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Marmosets and tamarins have a communal rearing system in which all group members help to care for the twin infants characteristic of this family of primates. Helpers are likely to incur time and energy costs by contributing to infant care. Predictions that cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) helpers would change their behavior when carrying infants because of reduced mobility and/or a need for increased vigilance were tested in a captive colony. Tamarins carrying an infant spent significantly less time feeding, foraging, moving, or engaging in social activities such as grooming than they did when not carrying. Frequencies of scratching, autogrooming, and scent marking were significantly reduced in carriers, suggesting that their mobility was reduced. However, carriers were significantly less likely to be vigilant (measured by direction of gaze) than when not carrying. Further observations showed that carriers spent more time in concealed areas than they did when not carrying and were probably therefore adopting a cryptic strategy to reduce predation risks to themselves and to infants. These results demonstrate that tamarin helpers pay costs by carrying infants. Some possible compensating benefits are indicated.  相似文献   

Shortly after giving birth, cotton-top tamarin mothers frequently attack the eldest female helpers [Snowdon et al., American Journal of Primatology 31:11-21, 1993]. Sometimes this aggression leads to the eviction of the eldest daughters from their natal groups 3-4 months after the birth of infants [Price & McGrew, Folia Primatologica 57:16-27, 1991]. We propose that daughters, during the act of carrying infants, may receive less aggression from mothers than when they are not carrying. On the other hand, given that mothers benefit from having others carry their infants, overall aggression received by female helpers from their mothers might be lower in those female helpers with a larger relative contribution to this activity. Four groups were observed during the first 9 weeks following the birth of infants, and aggression received was recorded for symmetrical as well as nonsymmetrical interactions. We found a positive correlation between contribution to infant carrying of female helpers and the overall aggression received from their mothers. Furthermore, the two eldest daughters with highest values of carrying contribution were evicted from their natal groups 3-4 months after the birth of infants. Although mothers do not appear to be more tolerant of female helpers that contribute the most to infant carrying, daughters do benefit from reduced aggression during the act of carrying, and remain in their natal group during the time period when infants must be carried.  相似文献   

Mother-infant dyads were observed among three populations of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) in India and Nepal. Physical contact between mothers and infants, essential for effective maternal care in rhesus, was found to be influenced by the mothers' feeding behavior. As early as the second week of life, infants exhibited a diminished probability of being in contact with their mothers if their mothers were feeding rather than resting. Rhesus mothers disproportionately rejected their infants within feeding contexts, indicating that mothers were actively discouraging contact attempts by their infants during feeding bouts—perhaps because an active infant, if it remained in contact, would diminish its mother's foraging efficiency. In contrast to the mothers' feeding behavior, mother-infant contact was found to be little influenced by maternal locomotion. Most infants were found to be neither disproportionately in, nor out of contact while their mothers were in motion. However, as the amount of time mothers spent walking increased, so did the probability that infants would be carried. These data suggest that rhesus mothers behave so as to minimize their energetic costs during locomotion.  相似文献   

Alloparents contribute to offspring care and alleviate the workload of breeders. The help provided varies with the age and/or experience of helpers, but it is not known whether breeders vary their investment based on the age of helpers by adjusting the parental care they provide. We studied the alloparental care provided by juvenile and subadult philopatric daughters in biparental African striped mice Rhabdomys pumilio with and without the mother as a measure of alleviation of maternal workload. We showed in a previous study that alleviation of maternal workload directly affects the development of paternal care in their sons, so we studied the expression of paternal care in young males raised by helpers as a proxy of the long‐term consequences of helping. Both juvenile and subadult daughters provided care but the level of alloparental care and concomitant alleviation of maternal care was age‐dependent. In the absence of the mother, juvenile daughters provided just 6% of care compared with 24% of subadult daughters. Sons raised by mothers and juvenile helpers displayed the expected exaggerated levels of care also observed when mothers raise litters on their own. While our results show the direct value of subadult daughters, juvenile daughters could contribute indirectly (e.g. nest maintenance) to alleviating maternal workload. The development of paternal care indicates that mothers do distinguish between the care provided by different aged helpers. Overall, the type of alloparental care provided by female striped mice is expected to change over their lifetimes, resulting in increased inclusive fitness through caring for siblings and acquisition of parenting skills.  相似文献   

