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基于稳定同位素的湿地食物源判定和食物网构建研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湿地生物营养动力学是湿地生态系统结构和功能评价研究的基础.碳、氮稳定同位素作为识别营养关系的方法,已在湿地生态系统食物来源、组成和食物链传递研究中得到广泛运用.本文系统综述了稳定同位素食物贡献度计算模型和营养级确定的基本方法和理论;讨论了动物营养分馏值和基线的选择依据;概括了湿地生态系统典型食物源及其稳定同位素变化特征;总结了草食、杂食和肉食等不同营养级动物的食物来源.指出了稳定同位素在湿地食物源溯源和食物网研究中的不足;基于国内外研究现状和发展趋势及需求,展望了未来同位素技术在湿地食物网生态学研究中的运用前景和研究重点,提出需要加强稳定同位素营养分馏和基线的影响因素、样品处理和保存方式研究以及胃含物、分子标记物和多元素同位素结合分析.  相似文献   

Global environmental change has altered the nitrogen (N) cycle and enhanced terrestrial dissolved organic carbon (DOC) loadings to northern boreal lakes. However, it is still unclear how enhanced N availability affects pelagic food web efficiency (FWE) and crustacean zooplankton growth in N limited boreal lakes. Here, we performed in situ mesocosm experiments in six unproductive boreal Swedish lakes, paired across a DOC gradient, with one lake in each pair fertilized with N (2011: reference year; 2012, 2013: impact years). We assessed how zooplankton growth and FWE were affected by changes in pelagic energy mobilization (PEM), food chain length (phytoplankton versus bacterial production based food chain, i.e. PP:BP), and food quality (seston stoichiometry) in response to N fertilization. Although PP, PEM and PP:BP increased in low and medium DOC lakes after N fertilization, consumer growth and FWE were reduced, especially at low DOC—potentially due to reduced phytoplankton food quality [increased C: phosphorus (P); N:P]. At high DOC, N fertilization caused modest increases in PP and PEM, with marginal changes in PP:BP and phytoplankton food quality, which, combined, led to a slight increase in zooplankton growth and FWE. Consequently, at low DOC (<12 mg L?1), increased N availability lowers FWE due to mismatches in food quality demand and supply, whereas at high DOC this mismatch does not occur, and zooplankton production and FWE may increase. We conclude that the lake DOC level is critical for predicting the effects of enhanced inorganic N availability on pelagic productivity in boreal lakes.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analysis has been extensively used as an effective tool in determination of trophic relationship in ecosystems. In freshwater ecosystem, aquatic invertebrates represent main component of a river food web. This study was carried out to determine potential food sources of freshwater organism together with pattern of trophic position along the river food web. In this study, rivers of Belum-Temengor Forest Complex (BTFC) has been selected as sampling site as it is a pristine area that contains high diversity and abundance of organisms and can be a benchmark for other rivers in Malaysia. Stable isotope ratios of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) were applied to estimate trophic position and food web paradigm. Analysis of stable isotopes based on organic material collected from the study area revealed that the highest δ13C value was reported from filamentous algae (? 22.68 ± 0.1260/00) and the lowest δ13C was in allocthonous leaf packs (? 31.58 ± 0.1870/00). Meanwhile the highest δ15N value was in fish (8.45 ± 0.1770/00) and the lowest value of δ15N was in autochthonous aquatic macrophyte (2.00 ± 1.2340/00). Based on the δ15N results, there are three trophic levels in the study river and it is suggested that the trophic chain begins with organic matter followed by group of insects and ends with fish (organic matter < insects < fish).  相似文献   

We investigated spatial changes in the isotope ratios of the plankton food web in Lake Chany, Siberia, Russia, especially at an estuarine transition zone of the lake. The δ13C values of particulate organic matter (POM) varied among the sampling sites, and increased with increasing pH of the lake water. This may reflect a shift by phytoplankton from using CO2 to using bicarbonate for photosynthesis with increasing pH. The δ13C values of zooplankton community also changed at each site along with those of the POM. This was indicative of carbon isotope changes of plankton food webs between the stations along an environmental gradient.  相似文献   

