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In order to better assess the role of agriculture within the global climate‐vegetation system, we present a model of the managed planetary land surface, Lund–Potsdam–Jena managed Land (LPJmL), which simulates biophysical and biogeochemical processes as well as productivity and yield of the most important crops worldwide, using a concept of crop functional types (CFTs). Based on the LPJ‐Dynamic Global Vegetation Model, LPJmL simulates the transient changes in carbon and water cycles due to land use, the specific phenology and seasonal CO2 fluxes of agricultural‐dominated areas, and the production of crops and grazing land. It uses 13 CFTs (11 arable crops and two managed grass types), with specific parameterizations of phenology connected to leaf area development. Carbon is allocated daily towards four carbon pools, one being the yield‐bearing storage organs. Management (irrigation, treatment of residues, intercropping) can be considered in order to capture their effect on productivity, on soil organic carbon and on carbon extracted from the ecosystem. For transient simulations for the 20th century, a global historical land use data set was developed, providing the annual cover fraction of the 13 CFTs, rain‐fed and/or irrigated, within 0.5° grid cells for the period 1901–2000, using published data on land use, crop distributions and irrigated areas. Several key results are compared with observations. The simulated spatial distribution of sowing dates for temperate cereals is comparable with the reported crop calendars. The simulated seasonal canopy development agrees better with satellite observations when actual cropland distribution is taken into account. Simulated yields for temperate cereals and maize compare well with FAO statistics. Monthly carbon fluxes measured at three agricultural sites also compare well with simulations. Global simulations indicate a ∼24% (respectively ∼10%) reduction in global vegetation (respectively soil) carbon due to agriculture, and 6–9 Pg C of yearly harvested biomass in the 1990s. In contrast to simulations of the potential natural vegetation showing the land biosphere to be an increasing carbon sink during the 20th century, LPJmL simulates a net carbon source until the 1970s (due to land use), and a small sink (mostly due to changing climate and CO2) after 1970. This is comparable with earlier LPJ simulations using a more simple land use scheme, and within the uncertainty range of estimates in the 1980s and 1990s. The fluxes attributed to land use change compare well with Houghton's estimates on the land use related fluxes until the 1970s, but then they begin to diverge, probably due to the different rates of deforestation considered. The simulated impacts of agriculture on the global water cycle for the 1990s are∼5% (respectively∼20%) reduction in transpiration (respectively interception), and∼44% increase in evaporation. Global runoff, which includes a simple irrigation scheme, is practically not affected.  相似文献   

Terrestrial food webs based on living plants may well represent 75% of global terrestrial biodiversity. The majority of component species are specialists and a large proportion is parasitic as herbivores and carnivores, with consequences for high sensitivity to heterogeneity on a variety of scales. Relatively large primary producers support relatively small insect herbivores and carnivores, with plants providing both food and habitat, making resource-driven effects very strong. Complexity of resources provided by plants, with influences up the food web, is generated by at least seven major factors: (i) plants as food; (ii) plants as habitat; (iii) the physical traits of plants such as size, toughness and trichomes; (iv) traits of plants that require evolutionary responses by herbivores in terms of crypsis, phenological synchrony, life history and behavioral adaptations; (v) the constitutive chemicals in plants; (vi) the induced changes in plants caused by herbivory; and (vii) landscape and biogeographic variation in vegetation types and food web richness. No other trophic level has such a wide-ranging impact on other trophic levels. But such broad impact makes the term food web overly narrow and inadequate. The term interaction web is preferable, aiding recognition of the many kinds of interactions that pass up food webs from living plants. Any claim that top-down impact is stronger than bottom-up influences is necessarily couched in a narrow sense of biomass or numbers reduction.  相似文献   