Individual variation in infant caretaking behavior is prevalent among marmoset and tamarin monkeys. Although most group members participate in infant care, the timing and amount provided differs greatly. In this study, we quantified general trends in infant carrying behavior by using a longitudinal database that included 11 years of instantaneous scan observations following 80 births of cotton‐top tamarins. Using detailed focal observations on a subset of the same families (10 births) we identified influences that affected expression of infant care at the group and individual levels. Fathers were the primary carriers and paternal carry time gradually decreased with increasing infant age. Paternal carry time also decreased significantly with an increasing number of older sibling helpers. Most fathers began to carry on the first day postpartum. However, we report circumstances in which fathers delayed carrying until almost a month postpartum. Fathers retrieved infants the most, although adult brothers' rates of retrievals peaked and surpassed fathers' rates during week 4 postpartum. Fathers delayed rejection of infants until week 4, whereas mothers rejected infants immediately and throughout the eight weeks. Nonetheless, infants climbed onto their mothers more than onto any other family member. Mothers showed a high initial investment in carrying during the first two weeks, decreasing quickly thereafter. Maternal contributions to infant carrying remained low and relatively consistent regardless of group size. However, mothers dramatically increased their infant carrying behavior in families in which fathers were absent. Older siblings cared for infants more than did younger siblings, and brothers retrieved and carried infants more than did sisters. Individual expression of infant care changed to accommodate infant needs and changed according to varying social dynamics and circumstances across litters. Am. J. Primatol. 72:296–306, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

灵长类社会中存在着非母亲成员(成年雌猴、青少年猴和成年雄猴)对婴儿的照料行为,即非母亲照料行为,该行为直接影响新生婴儿的存活与发育以及婴儿母亲的日常活动,是灵长类学研究领域的热点问题.本研究于2019年3月至2019年11月,采用焦点动物取样和瞬时扫描取样,探究了川金丝猴非母亲照料行为的影响因素及其对母亲活动分配的影响...  相似文献   

Because of the necessity of lactation, mammalian mothers must perform at least a minimum amount of infant care. In cooperatively breeding species, other group members aid in all other aspects of infant care. However, some mothers continue to carry and nurse their infants more than others. The golden lion tamarin, Leontopithecus rosalia, is a small, communally breeding primate in the family Callitrichidae. We studied hormonal, individual, historical and social factors hypothesized to contribute to variation in levels of maternal care. We used neonatal weight as a measure of prenatal care, and carrying and nursing as measures of postnatal care. Greater neonatal weight was associated with smaller litter size, lower prepartum levels of oestrogen conjugates, and higher prepartum cortisol levels. Higher rates of carrying during weeks 2 and 3 were associated with higher maternal weight, larger litter size and smaller numbers of helpers per infant. Higher rates of nursing in weeks 2 and 3 were predicted by smaller group size and provisioning of the mother. The most important factors affecting postnatal maternal care were maternal weight, group size, litter size and provisioning status of the mother. Thus, females that display higher levels of maternal care do so either because they have to (they have fewer helpers) or because they can (they are in better condition).  相似文献   

Species may become obligate cooperative breeders when parents are unable to raise their offspring unassisted. We measured the daily energy expenditure of mothers, helpers and offspring during peak lactation in cooperatively breeding meerkats Suricata suricatta using the doubly labelled water technique. Lactating mothers expended more energy per day than allo-lactating subordinate females, non-lactating females or suckling offspring. Metabolizable energy intakes of lactating mothers were calculated from isotope-based estimates of offspring milk energy intake, and were not significantly different from the previously suggested maximal limit for mammals. Allo-lactating females were the only category of animals that lost weight during the period of study, probably because they spent more time babysitting than non-lactating females. Daily energy expenditure (DEE) of lactating mothers increased with litter size but decreased with the number of helpers. Calculations show that for every 10 helpers, even in the absence of allo-lactators, mothers are able to reduce their DEE during peak lactation by an amount equivalent to the energy cost of one pup. These results indicate that helpers have beneficial energetic consequences for lactating mothers in an obligate cooperatively breeding mammal.  相似文献   

