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Inverted repeated sequences in yeast nuclear DNA.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The inverted repeated sequences (foldback DNA) of yeast nuclear DNA have been examined by electron microscopy and hydroxyapatite chromatography. Of the inverted repeat structures seen in the electron microscope, 34% were hairpins and 66% had a single stranded loop at the end of a duplex stem. The number average length of the repeat was 0.3 kb and the single stranded loop was 1.6 kb. It is estimated that there are approximately 250 inverted repeats per haploid genome. A statistical analysis of the frequency of molecules containing multiple inverted repeats showed that these sequences are non-randomly distributed. The distribution of inverted repeats was also examined by measuring the fraction of total DNA in the foldback fraction that bound to hydroxyapatite as a function of single strand fragment size. This analysis also indicated that the inverted repeats are clustered. Renaturation kinetic analysis of isolated foldback and inverted repeat stem sequence DNA showed that these sequences are enriched for repetitive DNA.  相似文献   

The properties of inverted repeated sequences in wheat nuclear DNA have been studied by HAP(1) chromatography, nuclease S1 digestion and electron microscopy. Inverted repeated sequences comprise 1.7% of wheat genome. The HAP studies show that the amount of "foldback HAP bound DNA" depends on DNA length. Inverted repeats appear to be clustered with an average intercluster distance of 25 kb. It is estimated that there are approximately 3 x 10(6) inverted repeats per haploid wheat genome. The sequences around inverted repeats involve all families of repetition frequencies. Inverted repeats are observed as hairpins in electron microscopy. 20% of hairpins are terminated by a single-stranded spacer ranging from 0.3 to 1.5 kb in length. Duplex regions of the inverted repeats range from 0.1 to 0.45 kb with number average values of 0.24 kb and 0.18 kb for unlooped and looped hairpin respectively. Thermal denaturations and nuclease S1 digestions have revealed a length of about 100 bases for duplex regions. The methods used to study inverted repeated sequences are compared and discussed.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA is organised into loops, probably by attachment to a supramolecular structure. We describe a method which enables us to map the position of sequences within a loop relative to the point of attachment. Nuclear DNA is isolated unbroken by lysing HeLa cells in 2M NaCl to release structures which retain many of the morphological features of nuclei. Their DNA is supercoiled and so must remain unbroken and looped during lysis. Nucleoids are digested to various degrees with a restriction endonuclease and the cages - and any associated DNA - sedimented free from unattached DNA. The cage-associated DNA is purified and completely fragmented using the same restriction endonuclease. Equal weights of fragmented DNA are separated by gel electrophoresis, transferred to a filter and the relative amounts of the alpha, beta and gamma globin genes on the filter determined by hybridisation to the appropriate probes. The alpha genes, unlike the beta and gamma genes, resist detachment from the cage and so must lie close to the point of attachment to the cage. Our ability to map these genes implies that sequences cannot be attached at random to the cage; rather, specific sequences must be attached, so looping the DNA.  相似文献   

The inverted repeated sequences of the chromatin-eliminating nematode Ascaris lumbricoides var. suum have been examined by electron microscopy and by hydroxyapatite chromatography, both in the germ-line and in the somatic DNA. 38% of the inverted repeats of the germ-line DNA analysed in the electron microscope have a single-stranded loop, in comparison to about 50% of looped structures in the somatic DNA. The loops are on average 2.3 X 10(3) base pairs (bp) long. The rest of the foldback DNA consists of simple hairpins. The average length of looped and unlooped inverted repeats is of the order of 300-400 bp in the germ-line and in the somatic DNA. The content of S1-resistant foldback duplexes isolated by hydroxyapatite chromatography amounts to 1.3% in spermatids, with an average length of 350 bp, and to 1.1% in intestinal or larval cell nuclei, with a length of about 320 bp. We estimate by two different methods that there exist approximately 12500 inverted repeats per haploid germ-line genome and approximately 8000 in the haploid somatic genome. A statistical analysis of the data indicates that the great majority of the foldback sequences are randomly distributed in the Ascaris genome, with a spacing of about (40-80) X 10(3) bp, both in the germ-line and in the somatic DNA.  相似文献   

Transcriptional measurements of mouse repeated DNA sequences.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

Removal of repeated sequences from hybridisation probes.   总被引:67,自引:22,他引:45       下载免费PDF全文
Pre-reassociation of human clone probes, containing dispersed highly repeated sequences, (e.g. Alu and KpnI families), with a large excess of sonicated total human DNA allows signal from single and low copy number components to be detected in transfer hybridisations. The signal from non-dispersed repeated sequences is reduced to single copy levels. The procedure, which is simple and quick, is illustrated using model combinations of well characterised cloned probes, and is applied to a sample of randomly chosen cosmid clones. A theoretical assessment is presented which may be useful to those wishing to use this procedure.  相似文献   