Trophic ecology has benefitted from the use of stable isotopes for the last three decades. However, during the last 10 years, there has been a growing awareness of the isotopic biases associated with some pre-analytical procedures that can seriously hamper the interpretation of food webs. We have assessed the extent of such biases by: (1) reviewing the literature on the topic, and (2) compiling C and N isotopic values of marine invertebrates reported in the literature with the associated sample preparation protocols. The factors considered were: acid-washing, distilled water rinsing (DWR), sample type (whole individuals or pieces of soft tissues), lipid content, and gut contents. Two-level ANOVA revealed overall large and highly significant effects of acidification for both delta(13)C values (up to 0.9 per thousand decrease) and delta(15) N values (up to 2.1 per thousand decrease in whole individual samples, and up to 1.1 per thousand increase in tissue samples). DWR showed a weak overall effect with delta(13)C increments of 0.6 per thousand (for the entire data set) or decrements of 0.7 per thousand in delta(15) N values (for tissue samples). Gut contents showed no overall significant effect, whereas lipid extraction resulted in the greatest biases in both isotopic signatures (delta(13)C, up to -2.0 per thousand in whole individuals; delta(15)N, up to +4.3 per thousand in tissue samples). The study analyzed separately the effects of the various factors in different taxonomic groups and revealed a very high diversity in the extent and direction of the effects. Maxillopoda, Gastropoda, and Polychaeta were the classes that showed the largest isotopic shifts associated with sample preparation. Guidelines for the standardization of sample preparation protocols for isotopic analysis are proposed both for large and small marine invertebrates. Broadly, these guidelines recommend: (1) avoiding both acid washing and DWR, and (2) performing lipid extraction and gut evacuation in most cases.  相似文献   

Abundance, biovolume, and species composition of pelagic ciliates in Lake Constance were recorded over two annual cycles (1987/88). Production was estimated from mean annual biovolumes and size-specific growth rates obtained from the literature. Cell concentrations and biovolumes ranged from 0.1 to 120 cells ml–1 and from 3 to 1,200 mm3 m–3, respectively. Mean annual values were, respectively, 6.8 cells ml–1 and 94 mm3 m–3 in 1987, and 12.0 cells ml–1 and 130 mm3 m–3 in 1988. In both years, prostome nanociliates (<20m) dominated numerically, while strobiliids in the size range 20–35m contributed most significantly to ciliate production. Ciliate community production, according to a crude calculation, yielded approximately 10–15 g C m–2 year–1.  相似文献   

张丹  闵庆文  成升魁  王玉玉  杨海龙  何露 《生态学报》2010,30(24):6734-6740
稳定碳、氮同位素比值分析技术是研究生态系统中物质循环与能量流动的有效技术。δ13C值常用来分析消费者食物来源,δ15N值常用来确定生物在食物网中的营养位置。应用稳定同位素技术分析了稻-鱼(R-F)和稻-鱼-鸭(R-F-D)两种稻作方式下,稻田多个物种共存的食物网结构和营养级关系。结果表明,R-F中SOM的δ13C值为(-27.7±0.3)‰,与R-F-D(-27.4±0.4)‰,相差不大;R-F中POM的1δ3C值为(-27.4±0.8)‰,低于稻鱼鸭共生田(-26.7±0.5)‰;δ15N值计算发现R-F内浮游动物的营养级位置在2.24±0.16,鱼的营养级位置在3.07±0.26,均高于其在R-F-D内的营养级。在R-F-D内,由于鸭的引入,和R-F相比,鱼的营养级降低为2.63±0.13。  相似文献   

