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Cardiospermum L. belongs to the Paullinieae tribe (Sapindaceae) and comprises 16 species. Of these, 12 species are present in South America and all occur in Brazil. Cardiospermum shows the most variable chromosome number of the tribe. Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Cardiospermum, especially with other species of the tribe, are poorly understood. This research focuses on characterisation of the karyotypic features of Cardiospermum using conventional cytogenetic methods, CMA/DAPI chromosome banding and fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). To elucidate the phylogeny of the genus, the nuclear markers ITS1 and ITS2 were sequenced and analysed using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. Cardiospermum shows important diversity in basic numbers, with x = 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12. All species studied have metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes, some species have subtelocentric chromosomes, while telocentric chromosomes are absent. The interphase nuclei differentiate the Cardiospermum species into two groups. The CMA3/DAPI chromosome banding revealed the presence of an AT‐rich terminal region in C. corindum, C. grandiflorum and C. urvilleoides, whereas GC‐rich regions were found in C. grandiflorum, C. halicacabum var. halicacabum, C. halicacabum var. microcarpum, C. heringeri and C. integerrimum. FISH revealed syntenic and non‐syntenic distribution of the 18‐5.8‐26S and 5S rDNA. The syntenic distribution always occurred in the short arms of the same chromosome in all of the species. The phylogenetic relationships reveal, in part, the taxonomic arrangement of the genus Cardiospermum.  相似文献   

Anemonefishes (genera: Amphiprion and Premnas; family Pomacentridae) are a group of 28 species of coral reef fishes that are found in obligate symbiosis with large tropical sea anemones. A phylogenetic hypothesis based on morphological analyses of this group suggests that the ancestral anemonefish was a generalist with similar morphology to other pomacentrids, and that it gave rise to other anemonefish species that were more specialized for living with particular species of host anemones. To test this hypothesis we constructed a molecular phylogeny for the anemonefishes by sequencing 1140 base pairs of the cytochrome b gene and 522 base pairs of the 16S rRNA gene for six species of anemonefishes (representatives of all subgenera and species complexes) and two other pomacentrid species. Three methods of phylogenetic analysis all strongly supported the conclusion that anemonefishes are a monophyletic group. The molecular phylogeny differs from the tree based on morphological data in that the two species of specialized anemonefishes (Premnas biaculeatus and Amphiprion ocellaris) were assigned to a basal position within the clade, and the extreme host generalist (Amphiprion clarkii) to a more derived position. Thus, the initial anemonefish ancestors were probably host specialists and subsequent speciation events led to a combination of generalist and specialist groups. Further phylogenetic studies of additional anemonefish species are required to substantiate this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Cytological observations on eleven species of Ophioglossum revealed low gametic ( n ) chromosome numbers of 30, 34 and 60 in populations of O.eliminatum , contrasting with an earlier report of n = 90 in the same species. The rest of the species is based on n =120.Cytologically studied species of Ophioglossum exhibit a range of chromosome numbers from n = 30 in O.eliminatum to n =720 in O.reticulatum. The weighted highest common factor (HGF) from all the reported chromosome numbers in twelve species was found to be 30. This number is proposed as the palaeobasic chromosome number for the genuS. Reported chromosome numbers which are not multiples of 30 were subjected to sequential analysis, yielding three distinct ultimate base numbers, 4, 5 and 6, which can produce n = 30 in seven different ways. The neobasic number, n= 120, appears to have arisen through various combinations and permutations of these, theoretically 2401 routes; only a relatively few of these routes exist today, suggesting that extreme selection has been exerted against the majority, and further suggesting that Ophioglossum represents an evolutionary dead end through repeated cycles of polyploidy and is possibly at the verge of extinction. The stoichiometric model of evolution, which derives the various chromosome numbers possessed by the twelve species from the basic and ultimate basic chromosome numbers, is used to explain chromosomal evolution in the genus.  相似文献   