Mammalian females are strongly attracted to infants and interact regularly with them. Female baboons make persistent attempts to touch, nuzzle, smell and inspect other females’ infants, but do not hold them for long periods, carry them, or provide other kinds of care for them. Mothers generally tolerate these interactions, but never initiate them. The function of these brief alloparental interactions is not well understood. Infant handling might be a form of reproductive competition if females’ interest in infants causes distress to mothers or harm to their infants. Alternatively, infant handling might be the product of selection for appropriate maternal care if females who are highly responsive to infants are the most successful mothers. We test several predictions derived from these hypotheses with data collected in a free‐ranging group of baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus) in the Moremi Reserve of Botswana. Infants were most attractive when they were very young. Mothers of young infants were approached by other adult females on average once every 6 min, and other females attempted to handle their infants approximately once every 9 min. By the time infants were a year old, their mothers were being approached only once every 30 min and infants were being handled only once every 5 h. Females were more strongly attracted to other females’ infants when they had young infants of their own, and their interest in other females’ infants declined as their own infants matured. Females seemed to be equally attracted to all infants, but had greater access to offspring of their relatives and subordinate females. Females nearly always grunted as they handled infants. As in other contexts grunts are a reliable predictive signal that non‐aggressive behavior will follow, the use of grunts before handling suggests that these interactions were not a form of deliberate harassment.  相似文献   

The effects of callitrichid primate helpers (allocare-givers other than an infant's father) on the survival, reproduction or behavior of infants and parents are reviewed, using both published studies and data from free-ranging golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia). Three lines of evidence suggest that helpers may increase their own inclusive fitness: (1) The number of adult males acting as helpers in free-ranging groups is correlated with the number of surviving infants in 3 callitrichid species. However, the lack of a negative correlation with number of infants dying suggests that activities other than direct infant care (e.g. territory defense) may be more important, especially in newly formed groups. (2) In 2 species, captive groups with helpers carry infants for longer periods of time than do groups without helpers. Whether such differences would translate into meaningful survival differences in free-ranging groups is unclear. (3) Helpers reduce the energetic burden of parents by reducing the amount of time they spend transporting or provisioning infants in at least 4 species. Reproductive males are more likely than reproductive females to benefit from the presence of helpers, reducing their investment in infant care activities as the number of helpers in the group increases. In free-ranging golden lion tamarins, the reproductive tenure of males, but not females, increases with the number of helpers in the group, suggesting that a reduction in energetic investment may translate into increased survival. 'Decisions' made by helpers to participate in infant transport are weighed against competing needs for foraging, vigilance, territory defense and, in some cases, prospecting for breeding opportunities. Given this complexity, a sophisticated model may be required to answer the question of how helpers 'decide' to participate in infant care versus other activities.  相似文献   

Acorn woodpeckers (Melanerpes formicivorus) are cooperative breeders in which groups consist of a variable number of cobreeding males, joint‐nesting females, and non‐breeding helpers of both sexes that are offspring from prior nests. We temporarily manipulated brood size of nests to determine the feeding response of birds in relation to their status (breeder or non‐breeding helper) and sex. All categories of birds responded similarly to brood size increases, adjusting their feeding rate upwards so as to maintain approximately the same per‐nestling feeding rate. Breeders, however, exhibited more flexibility with respect to brood size reductions, decreasing their feeding rate while helpers did not. This suggests that the ‘feeding rules’ of helpers are less flexible than those of breeders, a result not previously detected in other cooperative breeders that have been studied to date. Particularly surprising was the finding that helpers maintain their feeding rates when brood demand is decreased rather than when it was increased, suggesting that the flexibility they exhibit is not a result of birds using the opportunity afforded by reduced brood demand to engage in other less cooperative activities.  相似文献   

We describe the development of social play behavior and assess factors influencing the development of play in infant Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana). Infant snub-nosed monkeys began to exhibit social play at 3 months of age, when they spent an average 0.89% of time engaging in this behavior (range: 0.7-1.12%). At 6 months of age, there was a significant increase in the proportion of time spent in social play, averaging 9.78% of observation time (range: 4.92-17.08%). However, from 7 to 9 months of age during the winter, social play decreased gradually before rising again from 10 months of age in the spring. Play behavior in infant snub-nosed monkeys is influenced by environmental temperature. Males were observed to play more than females, although further data on this are required. Social rank did not influence the social play of wild Sichuan snub-nosed monkey infants.  相似文献   

