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After a review of our present knowledge about the effects of proteases and protease inhibitors on cell growth and egg fertilization, the results of experiments where sea urchin and amphibian eggs were treated with two protease inhibitors (TPCK, TLCK) are described. Cleavage was hardly affected, but gastrulation quickly stopped or was incomplete. The morphogenetic abnormalities which follow can be explained by abnormal gastrulation and other factors: persistence of remnants of the fertilization membrane in sea urchin larvae and dissociation of the ectoderm cells in Xenopus embryos.  相似文献   

水稻三种害虫组合侵害及对籽粒生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据江淮稻区水稻害虫发生特点,于1991-1992年在网室和田间采用全组合随机区组设计研究了白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera、稻纵卷叶螟Csapkelocrocis medinalis、褐飞虱 Nilaparvata lugens三种害虫的组合侵害及对籽粒生长的影响。用生长曲线方程拟合籽粒生长过程。由生长曲线方程推导的一些参数分析害虫组合侵害对强、弱势粒生长的影响。分析 结果表明三种害虫组合侵害主效和互作效应均对水稻有显著的影响。随着害虫组合侵害的加重,最大生长速率Vmax、旺盛生长期积累的干物重GT等参数变小。田间和网室试验结果表 明害虫组合侵害对弱势粒的影响大于对强势粒的影响。  相似文献   

为探讨藻细胞复苏过程中环境因子的作用及其细胞生理特性的变化,在连续升高温度条件下,比较了在不同N:P值的培养基中复苏藻细胞的丰度、藻群落组成动态、藻光合活性变化,同时检测了这一过程中藻细胞中Na+K+-ATPase和Ca2+Mg2+-ATPase活性的变化。结果表明:实验期间共检测到7门,62种藻,表明太湖的底泥可以作为"种源",为藻细胞的复苏提供"种子"。6℃时蓝藻就能够萌发复苏,16℃左右是最适宜藻细胞复苏的温度。在设定的温度范围内,底泥中复苏蓝藻的光合效率随着温度的升高一直增加,表明温度越高越有利于蓝藻从底泥中的萌发和复苏;但是复苏的绿藻和硅藻的光合活性一直处在被抑制状态。低N:P值培养基中复苏的藻细胞丰度远远大于其他2种培养基中复苏的藻细胞丰度,低N:P值能够显著性的激发藻细胞从底泥中的复苏。同时,低N:P比培养液中复苏藻细胞的Na+K+-ATPase和Ca2+Mg2+-ATPase活性都显著高于其他培养液中复苏藻细胞的ATPase活性;16℃时2种ATPase活性的骤然升高与最适宜藻细胞复苏的温度相吻合,而且这个温度提前于复苏藻细胞显著增加的温度(21℃)。此外,复苏藻细胞的比生长速率与Na+K+-ATPase和Ca2+Mg2+-ATPase活性都呈现显著性的线性相关(*P<0.05)。因而,藻细胞中Na+K+-ATPase和Ca2+Mg2+-ATPase活性的恢复和升高,对推动藻细胞从底泥迁移到水柱中的萌发和复苏过程具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

多胺和赤霉素在莴苣种子萌发中的作用及其相互关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
非感光性莴苣(挂丝红品种)种子于22℃下萌发率在80%左右,而28℃下不萌发。22℃下外源亚精胺显著促进种子萌发,多胺生物合成抑制剂DFMA和DCHA明显抑制种子萌发,而DFMO无效。22℃诱导种子萌发过程中内源腐胺和亚精含量显著高于28℃下它们的含量。GA3处理能诱导28℃下种子的萌发,单独外源亚精胺处理效果不大,而外源亚精胺对GA3诱导效应有促进作用。DF-MA和DCHA能抑制GA3诱导28℃  相似文献   

Helminthosporol (H-ol) and helminthosporic acid (H-acid) wereeffective in promoting elongation of leaf sheaths of rice, Japanesebarnyard grass and dwarf maize (d-2 and d-5) and of hypocotylsof taisai (Brassica chinensis), but inactive in leaf sheathsof oat and wheat, hypocotyls of sesame and morning glory (Pharbitisnil) and epicotyls of Pharbitis and dwarf and tall peas. Onthe elongation of the leaf sheath of maize d-1, H-ol was promotivebut the activity of H-acid was doubtful. On hypocotyls of lettuceand daikon (Raphanus sativus), only H-acid was active. Multiplicationrate and size of fronds of Lemna perpusila were not affectedby either of the substances. Compared with gibberellic acid for the effect on the shoot growth,H-ol and H-acid were weak in activity and narrower in the scopeof plants that responded. H-ol and H-acid characteristicallypromoted the elongation of the primary root. Comparative effectivenessof H-ol and H-acid varied with plant species or parts examined. 1 This study was supported in part by grant-in aid of the Ministryof Education (No. 0417). The results reported here were presentedat the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan at Kanazawain 1964 (S).  相似文献   

