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Verticillium biguttatum, a mycoparasite of the ubiquitous soil-borne plant pathogen Rhizoctonia solani, excreted chitinase and beta-1,3-glucanase into liquid medium when grown on laminarin and chitin, respectively. Neither chitinase nor beta-1,3-glucanase was produced by the mycoparasite when grown on cell walls of two isolates of R. solani representing anastomosis groups (AG)-3 and AG-8. Extracellular protease was induced by growth on cell walls of the pathogen, whereas beta-1,3-glucanase and chitinase were produced bound to the cell wall of V. biguttatum. This is the first report of chitinase, beta-1,3-glucanase and protease production by V. biguttatum. These enzymes may play a previously unforeseen role in dissolving and penetrating the cell walls of R. solani.  相似文献   

A number of Penicillium isolates were recovered in association to Rhizoctonia solani strains pathogenic on tobacco and from soil on plates pre-colonized by the pathogen itself. Their antagonism toward R. solaniAG-2-1 was evaluated in dual cultures in vitro. Inhibition of growth was evident to some extent in most pairings, while hyphal interactions referable to mycoparasitic relationships were not observed. However, the occurrence of plasmolysis and/or vacuolisation and the induction of monilioid cells were indicative of the release of bioactive compounds. Therefore, production of fungitoxic metabolites was tested by adding concentrated culture filtrates of each Penicillium isolate to the growth medium of R. solani. Complete and lasting inhibition was incited by culture filtrates of some isolates belonging to P. brevicompactum, P. expansum, and P. pinophilum. Three purified compounds, respectively mycophenolic acid, patulin and 3-O-methylfunicone, which were extracted from culture filtrates, were able to inhibit R. solani in vitro. Their production was also detected in dual cultures of the same Penicilliumstrains with R. solani prepared in sterilized soil and when the Penicilliumstrains were cultured directly on R. solani mycelium harvested from liquid cultures. The possible role of such metabolites in antagonism of the above-mentioned Penicilliumspecies against R. solani is discussed.  相似文献   

Interactions between ectomycorrhizal fungi (Suillus laricinus, S. tomentosus, Amanita vaginata and Gomphidius viscidus) and the pathogen Rhizoctonia solani in co-culture were studied using both light and scanning electron microscopy. S. laricinus, S. tomentosus and A. vaginata inhibited the growth of the pathogen. Moreover, A. vaginata exhibited coiling around and penetration of the hyphae into R. solani was observed in the interaction zone. Furthermore, the production of chitinases, beta-1,3-glucanases and beta-glucosidases by these ectomycorrhizal fungi on colloidal chitin or cell walls of R. solani was evaluated: chitinases were not induced by colloidal chitin but all three enzymes were induced by R. solani cell walls. No correlation between inhibition rate and production of lytic enzymes was found.  相似文献   

Damping-off of tomato caused by Rhizoctonia solani was controlled in a pot test using the biological agent, Bacillus subtilis RB14-C, and the chemical pesticide, Flutolanil. The co-utilization of B. subtilis RB14-C, and Flutolanil decreased the amount of Flutolanil used from 375 g/pot when Flutolanil was used alone to 94 g/pot, while exerting the same effect of reducing disease occurrence.  相似文献   

Magnaporthe oryzae and Rhizoctonia solani, are among the most important pathogens of rice, severely limiting its productivity. Dm-AMP1, an antifungal plant defensin from Dahlia merckii, was expressed in rice (Oryza sativa L. sp. indica cv. Pusa basmati 1) using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Expression levels of Dm-AMP1 ranged from 0.43% to 0.57% of total soluble protein in transgenic plants. It was observed that constitutive expression of Dm-AMP1 suppresses the growth of M. oryzae and R. solani by 84% and 72%, respectively. Transgenic expression of Dm-AMP1 was not accompanied by an induction of pathogenesis-related (PR) gene expression, indicating that the expression of DmAMP1 directly inhibits the pathogen. The results of in vitro, in planta and microscopic analyses suggest that Dm-AMP1 expression has the potential to provide broad-spectrum disease resistance in rice.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine whether the cuticles in two genera of the family Cruciferae are effective barriers to infection by Rhizoctonia solani, and whether differences in cuticle and epidermal cell wall thickness and morphology of epicuticular wax exist between resistant and susceptible cultivars. As Canola/rapeseed (Brassica napus) and mustard (Sinapis alba) plants develop from 1 to 3 weeks of age, they become increasingly resistant to R. solani AG2-1 seedling root rot. Seven-day-old seedlings of S. alba cultivars are invariably more resistant than B. napus cultivars. Brassica napus cultivars do not show an obvious cuticle layer at 1 week but at 3 weeks the presence of a cuticle is seen through autofluorescence with a concomitant increase in resistance to R. solani. Removal of the cuticle from 3-week-old hypocotyls by chloroform treatment results in a decrease in cuticular autofluorescence and a significant increase in disease severity in both resistant and susceptible cultivars. Three-week-old plants of S. alba have a much lower percent disease rating and a significantly (p=0.05) thicker cuticle layer than similar-age plants of B. napus. The results suggest that the cuticle plays an important role in the resistance of S. alba and older plants of B. napus to infection by R. solani.  相似文献   