We observed the grooming interactions of 13 female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)before and for 12 weeks after the births of their infants. Mothers groomed for similar amounts of time before and after the birth of their infants, but after the birth, the grooming they directed to their infants may have been at the expense of that directed to other partners. Lactating females did not receive more grooming from other females but were approached more often, suggesting that they were more attractive. Mothers that groomed their infants most groomed others least, as if grooming time was limited for each mother or as if she was trying to compensate for avoiding interactions with other partners. Mothers of male infants groomed others more than mothers with female infants did, which might be due to mothers with daughters receiving more aggression and therefore avoiding interaction. Experienced and high-ranking mothers groomed their newborn infants considerably more than primiparous mothers did in the 24 hr following birth. Grooming was preferentially directed at close kin before the births of the infants. Mothers tended to groom higher-ranked partners more than they were groomed by them, and they tended to receive more grooming from lower-ranked partners than they gave, as suggested in models of rank attractiveness.  相似文献   

Marmosets and tamarins are characterized by a reproductive strategy that includes twinning, and a communal rearing system in which infant care is shared among all group members, both breeders and nonbreeding helpers (often older offspring). In order to test some predictions about the extent to which different age-sex classes should invest in infants, contributions to infant carrying and food-sharing by all family members were measured in captive groups of cotton-top tamarins (Saquinus oedipus) ranging in size from 2 to 12 independent individuals. Fourteen litters were observed from birth to 12 weeks. Carrying by mothers decreased steadily over the study period, while carrying by fathers and other offspring increased for 3–5 weeks, then declined. Infants spent more time carried by siblings than by either parent, but parents did more carrying than individual siblings and, also, shared more food with infants. Older siblings contributed more care than younger siblings did. Adult sons carried infants more than adult daughters did, but immature daughters carried more than immature sons did. However, adult daughters actively offered food to infants more than any other class of helper did. These results were interpreted in the light of hypotheses concerning the reproductive and dispersal strategies of callitrichid species.  相似文献   

Reproductive suppression of females is found throughout the Callitrichids. However, in many species some evidence of ovarian activity is observed in subordinate females. Subordinate cotton-top tamarin females in our colony have never been observed to ovulate in the presence of a reproductive female. However, ovarian follicular development does occur, and measurable levels of urinary estrogen and luteinizing hormone are frequently found in subordinate females. We studied 11 female tamarins living in family groups with a reproductive female. Each of the 8 eldest daughters had measurable urinary estrogen and LH levels and showed a reduction of hormonal levels when new infants were born. The 3 younger daughters showed barely detectable hormonal levels that did not change. Following the birth of infants the eldest daughters scent marked less frequently, increased time in contact with and grooming group members other than the mother, but they were more often targets of aggression than immediately prior to infant births. The eldest daughters were somewhat less involved in care of new infants than expected, although they spent much time in proximity to those carrying the infants. These results suggest that the further reduction of hormonal levels in subordinate females after the birth of infants may function to prevent these females from competing with mothers during the post-partum estrus rather than recruiting the eldest daughters as helpers for infant care. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Infant care from adult males is unexpected in species with high paternity uncertainty. Still, males of several polygynandrous primates engage in frequent affiliative interactions with infants. Two non‐exclusive hypotheses link male infant care to male mating strategies. The paternal investment hypothesis views infant care as a male strategy to maximize the survival of sired offspring, while the mating effort hypothesis predicts that females reward males who cared for their infant by preferably mating with them. Both hypotheses predict a positive relationship between infant care and matings with a particular female. However, the paternal investment hypothesis predicts that increased matings come before infant care whereas the mating effort hypothesis predicts that infant care precedes an increase in matings. Both hypotheses are usually tested from the perspective of the proportion of matings and care that individual females engage in and receive, rather than from the perspective of the care and mating behaviour of individual males. We tested the relationships between care and mating from both female and male perspectives in Barbary macaques. Mating predicted subsequent care and care predicted subsequent mating when viewed from the male but not the female perspective. Males mainly cared for infants of their main mating partners, but infants were not mainly cared for by their likely father. Males mated more with the mothers of their favourite infants, but females did not mate more with the main caretakers of their infants. We suggest that females do not choose their mating partners based on previous infant care, increasing paternity confusion. Males might try to increase paternal investment by distributing the care according to their own instead of female mating history. Further, males pursue females for mating opportunities based on previous care.  相似文献   