Effects of H-ol and H-acid were observed using excised partsof several plant species. Both H-ol and H-acid were active inelongation of oat coleoptile and mesocotyl, expansion of Raphanusleaf disk, but were inactive in elongation of wheat coleoptileand of green stem of pea. They gave also negative results inthe standard Avena curvature test and in the split pea test.In expansion of lettuce cotyledon, H-ol was inactive while H-acidwas active. In excised plant parts, as in intact plants, theactivity of H-ol and H-acid resembles rather gibberellins thanauxins and cytokinins. (Received August 20, 1966; )  相似文献   

指环虫病是严重影响鱼类养殖的寄生虫病.为了有效控制指环虫病,实验研究了寄生在金鱼(Carassius auratus)鳃部的中型指环虫(Dactylogyrus intermedius)卵、纤毛幼虫的形态,以及在离体条件下温度对其产卵和孵化的影响.成熟的中型指环虫虫卵大部分为梨形,长30 μm左右,后端有一个卵柄.纤毛幼虫呈圆筒状,两端稍尖,眼点两对;后吸盘具有若干对小锚钩;在前部、中部和尾部分别具有一圈纤毛.实验研究了4℃、10℃、22℃、30℃和35℃条件下中型指环虫的产卵和孵化情况,在4℃条件下,中型指环虫基本不产卵也不孵化;在其他4个温度条件下,产卵量随着温度的升高而增加,其平均产卵量分别为3.30、4.10、4.13和4.24枚/虫.统计结果显示:在35℃条件下的产卵量明显高于10℃(P<0.05),其他温度条件下的平均产卵量没有显著性差异.中型指环虫的产卵速率随着温度的升高而加快,产卵维持的时间分别为4d、23h、15h和llh.孵化率在22℃时最高,为72.7%,在30℃和35℃的孵化率为50%左右,卡方检验显示:4种温度下的孵化率之间没有显著性差异p>0.05);随着温度的升高,孵化速率逐渐加快,而孵化时间和纤毛幼虫的存活时间则缩短,平均孵化时间分别为24d、3d、42h和26h,纤毛幼虫的最长存活时间分别为4d、3d、56h和34h.结果显示,当水温为22℃时,中型指环虫的产卵数量和纤毛幼虫的存活时间都比较高,且孵化率最高,表明该温度条件较适合中型指环虫的种群增长.  相似文献   

本试验用825mw/cm ̄2的CO_2激光照射青椒种子1秒、3秒、5秒;茄子种子10秒、13秒、15秒,以研究其生物学刺激效应,结果表明:1.激光照射提高了种子活力,2.激光照射增强了幼苗素质,并有显著促进早熟,增产的效果。  相似文献   

Plants of Acomastylis rossii and Bistorta vivipara were treated in the field with artificial acid mists prepared with sulfuric acid, nitric acid, or mixtures of equal parts of these at pH 2.5, 3.5, or 4.5. Highly significant reductions in flower production in A. rossii were noted with sulfuric acid treatments at pH 2.5 and in bulblet production in B. vivipara with nitric acid at pH 2.5 and 3.5, with sulfuric acid at pH 3.5, and with nitric-sulfuric acid mixtures at all pH's. These results apparently relate to the growth forms of the plants, which cause pooling of the acid solutions at their bases. Significant increases in flowering and in leaf number were noted for B. vivipara treated with sulfuric acid, possibly as a promotive effect of sulfate. No effects on vegetative growth were noted in A. rossii. The germinability of seeds (A. rossii) and bulblets (B. vivipara) also was not affected. Differential sensitivity of plant species to artificial acid mist implies that acid precipitation could cause a change in species composition of Colorado alpine plant communities.  相似文献   