Activity of nine fungicides against mycelial growth ofRhizoctonia solani in potato dextrose broth and in pot tests as seed treatment against cowpea seedling rot in infested soil was differentially in fluenced by clay minerals, humic acid and micronutrients. Humic acid, extracted from farmyard manure, considerably lowered the activity, bothin vitro andin vivo, of all fungicides except chloroneb. Montmorillonite caused substantial decrease in disease control by fungicides but enhanced the toxicity of 2-methoxyethyl mercury chloride (MEMC), and quintozene in culture. Kaolinite inactivated carbendazim, benomyl and thiophanatemethyl in nutrient broth but had little effect on disease control by these fugicides. The six micronutrients altered the activity of fungicides to varying levels often without definite correlation betweenin vitro andin vivo results. The results ofin vitro growth inhibition tests are largely inapplicable to dieseas control tests in infested soil mainly due to the differences in the ambient conditions of the two systems.  相似文献   

Heydari  A.  Misaghi  I. J. 《Plant and Soil》2003,257(2):391-396
A study was carried out to determine the role of rhizosphere-residing bacteria in the observed pendimethalin- and prometryn-mediated increase in cotton seedling damping-off incidence caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Judging from the results, pendimethalin-mediated increase in disease incidence may be due to a decrease in the populations of indigenous cotton root colonizing bacteria in the presence of pendimethalin. Prometryn-mediated increase in disease may be due to a decrease in the populations of indigenous root colonizing bacteria as well as increased susceptibility of cotton seedlings to R. solani infection in the presence of prometryn. Pendimethalin and prometryn neither affected the growth of R. solani nor caused any visible change in seedling physical characteristics.  相似文献   

The effects of the Rhizoctonia solani lectin (RSA) on the growth, development and survival of an economically important caterpillar in agriculture and horticulture, the cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis were studied. The high lectin concentration present in the sclerotes of the soil pathogen R. solani allowed the purification of large amounts of the pure lectin for feeding experiments with cotton leafworm. Rearing of insects on a diet containing different concentrations of RSA exerted a strong effect on the larval weight gain. This effect was visible at the lowest concentration of 0.1 % RSA at day 8 and day 11. Interestingly with 1 % RSA, there was a dramatic reduction in larval weight of 89 % at the end of L6 which was followed by a high mortality rate of 82 % in the treated larvae. Furthermore, the other developmental stages of pupation and adult formation were also affected. In addition, the data demonstrated that the combination of RSA with Bt toxin yielded synergistic effects. For instance, 0.03 % RSA+0.005 % Bt toxin caused reduced growth rate and higher mortalities. These findings suggest that RSA is an interesting tool that can be used for bioengineering insect resistance in important agronomical crops.  相似文献   

The interrelationships between reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) and the cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) seedling blight fungus (Rhizoctonia solani) were studied using three isolates of R. solani, two populations of R. reniformis at multiple inoculum levels, and the cotton cultivars Dehapine 90 (DP 90) and Dehapine 41 (DP 41). Colonization of cotton hypocotyl tissue by R. solani resulted in increases (P ≤ 0.05) in nematode population densities in soil and in eggs recovered from the root systems in both 40- and 90-day-duration experiments. Increases in soil population densities resulted mainly from increases in juveniles. Enhanced reproduction of R. reniformis in the presence of R. solani was consistent across isolates (1, 2, and 3) of R. solani and populations (1 and 2) and inoculum levels (0.5, 2, 4, and 8 individuals/g of soil) of R. reniformis, regardless of cotton cultivar (DP 90 or DP 41). Severity of seedling blight was not influenced by the nematode. Rhizoctonia solani caused reductions (P ≤ 0.05) in cotton growth in 40- and 90-day periods. Rotylenchulus reniformis reduced cotton growth at 90 days. The relationship between nematode inoculum levels and plant growth reductions was linear. At 90 days, the combined effects of these pathogens were antagonistic to plant growth.  相似文献   