In the African green monkey genome, 20% of the total DNA consists of a highly reiterated DNA sequence that occurs largely in long tandem arrays of a repeat unit that is 172 base-pairs in length. The DNA of the baboon contains sequences homologous to this repeat unit. However, in the baboon genome, these sequences comprise roughly 6% of the total DNA and alternate in a regular fashion with a DNA segment that may be distantly related to the monkey repeat unit. The sequences in the baboon that are homologous to the monkey repeat unit are contained within a 340 base-pair repeat unit of the highly repeated DNA fraction of the baboon. The extent of nucleotide divergence of the homologous repeated sequences between the two species is estimated to be about 10%.  相似文献   

The preparation of peptides terminating in -Arg-CHN2 has been attempted because of their potential value as proteinase inactivators. We have succeeded in one case, converting Cbz-Phe-ArgOH to the diazomethane without blocking the guanidino group. As expected from previous results with such reagents, the new derivative was extremely effective in inactivating a cysteine proteinase specific for cleaving at arginyl bonds, that is, clostripain. However, in contrast with the inertness of serine proteinases to reagents of this type in the cases examined previously, plasma kallikrein was inactivated by Cbz-Phe-Arg-CHN2, although with a considerably lower rate constant than with clostripain. Trypsin, however, was not inactivated, but gradually destroyed the reagent, as had been observed previously with chymotrypsin and Cbz-Phe-CHN2. This has now been re-examined with rho-nitro-Cbz-Ala-Phe-CHN2 and shown to involve a cleavage to rho-nitro-Cbz-Ala-PheOH, probably with liberation of diazomethane.  相似文献   

Simple repeated sequences in human satellite DNA.   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
In an extensive analysis, using a range of restriction endonucleases, HinfI and TaqI were found to differentiate satellites I, II and III & IV. Satellite I is resistant to digestion by TaqI, but is cleaved by HinfI to yield three major fragments of approximate size 770, 850 and 950bp, associated in a single length of DNA. The 770bp fragment contains recognition sites for a number of other enzymes, whereas the 850 and 950bp fragments are "silent" by restriction enzyme analysis. Satellite II is digested by HinfI into a large number of very small (10-80bp) fragments, many of which also contain TaqI sites. A proportion of the HinfI sites in satellite II have the sequence 5'GA(GC)TC. The HinfI digestion products of satellites III and IV form a complete ladder, stretching from 15bp or less to more than 250bp, with adjacent multimers separated by an increment of 5bp. The ladder fragments do not contain TaqI sites and all HinfI sites have the sequence 5'GA(AT)TC. Three fragments from the HinfI ladder of satellite III have been sequenced, and all consist of a tandemly repeated 5bp sequence, 5'TTCCA, with a non-repeated, G+C rich sequence, 9bp in length, at the 3' end.  相似文献   

Summary Myofilaments of striated muscles can be recognized in the electron microscope to be in structural continuity with the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope. The very site of insertion of these myofilaments at the membrane surface frequently appears characterized by a dense basal knob of 85–135 Å. It is hypothesized that this attachment of myofilaments to the nuclear membrane plays a role in mechanically transmitting the contraction of the fiber to the nucleus, thus bringing about the harmonica-like folded appearance of the nucleus which is known for the contracted states of striated, smooth and cardiac muscles.The work was supported in part by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.The author is indebted to Miss Sigrid Krien and Miss Marianne Winter for careful technical assistance as well as to Drs. Heinz Falk and U. Scheer for valuable discussions.  相似文献   

Tandemly repeated pentanucleotides in DNA sequences of eucaryotes.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic sequence data banks were scanned in order to retrieve tandemly repeated pentanucleotides (pnts). It was found that among 102 (=(1024-4)/2/5) possible distinct pnts roughly each fourth is involved in tandem repeats. It is shown that tandemly repeated pnts are composed of frequently occurring di- and trinucleotides and that those pnts which occur frequently in the form of mono- or di-pnts form also tandem repeats either in the form of satellites or in the form of shorter tandem repeats. Human satellite III is taken as a specific example. It is shown that the first guanine within GG-AAT pnt exhibits the highest mutability. Sequential distribution of base changes gives evidence that the mutations do not occur at random positions but in a correlated fashion so that long stretches of original pnts remain intact. It is found that pnts related to the satellite III are present in introns and flanking regions of some structural genes, but are not preserved between orthologous genes of related species. The results corroborate the most plausible mechanism of their evolution--rapid amplification followed by successive divergence of repeat units by various mutational processes.  相似文献   

The structure of plant mitochondrial genomes has proven to be complex and difficult to study. Recombination across large and small repeated sequences can result in genome diversity within individual plants, as well as rapid evolutionary change in genome structure. The role of these repeats is becoming more obvious as mitochondrial genomes are examined in detail.  相似文献   

