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Insects exhibit a variety of population-level responses to forest fragmentation, ranging from population increase to extinction. However, the biological attributes that underlie differences in extinction vulnerability among insects have been little-studied. Using the frugivorous butterfly community of tropical dry forest in Venezuela, we studied body size, population density and colonization ability as attributes that might underlie the range of responses of insects to forest fragmentation. The study was carried out in a set of forest fragments in the reservoir Lago Guri, formed by the damming of the Caroni River in eastern Venezuela. Results show that larger butterfly species were more vulnerable to extinction from habitat fragments than smaller ones. Rarer species were not more vulnerable to extinction, showing that rarity may not be an important correlate of vulnerability to extinction amongst insects. Contrary to expectation, faster-flying species were more and not less vulnerable to extinction from small habitat fragments. We speculate on the possible reasons for the observed patterns in extinction vulnerability using additional observations on behavioural patterns and larval host plant distributions of some of the butterfly species.  相似文献   

Following habitat fragmentation, species are predicted to go locally extinct from remnant patches in a predictable order due to differential extinction vulnerabilities. This selective species loss will result in nested distributions of species such that species found in depauperate patches will also tend to be found in larger, more speciose patches. Therefore, it should be possible to determine the relationship between species-specific characteristics and extinction vulnerability by comparing the order in which species are nested [i.e. nestedness ranking (NR)] with various natural history characteristics available from the literature and/or collected in the field. In this study, we investigate the relationship between the NRs of 41 resident forest-interior bird species inhabiting recently isolated landbridge islands in Lago Guri, Venezuela, with a large number of natural history characteristics collected from the literature (regional abundance, body length, habitat specificity, trophic guild, sensitivity to disturbance, range size) and from the field (local population density). In a comparison of the best regression models generated using just variables available through the literature (i.e. no local population density) with the best model generated using all possible variables, we found that the inclusion of field-based data significantly improved the amount of variation explained. The best overall model ( r 2=0.40, P <0.001) included body size, habitat specificity, zoogeographic distribution (a measure of range size) and local population density as predictors of NR. Understanding the factors that influence extinction vulnerability has important implications for conservation and could be used to help direct management efforts.  相似文献   

Thirteen seasonal groups of lamellicorn beetles are distinguished in Voronezh Province. Most of the species were found to belong to the spring, late spring-early summer, spring-summer, and summer groups.  相似文献   

Five main drivers of population declines have been identified: climate change, habitat degradation, invasive alien species (IAS), overexploitation and pollution. Each of these drivers interacts with the others, and also with the intrinsic traits of individual species, to determine species’ distribution and range dynamics. We explored the relative importance of life-history and resource-use traits, climate, habitat, and the IAS Harmonia axyridis in driving local extinction and colonisation dynamics across 25 ladybird species (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).Species were classified as continually present, continually absent, extinct, or colonising in each of 4,642 1-km2 grid squares. The spatial distribution of local extinction and colonisation events (in the grid squares) across all species’ ranges were related to ecological traits, overlap with H. axyridis, climate, and habitat factors within generalised linear models (GLMs). GLMs were also used to relate species’ traits, range characteristics, and niche overlap with H. axyridis to extinction and colonisation rates summarised at the species level. Bayesian model averaging was used to account for model uncertainty, and produce reduced sets of models which were well-supported by data. Species with a high degree of niche overlap with H. axyridis suffered higher extinction rates in both analyses, while at the spatial scale extinctions were more likely and colonisations less likely in areas with a high proportion of urban land cover. In the spatial analysis, polymorphic species with large range sizes were more likely to colonise and less likely to go extinct, and sunny grid squares were more likely to be colonised. Large, multivoltine species and rainy grid squares were less likely to colonise or be colonised. In conclusion for ladybirds, extinction and colonisation dynamics are influenced by several factors. The only factor that both increased the local extinction likelihood and reduced colonisation likelihood was urban land cover, while ecological overlap with H. axyridis greatly increased extinction rates. Continued spread of H. axyridis is likely to adversely affect native species and urban areas may be particularly vulnerable.  相似文献   

The main structural elements of the hind wing in 56 species of the family Latridiidae (Coleoptera) are analyzed. In macropterous forms, wing venation is reduced to 3 modified veins. 10 areas of sclerotization of the wing membrane are distinguished. Three forms with different degrees of wing reduction are revealed: the brachypterous, the micropterous, and the apterous form. Among 56 species examined, 40 are represented only by the macropterous form; 2, 3, 5, and 6 species, by macropterous and brachypterous, macropterous and micropterous, micropterous, and apterous forms, respectively.  相似文献   

