain maximal proliferation. Markedly enhanced sustained proliferation of all three anti-mu- and SA-stimulated B cell populations was noted when cultures were supported by the combination of r-IL 2 and BCGF, or to a lesser extent by r-IL 2 and r-IFN-gamma. The generation of ISC from SA-stimulated blood or spleen but not lymph node B cells was effectively supported by r-IL 2 alone. Differentiation of lymph node B cells required the combination of r-IL 2 and BCGF. These studies emphasize the importance of both the activation stimulus and the origin of the B cells in determining the lymphokine requirements of human B cell responsiveness.  相似文献   

In vivo polyclonal activation of B cells in the lymph nodes and the spleens of mice injected with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was compared. The peak of anti-trinitrophenylated sheep red blood cells plaque-forming cell (PFC) response in the lymph node was reached 6-8 days after the injection of LPS while that in the spleen was reached at 2 days. The maximal increase in the total number of Ig-producing cells in the lymph node also occurred at the later stage. These differences in time courses of polyclonal activation of B cells between the lymph node and the spleen were not due to the absence of B cells in the lymph node, migration of PFC from the spleen to the lymph node, or qualitative differences of B cells. This phenomenon was dependent on the environmental difference between the lymph node and the spleen, because B cells from the lymph node could respond to LPS rapidly in the spleen. Further, the polyclonal activation of B cells was accelerated in the lymph nodes of mice receiving prior injection of LPS. In in vitro cultures of lymph node cells of those mice, a significant amount of interleukin-1 could be detected by stimulation of LPS. It was possible that the delayed activation of B cells in the lymph node was due to the time lag necessary for construction of the environmental condition suitable for activation of B cells, whereas in the spleen this condition can be provided without delay.  相似文献   

The morphological analysis of nerves in axillary lymph nodes of the rat revealed the presence of two types of axon possessing either a more or a less electron-lucent matrix. The more electron-lucent axons enter the node finely myelinated, do not contain synaptic vesicles and quickly divide to form branches approaching the basement membranes of blood vessels, as well as cellular elements. They may be interpreted as sensory axons. The less electron-lucent axons are unmyelinated, and contain three distinct populations of synaptic vesicles. These may all be present in one axonal varicosity, so that the existence of cotransmitters is highly probable.  相似文献   



Sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) of melanoma patients show evidence of tumor-induced immune dysfunction. Our previous works have shown that IL-10 and IFNγ co-regulate indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO)-expressing immunosuppressive dendritic cells (DCs) in melanoma SLNs. The goal of this study is to examine the relationship between melanoma SLN tumor burden and the degree of SLN immune dysfunction as a model to study tumor-induced immune dysfunction. We hypothesize that SLN tumor burden correlates with the degree of SLN immune dysfunction.  相似文献   

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