Isozyme polymorphism and phylogenetic interpretations in the genus Cicer L.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Allozyme variation among 50 accessions representing the cultivated chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and eight wild annual Cicer species was scored and used to assess genetic diversity and phylogeny. Sixteen enzyme systems revealed 22 putative and scorable loci of which 21 showed polymorphism. Variation was prevalent between species (Dst = 0.510) but not within species (Hs = 0.050). No variation for isozyme loci was detected in the cultivated chickpea accessions. Cicer reticulatum had the highest proportion of polymorphic loci (0.59) while the loci Adh-2 and Lap were the most polymorphic over all the species accessions. The phylogeny of annual Cicer species, as determined by allozyme data, generally corroborated those based on other characters in previous studies. Cicer arietinum, C. reticulatum and C. echinospermum formed one cluster, while C. pinnatifidum, C. bijugum and C. judaicum formed another cluster. Cicer chorassanicum was grouped with C. yamashitae, whereas C. cuneatum formed an independent group and showed the largest genetic distance from C. arietinum.  相似文献   

Molecular evolution and phylogenetic application of DMC1.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The protein encoded by the single-copy nuclear gene DMC1 belongs to the recA-like group of proteins involved in meiosis. Partial nucleotide sequence, spanning exon 10 to exon 15, was used to test the applicability of the gene to phylogenetic studies in higher plants and used to assess its molecular evolution. The sequences produced from the Triticeae (Poaceae) show that most of the variation is confined to the introns. If a wider taxon sampling is used, alignment problems may be predicted. Comparisons including four complete coding sequences from GenBank reveal that the exons are more than twice as variable as rbcL, but easy to align, and hence may be valuable at higher taxonomic levels. Substitution rates are variable within the Triticeae, though local subclades show rate constancy. The relationships between exon variation and predicted protein structure are briefly discussed. In general, none of the observed nucleotide substitutions can be predicted to cause major structural or functional changes.  相似文献   

Summary Halictine bees exhibit an enormous diversity of solitary and social colony structures. To investigate social evolution in the genusHalictus, phylogenies of 15 species of the subgeneraH. (Halictus) andH. (Seladonia) were constructed based on protein electrophoretic data. Solitary, social, and socially polymorphic species were included.Halictus (Seladonia) apparently rendersH. (Halictus) paraphyletic. The common ancestor ofH. (Halictus) andH. (Seladonia) was probably social or socially polymorphic. This implies that some solitary and socially polymorphic species, such asH. confusus andH. tumulorum, represent evolutionary reversals from a completely eusocial condition to the solitary condition that is thought to be primitive for the subfamily as a whole.  相似文献   

 The taxonomic transfer of the 23 Trigonella species previously known as medicagoids to the genus Medicago L. is reanalyzed on the basis of a molecular phylogenetic approach. The internal and external transcribed spacers of 53 Medicago species s. str. and 10 of the 23 medicagoid species were sequenced. Both maximum parsimony or maximum likelihood criteria joined medicagoid species more confidently with Medicago rather than with Trigonella. The basal position of the medicagoid species within the genus Medicago, together with morphologically atypical Medicago species (such as M. radiata and M. platycarpa), raised the question of the expediency to define a new genus and is discussed, relatively to the support of each clade. Using criteria of monophyly and support, it was concluded that the medicagoids are better joined in Medicago rather than placed in a new genus. Received February 6, 2001 Accepted July 17, 2001  相似文献   

Pseudoeurycea, with 34 described species, is one of the most diversified groups of neotropical salamanders. I generated a phylogenetic hypothesis of relationships for Pseudoeurycea and related taxa, based on DNA sequences of 16S, Cyt b, and ND4 mitochondrial genes. The analyses include 27 species of Pseudoeurycea and samples from the monotypic Lineatriton, Ixalotriton, and Parvimolge. All phylogenetic analyses resulted in a paraphyletic Pseudoeurycea. Ixalotriton and Pseudoeurycea parva always form a monophyletic group. P. parva is transferred to Ixalotriton based on morphological and molecular grounds. The phylogenetic position of the newly defined Ixalotriton clade is uncertain since it is part of an unresolved basal polytomy. Parvimolge is closely related to Pseudoeurycea, and it is also part of the basal polytomy. Lineatriton, a highly specialized taxon, is deeply nested within Pseudoeurycea. In order to provide a taxonomic arrangement consistent with the monophyly of the different units that reflects both evolutionary history and morphological specialization, Pseudoeurycea should be split into several taxonomic units.  相似文献   