Blüthgen N  Gebauer G  Fiedler K 《Oecologia》2003,137(3):426-435
For diverse communities of omnivorous insects such as ants, the extent of direct consumption of plant-derived resources vs. predation is largely unknown. However, determination of the extent of "herbivory" among ants may be crucial to understand the hyper-dominance of ants in tropical tree crowns, where prey organisms tend to occur scarcely and unpredictably. We therefore examined N and C stable isotope ratios (15N and 13C) in 50 ant species and associated insects and plants from a tropical rainforest in North Queensland, Australia. Variation between ant species was pronounced (range of species means: 7.1 in 15N and 6.8 in 13C). Isotope signatures of the entire ant community overlapped with those of several herbivorous as well as predacious arthropods. Variability in 15N between ants was not correlated with plant 15N from which they were collected. Ant species spread out in a continuum between largely herbivorous and purely predacious taxa, with a high degree of omnivory. Ant species' 15N were consistent with the trophic level predicted by natural feeding observations, but not their 13C. Low 15N levels were recorded for ant species that commonly forage for nectar on understorey or canopy plants, intermediate levels for species with large colonies that were highly abundant on nectar and honeydew sources and were predacious, and the highest levels for predominantly predatory ground-foraging species. Colonies of the dominant weaver-ants ( Oecophylla smaragdina) had significantly lower 15N in mature forests (where preferred honeydew and nectar sources are abundant) than in open secondary vegetation. N concentration of ant dry mass showed only very limited variability across species and no correlation with trophic levels. This study demonstrates that stable isotopes provide a powerful tool for quantitative analyses of trophic niche partitioning and plasticity in complex and diverse tropical omnivore communities.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional biomarker approach, using stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N) and fatty acids, was used to evaluate differences both amongst and within benthic primary producer types (seagrass, fleshy red algae, calcareous red algae, brown algae, and seagrass periphyton) that are typical of the nearshore, temperate Australian region. The primary source of variance (as examined by permutational ANOVA) for all biomarkers examined was amongst primary producer types, as opposed to amongst species within type. δ13C showed a clear separation (Monte Carlo p < 0.05) between seagrass (range of means = −10.1 to −14.0‰) and macroalgae (−14.6 to −25.2‰), but could not differentiate amongst the algal types examined. Similarly, distinct δ15N signatures (p < 0.05) were found only for seagrass (range of means = 3.6-4.1‰) versus calcareous red algae (4.6-5.5‰), with all other types overlapping in their mean δ15N values. In contrast, multivariate analysis of fatty acid data (using Canonical Analysis of Principal coordinates; CAP) distinguished not only between seagrass and macroalgae, but also between red and brown algae (and to a limited extent between the calcareous and fleshy red algal types). The principal unsaturated fatty acids in the samples were C20 polyunsaturates (found primarily in the macroalgae and periphyton), and C18 mono- and polyunsaturates, with high proportions of 18:2n-6 and 18:3n-3 typical of the seagrasses. The C18 monounsaturate 18:1n-7 was one of the most diagnostic compounds for the red algae examined, being present in very low amounts in seagrass and virtually absent in the brown algae. Conversely, brown algae were high in 18:4n-3, with 20:4n-3 particularly diagnostic of the kelp Ecklonia radiata. In contrast to stable isotopes, fatty acids helped distinguish different algal groups, thereby providing support that a two-dimensional approach using stable isotopes and fatty acids is likely to provide the most useful tool to distinguish primary producers in food web structure.  相似文献   

