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A method for the determination of d- and l-thyroxine in human serum is described. The method involves extraction of thyroxine from serum and the separation of thyroxine enantiomers on a reversed-phase, high-performance liquid chromatographic column by use of a chiral eluent containing l-proline and cupric sulfate. Satisfactory resolution of the enantiomers of thyroxine, triiodothyronine, and reverse triiodothyronine can be achieved in 12 min and, employing amperometric detection to monitor the separation, the detection limit for serum thyroxine is in the range of 1–3 ng per injected sample.  相似文献   

The enzymatic decarboxylations of l-DOPA and l-5-hydroxytryptophan (l-5-HTP) by aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) were measured with homogenates from human brain regions, caduate nucleus and hypothalamus, using our new and highly sensitive methods for l-DOPA decarboxylase and l-5-HTP decarboxylase by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (HPLC-ED). Dopamine formed from l-DOPA as substrate was measured for DOPA decarboxylase activity using d-DOPA for the blank. For 5-HTP decarboxylase activity, serotonin (5-HT) formed from l-5-HTP was measured, and the blank value in presence of NSD-1055 was subtracted. NSD-1055 inhibited 5-HTP decarboxylase activity completely at a concentration of 0.2 mM. In this study, the properties of l-5-HTP decarboxylase activity in human caudate nucleus were first examined. AADC activities in human brains were found to be widely variable for both l-DOPA and l-5-HTP as substrates. The ratio of the activities for l-DOPA and l-5-HTP were found to be significantly higher in hypothalamus than in caudate nucleus. AADC activity for l-DOPA in the brain was found to be linear up to 40 min of incubation, while that for l-5-HTP was found to be linear up to 240 min of incubation. The optimum pyridoxal phosphate concentration was found to be similar for both substrates and was between 0.01 and 0.1 mM. The optimum pH values were found to be 7.2 and 8.2 for l-DOPA decarboxylase and l-5-HTP decarboxylase, respectively. Km and Vmax values for a human caudate nucleus l-DOPA decarboxylase were found to be 414 μM and 482 pmol/min/g wet weight, respectively, while those for l-5-HTP decarboxylase were found to be 90 μM and 71 pmol/min/g wet weight, respectively.  相似文献   

The binding of substrate and product analogs to phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (EC from maize has been studied by a protection method. The ligand dissociation constants, KL, were estimated from the variation with [L] of the pseudo-first-order rate constants for enzyme inactivation by nitromethane. The phenylalanine analogs d- and l-2-aminooxy-3-phenylpropionic acid showed KL, values over 20,000-fold lower than the Km for l-phenylalanine. From these and other KL values it is deduced that when the enzyme binds l-phenylalanine the structural free energy stored in the protein is higher than when it binds the superinhibitors. Models for binding d- and l-phenylalanine and the superinhibitors are described. The enantiomeric pairs are considered to have similar KL values because they pack into the active site in a mirror-image relationship. If the elimination reaction approximates to the least-motion course deduced on stereoelectronic grounds, the mirror-image packing of the superinhibitors into the active site mimics the conformation inferred for a transition state in the elimination. It appears, therefore, that structural changes take place in the enzyme as the transition state conformation is approached causing stored free energy to be released. This lowers the activation free energy for the elimination reaction and accounts for the strong binding by the above analogs.  相似文献   

d-malate replaced l-malate in supporting both photosynthetic (anaerobic, light) and heterotrophic (aerobic, dark) growth of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata. Growth rates and cell yields were nearly equivalent with both enantiomorphs. Addition of glucose to malate culture media increased the growth rate and doubled the cell yield of heterotrophic cultures, but had little effect on photosynthetic cultures. Aerobically-grown cells showed a higher level of substrate-dependent oxygen uptake with l-malate than with d-malate. This preference for l-malate occured even in cells grown on d-malate. No malic racemase activity was detected in extracts of heterotrophically- or photosynthetically-grown cells.  相似文献   