Fourteen strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens isolated from rhizosphere soil of rice were tested for their antagonistic effect towards Rhizoctonia solani, the rice sheath blight fungus. Among them, PfMDU2 was the most effective in inhibiting mycelial growth of R. solani in vitro. Production of chitinase, beta-1,3-glucanase, siderophores, salicylic acid (SA) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) by P. fluorescens strains was evaluated. The highest beta-1,3-glucanase activity, siderophore production, SA production and HCN production were recorded with PfMDU2. A significant relationship between the antagonistic potential of P. fluorescens against R. solani and its level of beta-1,3-glucanase, SA and HCN was observed.  相似文献   

The effect of Zn fertilisation on tolerance of Medicago truncatula to infection by the root-rotting pathogen Rhizoctonia solani (AG 8) was studied in a field survey and in two experiments in controlled conditions. From the field survey, the concentration of Zn in the shoots of medics was found to be inversely related to the severity of disease on the root. Overall, the addition of Zn to Zn-deficient soil in controlled environment experiments resulted in reduced yield loss in the presence of R. solani, a reduction in disease score and no change in the concentration of nutrients in the shoots. However, under Zn deficiency, increasing levels of added R. solani resulted in significant yield loss, an increase in disease score and a reduction in concentration of Zn in the roots. This occurred despite a decrease in the number of infection sites caused by the fungus on the root and a lower amount of R. solani DNA extracted in medics deficient in Zn compared with plants supplied with Zn. While plants supplied with Zn were able to maintain a stable concentration of Zn in the shoots, the concentration of Zn in the roots also declined with increasing levels of R. solani. In conclusion, Zn application does not directly inhibit infection by R. solani, nor reduce its pathogenicity, but it does strongly increase root growth. The net result is that Zn-sufficient plants are more tolerant to the effects of root pruning by the fungus than Zn-deficient plants.  相似文献   

Rhizoctonia solani isolates varying in their virulence were tested for their ability to produce oxalic acid (OA) in vitro. The results indicated that the virulent isolates produced more OA than the less virulent isolates. In order to isolate OA-detoxifying strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens, rhizosphere soil of rice was drenched with 100 mM OA and fluorescent pseudomonads were isolated from the OA-amended soil by using King's medium B. These isolates were tested for their antagonistic effect towards growth of R. solani in vitro. Among them P. fluorescens PfMDU2 was the most effective in inhibiting the mycelial growth of R. solani. P. fluorescens PfMDU2 was capable of detoxifying OA and several proteins were detected in the culture filtrate of PfMDU2 when it was grown in medium containing OA. To investigate whether the gene(s) involved in OA-detoxification resides on the plasmids in P. fluorescens PfMDU2, a plasmid-deficient strain of P. fluorescens was generated by plasmid curing. The plasmid-deficient strain (PfMDU2P-) failed to grow in medium containing OA and did not inhibit the growth of R. solani. Both PfMDU2 and PfMDU2P- were tested for their efficacy in controlling sheath blight of rice under greenhouse conditions. Seed treatment followed by soil application of rice with P. fluorescens strain, PfMDU2, reduced the severity of sheath blight by 75% compared with the control, whereas PfMDU2P- failed to control sheath blight disease.  相似文献   

Summary Leaves ofChenopodium ambrosioides exhibited strong fungitoxicity against the mycelial growth ofRhizoctonia solani causing damping off diseases of some seedlings. Minimum inhibitory concentration of the fungitoxic constituent isolated in form of essential oil, was found to be 1000 ppm at which it was fungicidal in nature. It exhibited broad range of antifungal activity and did not show any phytotoxicity on the germination and seedling growth ofPhaseolus aureus.  相似文献   