Frede Thingstad  T. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,363(1-3):59-72
In the literature there is a commonly used idealized concept of the foodweb structure in the pelagic photic zone food web, based to a large extenton size dependent relationships. An outline is here given of how theelementary size-related physical laws of diffusion and sinking, combinedwith the assumption of predators being size selective in their choice ofprey, give a theoretical foundation for this type of structure. It is shownhow such a theoretical fundament makes it possible to relate a broad specterof phenomena within one generic and consistent framework. Phenomena such asHutchinson‘s and Goldman‘s paradoxes, the influence of nutrients and watercolumn stability on the balance between microbial and classical food webs,bacterial carbon consumption, new production and export of DOC and POC tothe aphotic zone, eutrophication and diversity, can all be approached fromthis perspective. By including host-specific viruses, this approach gives ahierarchical structure to the control of diversity with nutrient contentcontrolling the maximum size of the photic zone community, size selectivityof predators regulating how the nutrient is distributed between size-groupsof osmotrophic and phagotrophic organisms, and viral host specificityregulating how the nutrients within a size group is distributed between hostgroups. I also briefly discuss how some biological strategies may besuccessful by not conforming to the normal rules of such a framework.Analyzing the behavior of these idealized systems is thus claimed tofacilitate our understanding of the behavior of complex natural food webs. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Changes in the pelagic microbial food web due to artificial eutrophication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of nutrient enrichment on the structure and carbon flow in the pelagic microbial food web was studied in mesocosm experiments using seawater from the northern Baltic Sea. The experiments included food webs of at least four trophic levels; (1) phytoplankton–bacteria, (2) flagellates, (3) ciliates and (4) mesozooplankton. In the enriched treatments high autotrophic growth rates were observed, followed by increased heterotrophic production. The largest growth increase was due to heterotrophic bacteria, indicating that the heterotrophic microbial food web was promoted. This was further supported by increased growth of heterotrophic flagellates and ciliates in the high nutrient treatments. The phytoplankton peak in the middle of the experiments was mainly due to an autotrophic nanoflagellate, Pyramimonas sp. At the end of the experiment, the proportion of heterotrophic organisms was higher in the nutrient enriched than in the nutrient-poor treatment, indicating increased predation control of primary producers. The proportion of potentially mixotrophic plankton, prymnesiophyceans, chrysophyceans and dinophyceans, were significantly higher in the nutrient-poor treatment. Furthermore, the results indicated that the food web efficiency, defined as mesozooplankton production per basal production (primary production + bacterial production − sedimentation), decreased with increasing nutrient status, possibly due to increasing loss processes in the food web. This could be explained by promotion of the heterotrophic microbial food web, causing more trophic levels and respiration steps in the food web.  相似文献   

The stable isotope compositions (C and N) of plants and animals of a marsh dominated by Spartina alterniflora in the Delaware Estuary were determined. The study focused on the juvenile stage of the Atlantic blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, and the importance of marsh-derived diets in supporting growth during this stage. Laboratory growth experiments and field data indicated that early juvenile blue crabs living in the Delaware Bay habitat fed primarily on zooplankton, while marsh-dwelling crabs, which were enriched in 13C relative to bay juveniles, utilized marsh-derived carbon for growth. In laboratory experiments, the degree to which juvenile blue crabs isotopically fractionated dietary nitrogen, as well as the growth rate, depended on the protein quality of the diet. The range of δ13C of amino acids in laboratory-reared crabs and their diets was almost 20‰, similar to the isotopic range of amino acids of other organisms. In laboratory studies, the δ13C of nonessential and essential amino acids in the diet were compared to those in juvenile crabs. Isotopic fractionation at the molecular level depended on diet quality and the crabs' physiological requirements. Comparison of whole-animal isotope data with individual amino acid C isotope measurements of wild juvenile blue crabs from the bay and marsh suggested a different source of total dietary carbon, yet a shared protein component, such as zooplankton. Received: 1 July 1998 / Accepted: 15 March 1999  相似文献   