本文报道应用组织化学反应方法初步观察了腔阔盘吸虫(Eurytrema coelomaticum)尾蚴及后蚴体中单细胞腺的组织化学成分及其生理功能。尾蚴的5对大单细胞腺主要分泌粘蛋白、酸性粘多糖及微量碱性蛋白质,当子胞蚴被排到外界时,此腺体物质分泌出充满子胞蚴内囊腔并包被着各尾蚴。尾蚴在此腺体分泌物保护下渡过其在外界生存的时间。尾蚴的4对小单细胞腺主要包含中性糖蛋白及结合氨基的蛋白质(可能是含酶物质),此腺体物质可能是在尾蚴进入昆虫宿主(草螽)体内穿钻其胃壁进入血腔时分泌出能溶解胃壁组织帮助尾蚴的穿钻行为。成熟后蚴的穿刺腺对PAS反应呈强阳性,其分泌物可以溶解囊蚴的囊壁,使后蚴迅速脱囊。各幼虫期其他器官组织的组化成分也经观察。  相似文献   

茉莉酸是环境胁迫下植物产生防御反应的重要信号物质, 但它发挥生理作用的时间和浓度效应以及该效应在叶片和根系中差异性并不清楚。该文以‘高油115’玉米(Zea mays)为材料, 采用4种浓度(1、2.5、5和10 mmol·L-1)的外源茉莉酸溶液涂施玉米幼苗叶片, 在3~48 h的不同时间内跟踪测定叶片和根系中的直接防御物质(丁布(DIMBOA)和总酚)含量及其合成调控基因(Bx1Bx9PAL)、直接防御蛋白调控基因(PR-1PR-2aMPI)和间接防御物质挥发物调控基因(FPSTPS)表达的动态变化。结果表明, 外源茉莉酸处理对玉米叶和根系的化学防御反应具有显著的时间和浓度效应。茉莉酸处理玉米叶片后3~6 h就能诱导叶片中Bx9PAL基因的表达, 使得丁布和总酚的含量显著增加, 且与处理浓度有呈正比的趋势, 随后诱导作用逐渐减弱; 茉莉酸处理还能明显诱导叶片中PR-2aMPI基因的表达, 诱导作用分别持续到24和48 h; 在处理后3~6 h内, 高浓度茉莉酸处理对挥发物调控基因FPS表达起诱导作用, 而低浓度茉莉酸则对TPS基因的表达起诱导作用。此外, 茉莉酸处理玉米叶片还能间接影响到根系的防御反应, 但大部分检测指标表明间接诱导作用主要出现在处理后期(24~48 h)。例如, 在处理后48 h, 茉莉酸能系统增加根系中直接防御物质丁布和总酚的含量, 增强根系中防御相关基因PR-2aMPIFPSTPS的表达, 并有随茉莉酸处理浓度的增加而增强的趋势。可见, 外源茉莉酸叶片涂施玉米幼苗对根系的间接诱导作用不如对叶片的直接诱导作用强; 叶片启动防御反应的时间较根系早; 随着处理浓度的增加, 茉莉酸对叶片和根系中防御反应的诱导作用有增强的趋势。  相似文献   

Population divergence in sexual traits is affected by different selection pressures, depending on the mode of reproduction. In allopatric sexual populations, aspects of sexual behavior may diverge due to sexual selection. In parthenogenetic populations, loss‐of‐function mutations in genes involved in sexual functionality may be selectively neutral or favored by selection. We assess to what extent these processes have contributed to divergence in female sexual traits in the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina clavipes in which some populations are infected with parthenogenesis‐inducing Wolbachia bacteria. We find evidence consistent with both hypotheses. Both arrhenotokous males and males derived from thelytokous strains preferred to court females from their own population. This suggests that these populations had already evolved population‐specific mating preferences when the latter became parthenogenetic. Thelytokous females did not store sperm efficiently and fertilized very few of their eggs. The nonfertility of thelytokous females was due to mutations in the wasp genome, which must be an effect of mutation accumulation under thelytoky. Divergence in female sexual traits of these two allopatric populations has thus been molded by different forces: independent male/female coevolution while both populations were still sexual, followed by female‐only evolution after one population switched to parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

卵龄和脉冲持续时间对小鼠卵母细胞电活化效果的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
谭景和  周琪 《动物学报》1995,41(3):327-331
实验研究了相同电场强度,一次脉冲条件下,不同脉冲持续时间和不同卵龄对小鼠卵母细胞电活化效果的影响,结果说明:(1)在场强0.45KV/cm,一次脉冲持续时间为10、20和40μs时,卵母细胞活化率很低,仅为9.8%,5.5%和12%,当脉冲持续80、160、320、640和280μs时,活化率明显升高,分别为36.5%、53.3%,59.7%,51.2%和39.4%,脉冲持续时间对卵线细胞碎裂率影  相似文献   