The status of Schistosoma sinensium (samples from Thailand and from Sichuan, China) relative to other species of the genus Schistosoma was investigated using DNA sequences from the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) gene (partial) and the nuclear ribosomal DNA second internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2). Trees inferred from these sequences place S. sinensium as sister to the S. japonicum group and suggest a basal position in the clade utilizing snails of the family Pomatiopsidae. The sequence differences between specimens of S. sinensium from China and Thailand are at least as great as between S. malayensis and S. mekongi. Schistosoma sinensium is probably best regarded as a species complex.  相似文献   

Strongyloides spp., parasitic nematodes of humans and many other terrestrial vertebrates, display an unusual heterogonic lifecycle involving alternating parasitic and free-living adult reproductive stages. A number of other genera have similar lifecycles, but their relationships to Strongyloides have not been clarified. We have inferred a phylogeny of 12 species of Strongyloides, Parastrongyloides, Rhabdias and Rhabditophanes using small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rDNA) sequences. The lineage leading to Strongyloides appears to have arisen within parasites of terrestrial invertebrates. Inferred lifecycle evolution was particularly dynamic within these nematodes. Importantly, the free-living Rhabditophanes sp. KR3021 is placed within a clade of parasitic taxa, suggesting that this species may represent a reversion to a non-parasitic lifecycle. Species within the genus Strongyloides are very closely related, despite the disparity of host species parasitised. The highly pathogenic human parasite Strongyloides fuelleborni kelleyi is not supported as a subspecies of the primate parasite S. fuelleborni fuelleborni, but is most likely derived from a local zoonotic source.  相似文献   

Ecological determinants of life-history evolution.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Density-dependent natural selection has been studied, empirically with laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Populations kept at very high and low population density have become differentiated with respect to important fitness-related traits. There is now some understanding of the behavioural and physiological basis of these differences. These studies have identified larval competitive ability and efficiency of food utilization as traits that are negatively correlated with respect to effects on fitness. Theory that illuminates and motivates additional research with this experimental system has been lacking. Current research has focused on models that incorporate many details of Drosophila ecology in laboratory environments.  相似文献   

The genus Triticum L. includes the major cereal crop, common or bread wheat (hexaploid Triticum aestivum L.), and other important cultivated species. Here, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of all known wheat species and the closely related Aegilops species. This analysis was based on chloroplast matK gene comparison along with trnL intron sequences of some species. Polyploid wheat species are successfully divided only into two groups – Emmer (sections Dicoccoides and Triticum) and Timopheevii (section Timopheevii). Results reveal strictly maternal plastid inheritance of synthetic wheat amphiploids included in the study. A concordance of chloroplast origin with the definite nuclear genomes of polyploid species that were inherited at the last hybridization events was found. Our analysis suggests that there were two ancestral representatives of Aegilops speltoides Tausch that participated in the speciation of polyploid wheats with B and G genome in their genome composition. However, G genome species are younger in evolution than ones with B genome. B genome-specific PCR primers were developed for amplification of Acc-1 gene.  相似文献   

A rapid RNA sequencing technique was used to partially sequence the small-subunit ribosomal RNA (srRNA) of four species of the amoeboid genus Naegleria. The extent of nucleotide sequence divergence between the two most divergent species was roughly similar to that found between mammals and frogs. However, the pattern of variation among the Naegleria species was quite different from that found for those species of tetrapods characterized to date. A phylogenetic analysis of the consensus Naegleria sequence showed that Naegleria was not monophyletic with either Acanthamoeba castellanii or Dictyostelium discoideum, two other amoebas for which sequences were available. It was shown that the semiconserved regions of the srRNA molecule evolve in a clocklike fashion and that the clock is time dependent rather than generation dependent.  相似文献   