Cysteine desulfhydrase activity in leaf discs of cucurbit plants is enhanced 2–4-fold by preincubation with l or d-cysteine. Preincubation with structural analogs of cysteine also stimulated the activity of the enzyme, but to a smaller extent. Maximal increase in cysteine desulfhydrase activity was observed by preincubation with 5 mM or higher concentrations of cysteine. Although not caused by activation, stimulation of the enzyme activity was half-maximal within less than 15 min. Whereas the increase in cysteine desulfhydrase activity by preincubation of leaf discs with cysteine was light independent, pretreatment of the entire plant with light or dark determined the leaf discs' potential for stimulation of the enzyme. Exposure to darkness for 4 hr reduced this potential by 60%. It is concluded that the potential for stimulation of cysteine desulfhydrase activity by preincubation with cysteine is regulated by a compound not synthesized, but metabolized, in the leaf tissue. This regulatory compound may be supplied to the leaves by long-distance transport.  相似文献   

Cyclic dipeptide cyclo(l- or d-Glu-l-His) carrying an anionic site and a nucleophilic site has been synthesized and used as a catalyst for the solvolysis of cationic esters in aqueous alcohols. In the solvolysis of 3-acyloxy-N-trimethylanilinium iodide (S+n, n = 2 and 10) and Cl?H3N+(CH2)11COOPh(NO2), no efficient nucleophilic catalysis was observed. On the other hand, in the solvolysis of Gly-OPh(NO2)·HCl, Val-OPh(NO2)·HCl and Leu-OPh(NO2)·HCl a very efficient general base-type catalysis by cyclo(l-Glu-l-His) was observed. In particular, with the latter two substrates the catalysis by cyclo(l-Glul-His) was more efficient than that by imidazole, although the catalysis was not enantiomer-selective. The diastereomeric cyclic dipeptide cyclo(d-Glu-l-His) was almost inactive under the same conditions. Confomation of cyclo(l- or d-Glu-l-His) in aqueous solution was investigated and the structure/catalysis relationship is discussed.  相似文献   

The uptake of l-DOPA (l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) was studied in normal human red blood cells in vitro using l-[3-14C]DOPA. Uptake was slow, tending towards a distribution ratio close to unity with a half-time to equilibrium of one hour. Uptake was not Na+-dependent. Concentration dependence studies showed both saturable and non-saturable components of uptake, and inhibition studies using l-leucine and l-tryptophan suggest that the L and T systems of red cell amino acid uptake are involved. A powerful inhibitor of both systems, 3,4-dihydroxy-2-methylpropriophenone (U-0521), is described. It is concluded that uptake is by carrier-mediated facilitated diffusion via the L and T systems for which l-DOPA has low affinity.  相似文献   

A sensitive and convenient method for the simultaneous determination of d- and l-aspartic acid in amino acid mixtures is described. The method involves derivatization of the mixture with a chiral fluorogen, followed by high-performance liquid chromatography on a reverse-phase column. The fluorogen used is an adduct of o-phthaldialdehyde with an optically active thiol, N-acetyl-l-cysteine. The sensitivity and accuracy of this method is similar to that using adducts of o-pthaldialdehyde with the achiral thiol, 2-mercaptoethanol. Five picomoles of d-aspartate can be accurately detected in the presence of a 100-fold excess of l-aspartate with a total analysis time (including derivatization) of 10 min.  相似文献   

A preparation of l-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (EC from soybean (Glycine max L. cv. Kanrich) showed negative cooperativity with respect to l-phenylalanine and competitive inhibition by d-phenylalanine. A two-protomer partially concerted model for inhibition kinetics is described. If cooperativity is associated with ligand binding but not kcat, plots of v against log [S] at constant [I] are symmetrical. Such curves may be fitted by graphical or iterative least-squares methods. The experimental results conform to this restricted model. The three-substrate and three-inhibitor dissociation constants were estimated by a stepwise procedure. For substrate only the first and second dissociation constants were 12 and 78 μm, respectively, with a symmetry point value of 30.5 μm. To a first approximation, site occupancy determines the cooperativity. As d- and l-phenylalanine produce equivalent effects, they are assumed to pack into the same induced space. As ligand binding at one site has little influence on the relative d:l binding at the other and does not influence kcat, cooperativity probably reflects changes in regions remote from the active site such as the interface between the protomers. The regulatory range in [S] of the enzyme in vivo may be indicated by the linearity range of the semilog plot for the isolated enzyme. The observed range corresponds to a 100-fold change in [S] compared to a 10-fold change for Michaelis-Menten kinetics.  相似文献   