The Convention on Biological Diversity's strategic plan lays out five goals: “(A) address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society; (B) reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use; (C) improve the status of biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity; (D) enhance the benefits to all from biodiversity and ecosystem services; (E) enhance implementation through participatory planning, knowledge management and capacity building.” To meet and inform on the progress towards these goals, a globally coordinated approach is needed for biodiversity monitoring that is linked to environmental data and covers all biogeographic regions. During a series of workshops and expert discussions, we identified nine requirements that we believe are necessary for developing and implementing such a global terrestrial species monitoring program. The program needs to design and implement an integrated information chain from monitoring to policy reporting, to create and implement minimal data standards and common monitoring protocols to be able to inform Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs), and to develop and optimize semantics and ontologies for data interoperability and modelling. In order to achieve this, the program needs to coordinate diverse but complementary local nodes and partnerships. In addition, capacities need to be built for technical tasks, and new monitoring technologies need to be integrated. Finally, a global monitoring program needs to facilitate and secure funding for the collection of long-term data and to detect and fill gaps in under-observed regions and taxa. The accomplishment of these nine requirements is essential in order to ensure data is comprehensive, to develop robust models, and to monitor biodiversity trends over large scales. A global terrestrial species monitoring program will enable researchers and policymakers to better understand the status and trends of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Examples of the impact of human activities on Vertebrate populations abound, with famous cases of extinction. This article reviews how and why Vertebrates are affected by the various components of global change. The effect of direct exploitation, while strong, is currently superseded by changes in use of all sorts, while climate change has started having significant effects on some Vertebrate populations. The low maximum growth rate of Vertebrate populations makes them particularly sensitive to global change, while they contribute relatively modestly to major ecosystem services. One may conclude that unless they are considered as sentinels of the biological consequences of global changes, their situation will go on strongly deteriorating, in particular under the influence of interactions of different components of global change such as changes in use and climate change.  相似文献   



Understanding changes in the behaviour of threatened species responding to rapidly increasing human disturbances is critical for biodiversity conservation. Here, we synthesize a meta-analysis of the cumulative effect of human disturbances on the behaviour of global threatened terrestrial mammals.


Global terrestrial ecosystem.

Time Period

Data collected from 1993 to 2021.

Major Taxa Studied

Terrestrial mammals.


There were significant differences in behavioural changes among categories of human disturbances (i.e. biological invasion, climate change, grazing, habitat degradation, protection management, road traffic and tourism). The effect size of road traffic on behavioural change was the largest and particularly led habitat selection to be more specialized. The effect size for habitat degradation on foraging behaviour was the largest, and the effect mainly led to a shorter time spent in foraging and a change in food selection. Changes to behaviour increased with human disturbance intensity and varied among species according to their functional traits including body mass, food habits, migration and group type. Climate change, grazing, road traffic and tourism had a greater effect on larger species. The effect size for habitat degradation on omnivorous species was the largest, while carnivorous and solitary species were more sensitive to tourism, and migratory species were especially vulnerable to climate changes.

Main Conclusions

The diverse human disturbances interact with disturbance intensity, and some species' functional traits significantly affected the behavioural change in threatened terrestrial mammals. Such behavioural changes away from predisturbance patterns may have consequences for their fitness and community interactions. The management and conservation of threatened species should incorporate knowledge of their behavioural responses to human disturbance and take into account the potential ecological consequences for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Ecosystem nitrous oxide (N(2) O) emissions respond to changes in climate and CO(2) concentration as well as anthropogenic nitrogen (N) enhancements. Here, we aimed to quantify the responses of natural ecosystem N(2) O emissions to multiple environmental drivers using a process-based global vegetation model (DyN-LPJ). We checked that modelled annual N(2) O emissions from nonagricultural ecosystems could reproduce field measurements worldwide, and experimentally observed responses to step changes in environmental factors. We then simulated global N(2) O emissions throughout the 20th century and analysed the effects of environmental changes. The model reproduced well the global pattern of N(2) O emissions and the observed responses of N cycle components to changes in environmental factors. Simulated 20th century global decadal-average soil emissions were c. 8.2-9.5?Tg?N?yr(-1) (or 8.3-10.3?Tg?N?yr(-1) with N deposition). Warming and N deposition contributed 0.85?±?0.41 and 0.80?±?0.14?Tg?N?yr(-1) , respectively, to an overall upward trend. Rising CO(2) also contributed, in part, through a positive interaction with warming. The modelled temperature dependence of N(2) O emission (c. 1?Tg?N?yr(-1) K(-1) ) implies a positive climate feedback which, over the lifetime of N(2) O (114?yr), could become as important as the climate-carbon cycle feedback caused by soil CO(2) release.  相似文献   