黎道洪  苏晓梅 《生态学报》2012,32(11):3497-3504
稳定性同位素技术已经成为研究生态系统食物网结构和营养级关系及其动态变化的重要手段。应用稳定同位素技术(δ13C和δ15N)研究了东风洞的食物网结构和营养级关系。研究结果表明,东风洞主要为腐食食物链,由于在洞穴内黑暗带中无光照也无植物生长,所以碳源主要为东风洞中的土壤有机质,作为第一营养级;主要摄食关系为马陆与土壤有机物质,螺类与土壤有机物质等;在该洞生态系统中,将3种马陆直接作为初级消费者,以隅蛛和其它马陆平均值之间的差值(2.04‰)作为东风洞食物网稳定氮同位素的富集因子。根据营养级模型可知,马陆类群、细长钻螺等土壤动物,裸灶螽和涂闪夜蛾形成第二营养级,即初级消费者;第三营养级包括蜘蛛类、盲蛛、地蜈蚣以及黑眶蟾蜍,为次级消费者。  相似文献   

Most studies on Arctic food webs have neglected microphytobenthos as a potential food source because we currently lack robust measurements of δ13C values for microphytobenthos from this environment. As a result, the role of microphytobenthos in high latitude marine food webs is not well understood. We combined field measurements of the concentration of aqueous carbon dioxide and the stable carbon isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13CDIC) from bottom water in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas with a set of stable carbon isotopic fractionation factors reflecting differences in algal taxonomy and physiology to estimate the stable carbon isotope composition of microphytobenthos-derived total organic carbon (δ13Cp). The δ13Cp for Phaeodactylum tricornutum, a pennate diatom likely to be a dominant microphytobenthos taxon, was estimated to be ?23.9 ± 0.4 ‰ as compared to a centric diatom (Porosira glacialis, δ13Cp = ?20.0 ± 1.6 ‰) and a marine haptophyte (Emiliana huxleyi, δ13Cp = ?22.7 ± 0.5 ‰) at a growth rate (µ) of 0.1 divisions per day (d?1). δ13Cp values increased by ~2.5 ‰ when µ increased from 0.1 to a maximum growth rate of 1.4 d?1. We compared our estimates of δ13Cp values for microphytobenthos with published measurements for other carbon sources in the Arctic and sub-Arctic. We found that microphytobenthos values overlapped with pelagic sources, yet differed from riverine and ice-derived carbon sources. These model results provide valuable insight into the range of possible isotopic values for microphytobenthos from this region, but we remain cautious in regard to the conclusiveness of these findings given the paucity of field measurements currently available for model validation.  相似文献   

We used stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses to estimate the relative proportions of three putative food sources (1) algae, (2) allochthonous organic matter (but including also heterotrophic bacteria and green-sulphur bacteria having similar isotopic values) and (3) methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) in the diets of crustacean zooplankton in five small boreal lakes representing a gradient of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration from ca. 5 to 40 mg C l−1. The lakes were sampled in May, after establishment of stratification, and again in October during autumnal mixing of the water column. IsoSource mixing model outputs indicated that the proportion of algae in the diets of zooplankton was generally higher in May than in October, and that bacteria contributed to the diets of both cladocerans and copepods. Our results indicate that bacteria, especially MOB, can make an appreciable contribution to zooplankton diets in these small lakes, even in those with relatively low DOC concentrations.  相似文献   