Summary By taking into consideration of the results of various studies on damping-off of groundnut caused byRhizoctonia solani, the mechanisms leading to ultimate collapse and death of the seedlings, are described.  相似文献   

Effect of soil compaction on root growth and uptake of phosphorus   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary Zea mays L. andLolium rigidum Gaud. were grown for 18 and 33 days respectively in pots containing three layers of soil each weighing 1 kg. The top and bottom layers were 100 mm deep and they had a bulk density of 1200 kg m–3, while the central layer of soil was compacted to one of 12 bulk densities between 1200 and 1750 kg m–3. The soil was labelled with32P and33P so that the contribution of the different layers of soil to the phosphorus content of the plant tops could be determined. Soil water potential was maintained between –20 and –100 kPa.Total dry weight of the plant tops and total root length were slightly affected by compaction of the soil, but root distribution was greatly altered. Compaction decreased root length in the compacted soil but increased root length in the overlying soil. Where bulk density was 1550 kg m–3, root length in the compacted soil was about 0.5 of the maximum. At that density, the penetrometer resistance of the soil was 1.25 and 5.0 MPa and air porosity was 0.05 and 0.14 at water potentials of –20 and –100 kPa respectively, and daytime oxygen concentrations in the soil atmosphere at time of harvest were about 0.1 m3m–3. Roots failed to grow completely through the compacted layer of soil at bulk densities 1550 kg m–3. No differences were detected in the abilities of the two species to penetrate compacted soil.Ryegrass absorbed about twice as much phosphorus from uncompacted soil per unit length of root as did maize. Uptake of phosphorus from each layer of soil was related to the length of root in that layer, but differences in uptake between layers existed. Phosphorus uptake per unit length of root was higher from compacted than from uncompacted soil, particularly in the case of ryegrass at bulk densities of 1300–1500 kg m–3.  相似文献   

Summary Alachlor was more inhibitory toRhizoctonia solani growth than fluchloralin in potato dextrose broth (PDB). Infective capacity of the pathogen was not altered by growing it in a medium containing either of the herbicides. Cowpea seedlings grown in alachlor-treated soil were more susceptible toR. solani than those treated with fluchloralin and the untreated seedlings. Pre-sowing application of alachlor in soil (5 l a.i./kg) aggravated damping-off whereas fluchloralin decreased the disease incidence to nearly half of that in untreated soil in greenhouse pot tests (av. temperature 31±5°C). Both herbicides reduced damping-off in pots kept at constant temperature of 30°C and increased the disease incidence at 20°C. Fungus growth in culture was stimulated at 20° but was strongly inhibited at 30°C by both herbicides. Growth inhibition by herbicides was maximum in PDB of pH 8 and decreased steadily up to pH 5.Impact of fluchloralin and alachlor onR. solani damping-off of cowpea appears to be due to the predisposing effect by the herbicides on the susceptibility of the host and is influenced by atmospheric temperature.  相似文献   

RFLP analyses of a portion of the 28S rDNA gene region were conducted by using four restriction endonucleases for 57 isolates of 13 intraspecific groups (ISGs) representing 7 anastomosis groups (AGs) ofRhizoctonia solani. Variations in the PCR-amplified rDNA products and the polymorphisms on digestion with restriction enzymes (BamHI,HaeIII,HhaI andHpaII) were observed among three AGs, AG 1, 2 and 4. These differences were also conserved among some ISGs of AG 1 and AG 2. Among ISGs of AG 1, the pattern of rDNA fragments of AG 1-IA obtained by digestion withHpaII was significantly different from those of AG 1-IB and IC. Such difference in the fragment pattern was also observed among AG 2-1, 2-2 IIIB and 2-2 IV by the digestion withHhaI andHpaII. A dendrogram derived from the restriction enzyme data showed that ISGs from AG 1 and AG 2 can each be subdivided into distinct groups, those are distantly related to the majority isolates of the other AGs.  相似文献   

S. Kannaiyan 《Plant and Soil》1988,108(2):299-302
The effect of fungicidesviz. Benomyl, Carbendazim, Chloroneb, Kitazin, Edifenphos, Thiabendazole and Wettable ceresan on the production of enzymes byR. solani was studied. The fungicides tested were inhibitory to the production and activity of amylase, invertase and cellulase. The fungicides inhibited the growth of the fungus to a considerable extent.  相似文献   

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