The evolution of vertebrate antigen receptors: a phylogenetic approach   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Classical T cells, those with alpha beta T-cell receptors (TCRs), are an important component of the dominant paradigm for self-nonself immune recognition in vertebrates. alpha beta T cells recognize foreign peptide antigens when they are bound to MHC molecules on the surfaces of antigen-presenting cells. gamma delta T cells bear a similar receptor, and it is often assumed that these T cells also require specialized antigen-presenting molecules for immune recognition, which we term "indirect antigen recognition." B-cell receptors, or immunoglobulins, bind directly to antigens without the help of a specialized antigen-presenting molecule. Phylogenetically, it has been assumed that T-cell receptors and the genes that encode them are a monophyletic group, and that "indirect" antigen recognition evolved before the split into two types of TCR. Recently, however, it has been proposed that gamma delta-TCRs bind directly to antigens, as do immunoglobulins (Ig's). This calls into question the null hypothesis that indirect antigen recognition is a common characteristic of TCRs and, by extension, the hypothesis that all TCR gene sequences form a monophyletic group. To determine whether alternative explanations for antigen recognition and other historical relationships among TCR genes might be possible, we performed phylogenetic analyses on amino acid sequences of the constant and variable regions which encode the basic subunits of TCR and Ig molecules. We used both maximum-parsimony and genetic distance-based methods and could find no strong support for the hypothesis of TCR monophyly. Analyses of the constant region suggest that TCR gamma or delta sequences are the most ancient, implying that the ancestral immune cell was like a modern gamma delta T cell. From this gamma delta-like ancestor arose alpha beta T cells and B cells, implying that indirect antigen recognition is indeed a derived property of alpha beta-TCRs. Analyses of the variable regions are complicated by strong selection on antigen-binding sequences, but imply that direct antigen binding is the ancestral condition.  相似文献   