We investigated natural variations in the stable isotopic composition of strontium (a surrogate for calcium) in the bones of a single species of breeding migratory songbird, as well as in their eggshells, egg contents, and food sources. We use this information to determine the sources of calcium to these migratory songbirds and their offspring. Samples were collected from two locations in the northeastern USA (Hubbard Brook, NH, and Downer Forest, VT.) that differed in soil geochemistry. The mean 87Sr/86Sr ratios of food items (caterpillars and snails), eggshells, and egg contents were indistinguishable within each site, but significantly different between the two sites. Mean 87Sr/86Sr ratios for the bones of adult females were significantly different between the two sites, but values were significantly lower than those of food items and eggshells at each site. Two of four adult individuals studied at each site had 87Sr/86Sr ratios lower than the entire range of values for local food sources. Mixing calculations indicate that up to 60% of skeletal strontium and calcium was derived from foods consumed in the winter grounds where lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios predominate. At each study site, the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of eggshells differed significantly between clutches, but the mean clutch 87Sr/86Sr ratios were unrelated to the skeletal 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the laying adult. These findings suggest that strontium (and hence calcium) for eggshell production in this species is derived predominantly from local food sources in breeding areas. Thus, reductions in available calcium in northern temperate ecosystems due to the influences of acid deposition could be potentially harmful to this and other species of migratory bird.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to study the distribution of three selectedpolychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners within the microbial food web attwo different nutrient levels; control and nutrient enriched. The objectivewas to quantify the uptake of PCBs through grazing by protozoa. The14C-PCBs tested were 4-chlorobiphenyl (IUPAC # 3),2,2,5,5-tetrachlorobiphenyl (IUPAC # 52), and2,2,4,4,5,5-hexachlorobiphenyl (IUPAC # 153). EachPCB was incubated in triplicate seawater samples at 20 idref;Cover one week. Daily, samples were separated into four fractions; <0.2µm (dissolved), 0.2-2 µm (bacteria), 2-10 µm(flagellate), and > 10 µm (microplankton; phytoplankton andprotozoa) by selective filtration. Of the PCB fraction that initiallyadsorbed to particles, 60–100% was associated to the bacterialfraction and 0–5% to the microplankton fraction. The totaluptake was highest in the nutrient enriched samples, but when normalized tothe carbon biomass the concentration was lower or equal to the control inall particle fractions. The recovery of the PCBs in the particulatefractions depended on the degree of chlorination, as the highest values wereobserved for the 2,2,4,4,5,5-hexachlorobiphenyl and thelowest for the 4-chlorobiphenyl. The concentrations in the bacterial andflagellate fractions decreased over the first 48–96 hours whilst theconcentration increased in the highest trophic level (>10 µmfraction). Approximately 75% of the increase in concentration of the2,2,4,4,5,5-hexachlorobiphenyl in the > 10 µmfraction was estimated to be the result of bacterivory. Our results indicatethe microbial food web can contribute to a rapid uptake of higherchlorinated PCBs, particularly in oligotrophic ecosystems where thebacterial biomass dominates.  相似文献   

Carbon stable isotopes (??13C) of particulate organic matter (POM) are useful indicators for tracking the sources of organic matter, CO2 concentrations, primary productivity and the trophic base in lakes. Here we provide a synthesis of literature data from 228 lakes around the world to assess the distribution pattern of ??13CPOM along latitudinal, morphometric and biogeochemical gradients, and the feasibility of utilizing ??13CPOM as an indicator for lake metabolism. Results from this analysis revealed a large variation in ??13CPOM among lakes with a range from ?46.2 to ?13.0?? and a median of ?29.7??. The ??13CPOM generally decreased from low to high latitude along with the decreases in total phosphorus (TP), pH, lake size and the increases in partial pressure of CO2. The combination of these factors may play a significant role in shaping the pattern of ??13CPOM distribution. A multiple regression model using matching data (n?=?92 lakes) indicated that latitude, lake size and TP concentration were the important factors determining ??13CPOM, although only 25% of the variance in ??13CPOM was explained by the model. Compared to the average ??13C value (?27??) of terrestrial plants, 165 lakes (72%) in this analysis were isotopically depleted in ??13CPOM, with a mean of ?31.5??, which is indicative of an allochthonous contribution of terrestrial organic matter. This finding is consistent with the view that the majority of lakes in the world receive a terrestrial subsidy of carbon and are sources of CO2 to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Laboratory feeding experiments and a serological examination of the gut contents of field-collected triclads indicated that Phagocata woodworthi Hyman feeds heavily on oligochaetes. Its realized food niche also includes Asellus , caddisflies, molluscs, chironomids, stoneflies and mayflies. It is concluded that Ph. woodworthi is a considerable threat to the British triclad fauna, because of the considerable overlap in diet with native species, its fast reaction time to damaged prey, and its polypharyngeal state.  相似文献   

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