Reproductive rate has been suggested to have a positive effect on the amount of habitat loss a species can tolerate while emigration from habitat patches has been suggested to have both positive and negative effects. Forest fragmentation has been suggested to have negative effects on forest species. We determined the extinction threshold for 12 species of saproxylic (dead wood dependent) longhorned beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) using trap catch data from Ontario, Canada. We also determined the maximum egg production of each species and whether they were likely to move outside of forest patches. We found a strong negative relationship between reproductive rate and the minimum habitat amount required for species presence. This relationship is obscured if the scale of investigation is not appropriate for the study organism. As well, species caught moving outside forest habitat had lower extinction thresholds than species not caught moving outside forest but this was not significant after accounting for reproductive rate. Fragmentation did not have an effect on the minimum habitat requirements. These relationships can inform predictions of which species will be most affected by habitat loss.  相似文献   


Indicators of diversity (population density, relative number of species, percentage of singletons, evenness) of ground beetles (Carabidae) and rove beetles (Staphylinidae) in rain-fed rice fields were assessed between 1995 and 1999 at Garoua in the Benue valley in North Cameroon. A total of 4369 individuals belonging to 44 species of carabids and 2109 staphylinids in 27 species were caught by means of pitfall traps. Among the carabids, five species: Menigius lucidus var. strigiceps Qued., Chlaeniostenus denticulatus elatus Erichson, Lissauchenius venator (Laferté), Pheropsophus marginatus Dej. and Abacetus crenulatus Dej. in decreasing order, were dominant. In the staphylinid group, the species Paederus sabaeus Erichson was the most common, followed by Stenus ravus Puthz and Stenus (mendicus) senegalensis Bernhauer. Shannon-Weiner and evenness indices varied marginally from year to year. Diversity values remained relatively low ( < 2.8) among each group of beetles, which indicated that paddy fields were moderately populated by this group of polyphagous predators. Features of predacious soil surface-dwelling beetles in West African rice ecosystems are discussed in the light of Integrated Pest Management concepts.  相似文献   

A new subfamily, Mongolocarinae subfam. nov. of the family Ithyceridae, from the Middle-Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Asia is described. It includes five genera with five species: Palaeocar gen. nov. (with P. princeps sp. nov.), Mongolocar gen. nov. (M. orcinus sp. nov.), Praecar gen. nov. (P. stolidus sp. nov.), Karacar gen. nov. (M. contractus sp. nov.), and Baissacar gen. nov. (B. passarius sp. nov.).  相似文献   

Abstract Ovarian development and oviposition dynamics of two species of lady beetle, Coccinella septempunctata L. and C. transversoguttata richardsoni Brown, are examined in laboratory experiments in which pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris) are provided ad libitum and then removed. Both species respond to prey removal by stabilizing at lower body weights, and by laying progressively fewer and smaller eggs of reduced viability, until oviposition ceases altogether after several days of starvation. Dissections of females after prey removal reveal similar patterns of oosorption in both species. However, C. septempunctata reduces oviposition more rapidly after prey removal than does C. transversoguttata. When prey are again provided, C. septempunctata soon lay as many eggs as previously but C. transversoguttata lay fewer. Females, especially of C. septempunctata, that stop producing and resorb eggs in the absence of prey lay more eggs subsequently than do females that feed continually on prey provided ad libitum and lay eggs throughout the experiment. Thus, although both species are responsive to a rapid change in prey availability, C. septempunctata appears to be especially responsive. Rapid responses to changes in prey availability may contribute to the greater abundance and reproductive success of this introduced species relative to the native C. transversoguttata in western North American alfalfa fields that exhibit widely varying pea aphid densities. However, both species engage in oosorption as a means of reserving resources under poor prey conditions and enhancing future reproductive effort when prey conditions improve.  相似文献   

Habitat selection and grouping of beetles (Coleoptera)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Alan Buse 《Ecography》1988,11(4):241-247
Beetles were collected by pitfall trapping for a two-year period in seven adjacent habitats in an upland site in North Wales. Positive correlations were demonstrated between number of beetle species and number and diversity of plant species. Similar correlations were shown between beetle numbers and plant species. However, only 15% of the beetle species were herbivores requiring host plants. The degree of habitat selection by individual beetle species was demonstrated, ranging from habitat specialist, being found in one habitat, lo habitat generalist, being found in most habitats. Herbivores were significantly more habitat specialist than predators or scavengers. The grouping of beetles, demonstrated by ordination analysis, was similar to, but less precise than, the grouping of plant species. The beetle groups reflect habitat selection preferences by individual species rather than a functional relationship between beetle species. They provide an example of the centrifugal structure of habitat selection theory.  相似文献   