扑虱灵对稻飞虱的防治效果,及对捕食性天敌的毒性,进行了田间试验,并与叶蝉散,杀虫双的使用结果作比较.试验结果表明,扑虱灵对稻飞虱的防治效果达93%,与叶蝉散,杀虫双相比较。防治效果提高了2.39~32.85%.对黑肩绿盲蝽和蜘蛛种群具有不同程度的选择性,维护较低的稻飞虱与天敌的比值,有利于天敌作用的发挥,维持对稻飞虱较长的残效期,基本上可以控制稻田后期飞虱的增长.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of gossypol, an important allelochemical in cotton, on growth of the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) and development of its endoparasitoid Campoletis chlorideae (Uchida) in Huanghe River Valley were studied. Growth of H. armigera larvae was accelerated by adding 0.1% gossypol in the artificial diet, causing 10.75% reduction of the vulnerable period to C. chlorideae while the suppression activity of 0. 5 % gossypol to H. armigera larvae prolonged the vulnerable period by 28.15%. Negative effects of gossypol on the development of the parasitoid were demonstrated by using the artificial diet and cotton varieties WD-151 (glandless) and HG-BR-8 (glanded). Gossypol at 0.1% concentration in artificial diet did not remarkably increase the body weight of adult wasp, but significantly extended the egg-larval time and shortened the pupal time; 0. 5% gossypol and HG-BR-8 remarkably reduced the body weight of adult wasp, also significantly prolonged the egg-larval period and decreased the pupal period. Finally, the coordinate application of high gossypol resistant cotton varieties and C. chlorideae in H. armigera control is discussed.  相似文献   

本研究以水培的烤烟给予不同浓度的Cd、Pb及其复合物处理10d后的烟叶为材料,分析了烟叶过氧化氢酶、硝酸还原酶的活性变化,测试了烟叶可溶性糖含量的变化情况,通过透射电子显微镜观察到了Cd和Pb对烟地肉细胞亚显微结构的改变,特别是对叶绿体、线粒体和细胞核结构的损伤情况进行了详细观察。并探讨其毒害机理。研究结果表明:1)烟叶过氧化氢酶的活性剧烈地被Cd抑制;而随着Pb浓度的增加,其活性则表现为先增加后  相似文献   

Cd、Fe及其复合污染对烟草叶片几项生理指标的影响   总被引:73,自引:3,他引:70  
李元  王焕校  吴玉树 《生态学报》1992,12(2):147-154
本文通过盆栽和大田模拟试验,研究了Cd,Fe,Cd+Fe,Fe+Cd处理下烟草红花大金元(Nicotiana tabacurm L.)叶片的几项生理指标的变化情况。试验表明:烟草叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素a+b含量均随Cd处理浓度的增加而下降,随Fe处理浓度的增加而上升。总烟碱含量随Cd处理浓度的增加(0—100ppm)而下降,Cd 150ppm时略有上升,随Fe处理浓度的增加而上升。蛋白质含量随Cd处理浓度的增加而上升,随Fe处理浓度的增加而下降。烟草的3个生理指标表明,Cd抑制Fe对生理指标的作用,Fe抑制Cd对它们的作用,Cd与Fe相互拮抗。Cd处理的烟草叶片过氧化物酶活性和细胞膜透性的测定结果表明,过氧化物酶活性和细胞膜透性均随Cd处理浓度的增加而上升。  相似文献   

镉、铅及其相互作用对小白菜生理生化特性的影响   总被引:122,自引:4,他引:122  
本文研究了溶液培养条件下小白菜对镉,铅的吸收积累规律的镉,铅及其相互作用小白菜生理生化特性的影响,结果表明:植物体内镉,铅含量与培养中镉,铅浓度呈正相关性,镉可降低植物对铅的吸收;镉超过一定浓度后,对叶绿素起破坏作用,并促进抗坏血酸分解,使游离脯氨酸累,抑制硝酸还原酶活性。含镉的培养液中,由于铅的加入,加强了镉对植物的毒害作用。  相似文献   

铜与腐殖酸对小球藻生长影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王静  陈出新  陶澍 《生态学报》1992,12(3):201-205

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