The distribution of assimilated carbon among the plant parts has a profound effect on plant growth, and at a larger scale, on terrestrial biogeochemistry. Although important progress has been made in modelling photosynthesis, less effort has been spent on understanding the carbon allocation, especially at large spatial scales. Whereas several individual-level models of plant growth include an allocation scheme, most global terrestrial models still assume constant allocation of net primary production (NPP) among plant parts, without any environmental coupling. Here, we use the CASA biosphere model as a platform for exploring a new global allocation scheme that estimates allocation of photosynthesis products among leaves, stems, and roots depending on resource availability. The philosophy underlying the model is that allocation patterns result from evolved responses that adjust carbon investments to facilitate capture of the most limiting resources, i.e. light, water, and mineral nitrogen. In addition, we allow allocation of NPP to vary in response to changes in atmospheric CO2. The relative magnitudes of changes in NPP and resource-use efficiency control the response of root:shoot allocation. For ambient CO2, the model produces realistic changes in above-ground allocation along productivity gradients. In comparison to the CASA standard estimate using fixed allocation ratios, the new allocation scheme tends to favour root allocation, leading to a 10% lower global biomass. Elevated CO2, which alters the balance between growth and available resources, generally leads to reduced water stress and consequently, decreased root:shoot ratio. The major exception is forest ecosystems, where increased nitrogen stress induces a larger root allocation.  相似文献   

Climate change has far‐reaching impacts on ecosystems. Recent attempts to quantify such impacts focus on measuring exposure to climate change but largely ignore ecosystem resistance and resilience, which may also affect the vulnerability outcomes. In this study, the relative vulnerability of global terrestrial ecosystems to short‐term climate variability was assessed by simultaneously integrating exposure, sensitivity, and resilience at a high spatial resolution (0.05°). The results show that vulnerable areas are currently distributed primarily in plains. Responses to climate change vary among ecosystems and deserts and xeric shrublands are the most vulnerable biomes. Global vulnerability patterns are determined largely by exposure, while ecosystem sensitivity and resilience may exacerbate or alleviate external climate pressures at local scales; there is a highly significant negative correlation between exposure and sensitivity. Globally, 61.31% of the terrestrial vegetated area is capable of mitigating climate change impacts and those areas are concentrated in polar regions, boreal forests, tropical rainforests, and intact forests. Under current sensitivity and resilience conditions, vulnerable areas are projected to develop in high Northern Hemisphere latitudes in the future. The results suggest that integrating all three aspects of vulnerability (exposure, sensitivity, and resilience) may offer more comprehensive and spatially explicit adaptation strategies to reduce the impacts of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

A global analysis of root distributions for terrestrial biomes   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  
Understanding and predicting ecosystem functioning (e.g., carbon and water fluxes) and the role of soils in carbon storage requires an accurate assessment of plant rooting distributions. Here, in a comprehensive literature synthesis, we analyze rooting patterns for terrestrial biomes and compare distributions for various plant functional groups. We compiled a database of 250 root studies, subdividing suitable results into 11 biomes, and fitted the depth coefficient to the data for each biome (Gale and Grigal 1987). is a simple numerical index of rooting distribution based on the asymptotic equation Y=1-d, where d = depth and Y = the proportion of roots from the surface to depth d. High values of correspond to a greater proportion of roots with depth. Tundra, boreal forest, and temperate grasslands showed the shallowest rooting profiles (=0.913, 0.943, and 0.943, respectively), with 80–90% of roots in the top 30 cm of soil; deserts and temperate coniferous forests showed the deepest profiles (=0.975 and 0.976, respectively) and had only 50% of their roots in the upper 30 cm. Standing root biomass varied by over an order of magnitude across biomes, from approximately 0.2 to 5 kg m-2. Tropical evergreen forests had the highest root biomass (5 kg m-2), but other forest biomes and sclerophyllous shrublands were of similar magnitude. Root biomass for croplands, deserts, tundra and grasslands was below 1.5 kg m-2. Root/shoot (R/S) ratios were highest for tundra, grasslands, and cold deserts (ranging from 4 to 7); forest ecosystems and croplands had the lowest R/S ratios (approximately 0.1 to 0.5). Comparing data across biomes for plant functional groups, grasses had 44% of their roots in the top 10 cm of soil. (=0.952), while shrubs had only 21% in the same depth increment (=0.978). The rooting distribution of all temperate and tropical trees was =0.970 with 26% of roots in the top 10 cm and 60% in the top 30 cm. Overall, the globally averaged root distribution for all ecosystems was =0.966 (r 2=0.89) with approximately 30%, 50%, and 75% of roots in the top 10 cm, 20 cm, and 40 cm, respectively. We discuss the merits and possible shortcomings of our analysis in the context of root biomass and root functioning.  相似文献   