Data on the trophic associations of beetles with plants in the east of the Russian Plain are summarized and comparative analysis of host specialization of different groups of phytophagous beetles is performed. In terms of the width of the regional trophic spectrum, monophages and narrow oligophages prevail among the Curculionoidea as a whole and in the families Curculionidae and Apionidae in particular, while moderate and broad oligophages prevail in the Chrysomeloidea and in the family Chrysomelidae. Two-thirds of the regional fauna (66%) of Curculionoidea are closely associated with plants of one genus; by contrast, in Chrysomeloidea almost 40% of the species can develop on plants from different genera of one family, the fraction of the narrowly specialized forms comprising only 43%. The higher level of trophic specialization of weevils (Curculionidae, Apionidae) and seed beetles (Bruchidae), as compared to leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae), is probably due to the larval endophagy of most species of these families. Analysis of the distribution of beetles over host plants has shown that the specialized forms are associated with plants of 65 families (about 60% of the regional flora in the east of the Russian Plain). Distribution of beetles over plant families is very non-uniform. Most of the specialized forms (78%) are associated with plants of 15 families, three of which (Asteraceae, Fabaceae, and Brassicaceae) include hosts of more than onethird of the beetle species (37%). Monophages and narrow oligophages are recorded on 201 genera of plants from 59 families. Polyphagous species are recorded on plants of 58 families. The specific features of the distribution of phytophagous beetles over host plants (as compared to other insects) is a high fraction of species developing on coenophobes (particularly those of the family Brassicaceae) typical of the pioneer stages of successions with sparse herbaceous cover, and a small number of species associated with grasses and sedges. These features are most conspicuous in the fauna of Curculionidae.  相似文献   

【目的】研究松梢隐翅虫Placusa pinearum林间种群分布及年消长动态,为进一步研究其作为载体昆虫携带天敌开展微红梢斑螟Dioryctria rubella生物防治提供依据。【方法】2013—2014年,对江苏、安徽地区4个林分进行调查,比较林分、树种、虫害梢直径、蛀道长度、微红梢斑螟虫态对松梢隐翅虫分布的影响,分析其年消长动态。【结果】松梢隐翅虫在不同林分中的分布率:安徽明光老嘉山林场>江苏句容下蜀林场>安徽明光管店松林>安徽明光张八岭松林;在不同树种虫害梢内分布率:马尾松Pinus massoniana>火炬松P.taeda>黑松P.thunbergii。松梢隐翅虫在虫害梢蛀道内的分布与虫害梢直径与蛀道长度显著相关(P<0.01),与微红梢斑螟虫态相关不显著(P>0.05)。松梢隐翅虫主要分布于虫害梢直径4.22~15.36 mm、蛀道长度23.2~354.6 mm的蛀道内,随着虫害梢直径和蛀道长度的增加,虫口密度、分布率呈上升趋势;松梢隐翅虫在各龄微红梢斑螟幼虫及蛹的蛀道内均有分布,3龄幼虫蛀道内的虫口密度及分布率较低。成虫几乎全年可见,盛期为5—7月和9—11月,幼虫盛期为5—8月。【结论】松梢隐翅虫林间种群分布以及年消长主要受微红梢斑螟幼虫数量及其特定生境(微红梢斑螟蛀道)的影响,成虫采集宜在5—7月和9—11月进行。  相似文献   

Twenty modes of stereotyped righting motions were observed in 116 representative species of coleoptera. Methods included cine and stereocine recording with further frame by frame analysis, stereogrammetry, inverse kinematic reconstruction of joint angles, stroboscopic photography, recording of electromyograms, 3D measurements of the articulations, etc. The basic mode consists of a search phase, ending up with grasping the substrate, and a righting, overturning phase. Leg coordination within the search cycle differs from the walking cycle with respect to phasing of certain muscle groups. Search movements of all legs appear chaotic, but the tendency to move in antiphase is still present in adjacent ipsilateral and contralateral leg pairs. The system of leg coordination might be split: legs of one side might search, while contralateral legs walk, or fore and middle legs walk while hind legs search. Elaborated types of righting include somersaults with the aid of contralateral or diagonal legs, pitch on elytra, jumps with previous energy storage with the aid of unbending between thoracic segments (well-known for Elateridae), or quick folding of elytra (originally described in Histeridae). Righting in beetles is compared with righting modes known in locusts and cockroaches. Search in a righting beetle is directed dorsad, while a walking insect searches for the ground downwards. Main righting modes were schematized for possible application to robotics.  相似文献   