Observation of random copolypeptides of γ-benzyl-l-glutamate with l-phenylalanine, l-valine and l-alanine was carried out in an electron microscope with samples cast from dilute solution. The relationship between the morphology and the molecular conformation in solution was studied with mixed solvents composed of chloroform and trifluoroacetic acid; these show a preference for α-helix and random coil, respectively. From the solutions in which molecules take α-helical conformation, fibrous films of nematic structure were formed. From random coil solutions discrete precipitates with folded molecules such as lamellar single crystals, piles of lamellae and structureless particles were formed. A copolypeptide containing l-valine in sufficiently large quantity to form β-structure also showed a variation in morphology with solvent, from films to discrete precipitates. It is suggested that the change in stiffness of the molecules contributes to the morphological variation.  相似文献   

The enzymes d-galactose dehydrogenase and d-arabinose dehydrogenase were demonstrated to be applicable to the quantitative determination of d-galactose (and homologs) and d-arabinose (and homologs), respectively. The enzymic reactions were quite specific. When coupled with β-galactosidase, d-galactose dehydrogenase could be used in the quantitative determination of β-galactosides.  相似文献   

A partition chromatographic procedure utilizing a cationic exchange resin column in the Li+ form and 90% ethanol as the mobile phase was employed to quantify 3-deoxy-d-manno-octulosonic acid (KDO) and l-glycero-d-manno-heptose in the lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of Re and RdP? rough mutants of Salmonella minnesota. In a standard mixture of monosaccharides, KDO eluted shortly after the void volume and heptose eluted after the neutral hexoses. Mild acid treatment of either the Re or RdP? LPS with 0.16 n methanesulfonic acid in the presence of Dowex 50-X8 resin (H+ form) released more than 80% of the KDO residues within 15 min. The heptose of the RdP? LPS, first detected after 90 min of hydrolysis, increased gradually to a maximum level at 12 h. A secondary gradual increase in KDO became apparent during the heptose release. The weight contents of these two monosaccharides based upon aheir maximum values detected during hydrolysis were 20.3 ± 0.6% KDO, for the Re LPS, and 13.8 ± 0.4% KDO and 12.0 ± 0.4% heptose, for the RdP? LPS. The relationship between the kinetics of release of KDO and heptose and the nature of the linkages involving these two monosaccharides are discussed.  相似文献   

Two l-arabino-d-galactan-containing glycoproteins having a potent inhibitory activity against eel anti-H agglutinin were isolated from the hot saline extracts of mature radish leaves and characterized to have a similar monosaccharide composition that consists of l-arabinose, d-galactose, l-fucose, 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid, and d-glucuronic acid residues. The chemical structure features of the carbohydrate components were investigated by carboxyl group reduction, methylation, periodate oxidation, partial acid hydrolysis, and digestion with exo- and endo-glycosidases, which indicated a backbone chain of (1→3)-linked β-d-galactosyl residues, to which side chains consisting of α-(1→6)-linked d-galactosyl residues were attached. The α-l-arabinofuranosyl residues were attached as single nonreducing groups and as O-2- or O-3-linked residues to O-3 of the β-d-galactosyl residues of the side chains. Single α-l-fucopyranosyl end groups were linked to O-2 of the l-arabinofuranosyl residues, and the 4-O-methyl-β-d-glucopyranosyluronic acid end groups were linked to d-galactosyl residues. The O-α-l-fucopyranosyl-(1→2)-α-l-arabinofuranosyl end-groups were shown to be responsible for the serological, H-like activity of the l-arabino-d-galactan glycoproteins. Reductive alkaline degradation of the glycoconjugates showed that a large proportion of the polysaccharide chains is conjugated with the polypeptide backbone through a 3-O-d-galactosylserine linkage.  相似文献   