We describe a new class of DNA length polymorphism that is due to a variation in the number of tandem repeats associated with Alu sequences (Alu sequence-related polymorphisms). The polymerase chain reaction was used to selectively amplify a (TTA)n repeat identified in the 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG CoA) reductase gene from genomic DNA of 41 human subjects, and the size of the amplified products was determined by gel electrophoresis. Seven alleles were found that differed in size by integrals of three nucleotides. The allele frequencies ranged from 1.5% to 52%, and the overall heterozygosity index was 62%. The polymorphic TTA repeat was located adjacent to a repetitive sequence of the Alu family. A homology search of human genomic DNA sequences for the trinucleotide TTA (at least five members in length) revealed tandem repeats in six other genes. Three of the six (TTA)n repeats were located adjacent to Alu sequences, and two of the three (in the genes for beta-tubulin and interleukin-1 alpha) were found to be polymorphic in length. Tandemly repetitive sequences found in association with Alu sequences may be frequent sites of length polymorphism that can be used as genetic markers for gene mapping or linkage analysis.  相似文献   

Human DNA sequences complementary to the small nuclear RNA U2.   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Clones containing sequences complementary to the small nuclear RNA U2 were isolated from a human DNA library (1). Three clones, designated U2/4, U2/6 and U2/7 were purified and characterized by restriction enzyme cleavage, hybridization and heteroduplex analysis. Hybridization showed that the three clones each contained one single region which is complementary to U2 RNA. Restriction enzyme cleavage revealed furthermore that the inserted fragments in the three recombinants are different. Heteroduplex analysis identified a 240-380 bp long duplex region in each heteroduplex which includes sequences complementary to U2 RNA. Heteroduplexes between clones U2/4 and U2/7 as well as between U2/4 and U2/6 revealed two additional approximately 200 bp long homologies. The remainder of the inserts were found to lack measurable sequence homology. Two fragments from clone U2/4 were subcloned in the pBR322 vector and the subclones were used to determine the nucleotide sequence of a region in clone U2/4 which is complementary to U2 RNA. A comparison between the established sequence and the sequence for rat U2 RNA (2) reveals several discrepancies.  相似文献   

Ribosomal DNA sequences attached to the nuclear matrix   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The organization of rat liver ribosomal DNA (rDNA) as matrix-attached DNA loops was examined using a protocol which fractionates chromatin from discrete regions of DNA loops. Southern blot analysis of matrix-attached and solubilized chromatin DNA fragments demonstrated that rDNA is associated with the matrix via its 5' and 3' nontranscribed spacer sequences (NTS). Although the 45 S rRNA coding sequences were approximately threefold enriched in matrix preparations, the recovery of this DNA (unlike the NTS) was dependent on the extent of nuclease digest and proportional to the length of the matrix-attached DNA fragments. The data suggest that rDNA is organized as matrix-attached DNA loops and only the NTS are directly involved in matrix binding. Further, we demonstrated that while the kinetics and extent of nuclease digestion were similar in all regions of the DNA loops, the nuclease digestion pattern of bulk nuclear and matrix DNA showed a typical nucleosome organization, but the rDNA fragments retained with the nuclear matrix did not.  相似文献   

We have investigated the attachment of DNA to the nuclear matrix and chromosomal scaffold in synchronized bovine liver cells. Label incorporated at the onset of the S phase remained preferentially associated with the matrix during the subsequent G1 phase and with a residual protein structure from dehistonized chromosomes during mitosis. On the other hand label incorporated during mid or late S phase was about equally distributed over the DNA molecule after a chase into the G1 phase. These results suggest that DNA is attached to the nuclear matrix and chromosome scaffolds by the origins of replication.  相似文献   

Repetitive rat DNA reassociated to Cot=0.1 and deprived of "foldback" sequences showed close interspersion with unique sequences. As measured by electron microscopy, the average length of repetitive segments was about 600 +/- 400, and of unique segments 1800-3600 base pairs. Pyrimidine tracts over 80 nucleotides in length were found mainly in foldback and repetitive fractions. Oligo(dT) tracts, 20-30 bases in length prevailed in the DNA fraction reassociated to Cot=0.1. Repetitive and unique DNA fractions were annealed to Millipore filters and hybridized with hnRNA. Up to 1.6% of repetitive DNA reassociated to Cot=0.05 showed base complementarity with hnRNA, whereas the comparative figures for DNA reassociated to Cot=10 and for the unique fraction were 0.8% and 0.3% respectively. When hybridization of hnRNA was carried out in solution in vast DNA excess, no hybrid formation with repetitive sequences reassociated to Cot=0.1 was observed, although hybridization with DNA reassociated to Cot=10 was noticeable.  相似文献   

The genome of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans ATCC 19859 is about 2.8 X 10(6) base pairs as determined by analysis of reassociation kinetics of sheared DNA. This is 70% of the size of the genome of Escherichia coli. About 6% of the genome of T. ferrooxidans consists of moderately repetitive DNA sequences that are repeated an average of 20 times per genome. Two distinct repeated sequences, designated family 1 and family 2, have been analyzed in more detail. Both families are approximately 1 kilobase in length and are repeated 20 to 30 times per genome. Preliminary evidence from restriction enzyme analysis, Southern blotting experiments, and thermal melting analysis indicates that members of both families are conserved and are interspersed with single-copy DNA. Six copies of one family are present on the 45-kilobase-pair plasmid of strain ATCC 19859.  相似文献   

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