From December 1983 to June 1985, 162 infants of less than 32 weeks'' gestation or weighing less than 1,500 g, or both, were cared for at the regional neonatal intensive care unit in Leeds. Of the 162, 64 (40%) were born in the unit because their mothers had received antenatal care there, 58 (36%) were born in another hospital and subsequently transferred, and 40 (25%) were transferred in utero because of potential complications. The overall mortalities for each group were 14%, 38%, and 18% respectively. These differences were significant, but when they were corrected for gestation, birth weight, and mode of delivery there was no difference in either the mortality or the incidence of intraventricular haemorrhage in the three study populations. Although there seem to be no distinct advantages of in utero transfer in terms of mortality and morbidity, there are other psychological and emotional advantages.  相似文献   

Data on callitrichids infant carrying is highly variable, and there is some disagreement over the relative involvement of different group members. Considering that variation may result from different social and environmental conditions it is important to compare data from different environments. The purpose of this study was to compare infant carrying in 11Callithrix jacchus groups living in two colonies, in the UK and Brazil, or in a field site in the northeastern Brazil. No differences were found in the amount of time that infants were carried, in the three environmental conditions, during weeks 1 to 4, 7, and 10. Fathers and mothers carried infants for equivalent amounts of time in the three conditions, but helpers from natural groups carried infants more than their captive counterparts. In general, adult helpers carried infants more than subadults and juveniles. The results suggest that carrying is a stable feature inCallithrix jacchus groups, but there is a trend suggestive of an extended carrying period in natural groups. Mothers behaviour were remarkably stable, but fathers behaviour, although comparable, was more conspicuous in captivity than in the field, what may be attributed to paternity certainty. Finally, the greater participation of field helpers in carrying is considered as deriving mostly to age of helpers than to group size.  相似文献   

In both animal and human societies, individuals may forego personal reproduction and provide care to the offspring of others. Studies aimed at investigating the adaptive nature of such cooperative breeding systems in vertebrates typically calculate helper 'fitness' from relationships of helper numbers and offspring survival to independence. The aim of this study is to use observations and supplemental feeding experiments in cooperatively breeding meerkats, Suricata suricatta, to investigate whether helpers influence the long-term reproductive potential of offspring during adulthood. We show that helpers have a significant and positive influence on the probability that offspring gain direct reproductive success in their lifetimes. This effect arises because helpers both reduce the age at which offspring begin to reproduce as subordinates and increase the probability that they will compete successfully for alpha rank. Supplemental feeding experiments confirm the causality of these results. Our results suggest that one can neither discount the significance of helper effects when none is found nor necessarily estimate accurately the fitness benefit that helpers accrue, unless their effects on offspring are considered in the long term.  相似文献   

Infant‐carrying behavior among callitrichids seems to be a costly activity. Costs have been related to the physical efforts of carrying the weight of very heavy infants and to the resulting reduction in foraging efficiency. However, the costs of carrying in terms of the physical consequences for carriers have not previously been assessed. In this study, we have regarded weight loss in infant carriers as a measure of costs. We studied five families of cotton‐top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) during the first 9 weeks following the birth of infants. Captive‐breeding conditions were required so that body weight could be measured frequently. To avoid inflicting undue stress on the subject animals, we used a noninvasive method for weighing the tamarins. Differences in carrying contribution were found amongst fathers and male and female helpers, with female helpers contributing less. We have found that carrying infants in the cotton‐top tamarins is an activity that produces a weight loss. Fathers and male helpers go through a maximal body weight loss. While carrying, the tamarins also decrease food intake. However, no relationship was found between contribution to carrying and feeding time or in energetic intake during feeding observations. Thus, it seems that a direct relation doesn't exist between the observations of feeding and weight loss. Fathers increase their contribution to carrying during mothers' periovulatory periods. In this period, male helpers and especially fathers go through a maximal body weight loss. We found body weight losses of up to 11.3% in one subadult male and 9.1percnt; in a father during the fifth week. No changes occurred in food intake in fathers or other male helpers during this period. During periovulatory periods, mothers carried less frequently but did increase their food intake. They gained weight from the second week after birth onward, especially during the periovulatory period. It seems that the infant‐carrying behavior of fathers and male helpers may contribute to the improvement of the mothers' physical condition after birth and therefore may support a consecutive pregnancy. Am. J. Primatol. 48:99–111, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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