In this paper we studied the degradation of l-2-hydroxyglutarate in tissues from rat and man in order to try and find the underlying basis for the accumulation of this metabolite in l-2-hydroxyglutaric patients. The results show that l-2-hydroxyglutarate is not degraded by an oxidase but via a dehydrogenase which was found to be present in liver only. This newly identified enzyme activity was characterized kinetically, although the nature of the reaction product remains to be identified.  相似文献   

l-Alanylglycyl-l-alanylglycyl-l-alanylglycyl-l-serylglycine and its pentachlorophenyl ester methanesulphonate have been synthesized as monomers for the preparation of silk fibroin model polypeptide. The former octapeptide was polymerized with diphenylphosphorylazide (DPPA) and triethylamine in DMSO or in HMPA—pyridine, and the latter octapeptide pentachlorophenylester was polymerized by adding triethylamine in DMSO to give poly(l-alanylglycyl-l-alanylglycyl-l-alanylglycyl-l-serylglycine). This sequential polypeptide gave a similar i.r. pattern to the crystalline part of Bombyx mori silk fibroin, which indicated antiparallel β-conformation. Dialysis of the solution of this polymer in 60%, aqueous LiBr against water gave mainly the polymer of α-form. O.r.d. measurements suggest that this polypeptide exists as a random structure in dichloroacetic acid on in 60% aqueous LiBr.  相似文献   

An enzyme has been discovered in Escherichia coli that catalyzes the conversion of the triphosphate ester of 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-(d-erythro-1′,2′,3′-trihydroxypropyl)-7,8-dihydropteridine, (i.e. d-erythro-dihydroneopterin triphosphate) to an epimer of this compound, l-threo-dihydroneopterin triphophate. The enzyme, which is here named “d-erythro-dihydroneopterin triphosphate 2′-epimerase,” needs a divalent cation (Mg2+ or Mn2+ is most effective) for maximal activity. Its molecular weight is estimated at 87 000–89 000. Little or no activity can be detected if either the monophosphate or the phosphate-free form of the substrate is incubated with the enzyme. Evidence is presented to establish that all three phosphate residues of the substrate are retained in the product and that the product is of the l-threo configuration.  相似文献   

d-Serine is an endogenous modulator of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Plasma concentrations of d-serine and the ratio of d-serine to total serine may be used as clinically-translatable biomarkers in NMDA receptor-related disease. We developed a highly sensitive and specific method using high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) for the simultaneous determination of the d- and l-isomers of serine in human plasma. Since d- and l-serine are endogenous components, phosphate buffered saline was used as the surrogate matrix. d- and l-serine in human plasma and PBS were treated by cationic exchange solid phase extraction. d-Serine (m/z 106.1 > 60.0), l-serine (m/z 106.1 > 60.1) and dl-serine-d3 (m/z 109.1 > 63.0) were detected using a multiple reaction monitoring. The enantiomer separation of d- and l-serine was successfully achieved without any derivatization step using tandemly-arranged and ice-cold CROWNPAK CR-I(+) columns with an isocratic mobile phase comprised of 0.3% trifluoroacetic acid in 10% acetonitrile. The standard curves were linear throughout the calibration range with 0.01–10 μg/mL (d-serine) and 0.1–100 μg/mL (l-serine), respectively. Intra-day and inter-day precision and accuracy of the quality control samples were within relative standard deviations of less than 15%. The endogenous concentrations of d- and l-serine in human plasma were 0.124–0.199 and 7.97–13.1 μg/mL, respectively.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the cyclo-hexadepsipeptide [l-valyl-d-hexahydromandelyl]3 is described. Examination of this macrocyclic compound by 220-MHz nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy shows that symmetrical conformations are stabilized in strongly polar solvents (trifluoroacetic acid, acetonitrile), whereas asymmetric conformations are preferred in nonpolar or slightly polar media such as carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, cyclohexane, and benzene.From analysis of the temperature dependence of the chemical shift and of the coupling constants, together with conformational energy calculations, a model is proposed for the preferred conformation of this molecule in nonpolar solvents.  相似文献   

Both glucose-grown baker's yeast after induction and galactose-grown yeast appear to take up d-galactose by a system not requiring phosphorylation and only up to a diffusion equilibrium, as shown by pulse labelling, sampling at very short intervals and chromatographic analysis of extracts. Part of the sugar taken up is transformed into trehalose which is present in substantially greater amounts in cells than the transported sugar itself. The effect of 2,4-dinitrophenol and of iodoacetamide, as well as the nature of the efflux of sugars from preloaded cells, support the results. d-Glucose and α-methylglucoside are also taken up without phosphorylation.  相似文献   

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