The assumption that landscapes dominated by mature vegetation are presently in carbon steady state with the atmosphere is challenged. Evidence suggests that the vegetation and soils of these landscapes are frequently disturbed and over short time periods (<300 yr) slowly sequester atmospheric carbon. The critical consideration in this argument is the time interval used to evaluate a steady state. Current models of carbon flux through the terrestrial biota limit their time considerations to 120 yr, a short and inadequate time interval for realistic assumptions about steady state in the carbon cycle of vegetation.Research performed under subcontract 19B-07762C with S. Brown and 19X-43326C with the Center for Energy and Environment Research of the University of Puerto Rico (A. E. Lugo) under Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., contract DE-AC05-840R21400 with the U.S. Department of Energy.  相似文献   

Tian  Di  Yan  Zhengbing  Ma  Suhui  Ding  Yuehong  Luo  Yongkai  Chen  Yahan  Du  Enzai  Han  Wenxuan  Kovacs  Emoke Dalma  Shen  Haihua  Hu  Huifeng  Kattge  Jens  Schmid  Bernhard  Fang  Jingyun 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2019,62(8):1047-1057
Leaf nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) concentrations are critical for photosynthesis, growth, reproduction and other ecological processes of plants. Previous studies on large-scale biogeographic patterns of leaf N and P stoichiometric relationships were mostly conducted using data pooled across taxa, while family/genus-level analyses are rarely reported. Here, we examined global patterns of family-specific leaf N and P stoichiometry using a global data set of 12,716 paired leaf N and P records which includes 204 families, 1,305 genera, and 3,420 species. After determining the minimum size of samples(i.e., 35 records), we analyzed leaf N and P concentrations, N:P ratios and N~P scaling relationships of plants for 62 families with 11,440 records. The numeric values of leaf N and P stoichiometry varied significantly across families and showed diverse trends along gradients of mean annual temperature(MAT) and mean annual precipitation(MAP). The leaf N and P concentrations and N:P ratios of 62 families ranged from 6.11 to 30.30 mg g~(–1), 0.27 to 2.17 mg g~(–1), and 10.20 to 35.40, respectively. Approximately 1/3–1/2 of the families(22–35 of 62) showed a decrease in leaf N and P concentrations and N:P ratios with increasing MAT or MAP, while the remainder either did not show a significant trend or presented the opposite pattern. Family-specific leaf N~P scaling exponents did not converge to a certain empirical value, with a range of 0.307–0.991 for 54 out of 62 families which indicated a significant N~P scaling relationship. Our results for the first time revealed large variation in the family-level leaf N and P stoichiometry of global terrestrial plants and that the stoichiometric relationships for at least one-third of the families were not consistent with the global trends reported previously. The numeric values of the family-specific leaf N and P stoichiometry documented in the current study provide critical synthetic parameters for biogeographic modeling and for further studies on the physiological and ecological mechanisms underlying the nutrient use strategies of plants from different phylogenetic taxa.  相似文献   

In this review, we propose a new framework, dynamic disequilibrium of the carbon cycles, to assess future land carbon-sink dynamics. The framework recognizes internal ecosystem processes that drive the carbon cycle toward equilibrium, such as donor pool-dominated transfer; and external forces that create disequilibrium, such as disturbances and global change. Dynamic disequilibrium within one disturbance-recovery episode causes temporal changes in the carbon source and sink at yearly and decadal scales, but has no impacts on longer-term carbon sequestration unless disturbance regimes shift. Such shifts can result in long-term regional carbon loss or gain and be quantified by stochastic statistics for use in prognostic modeling. If the regime shifts result in ecosystem state changes in regions with large carbon reserves at risk, the global carbon cycle might be destabilized.  相似文献   

全球变化对陆地生态系统枯落物分解的影响   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12  
了解枯落物分解对大大二氧化碳浓度增高,气候变暖和降水变化的反应,对深入理解陆地生态系统土壤有机物形成和碳的固化能力(Carbonh sequestration)十分重要。通过分析业已发表的文献,实验室根系分解实验和美国西北部针叶林叶片的分解实验,旨在评估大气二氧化碳浓度增高,气候变暖和降水化对陆地生态系统枯落物分解的可能影响,大气二氧化碳浓度增高可通过降低枯落物质量和增加草原生态系统土壤水分间接地影响枯落物分离,根据17项研究结果,大气二氧化碳浓度加倍可导致木本和草本枯落物平均氮含量降低19.6%和9.4%;木质素/氮化值增高36.3%和5.5%,枯落物质地的降低通常导致枯落物分解减慢。气候变暖一般加速枯落物的分解,但是用于表示这种促进作用的Q10随着温度的增高而降低,全球降水变化对陆地生态系统枯落物分解的影响不但取决于现有水分条件而且还以决于降水变的程度。以美国西北部地的针叶林为例,降水改变对森林生态系统枯落物分解的影响将是 多元的,有的增加,有的降低,而有的相对不变,最后,指出了今后 在方该领域有待加强的几个研究方面。  相似文献   