Summary WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED?As I indicated in the introduction, this is a non-traditional review. I have not asked What generalizations can we draw about the evolution of fish behaviour based upon information gleaned from phylogenetically based studies? Instead, I have presented detailed discussions of those studies. The reason for this approach is quite simple: if all studies in such a wide area of investigation can be discussed at length in one relatively short paper, then the database is not large enough to warrant the move from information collection to information synthesis. The purpose of this review, then, has been to capture the enthusiasm of the phylogenetically orientated fish ethologists and to highlight their discoveries, in the hopes that this will stimulate further research. If successful, the next review of phylogeny and the evolution of fish behaviour will follow a more familiar pathway.Although the database does not allow us to draw generalizations about the evolution of specific behavioural characters in fishes, the studies to date have uncovered a number of more general evolutionary insights. First, phylogenetic conservatism is evident at all levels of analysis, from the muscle activity patterns that underlie behavioural characters (Lauder 1986; Westneat and Wainwright, 1989; Westneat 1991; Wainwright and Lauder, 1992) through foraging preferences (Winterbottom and McLennan, 1993) and egg deposition strategies (Johnston and Page, 1992) to parental care (Stiassney and Gerstner, 1992). This conservatism forms the backbone against which the appearance of novel behaviours (apomorphies) can be highlighted. Each species' behavioural repertoire is thus a unique combination of very old (plesiomorphic), relatively old (synapomorphic) and recently derived (autapomorphic) characters. Second, phylogenetic analysis has allowed us to investigate models of behavioural evolution that were constructed from a variety of microevolutionary fitness parameters. The macroevolutionary patterns have corroborated some parts of those models (transition from biparental to female-only care: Gross and Sargent, 1985; Stiassney and Gerstner, 1992; transition from fresh water to anadromy: Gross et al., 1988; Stearley, 1992) and highlighted other parts of the models that would benefit from a re-examination of the basic assumptions (transition from biparental or female-only to male-only care: Gross and Sargent, 1985; Stiassney and Gerstner, 1992). Third, expanding our evolutionary perspective to include clades of organisms has allowed researchers to formulate new theories of behavioural evolution incroporating information about the patterns of character origin and diversification as well as information about character maintenance (Ryan, 1900a; Ryan and Rand, 1990; Ryan et al., 1990a). And finally, examination of macroevolutionary correlations between the origin and diversification of behavioural characters has allowed us to make predictions about the forces influencing the evolution of those characters that can then be tested experimentally (McLennan et al., 1988; Basolo, 1990a,b, 1991; McLennan, 1991). The studies presented in this paper have spanned a wide theoretical arena. They have revealed a number of interesting insights about the evolution of behaviour, and in so doing, have demonstrated the hybrid vigour of a research programme based upon integrating phylogeny and experimental ethology, phylogeny and functional morphology, and phylogeny and behavioural ecology. The question to be answered now is:WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?If this fledgling research programme is to remain vigorous, we need to do two things. First, channels of communication must be re-opened between systematists and ethologists. Specifically, we need to encourage systematists to construct robust phylogenetic trees for groups of fish that either have already been well studied behaviourally and ecologically, or would be of interest to ethologists if a phylogeny existed (the belontiids, poeciliids, and rivulines come to mind, to name just a few). In the absence of such critical information, behavioural ecologists are faced with the option of investigating their ethological data based upon trees reconstructed from old classification schemes or phenograms, neither of which produces a robust phylogenetic hypothesis of genealogy. Researchers who have opted for this approach preface their investigations with the caveat that the analysis and conclusions are only preliminary because of the unsatisfactory nature of the phylogenetic hypotheses available to them. The importance of a preliminary analysis cannot be understimated for researchers who are frustrated by their inability to apply the phylogenetic approach to their burgeoning data sets. It is, however, critical to remember that a preliminary analysis can, at best, produce only tentative results. If the data themselves are both incomplete and ambiguous, this will compound the problems arising from the absence of a rigorous phylogenetic framework, which will produce a confusing picture of behavioural evolution. It is also important to realize that even the most robust phylogenetic tree is still only a hypothesis of genealogical relationships, a hypothesis that may change with the discovery of new data.Second, links must be forged between comparative ethology and behavioural ecology. All of the examples discussed in this paper uncovered a phylogenetic component in patterns of behavioural origin and diversification. The discovery of this phylogenetic influence, however, is only the first step in developing a comprehensive evolutionary picture because phylogenetic patterns can tell us very little about the processes underlying those patterns. In order to explore questions of process, we must incorporate information about the fitness parameters of behavioural characters into our evolutionary picture. For example, optimizing such parameters onto a phylogenetic tree may allow us to investigate whether there are any macroevolutionary correlations between the origin and divergence of a behaviour and a change in one (or more) of the fitness components. We must also incorporate information about the genetic, developmental and physiological control of behaviour into our comparative framework (Brooks and McLennan, 1991; Willis et al., 1991; Lauder et al., 1993). This is perhaps the most neglected aspect of comparative ethology and will thus be the most difficult to remedy. Details of the genetic and developmental systems underlying behaviour are known for only a handful of taxa and for only a handful of behaviours within those taxa. The physiological control of behaviour is better studied, but has yet to be placed within a phylogenetic context (but see e.g. Stearley, 1992, for an example of the insights that can be gained from such a study). The results of such a multilevel approach will be a more robust estimate of the relative roles for the effects of both phylogenetic heritage and environmental factors in the evolution of behaviour in fishes.  相似文献   

Pollen heteromorphism, defined here as the production within all flowers of a plant of several pollen morphs differing in aperture number, is common in angiosperms. We have focused on the evolution of pollen heteromorphism in the genusViola, in which about 1/3 of the species are pollen-heteromorphic. We have studied the distribution of pollen heteromorphism in the genusViola using a molecular phylogeny based on ITS sequence data. We show that pollen heteromorphism has evolved independently at least six times inViola. A comparative analysis shows that the occurrence of pollen heteromorphism is correlated with sporophytic polyploidy in all sections of the genus apart from sectionMelanium. This section differs from all other sections on several aspects such as flower morphology, absence of cleistogamous flowers, and a high proportion of heteromorphic species. We discuss the possible adaptiveness of pollen heteromorphism in this section.  相似文献   