Beetle genitalia are usually described only for taxonomic purposes without considering the possible function of structures. Exceptions are sporadic detailed studies on single species. We studied genital structures in the subfamilies of Cerambycidae and outlined assumptions on the function of these structures and the implications for the phylogeny of the Cerambycidae. We found that male genitalia in particular are taxon-specific on a higher taxonomic level; e.g., the parameres are widely variable in Cerambycinae, while in most Lamiinae species they appear relatively uniform and differ from those of the Cerambycinae. Internal sac structures are very different among the various subfamilies. Small backwards-pointing spines are the most common armature of the internal sac. The female genitalia are less variable, although ovipositor morphology may differ among subfamilies. In most species, the connection between the mates during copulation is achieved by the long internal sac and the ovipositor only, whereas the median lobe and parameres are in contact with the female abdomen only at the beginning of copulation. Cerambycinae and Lepturinae have a basal swelling of the endophallus to prevent it from sliding back into the male abdomen during copulation. The long internal sac functions in connecting the mates and guaranteeing the sperm transfer.  相似文献   

A fundamental property of all forest landscapes is the size frequency distribution of canopy gap disturbances. But characterizing forest structure and changes at large spatial scales has been challenging and most of our understanding is from permanent inventory plots. Here we report the first application of light detection and ranging remote sensing to measurements of canopy disturbance and regeneration in an old-growth tropical rain forest landscape. Pervasive local height changes figure prominently in the dynamics of this forest. Although most canopy gaps recruited to higher positions during 8.5 years, size frequency distributions were similar at two points in time and well-predicted by power-laws. At larger spatial scales (hundreds of ha), height increases and decreases occurred with similar frequency and changes to canopy height that were analysed using a height transition matrix suggest that the distribution of canopy height at the beginning of the study was close to the projected steady-state equilibrium under the recent disturbance regime. Taken together, these findings show how widespread local height changes can produce short-term stability in a tropical rain forest landscape.  相似文献   

Management practices favoring conifers at the expense of deciduous tree species, and the eradication of deciduous trees, especially aspen Populus tremula , from managed forests have resulted in population declines in several species in Fennoscandia. In addition to species depending on decaying wood of deciduous trees, earlier evidence suggests that leaf litter, especially that of aspen, is favored by many carabid species. We ran a four-year experiment in order to compare carabid assemblages of unchanged forest floor with artificially created leaf-litter plots in central Finland. A total of 18 plots (5 m in diameter) were established in three forest stands without aspen a few kilometers apart. Each stand had 3 litter plots (litter added) and 3 control plots, Pre-treatment samples were compared with those collected alter litter addition.
The litter addition affected the carabid-assemblage structure by increasing the catches of some species and decreasing the catch of one species. The number of carabid species was similar in control and litter plots. The litter effect was smaller than variation among forest stands and year-lo-year fluctuations. There was a strong temporal constancy among the plots: 'rich' plots remained 'rich' from year to year and similarly, 'poor' plots remained 'poor'.
The significant influence of leaf litter on carabid abundance can be attributable to both abiotic factors (microenvironmental conditions, especially humidity and temperature), and biotic ones (changes in niche structure, improved food supply). Leal litter seems to have an effect on carabid distribution patterns, and deciduous trees scattered among conifers are likely to be of importance on carabid fauna in boreal forests.  相似文献   

Aim Insect assemblages associated with lianas in tropical forests are poorly studied compared with those associated with trees. The importance of lianas for the maintenance of local species richness of insect herbivores in tropical forests is therefore poorly understood. With this in mind, a comparative study of the relative importance of trees and lianas as hosts for phytophagous beetles was carried out. Location The study area was located in the canopy of a dry tropical forest in Parque Natural Metropolitano, Panama province, Republic of Panama. Methods A crane system was utilized to access the canopy. The number of species and host specialization of adult phytophagous beetles associated with twenty‐six liana species of ten different families, and twenty‐four tree species of twelve different families were compared. Results A total of 2561 host associations of 697 species of beetles were determined (1339 for trees and 1222 for lianas). On average 55.8 ± 6.8 beetle species were found to be associated with each tree species while the comparable number for lianas was 47.0 ± 6.1. The pooled numbers of phytophagous beetle species associated with trees and lianas, respectively, were not significantly different. However, there were significantly more species feeding on green plant parts on lianas than on trees, and there were significantly more wood eaters on trees than on lianas. Phytophagous beetles associated with lianas were significantly more specialized than the tree associates due to a higher degree of specialization among the species feeding on green plant parts of lianas. Wood eaters and flower visitors showed no differences in host specialization on different growth forms. Main conclusion The present study shows that lianas are at least as important as trees for the maintenance of local species diversity of phytophagous beetles at this site. The mechanisms that drive the patterns can only be hypothesized. Plant architecture, size, and length of growing season are probably involved. Further studies, should include measurements of plant traits to elucidate experimentally what mechanisms that drive the patterns. Additional insight would come from similar studies in other forest types, and also studies of other major taxonomic groups of arthropod herbivores.  相似文献   

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