Streams and adjacent terrestrial ecosystems are characterized by permeable boundaries that are crossed by resource subsidies. Although the importance of these subsidies for riverine ecosystems is increasingly recognized, little is known about how they may be influenced by global environmental change. Drawing from available evidence, in this review we propose a conceptual framework to evaluate the effects of global change on the quality and spatiotemporal dynamics of stream–terrestrial subsidies. We illustrate how changes to hydrological and temperature regimes, atmospheric CO2 concentration, land use and the distribution of nonindigenous species can influence subsidy fluxes by affecting the biology and ecology of donor and recipient systems and the physical characteristics of stream–riparian boundaries. Climate‐driven changes in the physiology and phenology of organisms with complex life cycles will influence their development time, body size and emergence patterns, with consequences for adjacent terrestrial consumers. Also, novel species interactions can modify subsidy dynamics via complex bottom‐up and top‐down effects. Given the seasonality and pulsed nature of subsidies, alterations of the temporal and spatial synchrony of resource availability to consumers across ecosystems are likely to result in ecological mismatches that can scale up from individual responses, to communities, to ecosystems. Similarly, altered hydrology, temperature, CO2 concentration and land use will modify the recruitment and quality of riparian vegetation, the timing of leaf abscission and the establishment of invasive riparian species. Along with morphological changes to stream–terrestrial boundaries, these will alter the use and fluxes of allochthonous subsidies associated with stream ecosystems. Future research should aim to understand how subsidy dynamics will be affected by key drivers of global change, including agricultural intensification, increasing water use and biotic homogenization. Our conceptual framework based on the match–mismatch between donor and recipient organisms may facilitate understanding of the multiple effects of global change and aid in the development of future research questions.  相似文献   

The oxidative ratio (OR) is the amount of CO2 sequestered in the terrestrial biosphere for each mol of O2 produced. The OR governs the efficiency of a terrestrial biome’s O2 production and it has been used to calculate the balance of terrestrial and oceanic carbon sinks across the globe. However, the value used in carbon cycle calculations comes from only one study of one environment. Here we perform a meta-analysis of studies of soil organic matter and vegetation composition to calculate the first global ecosystem OR value. We use data from 138 samples across 31 studies covering 9 USDA global soil orders, 7 global biomes and 5 continents and combine this information as a weighted average based upon biome land area or organic carbon content of the soil order. Organic matter fractions could not be shown to be reliable proxies for whole soil or vegetation OR. The resulting analysis suggests that although the presently used value of 1.1 is within the range of natural occurrence, it is not the most accurate choice, representing between the 97th and 99th percentile value. Our study yields a global terrestrial OR = 1.04 ± 0.03. This value of OR means that the sink of anthropogenic carbon fluxes to land has been underestimated (and the sink to the ocean overestimated) by up to 14 %. Recalculating with our OR value, the fossil fuel carbon flux to land is 1.48 ± 0.04 Gt C/year and flux to oceans is 2.02 ± 0.03 Gt C/year.  相似文献   

To demonstrate the relationship between Amazonian vegetation and surface water dynamics, specifically, the recycling of water via evapotranspiration (ET), we compare two general circulation model experiments; one that couples the IS92a scenario of future CO2 emissions to a land-surface scheme with dynamic vegetation (coupled) and the other to fixed vegetation (uncoupled). Because the only difference between simulations involves vegetation coupling, any alterations to surface energy and water balance must be due to vegetation feedbacks. The proportion of water recycled back to the atmosphere is relatively conserved through time for both experiments. Absolute value of recycled water is lower in our coupled relative to our uncoupled simulation as a result of increasing atmospheric CO2 that in turn promotes lowering of stomatal conductance and increase in water-use efficiency. Bowen ratio increases with decreasing per cent broadleaf cover, with the greatest rate of change occurring at high vegetation cover (above 70% broadleaf cover). Over the duration of the climate change simulation, precipitation is reduced by an extra 30% in the coupled relative to the uncoupled simulations. Lifting condensation level (proxy for base height of cumulus cloud formation) is 520m higher in our coupled relative to uncoupled simulations.  相似文献   

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