In this study, we explored how the concept of the process partition may be applied to phylogenetic analysis. Sequence data were gathered from 23 species and subspecies of the swallowtail butterfly genus Papilio, as well as from two outgroup species from the genera Eurytides and Pachliopta. Sequence data consisted of 1,010 bp of the nuclear protein-coding gene elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) as well as the entire sequences (a total of 2,211 bp) of the mitochondrial protein-coding genes cytochrome oxidase I and cytochrome oxidase II (COI and COII). In order to examine the interaction between the nuclear and mitochondrial partitions in a combined analysis, we used a method of visualizing branch support as a function of partition weight ratios. We demonstrated how this method may be used to diagnose error at different levels of a tree in a combined maximum-parsimony analysis. Further, we assessed patterns of evolution within and between subsets of the data by implementing a multipartition maximum-likelihood model to estimate evolutionary parameters for various putative process partitions. COI third positions have an estimated average substitution rate more than 15 times that of EF-1 alpha, while COII third positions have an estimated average substitution rate more than 22 times that of EF-1 alpha. Ultimately, we found that although the mitochondrial and nuclear data were not significantly incongruent, homoplasy in the fast-evolving mitochondrial data confounded the resolution of basal relationships in the combined unweighted parsimony analysis despite the fact that there was relatively strong support for the relationships in the nuclear data. We conclude that there may be shortcomings to the methods of "total evidence" and "conditional combination" because they may fail to detect or accommodate the type of confounding bias we found in our data.  相似文献   

The Seychelles harbour an endemic frog family, the Sooglossidae, currently containing two genera: Sooglossus , with three species, and Nesomantis , with one species. These unique frogs are generally considered to be basal neobatrachians, although their relationships to other neobatrachian taxa, except the Nasikabatrachidae, remain unresolved. Our molecular phylogeny based on a dataset consisting of fragments of the nuclear rag-1 and rag-2 genes, as well as mitochondrial 16S rRNA in representatives of the major neobatrachian lineages, confirmed the previously postulated Sooglossidae + Nasikabatrachidae clade and the placement of the South American Caudiverbera with the Australian Myobatrachidae, but did not further resolve the position of sooglossids. Our results do, however, unambiguously show sooglossids to be monophyletic but the genus Sooglossus to be paraphyletic, with the type species Sooglossus sechellensis being more closely related to Nesomantis thomasseti than to Sooglossus gardineri and Sooglossus pipilodryas , in agreement with morphological, karyological, and bioacoustic data. As a taxonomic consequence, we propose to consider the genus name Nesomantis as junior synonym of Sooglossus , and to transfer the species thomasseti to Sooglossus . For the clade composed of the species gardineri and pipilodryas , here, we propose the new generic name Leptosooglossus . A significant genetic differentiation of 3% was found between specimens of Sooglossus thomasseti from the Mahé and Silhouette Islands, highlighting the need for further studies on their possible taxonomic distinctness.   © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 347–359.  相似文献   

Molecular evolution of glutathione S-transferases in the genus Drosophila   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Low WY  Ng HL  Morton CJ  Parker MW  Batterham P  Robin C 《Genetics》2007,177(3):1363-1375
As classical phase II detoxification enzymes, glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) have been implicated in insecticide resistance and may have evolved in response to toxins in the niche-defining feeding substrates of Drosophila species. We have annotated the GST genes of the 12 Drosophila species with recently sequenced genomes and analyzed their molecular evolution. Gene copy number variation is attributable mainly to unequal crossing-over events in the large delta and epsilon clusters. Within these gene clusters there are also GST genes with slowly diverging orthologs. This implies that they have their own unique functions or have spatial/temporal expression patterns that impose significant selective constraints. Searches for positively selected sites within the GSTs identified G171K in GSTD1, a protein that has previously been shown to be capable of metabolizing the insecticide DDT. We find that the same radical substitution (G171K) in the substrate-binding domain has occurred at least three times in the Drosophila radiation. Homology-modeling places site 171 distant from the active site but adjacent to an alternative DDT-binding site. We propose that the parallel evolution observed at this site is an adaptive response to an environmental toxin and that sequencing of historical alleles suggests that this toxin was not a synthetic insecticide.  相似文献   

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